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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. cowpuc


    Why does that one nut look like it has a squished mosquito on it,, why do those nuts drive me nuts,, why cant I stop staring at them....
  2. Next winter we ought to start a VR Poet Society... What am I sayin,, makin plans for next CANT be a good thing..
  3. That brother in law looks like my kinda people Darrin,, layed back,, sucking up the warm sunshine in total relaxation... Is his Wing one of the 1800's? I have heard they are FAST.. Hey,, I tried that link,, didnt work,,,, now ya got me wondering what it was... Flying to Florida eay,,, escaping GR and all this cold and calling it work dont sound half bad
  4. Tell you guys one thing,,, who ever wrote that line in "Bambi" where his mother said "winter don't last forever Bambi" can get right in line with KIC and get bitten!!! :rotf:
  5. Man oh man,, another one,,, so sorry to read this,, prayers and condolences to Anands family,, man that is terrible.. It is soooo easy to get geeked about getting to ride again and forget how dangerous the road can be.
  6. Got that right brother,,, any time - any where!!! Prayers up!
  7. Been in bikes a longgggg time and aint never seen this before... I know Wings are good bikes but a LIFETIME engine warranty??? Can this possibly be for real... And I thought Victory's 5 year warranty sounded good... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Honda-Other-2013-Honda-Gold-Wing-GL1800-FREE-LIFETIME-ENGINE-WARRANTY-AUDIO-COMFORT-LEVEL-1-/111294066716?forcerrptr=true&hash=item19e9a4b01c&item=111294066716&pt=US_motorcycles
  8. UNREAL!!! Prayers and condolences to the family for sure!! Spring time is always rough,, bikers all hype up to be riding again and cagers forgetting to look for us - terrible combination!!! WOW.......
  9. Au Contraire Monsieur,,, your ride report did WONDERS for this ol stuck in the snow Great White North buddy of yourn!!!!! OUTSTANDING RANDY!!!!!! When I read 78 degrees,,,, I almost started crying and than I screamed YES,,,, loud enough that Tippy almost spilled her soup!!!! Glad the two of you are feeling better!!! I bet that bike ride chased away any residual stuff from last year!!! Just thinkin out loud here,, forum rules are,, no pics - didnt happen,,,,, but not in your case,,,, still would have been nice,,, but thats ok cause if I would have been in your shoes the LAST thing on my mind would have been fiddling with a camera,, Tippy n I would have sucked every tiny little morsel of ride time up too.....
  10. cowpuc


    Why has that tune been playing in my mind over and over again this winter,, like a broken record why.
  11. Ya got that right brotha!!!
  12. Besides being majorly comfortable,, it flat out amazes me how lite weight the new stuff is!!! Plus their is nothing like the smell of a new helmet!! Congrats Bog!!!
  13. :rotf::rotf: YAMMER AND PUC'S PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE - IT'S EASIER TO ASK FORGIVENESS THAN TO ASK PERMISSION and SOME THINGS ARE WORTH GETTING YOUR BUTT KICKED FOR:stirthepot: wish there was a way to write in code so only guys could read it,,, I felt like I was betraying my species by writing the above....
  14. I use Adhuntr.com a lot Barry.. I also watch, buy/sell a lot on Ebay.. Been in the business for many many years and can honestly say I have never seen prices like they are in all my years..
  15. Creole, Something to keep in mind about the HD belt drive system (not including the Sportster) - replacing the rear drive belt on an HD is not a simple matter.. I have helped with a couple of them and it is next to impossible on the highway.. Reason why is if you look at where the belt feeds into the back of the primary you will notice that it goes behind the clutch internal of the primary itself. It is a primary dismantle job, not for the faint of heart for sure!! I am not familiar with all the metrics but I do know that a lot of them have the front sprocket accessible under a small cover.. I am almost sure that the new Indians are this way too.. I know that the new breed of belts are very smooth and, unless you pick up a stone in the belt, very reliable, but brother - theres a lot of depris out there to pickup.. Not trying to talk down Harley or build up any other make here,, I personally LOVE em all and would ride ANY of the new bikes GLADLY. Just something to think about.. Puc
  16. Dog gone good thing I aint closer to you Thom!! Man I love VR and the folks associated therein!!
  17. :rotf: Wonder what "Government Stimulus Ice Cream" will taste like..
  18. Tell your son ol Puc said CONGRATS!! Those Roadies are awesome bikes!! """People are going to have to ignore Blue Book prices and start being realistic on what the market is bringing""" Yeppers,, good ole free enterprise system,, in the end the market sets the prices and it is a CRAZY market out there, about the only thing the Blue Book is good for anymore is for insurance purposes. I often wonder about the impact the Web has had on all this, the ability to "shop" nation wide.. Now it seems like prices being affected by hard economic times on the west coast directly effect prices on the east coast.. Pretty interesting really...
  19. Obviously you guys have never tried tent camping off the back roads of the U.P. of Michigan.. The mosquitoes up there are INSANE and when you finally get the tent up and you crawl into your sleeping bag, these tiny little bugs called "no-see-ums" fly thru the tent screens and their bite is worse than skeeters.. Most manufactures have been forced by regulators to produce "California" specified models for years.. Yamaha, being a company that not only complies with regulators, responds to consumer demands and produced a few bikes with "flame throwers" designed specifically for bug control - they were designated "Michigan U.P." bikes.. Tell Mike it works like this. You pull into into the camping spot, ride an 80 foot perimeter around your spot with flame on.. Pull to the center of the perimeter and quickly unload and pop tent up, wife gets in tent, hubby does another 80 foot perimeter on bike with flame on, park bike and climb in tent.. You now have 3 hours to sleep before making your next pass.. You might wanna hang onto your bike cause the Michigan DNR frowned deeply on the idea of tourist with flame throwers and forced yamaha to quit making them, can you say COLLECTOR BIKE.. Or,, if you decide to sell it, let me know cause I would rather deal with the DNR than those nasty (no-see-ems) ANYDAY and would put it to good use!!! Flame on sista!! Puc
  20. I'll take the 3rd WOW in a row!!! Someone was sure watching over you in finding that tumor and getting it out!! Sorry you had to go through it all!! I LOVED your take on "being able to live with one kidney but not without riding" - THATS THE SPIRIT!!!! My brother had a kidney removed loaded with cancer, didnt get on it soon enough and now he is dealing with it in his lungs.. Terrible stuff for sure!! Congrats and WELCOME BACK!! Puc
  21. Randy it's funny you mention that, I have spent a fair amount of time ice racing and winter time dirt biking thru the years,,, using Kold Kutters (hardened screws with sharp edges) of course.. Riding a five gear wheelie on lake ice on my KX500 was NO problem with screws in the tires.. When I was younger and being from Michigan biking actually was just as much fun during the winter as in the summer - it was that serious! Out on the salt flats I was completely out of my Michigan born element.. While flying across the Bonneville at high speeds on the Yam I kept having flash backs of being on the lakes and racing in snow, I LITERALLY had to keep reminding myself that I was on salt - not ice - and didnt need those screws .. It was really a freaky feeling brother!!!
  22. WOW Godlover,, you are right, THAT was a steal!! I have been watching em go thru like that all winter, standing in amazement at the deals out there.. Dont know whats going on in California/Florida/Texas but I saw a gorgeous MM with under 40k on it, an O2 RSV and an 05 TD all slide thru well below 4.. Felt just like you,,, sure can make ya wish you were trigger happy!!!!
  23. Better take care of that GI's machine In respect of his service at least keep it clean. Wash it and wax it, every day while he is serving, having a foster child can be kind of unnerving. 1st Gens are tough and dont really care, as long as their moving, just let people stare.. But a 2nd Gens different, gotta have all things new, chrome eyebrows, cup holders, and its still slower too.. Still its great what your doing while your buddy is there, a good opportunity to show him you care!! Have fun KIC and tell your buddy THANK YOU FOR HIS SERVICE!!! Puc
  24. Oh yea,,,, our ol beat up 1st Genny LOVES the stuff,,, broke 125 fully loaded on solid salt and was beggin for more,,,, wish I was back there instead of stuck in this snow bank!!!
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