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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. :Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to Thanks alot Jeff,,, we actually had a spot in the front yard, 2 foot by 6 foot - I know cause I measured it yesterday, where terra firma was peeking thru,,,,,, NOT NO MORE!!! Keep your dad gum white stuff on your own side of the pond will ya,,, dad burn cheese heads anyway..
  2. cowpuc


    Soooo,,, if a guy had two naughts and did nuttin with em would he still have two naughts or not,,, why are you guys trying to lose me here...
  3. Prayers goin Up,,, Blessings comin down,,, Better CapN'?
  4. Wow thats awesome Bob,,,, for some reason my last born child had the impression years ago that it was for storing acorns in,,, Tippy and I still laugh about it to this day Thanks for updating us on the real purpose of that device...
  5. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: man this place fun....
  6. Hi Ty and welcome to the site!! Glad you found us!! I cant for life of me remember if your "Trial Membership" allows you to access all the sections of the site,, but if it does there are some REALLY great reads that I might suggest in addition to your desire for the maintenance day, the Tech Library is AWESOME.. Keep your eyes open here during the season and you may very well be able to "lure" a couple of us cross country riders into camping near you and spending an evening sharing our knowledge with you,,, and gleaning some too of course... Be for warned though if you do,,, there are a few of these guys that once you get em yakking about spinning wrenches on a Venture it can be hard to get them to go away.:cool10: Good luck on your search for an MD in your area,, someday I am gonna make one too!! Puc
  7. BigLenny,, BigLenny,, BigLenny,,,,, ya shoulda just left it alone cause now I have to ask which part were ya joking about,,, careful how ya answer that cause having your wife riding allllll those miles sitting behind ya can be pretty conducive to female "get even syndrome" WOW you guys,, this has been an EXCELLENT read!!! There is NOTHING like reading real life, genuine, earned experience thoughts on stuff like this!! Long live VR!! Thanks Puc
  8. cowpuc


    :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: - GOOD READ BOB!!! Neighbors watchin with an evil stare:no-no-no:,,, why - Psycho Dad dont even care:fiddle:,,, tasty squirrel meat everywhere:cool10:,,,, Pyscho Dad:hihi:,,, Pyscho Dad:hihi: Fry em up in a cast iron pan:witch_brew:,, we'll gobble em down as fast as we can:fatsmiley:,, Bob put a dent in the ol squirrel clan:thumbsup:,, Pyscho Dad:hihi:,, Pyscho Dad Wye not
  9. cowpuc


    ...............2 ..Y..
  10. cowpuc


    and why has this Cabin fever got me singing Al Bundys favorite song,,,, who's the man with the loaded gun - got those cats on the run - goin crazy just for fun - Psycho Dad, Psycho Dad...
  11. Shhhhhhhhhh,,, dont scare the bait away,,, gotta sneak up on em ya know:detective:
  12. Same here Dan,, on both parts:thumbsup:
  13. cowpuc


    :snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2: Why me no haveum :225:in many moon? Why me ugly? Why me have Pre Motorcycle Syndrome?
  15. cowpuc


    why not
  16. Sorry Canuck,, waited 2 minutes for ya,,,, :rotf::rotf:
  17. Go to Habs recent thread "new addition to the family",,, fresh bait found there...
  18. ALL RIGHT,,, FRESH BAIT,, RIGHT IN THE OL SHARK TANK!! :2MAGNETA::2MAGNETA::wel_ani2Wa::wel_ani2Wa::wel_4Wa::wel_4Wa::RED::BLUE::BLUE::2TEAL::2TEAL::welcome::welcome1::welcome1: Howdy Canuck,, I'm Cowpuc, friends call me Puc but my ears will perk up to just about any name if Ventures or Fried Chicken and French Fries are involved.. Thank you for buying one of our beloved bikes and joining our fantastic website!! Around here it really doesnt matter what you ride BUT most of us are partial to the magnificent Yam V-4. Congrats on your purchase!! If you get a chance you should create a new thread here in the Watering Hole and say hi so the lines of folks waiting to welcome you can find you... Not all these guys are as intelligent as I am,,,, oh wait, that wasnt nice....... Anyway,, WELCOME and hope you have a GREAT time here and a GREATER time out enjoying your new bike!!! Ride safe, ride LOTS and ,,,, your part of the family now:clap2: Puc
  19. Sharings a little over rated Flyinfool,,,,,,,,, you could have saved a little for yourself :snow2::snow2: :snow2::snow2: :snow2::snow2: :snow2::snow2: :snow2::snow2:
  21. cowpuc


    and I never left,,,,,,, WHY?? and why is Annie smarter than me for taking a break, and why did Dan come back, and why do I not care if my name goes down in infamy with my buddies, and why do I still like Toyota's, and why DOES Mama like to use lil fonts,,, and why why why why WHY do I wish Freebird would have gotten the 1,000th post and put an end to our misery,,,, why is it all Don's fault,,,,, why not.......
  22. Thanks everyone,,, all GREAT input!! Please keep it coming... COWBOY,, been a longggg hard winter here, we are in the middle of another blizzard as I type this if you can believe it... Probably gonna be a few more weeks before the "riding with the wind" begins for us up here.. Other than that, all is great.. Looking forward to seeing you folks again sometime this year!!! Ride safe and ya'll breath some of that warm suthern air for us ya hear... Spur that Iron Horse into the wind for me a couple times padna!! Be safe Puc
  23. It has to be a matter/anti matter problem,, ask Scotty ,, he knows.. I heard rumors that Federation Regulations forced the engineers to use Tribbles for air filters on all 2nd Gens to help cushion the warp drive engagement,, something about the crews getting light headed every time the warp drive tach reached 4500 on the 1st Gens..
  24. I wonder if those are terminals for an internal relay switch...
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