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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Heyyyy, what do mean no ones cares?? Those are the kind of milestones that everyone I know cares about!! THAT IS AWESOME!! Any couple that can keep their love alive for that long DESERVES a huge congrats: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! :cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10: :cool10: :cool10: :cool10::cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10: :cool10::cool10: One for every year!! Way to go you 2! Puc PS,,, I hate vacuuming too!! PS PS,,, we need pics of the old HD!!!
  2. Well put Don and thanks again for all your generosity and hard work in creating and maintaining a web site where even us worn out ol bikers feel right at home!! To you and all my friends/family here on VR, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas (its also nice to have a place online where one doesnt have to be afraid to actually write "Christmas" instead of "xmas").. Puc
  3. OH my goodness!!!! My most sincere condolances to you guys for your loss. Your friend and protector was a true hero! Losing a family member is a terrible thing, I am praying for you folks and, with time and Gods grace, hope you find peace in your hearts knowing Bella saved someones life!! Bella, THANK YOU precious for your valor and courage, showing once again that Dogs ARE truely man's best friends! Puc
  4. Buddy, your area has no monopoly on that market, thats a fact.. Got a ticket on Muskegon Lake while fishing in my 12 foot aluminum row boat. The local lake cop said I had to have all the stuff in my rowboat that boats on Lake Michigan had to have (horn, shore to shore, fire extingwisher, flares) cause our lake is connected to Lake Michigan (by channel).. Go to court, told the Judge that for as long as I could remember we were under a 16 foot rule, that being under 16 foot (no engine) and not in Lake Michigan all that stuff wasnt required and I asked if I could please see the actual written law on it.. He said "in my court room I decide what is and isnt law". Under oath, the cops told the judge that they had heard of this law - a big discussion ensued between the cops and judge and no one could produce the actual written law.. Finally the Judge looked at me and said "it really doesnt make any difference cause in this court room I decide what is and isnt law and you are guilty as charged".. Then I got upset (don't do this unless you are ready to pay extra) and said, I totally understand that Muskegon County is broke (and it is, stupid recession) and you guys need the money but this just isnt right.. The judge looked at me and said, "your fine was $50, now its $100".. Later my wife says "was it worth it?, I said to me it was... I ended up paying the fine and therebye staying away from losing my drivers license and having an arrest warrant issued.. To me there are things worth fighting for, right is right and wrong is wrong, probably simular to you.. Please note: the modern day court system is nothing to fool with, they have some serious power on their side now, the kind of stuff that can follow you for a long long time AND, with this new reciprocity signing (there are only 2 states left in the union that havent signed on to it) and Homeland security stuff even a seat belt violation follows you!! Praying for ya brother!!! Puc
  5. Hey Don, just for clarity sake, when you say "attachment" are you talking about the email itself or are you referring to something contained within an email that is already opened.. Can bad things happen just by opening the email to read it? Thanks Puc
  6. INDEED my friend, Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family and everyone on the site!!! Puc n Tippy
  7. We have an HDMI cord to hook up our puter to our TV,, we watch a lot of the good ol oldies stuff found on Youtube and the like... Hope this helps...
  8. I think theres a bunch of folks on here that should have actually went to class..
  9. So true Yammer, but what a great group to be locked up with AND think of all the money we would save not being able to buy Christmas presents :rotf:
  10. Outstanding post!!
  11. One of these days!! Alaska, by way of your area is in our future!! We tried to get to the farthest Northwest point of the continental US (went thru some indian reservation and than a bunch of two trackin) once and ended up in a Land Fill
  12. I wish we could be there Barry!! You folks have a RIOT down yonder!! Ride safe.. Puc
  13. Crow for thanksgiving for dinner,,, yuck...
  14. Yea Oldy, I have seen a few of those thru the years,, I always thought they really did appear to be "half" of a Venture motor.... I wonder if they had "half" the horsepower - putting them in the 45/50 horse range,, hmmm....
  15. I have gotten lots of them through the years... Some have been so well laid out that it is hard to tell from genuine Paypal stuff.. Rule of thumb for me is NEVER click a suspicious link, instead, go to a new page - sign into the real paypal and any messages/info they need to get to you will be there... ROTTEN, LOW LIFE, SCAMMING FOOLS.. Arggggg All the chatter about terrorist in our society makes me wonder if these nasty people arent the REAL terrorists of our times... Thanks for the warning!! Puc
  16. OHHH,, and just to pick on Freebird and beat alllllllll my buddys on our site to it,,, we already know its not HD :cool10::cool10::rotf::rotf:
  17. I propose a brainstorming session about everyones thoughts on what engine design/designs, all things being equal (same maintenance care) - (my economics professors favorite saying), are most durable.. I have always been told that opposed cylinders by design are most durable BUT I have also been told that the V design (like Guzzi) are.. Hey,,,, its winter and lots of time to ponder... Puc Oh yea,, this is brainstorming - all thoughts welcome
  18. Happy Hanukkah to alllll my Jewish brothers and sisters anyway
  19. Thanks you guys,, gotta LOVE this place for the many many years of motorcycling expertise!! And, more importantly - a willingness to share the thoughts.. Puc
  20. Ya know, there are some things in life that transcend allll this material stuff and You, Benjamin, are one of them - welcome to the family!! Congrats Gary and family!!!! Puc
  21. Awwwwwhhh,, she's beautiful,, congrats to you Grampa and welcome to life Avery!! Puc N Tippy
  22. and so, laying in my bed trying to get some sleep and I begin to count all the different Yamaha V-twins they make/made,, it didnt work... Instead of falling to sleep it brought about some questions about them that maybe some of you know the answers to.. Lets see, we have the 1900 Strat motor, the 1700 Roadie, 1600, 1300, 1100, 950, 800 (new bolt?), 750, 700, 650, 500 and 250... Out of all those V-Twins is there any of them that you guys personally know of that are truely "worthy" motors (like our V-4,s) capable of 200,000 miles on original build? Back to bed.. Puc
  23. and waiting..
  24. Thanks Fuzzy and right back at ya from the Puc family!!
  25. When Polaris unveiled the new Indian at the HD rally in sturgis they had a big banner that said "finally choice is here".. Lots of Victory riders noticed it and were dismayed,, thought being, heyyy,, we have American made motorcycles too.. Of course, Polaris hasnt changed their Marketing scheme.. Leaving one to wonder if even the manufacture doesnt exactly view Victory as a viable motorcycle... Its pretty hard to pick on a brand that, in the eyes of the manufacturer, doesnt exist.. Once again Yammer and I came thru and pulled someone out of the gutter.. Puc
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