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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. I can so relate Brake Pad,, went thru it a few years ago.. All I can say is it just takes time to settle in.. Congrats on the new home!! Puc
  2. Sooooo,, I caught wind of this beat up old parts bike over on the other side of the state.. Guys been trying to sell it for a couple months,,, real problem for him cause she aint been run since 2006 (been in a storage unit all that time ) and most folks dont deal in parts bikes.. Reason it sat, according to him was he was skeerd to ride it cause he almost died on it last time he rode it.. Little bikes only got 16k on it! He had to run to the SOS and have an instant title made (was very apologetic BUT,, like I told him,, it was a Godsend cause it gave me lots of time to check out the bike:cool10:) so I stayed there and spent a bunch of time going over it.. Motor was FREE with great matching compression on all jugs, everything came to life perfectly when I hit it with the jumper cables, tank was dry with no rust, only one sticky caliper, of course carbs will need a good bath,, NO sign of mouse damage anywhere (even the wiring looked brand new under the seat), fork springs are sacked from sitting, clutch/brake masters were still full, coolant and oil levels looked great, rocked thru all the gears on her, (can ya tell I am still geeked as I type this ).. Sooooo,, another iffy parts bike comes into the life of Puc.. Of course, if you believe in one of my favorite old sayings - "IF IT DONT SAY SUNKIST ON IT,, YOU DONT KNOW WHATS INSIDE" - then you know that this old beater bike may very well turn into something very very special!!! YEEEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Oh yea,, BJ's recent post about man cave pics, coupled together with someones comments about being goofy and nuts inspired me include a couple pics of my Garage/Man Cave decorations,, just to remove any doubts that anyone may have... Double oh yea,, THANKS FOR NOTHING FLYINGFOOL!!! 45 MPH head wind all the way home from the other side and snowing so hard in spots I could hardly see!!:snow::snow::snow::bawling: Oh well,, all in a days work... Live it large!! Puc
  3. Prayers Up, Blessings Down,, nite neverland... Puc
  4. Either way Jeff,, on the stand if I spin it it makes that distinct "clunk" sound if I roll it back and forth real quick with my hand,, if I run it in gear up on the stand it will do the same thing as the rear wheel looses force from the engine.. Somethings tired in there... HI ANNIE!!! Great to hear from you too!!! As you can tell if you watched either of my vids - still as silly as ever!!! Glad to hear its cooling down a little down there!!! Puc And everybody keeps calling me goofy/nuts/crazy/silly,,,,, "What About Bob",,, baby steps,, baby steps,,, baby steps,,,,, ahhhhhh never mind,, it doesnt work.... Bump it again just for me Dragonslayer:rotf:
  5. cowpuc


    Yea,, why does it freeze the brain and fatten the butt... And why did all the posts that I clicked "thanks" on over in the "Man Cave" thread have to do with girls.. And why is Tippy pointing her finger at me...
  6. Hey Starbog,, couple quick questions (yea, right..).. How many miles on your Strat? Have you ever replaced the belt on it? I have helped with a couple HD rear belt replacements and not fun - really not a roadside job - mainly cause the Primarys got to come apart.. Isnt the Strat belt access under a little cover of its own so belt replacement is easier?? Also, how difficult do you find your oil changes? Any harder than any other bike? Is the crankcase oil separate from the tranny or do they use the same oil.. They are gorgeous bikes!!! Thanks Puc
  7. Now THATS what I am talking about Mobile!! THAT IS AN AMAZING STORY!!! If you happen to have any old bike pictures you would be willing to share I would LOVE to see them!! Also,, if you think of any other experiences you wanted to share I would LOVE to hear about em.. Congrats on a lifetime of motorcycling history!! Pleasure was mine Mobile!! Puc
  8. Hi Mobile,, WELCOME TO VR (dont think we have met yet)!! Congrats on the bike,, gotta love these ol 1st Gens!! I know the little cover your talking about,, I had a Royale years ago that the same little cover got torn on,, it appeared to be just a piece of cloth like material, I just cut a small piece of polyester out of the sleeve from an old shirt, glued it along the edges with seal all and stuck it over the torn piece (done in a parking lot somewhere out west) thinking I would at least keep some water out of that hole.. Worked fine... I wouldnt be surprised to hear that one of these guys has a supply of those little covers... Maybe even check with a dealer,, maybe they have a supply of them to match their supply of Cassette Players (common joke around here).. Anyway,,, congrats again on your recent purchase, have a great summer!! Puc
  9. Yeaaaaa,, thats exactly why I wondered if anyone had and experiences with one,, its confusing just thinking about it aint it Jeff!! Now toss this into that mass confusion.. Most of those bikes had a right side twist grip throttle BUT they also had a left side twist grip spark advance and an oil pump on the tank that you had to pump every so often to move oil thru the engine (literally was the engines oil supply - every push on the pump shot oil out onto the ground after going thru the engine - called a total loss system).. So,, indeed,, Right hand - throttle - front brake, Left hand - spark advance - shift on the tank with it - pump oil thru the engine. Left foot trap door/suicide clutch, right foot rear brake.. Sounds like a BLAST just getting to go down the road dont it!!
  10. Ya know,, if it comes to that point I would like to see the process of voting to include a web page where we would log in, monitor current bills/legislation, vote directly on the legislation being discussed and than the PEOPLES voting results would be given to their Reps to instruct the Reps on how the PEOPLE expect them to vote.. Then,, if the Rep votes contrary to the his constituents wishes he MUST explain why he voted against the PEOPLES wishes (answers to the PEOPLE).. I have been saying this for a long time and now that our Politicians have web management almost figured out it only makes sense that they put their knowledge about it to good use,, like turning the country back over to We the People... Sign me FlyinFool too will ya,, summers almost here and its not a good time to be hauled off and locked up,,, now that Flyinfool,, that'll teach em..:rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  11. Just thinking here,,,, maybe our postal services bought out all those left over 1st Gens from Japan and are using em for delivery :rotf:
  12. Sitting here yappin with Tippy and she says,,, you probably have rode just about everything in your life aint cha,, to which I replied - not even close.. First to pop into my mind, aint never been rode a tank shift/foot clutch motorcycle.. Trying to imagine what coming to a stop sign, on an incline,, balancing on what foot while operating the clutch with the other would be like??? That being so,, gotta ask,, anyone care to share what its REALLY like???
  13. Heyyyyyyyyyyy,,,, Sandman,,, wassup buddy?? Finally getting out of hibernation?? Wont be long and we will be cruising those awesome roads between here and there!!! Tippy says howdy!! 10-4 on the ol Harley's,,, they sure make great po-ta-toes though:rotf:
  14. As hard as this is to believe,, and I still dont know how they did it,,, I ordered a Battery for this old HD I am working on,, ordered at 1 am yesterday morning thru Amazon from Powersports Superstore in Texas.. UPS dropped it off on our door step about an hour ago!!! IMPRESSIVE!!
  15. Yea Dan,, think of all the "which model is fastest" we could solve if we were riding those... I have the same problem as Dan,, getting it in the garage past Tippy (well,, that and the $$'s of course),, I was thinking how much fun it would be to buy one,, store it at a buddies house until I could turn it into a touring bike with bags/faring/trunk and than show it to the wife... I would name Clark (Kent),,, problem is it wouldnt take her long to figure out why I chose that name... Hey,, you guys notice the abundance of left over 2nd Gen Maxes? Seeing a bunch of em advertised at under 15 (thats USD Squeeze).. AMAZING for what that bike is!!!!!!
  16. IT AINT EVEN BROKE IN YET!!!!! :dancefool::dancefool: ps,, I TOTALLY get the WOW factor comment,, that MM just flat speaks the language...
  17. Gary,, its folks like you (and others) who are willing to share this kind of info that helps make VR what it is!! This whole thread is FULL of really cool stuff and GREAT info!!! THANK YOU GARY (and to all you other gear heads who share info)! Puc
  18. Hi Highwayman!! WELCOME!! NICE BIKE - wow waahhhh wow wow wow!! My wife, Tippy,, doesnt really care for white,,, I,, on the other hand,, think the bike you now own is the absolute prettiest bike Yammy ever built... If I were in your shoes the smile on my face would match the smile on your face in the pic... Only difference is,, the pic would have been of me flyin by... You didnt say how many miles on it,, that would probably help in things to check.. If it were mine I would probably take a peek at the intake manifolds and see if ya got any cracking in the rubber.. Maybe a look at the bottom of the rear shock, see if theres any sign of leakage.. All thats left is a stop at Menards, grab a 25 dollar tent and a sleeping bag,, take the summer off and cruise the VR events all over North America showing off the bike.... Pleasure to meet you and your gorgeous new wheels Highwayman!! See ya on the road:15_8_211[1]: Puc
  19. Thought I would pass this on knowing how much you guys love to buy parts.... http://detroit.craigslist.org/okl/mcy/4405701617.html
  21. I totally agree Bob,, that REALLY does explain alot,,,, and here I always thought the "pulling the rabbit out of the hat" routine was something that started in DC,,, now I get it.. Boy the things ya can learn on the internet..
  22. 150 ft lbs of torque,,,,, did you say 150 ft lbs of torque,,, Ruffy - I cant even say that without studdering Like a semi tractor on two wheels!!! Lets see here,, ,,, and than and of course,, watch out for the - that bike in a 25 mph zone would be a Stallion in glass shop... CONGRATS RUFFY!!!!!!
  23. Hey Lenny, I got that same pm about 3 years ago and than again about a month ago,,, didnt think much of it till ya pointed it out... I love watching Dragonslayer chase his tail. Love ya brother:rotf::rotf::rotf:
  24. I would say you got the job above all jobs,, get paid for calling yourself :rotf: I applied for that job too Bob but they wouldnt hire me,, they were afraid I would spend to much time talking to myself on the phone :rotf:
  25. Clint Eastwood - Dirty Harry, Trinity, Three Stooges, Hogans Hero's, Tarzan, Star Trek, Combat, Rat Patrol.. I also think some really cool old Album Covers framed up would be bad to the bone,, Beach Boys, Beatles, Monkeys, Archies....... Then old bike broshures in a frame.... Great thread BJ!!!
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