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About MWKE

  • Birthday 07/10/1969

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Marysville, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    97 Royal Star
  1. Very nice looking ride!!! Im interested in the complete exhaust if he finds another.
  2. Ill check that location... Thanks!!
  3. Thanks you!!!! Still no sticker....But the 10th character is a V..... So 1997
  4. Thanks!!! Not sure what this is...It just says Royal Star everywhere...
  5. Cant find a sticker anywhere...Pink slip says 97..DMV isn't always right though...
  6. Carb sync went well today...We think we need to up the main and Pilots..Jardine Exhaust and Very Gray spark plugs.. Better Pics.. Well the best I could take after a few Capt. N Cokes.. http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k85/MWKE/IMG_7613.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k85/MWKE/IMG_7612.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k85/MWKE/IMG_7611.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k85/MWKE/IMG_7610.jpg
  7. Thanks for the welcome..I take much better pics without my phone...Promise!! Ok,,,Ill check out the Tag.. How much different are the 96 and 97?? Im thinking I need to up the Main Jets. I haven't done a "correct" Plug chop on it yet but do know that its popping and #4 Plug is nice and Gray..its the only one that was pulled... Anyway,,,Glad to be here..!!
  8. Ok, Just picked this 97 up 2 weeks ago..Rebuilt the Carbs and threw them back on yesterday. Its Running good now.. 67K on the ODO.. Anyway,,,Looking forward to hanging out here!!! Sorry for the poor picture...Ill take better later...time to ride now...
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