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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. NICE!!! Hats off to Grey Ghost!!! I am following ya Dan,, I think those Bubs would look outstanding with flat black end caps - really classy... Scrape off the rest of the chrome 1st and you might gain something in the HP/Weight ratio too,,, every little bit helps.... What the heck am I sayin,,, those are probably going on one of your many 1st Genners,,, and everyone knows you dont need any help pickin up the pace of those babys
  2. cowpuc

    last day

    Way to go R!! Best wishes to you as you sink your teeth into retirement,, may it bring you many hours fun and adventure!! Puc
  3. cowpuc


    Why dont I get a get out of free card yet?? Why do I have to keep this thread going alone.. Why am I talking to myself? Why, I dont know Puc.. Why did you pick all those fair weather friends.. Yea but WHY did they leave me here all alone,,, I searched the world over and thought I found true love,,,, theyyy got some sunshine and POOF,, they were .....
  4. Really neat Silvr!! I happen to notice the very first creation... I am still living in the stone ages I guess cause I remember riding my back and forth to work Still sittin in the basement...
  5. YEAAAAA,,, atta boy Skidder!! Nothing as relaxing as a warm summer night with fish line dangling in the water,,, and NOTHING as much fun as watching your wife drag em in and nettin em for her....
  6. Sheesh that looks awfully familiar Bongo!! I just stood outside, talked to God about Skids and my brothers Cancer and thanked him for bringing my family - friends and I all safely thru this horrible winter.. I also thanked him for lifes adventures that are about to SPRING up.. Than, I pointed at the fresh snow, laughed and said - you took your best shot but guess what, YOU LOSE, its spring now,,, and in my best Rambo voice, while staring at those snow banks, said,, "Let it go,,, LET IT GO!!".. Figured nothing else has worked,, might as well try threatening the stuff..
  7. Yeaaa,, that would be their AXE SCENT... Been a long hard winter on this ol biker.....
  8. We had the most fantastic last day of winter EVER!!! It was snowing like crazy,, and the flakes were HUGE,, I stood out there catching them on my tongue and I swear one covered my nose and my chin, just one flake:179: I am so glad its finally over and that starting tomorrow Tippy and I can start doing all of our chasing on a bike again
  9. Well Wiz,, I am one of those old faithful 1st Genners that your speaking about and I gotta say,,, those MM's have haunted my dreams since the first time I ever saw one... I personally think they are the prettiest bike Yam ever produced (Tippy dont agree - she likes the Midnight),, I dont see where traitorism even enters into the picture.. Now if your name started with Yammer and ended with Dan,, than,, yea,, traitor would be applicable Personally,,, I still haven't witnessed a "race" between a 1st and 2nd gen so, inspite of all my ribbing to some folks,, I really have no factual clue BUT,,,, I do know that nothing short of Chuck Norris riding a V-Max, leaning over the bars with one arm tucked in and the other hand pulling on the throttle cable can come close to a 1st Gen so that race could be interesting :rotf::rotf::rotf: Congrats Mr. Wizard on your new bike!!! Cant wait to see the pics!!! Puc Oh yeaaa,,, seeing how your one of our Northern neighbor biker types and buying/selling bikes,, have you got any idea of the costs/headaches associated with us importing one into the States from Canada?? How the heck does that work?? Can a person from the States buy a bike from Canada and ride it back or does it have to be trailered??
  10. Roadies Roadies everywhere...Hey Godlover, what kind of fuel economy do you see with your Roadies? Oh yea,, pictures my friend, pictures!!! Its still winter here, so lots of time to look at pictures!! And double oh yea,, CONGRATS on the new bike!! Puc
  11. You can always tell them suthners by the smell of their axe..
  12. cowpuc


    Awe Bubber,, we care,, well at least I do.. And I think you got it!! I have a sneaking hunch that in a couple more months we will all be looking back and laughingly asking ourselves WHY we all participated in such nonsense... Yup,, we'll all be sitting around a camp fire sounding like a bunch of seagulls saying why, why, why,why, why...
  13. I hear dat Ragtop, many years ago (way before 9/11) pulled up to Customs in the motorhome. Wife, kids and I headed to this kiddy place called "Story Book Gardens" (if my memory serves me right).. Border guy asks if I have any guns, I said of course I do - I'm an American.. He says, whats it for? I said, got a wife and 4 little kids to protect.. He says, if you would have said for "hunting" I would let you in but now I gotta ask you to either leave it here/pick it up on the way out or you wont be able to pass.. I said fine,,, I will stay in the U.S., keep my gun in my closet, cash in my wallet,, will take the kids to Cedar Point instead.. He says,, if you promise to keep the gun in the closet you can pass,, I said as long as I dont need it I promise it will never leave the closet.. He let us pass :rotf: My oh my how times have changed.....
  14. I used to shoot dynamite at the VFW,, 1/4 sticks hanging on a line,, occasionally the range guys would get em to close together,, hit one and they all go off... Some boogy man comes walking into Dans house,, trips over a loaded shotgun,, weapons start going off all over the house :rotf::rotf:just saying :rotf::rotf:
  15. Rough bunch,,, maybe Adverturer doesnt have a pass port,, or,, maybe he wears a beard like me and was afraid he would get mistook for Osama bin ladens brother and would end up at Guatanoma instead of OCC.... There Adventurer,, ol Pucster stook up for ya,,,, now you can post those pics in peace bro..
  16. Riding next to my cousin one time,, he was on his old Virago 1100, I pointed across his shoulders, he looked away for a second and I reached over and hit his kill switch.. We were doing about 70,, slowed way way down - down shifting trying to get his bike started,, I laughed and pointed at his kill switch, he bumped it on and KAAAAAAA - BOOM, blew off a muff :rotf::rotf::rotf: Tried to catch me but aint no way no how no chance no Virago is gonna catch a 1st Gen,, even with no second gear
  17. cowpuc


    Why Pi, why not ice cream,, why not 1.57 Pie + 1.57 ice cream = 3.14 Pi and ice cream.. Why am I hungry for a treat now...
  18. cowpuc


    Yea,,,, I get it,, why didnt NASA use a couple 1st Gens to power the space shuttles,, faster, more thrust, way better MPG than solid fuel,, sounds the same,, more reliable... Why wasnt YammerDan in charge of space travel, why didnt they believe him when he said he knew all about space travel,,, why why why...
  19. Prayin for Skidder while doing carb work,,,, keeps my blood pressure down and Skids cancer on the run!! Win/Win:cool10:
  20. cowpuc


    Yea,,,,, that kinda made me wonder why not too,, I mean really if you find out why not your only stuck with finding out why you didnt ask why not in the first place.. Its really a simple matter,, especially if your good at why/why not algebraic equations like why over why not solve for why,,, come on folks,, this aint rocket science...
  21. Dog gone ice has sure wreeked havoc this year!!! Sorry to hear about your struggles Buddy, praying that all goes well in the repair job!! Puc
  22. I'm a singing Frodo,, I'm a singing!! Like already stated, sorry I am late Dan BUT for me - its not that late.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  23. FANTASTIC JONAS!!! Brother that do look great!! Thanks for sharing!! I read Bongo's earlier response and I totally agree with him about the wiring/relay suggestion too.. This would probably keep you (and anyone else thinking of making this change) from having future problems with wiring and switches (like the horn button) in the future.. Good suggestion there Bongo!! Hey Jonas,, gotta ask this,, what is that little glass bottle with the red tape on it on the underside of your bikes floorboard (pic 2)??? Man I am nosey,, I know,, I know,, if ya tell me ya gotta kill me right :rotf:
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