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Everything posted by DarkHorse9825

  1. Just bought the RK mufflers the other day for $50 and had a local shop make the L brackets out of stainless for me. Just waiting for the extra wide exhaust clamps and will be doing the change. It will be interesting to hear the difference. Now I have read that there are 2 holes already drilled out inside the muffler (not sure of the correct name of the part that had the holes) and that if I want more sound I just drill two more in each. Does this sound right?
  2. I replaced my stock Dunlop 404 with the Michelin Commander II 130. Best move I have made. To me it the bike acts more nimble on turns and slower speed handling is improved.
  3. Just resurrecting this threat. Sorry I have a 2013 RSV. I did not have a whine for the a hear and a half, then this year the whine is very noticeable and loud. I have 8,000km on the bike. Just wondering if the bike has just broken in now and the whine is the result?
  4. Okay, I have the bike looked at. Well the plugs were good, needed to be cleaned up but not replaced. It was the jets in the front two carbs. I guess I didn't get all the fuel out at the two jets were blocked. Once cleaned up the bike works like a charm. Put a bottle of Fuel Med RX through it it's good to go. Thanks for all the advise.
  5. Well I am taking my bike in to have it looked at. I do wish I could do these things myself; however I do not have the space or knowledge. I have a further question before I really bore people, if Seafoam is hard on plugs is there something else I should be using instead?
  6. Thanks for the tips. I actually think the front two cylinders are not firing. I drove it to work and checked the temp of the exhaust at the heads like Flyinfool suggested. The rear two were very hot. The front two I could keep my hand on, they were just warm. I'm thinking I need new plugs now.
  7. don't take washing away from me. It's the only thing I'm really good at when it comes to bike maintenance.
  8. Okay, not being a mechanic, do the carbs drain while the bike is off; or is it normal for them to stay full of fuel? Sorry about all the questions. I change oil and wash the bike, that is the extent of my mechanical skills.
  9. I started it up today and let it warm up for a couple minutes. Seems to be fine now. I do have another question now. When you turn on the key I could hear a ticking sound for a few seconds. I figured that was the fuel pump. Well this season there is no sound at all. Is this something to be looking into?
  10. Wouldn't think it would be the plugs. It's only 2 years old. I am using the choke, but maybe not long enough. I will check the head temp tomorrow. Thanks.
  11. So I took my bike out of storage and drove it home with no issues a week ago. I put some Seafoam in it to clean it up from all the fuel sitting in it over the winter. I also top up the tank with fresh fuel. I took the bike out for a rip last night. I start it up and let it idol for a couple minutes to warm it up. I go to take off and it was like I was starting out in second gear, which I was not. I had to give it a lot of gas just so it didn't stall. I had to drive it for about 5k before I could start from a stopped position normally. Today i fire the bike up to go for a ride. I plop it in first gear and go to take off and is starts to bog down again. I double check and yes I am in first gear. I go to take off again and it is still sluggish and I have to give it a good amount of gas so it doesn't stall out on me. I go out for an hour, stopping a couple times and there was no issues. I never had issues like this after when I took my bike out of storage last year. Is there something I'm doing wrong, or may that I should be doing?
  12. I just put the narrower MCII on the front the other day. I've got about 200k on it and right from the start I noticed a change. I had the original Dunlop 404's on it, and still have the 404 on the rear. The bike feels more nibble in turns and on the open road, and is much easier to handle a lower speeds; for me anyway. JMO
  13. Thanks for the input peeps. I will try the Bluetooth receiver and see how it goes (they arent' that much $$) If that doesn't work i see that iSimple has come out with some new products that look interesting, even though they are corded (http://www.isimplesolutions.com/)
  14. Thanks for the replies. I have used the 3.5mm wired connecter from my iPhone and iPod and plug it into the Cassette deck. I I just want to eliminate the wires; and I don't want to have to split the fairing to install anything else. I know I can use the wireless Bluetooth receiver in the 3.5mm port on the deck, I was just wondering if anyone had a make/model preference. I don't want to spend money on a unit that will only last a short period of time. I might just go buy the iSimple system, but they cost crap load of money for what you get. Thanks again for the replies.
  15. Has anyone used a Bluetooth receiver plugged into the sterio to stream music from an iPod or iPhone? I want to avoid unnecessary wires. If so, which receiver did you find worked the best?
  16. Thanks. I have the bagger shield and really don't want to part with it, but I'm thinking it will have to happen. Thanks for all the info.
  17. True. I really don't have the issue, it's my better half. She is as tall as I am 5'10" and she finds she sits too high and gets buffeted really badly. Just trying to work on a solution to make her ride better.
  18. Has anyone tried the New Mustang Regal Vintage Seat? Looks like the stock pillow top seat, but I was wondering if it offered more support?
  19. I've never had any problems with any OMG club. They won't cause you problems because generally they have better things to do and don't need to attract any undue attention. That being said I still don't care what they stand for.
  20. Yes, I know, I am removing some chrome. I should be strung up for even thinking of it. Sacrilegious as is sound, I don't care for those two "eye brows." I was going to add some vinyl decals that suit the bike. Thanks for the replies.
  21. Okay, just a question for now. I want to remove the two chromes pieces from the upper fairing, I think they call them Mole 5 and Mole 6. Are they just put on with double sided tape, or are there holes in the fairing in which they are affixed to? Thanks.
  22. I don't wear one in the driveway, when moving the bike around Have to up here in Canada.
  23. Aylmer, about 30 minutes south of london.
  24. This is an unfortunate does of reality for all involved. First you don't stop on a buys highway, in a live lane to help animals. It's not safe. Second, eye lead, and don't speed. I wasn't there, so I don't know the layout of the roadway. Maybe it was a blind curve, or hill. Unfortunately 4, if not more, lives were affected by this preventable collision.
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