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Everything posted by Hypnosam

  1. I got back on Sat night from Sturgis. I took a 63 year old virgin he had never been to the rally. He is still grinning from ear to ear like a kid in a candy store. On our first trip into town we were on our way back to camp 8 miles south of Sturgis someone tried to make a U turn in the middle of the road and got T boned by another bike. With having previous EMS and Law Enforcement background I took over the scene directed someone to get help (no cell service) and had 3 people direct traffic and assisted the victims. Both lived one was air lifted from the scene. In 14 years I have attended the rally this is the second accident that I have assisted with and I hope it is my last one. Lots of people stopped and helped out some people didn’t even ask what they could do they jumped in and did what needed to be done.
  2. I know how you feel. I have a daughter graduating in May and the wife has a list of stuff that she wants done that is longer than the bike and trailer together. On top of that I am booked with Hypnosis Shows for every weekend except her graduation till the second weekend in July. The best part of that it helps pay for more chrome :cool10: Hypno Sam
  3. I was assuming I would have to put in a relay this helps thanks.
  4. I bought some driving lights (oem) and was wondering has anyone put these on?? No instructions! No wiring diagram! I am sure I could figure it out but I have no plans of reinventing the wheel. Anyone with some sugestions or ideas? Hypno Sam www.hypnosam.com
  5. Just checked at NAPA they had it for 6.79 can. I have had good experience with it. I have a 1962 Cadillac Convertible that had been sitting for close to 20 years. I drained the gas tank. (it has a drain plug) Put fresh gas in it primed it and dumped 2 cans of sea foam. Runs great! Just waiting for some warm weather.
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