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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. cowpuc


    WOW!!! Never heard of that one,, sounds fasinating!! One of your Dr's names isnt Dr. Kimbal Pratt is it 1-Up? Pratt is the one who did my surgerys.. The reason I ask is I know that Dr. Pratt was working with a company call Depleag (or something like that) years ago in developing new stuff like you are discribing.. They were working out of the Chicago area, I sent my porfolio in to them to try and be a development guinee pig for them but my back was to far gone.. 1-Up,, what you are describing is AMAZING!! WOW,, they have come a longgg way,,, just incredible!! Definitely praying for you and for the Dr.'s as they do their thing and that the final outcome is nothing short of miraculous!! Puc
  2. A i Playboy,, that Vic would have taken about as long as takes for me to pack it up and head west for it to grow on me,, THAT IS GORGEOUS!! I have spent a little time playing with the Victories too,, I still contend that there is NOTHING on two wheels that handles like the Vision 8 Ball,, LOVE the 106,, buddy had an earlier model than yours and had some electrical issues,, I am sure these newer ones are way better.. On the plus side, Victory treated him great with their warranty - something that seems lacking in today market place.. At any rate, congrats on your new baby,, here's to many many trouble free fun miles!! Puc Hey Eck,, I have a Honda Helix that Tippy and I ride allll the time as an around town bike.. Things a BLAST!! It is soooo much a moving couch it aint funny.. I have only had one bad experience with it in all the time I have owned it.. Got a flat tire on the rear, had Tip on the back and a bunch of groceries packed on it.. I have had my share of flat tires on motorcycles in my life,, everything from dirtbikes to fully loaded Ventures with passenger and all the gear and I can tell ya,, I have NEVER had a trickier bike to ride to a stop with a flat rear tire than that Helix!! It was scarey UNREAL.. Our neighbor has a Honda Silver Wing, absolutley LOVES it!! Talk about FLY - and talk about AWESOME brakes,, the ABS on the new scooters are nothing short of amazing..
  3. cowpuc


    YOU are on my prayer list 1-Up!!! Been thru 5 of those surgeries myself (only they had to do rods and saddles cause of broken bones - was paralized from the waste down),, not a picnic.. I remember my Neuro Surgeon sitting in my hospital room talking to me a couple weeks after one of my surgeries telling me how unusual cases like mine were,, he said that usually they are able to go in and remove portions of the disc(s),, still paralized, I asked him how many of those types of surgeries he had been successful with.. Assuming this is what your having done, his response to that may be very important info for you (probably heard it a million times over already).. He said "those are successful to almost 100%, the problem that I have faced with that surgery is getting people to be very very careful until the "pocket" where the disc section was at before removal has a chance to fill in - if a patient isnt very careful during that crucial time the remaining disc will pop out into the void and when that happens we are right back to square one".. Beg ya bother,, listen very carefully to your doctor no matter how "good" ya feel a few days after surgery.. Follow his instructions to the tee!! Dont overdo it.. I wish you the absolute best recovery possible!! Puc
  4. Well Foyerboy,,, got baaadd news for ya brother,, with that kind of philosophy your chances of ever growing up are very very slim.. Been tryin for many years and, for some reason, it just never takes..
  5. cowpuc


    bumps why speed?
  6. Goes both ways Dale... Tippy and I just came in from our first ride together on our Honda Helix,, in tears Tippy says,, lets go home, saddle up "Tweeks" (our beat up ol 83) and head west early... Gotta love the way that lady thinks.... OUCH!!!!! Praying for your Mother-in-Law Hugger!! OUCH!! :rotf:your rotten :rotf: When our kids were little I would make trails of rabbit food (hunks of lettuce, carrot pieces) on Easter Morning through the house,, little notes along the trail (i.e. - no basket here - follow the trail to the bath tub).. Had a friend tell me I traumatised my kids by not giving them a "normal" Easter Day... If I traumatised em by teaching em to be good rabbit hounds,, I wonder what telling em they are eating the Easter Bunny does to em :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  7. Your ex was a grocery cart:confused24: Man I am losing it here:backinmyday:
  8. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: Brother I LOVE the way you think:cool10: Wish I could have been there,, I would have LOVED to video that :rotf:What the heck Dale, I would have even rolled all the vacant carts to you, so you could have flipped 30 or 40 over around his truck :rotf: That is just great my friend:rotf:
  9. happy easter yama mama!!!
  10. Probably Gollum in disguise, Ya shoulda decked her when she reached for your mater in the store and than slid the ring on your finger, disappeared and left the place tFrodo... Actually,, she was probably hittin on ya,, us V-4 riders are in high demand ya know..
  11. ATTA BOY DAN,, CONGRATS!! ATTA BOY SKID - HAVE FUN IN THE SUN!!! Prayers Up, Blessing POURING down on this Easter Morning!!
  12. Just wanted to take a sec and wish everyone here a very very HAPPY EASTER!! You folks part of the bottom line to the riches that God has blessed us with, may each one of you, and your families find peace that passes understanding on this very special day!!!!! Puc
  13. Sheeshhh you guys,, I gotta fix everything,,, gonna have one of these mods scan the membership list for boneheads...... YA CAINT COLOR ON YOUR PUTER SCREEN,, MODREN NOLOGOLY DONT WORC LIKE DAT.. YA GOTTA DRAW IT ON A LIL MIRRER,, THEN YOU LOOK AT DA MIRRER AND CAN PUT THE PICHURE EVER YA WANT SHOLD BEE
  14. Indeed Ernie, we really got our hands full this year,, back in 86 the main road north of the Muskegon River where we shot those pics was washed completely out - this one is wayyyyy worse than that was!!! The Governor has declared state of emergency for the whole Muskegon River Valley,,, terrible situation.. I am somewhat familiar with Vassar,, being from Caledonia my wife is even more so.. Hey,,, ever been to the Gilmore Museum? They have an AWESOME old bike show there every year,, have bought and sold bikes/parts there lots.. Really fun place.. Yea Buddy,, got really great kids,, got a good mix of my crazyness and their moms smarts,, had a LOT of fun raising em and, cause of those brains,, their all still alive!! Wish ya lived closer too,, we could go mopeding together,,,,,,,, noo ya dad burn twister-not on the same bike:rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  15. Might be wrong here but isnt that found in the "edit signature" area of the User CP?? Been a long time,, gonna do a little diggin here
  16. Get some colored markers and,,,,, never mind,, sooner or later I am gonna get kicked off this site.....
  17. Your welcome Randy.. I know being a Vet and a brother gear head, you of all people will appreciate this little part of the story.. The fellow I aquired the bike from, just like his father before him, was also a Vet.. Nicest, kindest, God fearing, most thoughtful person you would ever want to meet - his wife too.. His name is George.. He was Special Forces in Nam, started his tour in 66, in 69 he had a Huey shot out from under him, spent a year getting back on his feet, came out being able to walk!! He is now in pretty rough shape from those injuries, agent orange stuff and getting old.. He and wife were executors of his deceased fathers estate.. The bike was the last of his fathers belongings to go,, he struggled emtionally with the bike sale part of the whole process,, his dad served in Army Air Force in the European Theater from 43 till wars end.. Got home, aquired the bike in 48ish and was his baby ever since.. Cher and I spent the better part of 4 hours with the son and his wife going over stuff.. AMAZING story!! He has promised to send me video of his Dad riding the bike, old pictures (I have one of his dad riding it that he ran off on a printer for my garage wall) and a complete "memory" text of his dads service and info about the bike.. His dad rode the bike for the last time 4 weeks before he passed! Concerning Karma,,, we found out a VERY interesting thing in talking face to face with this lovely couple.. They had actually sold the bike a couple months ago to a bottom feeding scammer on Ebay.. Guy sent him one of these fake checks,, fortunately they hadn't released the bike before the bank contacted them - whew.. They pulled it from Ebay, their daughter posted it on Craigs for them and offered to be a buffer between them and the scammers.. They said they could sense immediately upon reading my response to their ad a real sincerity about respecting the history of the bike.. We left there as VERY good friends, had laughed and cried together.. Unreal buddy!! They all but gave the bike to us, said it wasnt about money, it was more about getting into the hands of someone who would make sure that where ever it ends up - it continues to end up in hands that have a sense of dignity and honor for what it represents.. WOW,, what an honor.. I told them about the blessings in my life that I have found meeting people on Craigs (I have met a LOT of folks - LOTS of scammers but LOTS of really great folks out there too) and a couple of short stories about people like you that, for some reason,, I end up having the blessing of becoming aquainted with.. Yea Randy,, I, like you and many others on this site and in the world around are truley blessed or Karmalized... Your ol buddy Puc
  18. Dan O',, dont cha meerember your parents, sunday school teachers, school teachers, neighbors, mentors, police officers, bar tenders, drill instructors and probably even the "warden" telling ya over and over again,,,, "ya gotta be careful who you associate with"?? Oh well,, dont feel bad brother,, I got whooped over and over again for harrassing my 5 sisters and 1 brother,,, I still became me too:backinmyday:
  19. You are very very fortunate the other rider was paying attention and watching where he was going,, that could have been a one of a kind bad accident,,, I can see the evening news headlines now,,,,,, "Rider collides with himself, destroys two bikes and must pay x2 for citations issued by twin cops covering the incident.. In further news,, the Victory Motorcycle division of Polaris Industries was indited today for allegedly selling motorcycles with matching VIN numbers
  20. cowpuc


    why bump?
  21. My daughter is a Kindergarten teacher out in Sacramento, she had her kids make paper dolls - name them, write a story about each doll and then sent them to us for spring break. We are baby sitting these paper dolls here in Michigan, taking all kinds of pictures of them helping out with chores, going on little outings, experiencing the climate differences.. Here shortly "the kids" gotta go back to California,, back to their young aged parents.. Tippy and I are gonna miss em and wish we could be there when our daughter shares the pictures and tells them alll the stuff their paper children got into while they were gone... Live large and stay young ya'll.... More crazy stuff from the world of.. Puc
  22. Dannnnn,,, you just unsalted one of my friends,,, better nock it off... Indeed Buddy,, I was just setting a trap for YammerDan to come along and fall into,, Hope I aint on the other side of Karma again,, I hate when that happens:whistling:
  23. cowpuc

    Bon Voyage!

    Ohhh,,, now I get it,,, the Skidster pulls out leaving us to watch over YammerDan:detective:,,, heads to warmer climate to sip Margereeters, we stay here and swat da skeeters,, he's surrounded by warm water and sand,, I am stuck here wid a wrench in my hand,, gotta lotta guts that Skid of ours,,, God keep em safe while he plays under the stars.... HOPE YOU HAVE A BLAST SKID,,, CALL DAN IF YOU NEED TO GET BAILED OUT DOWN THERE - HE KNOWS THAT SIDE OF THE LAW BETTER THAN YOU :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  24. You nailed it Pete!! Its a totally different feeling inside,, not that "bad to the bone" stuff that I am accustomed to feeling from a bike,, more of a renewed childish feeling that a gear headed 10 year old would feel inside,, strange but true.... Thanks for the compliments you guys~ Puc
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