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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. cowpuc


  2. Probably turn into an unstoppable huge snowball with you wrapped inside it FlyinFool,,,,, as much as you love the stuff AND biking,, I would say you and that puppy would be the perfect combo!!!!!!!!!!
  3. THAT HAS TO BE EXACTLY THE CASE SLAYER!!!! Heyyyy,,, wait a minute here,, who you calling an idgit?? You are soooo far from idgitdom it aint funny,,,, no idgit could have possibly created a thread on VR that we can say anything we want on and it cant be closed,,, genius my man,,, straight up GENIUS!!!! Hero in my book!!!
  4. cowpuc


  5. WOW Patti,, with all that BLING-BLING-BLING = WIN-WIN-WIN I dont see how anyone could refuse.. And helping out those children at St. Judes ,,,,,,,, I spect to meet hundreds of new friends down yonder!! Cant wait!!!! Thanks for all you and Don do and have done for the cause!! You are appreciated!! Best wishes! Puc
  6. Gotta agree with ya fool,,, now if he would have typed "28" at end of all those Z's,, he probably could have stayed qualified,,, IMHO of course..
  7. :rotf: Yea, BUT,,, take a look at the first picture and count the ducks that are smiling,,, with that many smiling faces on one motorcycle how could I not wanna pack like I do:rotf::rotf: On a side note,,, if I were one of those ducks I would want to be the bottom duck who is riding with his head upside down about an inch off the pavement,, never road like that before but it sure looks like fun:rotf::rotf: And on another side note,,,, having Tweeks throw stuff at your bike when parked next to her is the least of your worries,,, I would be more worried bout her peeing on ya - cantankerous old relic if there ever was one,,,,,got a good heart though......
  8. WOW - THAT is awesome Silver!!! To bad that goofy Poootin has things so screwed up,, we wont be seein those for a while,,,,,, really really cool..
  9. TKC, KFC, CFK, NBC, ABC doesnt really matter me long as I is eatin chickens,, I am SOL with out IT.. :rotf:
  10. Not sure about no Kenny Loggins,, he was never IT with me BJ.. I do know that the Bee Gees sang one that went,,, "IT doent matter to me......",,,,, now the Bee Gees - they were IT brother - all of IT..
  11. I read an article once that said some Post Man lost IT and was so upset he killed over 40 people, I also heard about some movie star guy that lost IT and totalled out his 2.3 million dollar race car.. The list goes on and on of the mayhem and death associated with people who have lost their lives either in the process of losing IT or trying to find IT so YES,,, IT has to be VERY VERY VERY important!!!
  12. Good question,, really good question... I have been wondering for long time if a 1st Gen seat would fit that 96 TC Reaney...
  13. o :rotf::rotf: Actually,, :rotf:,, you aint so far from wrong Tooch,, its amazing how many people have stopped when we have ran out of gas, had flat tires, and yea,, even just takin a snooze in the ditch :rotf: never even occurred to me thats what was going on :rotf::rotf::rotf: Heres another really good one,, year before last Tippy and I are coming home from the Sturgis Rally,, guy (name was Dennis from San Diego) was sitting on the side of I-90 in the ditch with his Harley beside the road, I knew he was having trouble (even I dont camp on the shoulder of the Interstates).. Of course, I stopped to help.. Guys all beat red from sitting in the sun,, asked if he was thirsty,, takes my water jug and starts guzzling.. Gets done, gives me hug and says "your the first real biker I have met out here".. I looked back over aT Tippy,, her and I both looked back at Tweeks,, weeds hangin down,, mud all over it from ridin back roads,, stickers holdin it together and we both started :rotf::rotf:at the same time... Guy later said he wasnt making reference to my bike :rotf:,, he was referring to the fact that of all the 100's of bikes going by we were the only ones to stop and see if he was ok... Told him I was just paying it forward,,, than I said,, nope - take it back - think I am still payin it backwards :rotf: Good on ya on the switch bro - glad they treated ya right - sure sounds like they did!! Doing any good ?? Got any xtra fish for me to smoke?? That sounds really really good,,,, never mind,, aint got time to pay attention much less smoke fish.. How the heck ya fishin with the river so high?? Seems like you'ld be gettin snagged on all those houses/garages and cars floatin by.. Tip's knawin at the bit for me to take her bass fishin,, wont be long now:big-grin-emoticon: Never even got the breather off that Max,, guy gave me almost what it would have sold for running in non-running condition.. He had been looking for a red one (apparently a hard color to find) for a long time to match a Fazer he owns - collector as it were.. Bummer too cause I at least wanted to go crotch rocket huntin on it a couple times FINALLY got a little break and been playin with Tweeks today,, did rear end, lubed throttle cables, got brakes cleaned,, got a set of Progressives I am bout half way thru droppin in.. Gotta get that thing wrapped up,, we are going down to the B2's for their rally in May,, heard down yonder ya dont even hafta use a fish pole - parrently they come already cooked, gotta go find out for myself.. Ya oughta sign up and go down there with us,, those suthners are really nice folks!! Also heard rumors of a bunch of wild Kanoocks havin a get together bout a week after B2 Mom and Dads that we are probably gonna raid.. Looks like they are even closer (bout 6 hours ride time) than B2's if ya wanna do an afternoon ride with us.. Tip says hey and so does Tweeks!! Puc
  14. I gotta agree with Godlover,, at least around here (our economy has been in the tank for a good while).. I also had the same thought about seeing what trade in value is.. Ya never know,, you might do better using it as trade fodder than selling outright.. Nice that you already have a price on the new one so that cant jack it up cause of a trade in.. Worth a try.. If you sell it outright and have to run an ad, trick is to not overprice it at the beginning cause it seems (just my opinion) that the its the first round at having it up for sale that is your best shot selling.. If its to high and than you change your ad bringing down the price some people have already lost interest.. About the trailer,, hmmmmmmmm,, no idea,, never bought/sold one,,, gotta be someone on here that knows of xtra value that adds.. I know one thing,, if its one of those "tent camper" deals like Dana and Missy had at Vogel last year (WOW) I can see that puppy adding at least 3000 bucks (probably more).... I had a customer once who turned down a Voyager I had for sale cause it had a hitch on it.. Told me,,, "worst thing you can do to a bikes drive train is to pull a trailer with it".. Next guy bought it cause he LOVED the fact that it had a hitch.. :rotf: Crazy world out there!! Good luck with the sale of your bike Bumble Bee and CONGRATS on the new one!!!!!! And go figure,, JUST IN TIME FOR LOTS OF SUMMER FUN!!:cool10: Puc
  15. Wish I coulda caught Andrews comment and warned him that the Wisconsin White Wash Fool was gonna be all over IT.... Keep IT over there FlyinFool,, ya hear me,,, I playing with IT no moe,,,,,:bang head::bang head:
  16. That easier yet Bongo: IT is fun fun fun, WHY worry worry worry.. Taaaaa dahhhhhhhhh
  17. Yeaaa,, but then how would "Tweeks" (my 83) feel,, bikes have feelings too ya know... Everytime I walk past the old girl she just screams at me,, come on Puc,, I gotta nuther 100k left in me,,, come on,, think of all the fun the 3 of us have had,,, come on,,, you an I are best friends, meeerember last year when ya ask me if I had one more left in me fore we took off for da summer,,, tellin ya,, I gotta nuther one left,, just give me a chance... Tellin ya Squid,,, its a terrible terrible corner I got myself painted into,, just terrible... I got buddies with BIG dollar new HD's (gorgeous bikes) that wont ride with me cause of that old beat up ol scar faced Tweeks... Park er at a rally she has to sit all by herself, people cold shoulder her all the time... I picked up a pretty good running 87 "parts" bike over the winter,, got er fired up - RUNS STRONG... Started putting some time into "preppin" it for the summer thinking I could pull the wool over Tweeks eyes,,, found myself all of a sudden tweeking on Tweeks (addiction) while I was suppose to be working on this new one - like a big magnet I am drawn to her - must be love ,,, pretty soon the new one is sitting there with covers off and I am over tweekin on Tweeks instead...
  18. IT is so big,, even Chuck Norris doesnt stand a chance against IT.... IT is sooooo powerful that if anything can win this Thread Killing Championship (for evermore known as TKC,,,,,,, hmmmmmmmmmm,,,, for some reason that - "TKC" - makes me hungry for fried chicken,, hmmmmm,, weird) IT CAN DO IT!! GOOD GRIEVE BONGO "IT" IS SPREADING LIKE WILDFIRE!! "IT" IS EVERYWHERE... HOPE "IT" DONT SHUT THE SITE DOWN!!!!!
  19. Naaaah ahhhhh,, I didnt know dat... Bubbers on my hero's list now for being brave enough to ask!!
  20. I highly doubt IT,, sides,, IT would be hard to find mongst all those bikes he has covering IT up.. GOOD GRIEVE BONGO,, YOU HAVE REALLY DONE it this time....
  21. Just cause my fingers arent tired yet,,, brake masters have the same thing,, tiny little bleed back hole can plug and can cause brakes to stick on,, exactly the same scenario.. Years ago I wrote a little tech article about that issue,, not sure but that may have ended up in the Tech Library somewhere,, if you wanted to get an idea of what I am talking about that article may be still accessable.. It would be under 1st Gens if its still there... If not,, I can take a master lid off and take some pics for you...... Hopefully I am making sense with this. That doesnt always happen:rotf: Puc
  22. Another thing you can check before dropping another clutch in it is,, there is a tiny little bleed back hole up in the clutch master,, its about the size of a hair (not mine,, I got that bald thing going on).. If that tiny little hole gets blocked the piston in the master cant bleed back all the way and will hold pressure on the clutch master keeping it partially disengaged.. I have actually had that sucker build up so much pressure from heat (in the desert/hot motor/HOT fluid) that my clutch would barely engage... If thats not it,, could definitly be warn fiber plates.. Puc
  23. Daaag nab IT Stache,,,,, ya beat me to IT.. Now if that whipper snapper YammerDan could just find himself he would have it made.....
  24. Yep,, I am with Buddy,, It is gonna hit the fan!!! Cant believe ya did this to us Bongo,, I'll take IT back,, considering the source:whistling:
  25. Prayers Up, Blessings Down!!!
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