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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. awesome! I will give ya a jingle when we get into the sac area, maybe we can hookup on your way thru! Be great!
  2. Plus,,,, I sleep better knowing no one is gonna mess withTweeks!
  3. Yea,, go with joe!!! sorry to hear bout the accident randy,, tell that grandson ol puc says we all fall! Dust himself off an get back on again! glad no one was hurt! puc
  4. AWESOME!!!!!!!!! what a lovely couple! Tippy n I bid them calm seas and great wweather annd perfect safety as they continue their awesome tour! thanks venturefar for helping them out! I know from experience that your thoughtfulness and kindness will never be forgotten. heyyyyyy,,, any chance we will get to meet them at THE DALLES? RIDE SAFE AND HAVE FUN GHOST AND WIFE! puc
  5. Hey annie,, your wisn is my command!! sitting in a little cowtown resturant in caliente nevada, woke up this morning in the mountains of utah just west of cedar springs.. givin the new stator thar squidley ripped out of a spare bike for us,,, what a guy that squidley, a real workout! just went outside and snapped a pic just for you and quickstep... that sticker draws more attention than my sweat covered stinky skin does flys :rotf Puc
  6. Hi buddy! hey,, that extention cord you loaned me to keep the bike battery charged up onour way to squidleys swas a life saver.. worked so good that tippy suggested I try using it for repelling at the grand canyon today.. it worked pretty good but is now a couple feet longer because of my weight... hope your not to mad at me brother... puc ps,, love you guys ps, ps,, thanks again for everything
  7. Hi Neil, we are now in page az, headed for the north rim than out to zion.. gonna stay north and try to steer clear of anymore extreme temps best we can.. like the way you think though bro! SEE YOU SOON COMPADRE! PUC
  8. Yes it do Danno BUT,, I will take that bikers arm ANYDAY over a sore arm from shoveling that rotten, stinkin, bone chilling stuff we dealt with all winter!! FEELS GREAT! SO,, how do they make human sandpaper in Texas you ask,,, gladyou ask... they cover ya withsunscreen, send you into a sandstorm not that much different than the one seen in the movie, HILDAGO.. you come out as human sandpaper.. UNREAL THAT TEXAS IS!
  9. Got some up between grand canyon n page az...
  10. Sounds great ghost! Would love to hook up. We are gonna be in the sacramento area for a while before and aftter the dalles rally.. by the way, those desperado, s on the west coast have beat it in to me,,, its NOT at Dalles oregon, it at The Dalles. Two different places... ya might better check with lone eagle about it though, he might be sending me in the wrong direction on purpose.. anyway, be great to see youfolks.. we are now in Page az, camping behind an abandoned motel. Did jerome, south rim today.. was beautiul out!, puc
  11. I love finds like that! If ya need another bathroom to park it in for month or so let meknow dan...... heyyyyyy,, I just had an epiphany,,,, we oughta start a book club... oh yea,,, you know the rules,,,, worthless without pics
  12. Prayers up for you and your family Bob. Tippy and I send our deepest condolances to each of you. Scott and Cheryl
  13. Seems like I recall a thread about someone crossing a centerline with a cage , hit a trike.. I thnik it downsouth, carolinas? anyway, this couple who we met in vaughn, nm were riding with that couple when the accident happened.. when we met them they were on thier way home from the womens funeral in oklahoma.. small dagerous world out there BUT still gotta live.... puc
  14. Wow randy,, thatis awesome! Wish I could thank your parents for getting you started in our great passion for biking.. this crazy world could use a bunch more fellow riders with your love for the bikes we ride, the skills to keep em rollin and giving them the respect they deserve.. hats off n congrats! puc
  15. Hey squidley, thanks for reconnecting my powersupply, jyour agood man and a finemechanic.. pucs been trying everything in his power to test yourwork, I just laugh at em... I feelmuch better now. here is also a pic me in my new oufit.. I love it! I have already had compliments on the silver and black.. thanks for adorning me, puc really isnt that good at putting stickers on me, always crooked ya know.. tell lonna hi and tell pink and brownie thanks for not peeing on my wheels.. You can tweek on me anytime! TWEEKS
  16. Indeed brian, ya just never know, I may verywell scoot back out and catch one of those rusky gathrens! Sounded like a hoot! The manager at the campground where they were staying was as nice as could be when I called that number.. he was saddenedwe missed em, me too.. ya know buddy,,, if it wouldnt havebeen for that sandblasting machine they were running all the way to roswell and those alien drivers with the trucks we may very well havemade it for the urals... tweeks, tippy and I were solid desert dust time we got to roswell.. including here a pic of me cooling off at pecos.. tip has sisters, nothing like her though, she isone of kind... crawls in the tent after 16 hours on the bike, wakes up with that same smile on her face ready to go right back at it,,,, thats why I call her tip, treasure in person.. nice chattin on the phonewith ya brother! puc Sayyyyyyyy what? Gettin as far away from that freakin warped weather machine of da fools as I can bongo,,,, for as long as I can.... aint gonna shut er down till the front wheel is on the west coast brother! puc
  17. Couple pics if I get em to go
  18. Woke up in a liittle field next to a church in down town roswell. Skin still stung from the sandblasting of they day before.. called the number brian, txsturgis, had graciuosly gotten and sent to me cfor contacting the ural group who was having a gathering bout an hour away. Sai park manager said therewere only two left so we canned thzat plan, packed and headed north.. stopped invaughn, got yappin with a hd guy n wife about touring, than some japanese people wanted to take pics of our bike, tweeks.. found outthe couple were visiting the u.s. from japan, spoke very little english,, got them to sign tweeks,,, they bowed and shook my hand as they left,,, wayyyyy cool.. hd guy was from south ca, invited us to campln his yard anytime.. Best burger joint so far is laguna burgers right off 40 west of albuquerkeeee, 4 bucks for a massive half pounder,, there chili sauce is to die for.. gtoured the petrefied wood forest nation park onway toflag.. met agroup of riders on rented hd, s there.. spoke alittle broken deuche with em,, loved it.. swapped emails.. got to flag, went down and camped near jerome.. Gonna stop at a placed called montezooma well on way bac up to flag, grand canyon.. beautiful here! Get out and ride ya, ll before that goofy Fool turns his snow machine back on! puc n tippy
  19. Having a ball,, we left roswell yesterday morning. Was gonna try and hook up with a ural group before we left that txsturgis told me about, but I called the campgroung theywere at and there was only two left there so we jusr kept heading north lookin for cooler air.. sitting in cottonwwod az right now eatin breakfast.... definitly found tthe cooler weather,, it was 50 when we woke up in the tent couple hours ago:rotf: farrrrrrrr better than 112 down at big bend! we get done here at jerome we are headed back up to flag, south rim, page around to the northrim.. as always though,, not written in stone,, that monument valley gets in our crosshairs wewill check it out! tks for the well wish bluesky puc
  20. Awesome!!! Thanks money!!! Just looked his number up in the members directory, called but no answer,,, he is probably out enjoying this gorgeuos weather on his bike:rotf: WHAT A DAY!!!!! Thanks again puc videoaz, if you get my phone message and want to leave a message for us please text it, tips phone voice mail went south thanks
  21. Just arrived in flag az, someone wanted me to contact them when we arrived in flag and headed down to jerome. I think it may have been videoaz buti cant find the thread with the comment and phone number.. if your reading this we would love to say hi irl. I checked my pm, s and its not in there so ithad to have been in the water hole somewhere... puc
  22. Driften around out here in southwest texas trying to break in our new stator (thanks again for everything bikerjohn and squidley) by exposing it to extreme extreme temps gave me an idea... I told tippy,,, ya know,, that there Squidley brother is pretty dog gone good with a wrench and I bet he is also a pretty good parts judge too... So I says,, what say we give that new stator the ultimate test and take it to the limit,, what da heck... So we catch a trade wind in that general direction... That direction being xsome of the harshest summer time environments in the U.S.A.,, Big Bend... we pretty much had the park to ourselfs although I swear I heard someone on the other side of the rio grande yell during the night. Speaking of aliens, we are headed for roswell to go alien hunting and I told tip that had about a 98 percent more chance of actually seeing one wading across the rio than landing in roswell... spoke to some boarder patrol guys while at the park and that substantiated that theory. saw a couple road runners, praire chickiins, an orange/copper colored snake while touring the park last night and today.. really desolate place this time of year,,, just the way I like it.. currently in comanche springs cooling off on the way to carlsbad cav, roswell.. Spoke with txsturgis yesterday about this Ural Rally thingy in NM.. He sent info about it, we may very well get caught up in that rabbit trail cause I get all geeky at the the thought a bunch of crazys on 2wd side hac rigs out having fun,,,,, gotta see whether or not we catch an alien space I guess... get out ride! Puc n Tip
  23. Hi dave, never had the chance to ride one with the voyager kit. Always wanted to try one for kicks... seems like the application is more in line with the traing wheels concept than a trike app. I would be curious to know if the two outside rear wheels on that bike have independent suspention.. if it does, it seems like, because your still actuallly running on the center original wheel andsuspention, that it could be setup to ride with the same charectoristics as an actual motorcycle. Trikes are totally different. I have looked at a couple voyagered bikes and, if memory servesme corre tly, its a bolt on kit that is easily removed. Maybe a better option would be to keep your bike, buya kit and install it? Have seen those kits aroud for well under 2k. IMHO 4600 is to much money for an 85 with a voyager kit.. puc
  24. No idea, no idea, no idea and no idea.. I do know know that know I am hungry for pulled pork n pickled pigs feet!
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