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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Sounds good @Pop.. I just got on here and found this.. Probably the quickest/easy way to proceed is with Paypal if you have such? I will drop it in a USPS Flat Rate box as that seems to be the best way to get it to you quickest at a reasonable rate if thats OK? I also have a brand new aftermarket one for a Gen 2 that you could also have for the same $$,, $35 shipped.. Just let me know here.. Puc
  2. @etcswjoe, Joe I went with the 5mm scope end to be sure it would fit thru the smaller "D" plug hole. Maybe grab a D plug and measure its diameter at the bottom of its threads to be sure OR grab a nut that the D plug will screw into and measure its I.D. to be sure. If you havent got the tools to do so and want me to do it for you just let me know and I would be happy to. It looks like the scope you are looking at has an 8mm head on it, they may work but not sure. It seems like years ago I went thru what you are going thru and found the 5mm to be the better choice. Its always something! TTYL (I learned that today from @COWBOYBILL and now know it means Talk To You Later - who says an ol pea brain like my cant learn something new LOL) Your ol riding buddy, PUC P.S. - the one you are looking at does look like a dandy though! I REALLY like the 16 foot cable.. I spent the xtra and went with 25 feet on mine to be able to use it for looking inside duct work but 16 feet is worthy!
  3. You bet Pop, anytime. All the best in getting her up and running my friend. Puc
  4. Tweeks, Tip and I thought this was a thread about running out of gas...
  5. @larrydr, at what speed are you getting the wobble? Low speed,, 35 mph? The MK1's are known for low speed wobbles but not for high speed tank slappers is why I ask. Tire air pressures and did you mount and balance them yourself? Are you using balance beads? Are you mixing radials and bias tires? Check your tire bead alignment lines to make sure they are not mounted out of round and spin the tires and watch for signs of belt slippage? Check your tires for feathering and other anomolies? How are you checking steer head bearings? Does your 83 have Progressive springs in the forks? If so, how much preload on them, when was the last time you checked its fork bushings for movement? Check the fork brace found directly above the front fender for loose mount bolts? Please answer each of those questions one at a time.. Thanks! Puc
  6. Now THATS what I am talking about and sounds like what I have heard about Ivan. One nice thing about Ivan's shop is they are very personable type of folk, including Ivan himself. I had some questions years ago about building a V-twin up/compression ratio's and adding a gear driven turbo to a HD. They were very open to discuss what they had found and how to work around tuners and such. GOOD people! A side note on the "scary" 3rd program @ChiefGunner,,, brother aint NOTHING wrong with that! Having a scoot that scares you when you want it to is actually TONS of fun! Good on ya! So does your Ivan tune have the capibilty of removing or altering the rev limiter and speed limiter? Can you (or a dyno guy) access its fuel/ignition parameters? I LOVED the original HD "super tuners" that are now outlawed because they gave us gearheads access to fully control ALL parameters and adjust fuel/ignition in 200 rpm increments. If you had a small flat spot anywhere in the full (unlimited if you disabled the rev limiter, dangerous to the motor but a valuable asset if you were really wanting to run er) rpm range you just tweeked till ya got er dialed in. I am an old carb guy who spent HOURS dialing in my race bikes and those super tuners were MAGICAL. Anyway Chief,, I am happy for you! Sounds like fun! Let er buck - Puc
  7. I know the feeling brother,, this getting older is not for whimps.. Please tell your son to take er easy for a spell if he is a new rider and to enjoy the blessings of having/owning his dads bike. Many many many miles of good, safe fun to you young man! Look forward to having him join the site. We will take good care of him Dave! Puc
  8. Ohhh heck yeah gets my vote. Just make sure you got all the fastners either removed or tightened down so you dont lose anything on the ride and absolutely, no bags and/or trunk is actually fun.. Gives one the feeling of more power and that is never a bad thing lol.. Go for it Dave!
  9. I 100% agree with Pasta,, I have a gut feeling that there is no way gravity feed trying to fill 4 carbs is gonna be able to keep up by using a funnel. If you had the weight of a few gallons of gas pushing the fuel in then yeah,, that should fly but not with a funnel. Maybe hook it back up to the funnel, start it and let it idle till it quits as you say and then unhook the funnel when it dies and open the carb drains and see how much fuel you get out of them, you might be surprise to find the bowls are almost empty. I would test the fuel pump and get the system back to working or at least hook the pump up to the funnel at its input and output the pump to the carbs @Pop. After you try that and if it still wont go start answering a few of these questions please.. Did you run a sizing wire thru the jets, both mains and low speed or replace them all? Did you shoot carb cleaner thru the low speed circuitry and physically see carb cleaner come out of the tiny holes in the throats of the carbs? Did you check float height levels on each carb? Are you sure you have the firing order correct on the plugs? Blackened plugs? I have found that these "D" plugs really dont take to kindly to blackening. Plugs are cheap, grab a new set and start fresh, gap em at .030. Check the caps for carbon tracking and wires for corrosion where the caps screw onto them. While you got the plugs out drop a compression tester on her and see what you get..
  10. BUMMER my friend,,, I cant even IMAGINE having that work done on your gorgeous machine and not being able to at least toss a leg and let er buck. Excited for you Chief cause I have heard LOTS of great things about Ivan's tunings.. Puc
  11. Heyyyyyy,, look what the cat,, or should I say spyder dragged in lol.. Hi ya lop eared @BigLenny varmint! Big Lenny, great to hear you folks are still hard at it, God is good aint He? I am just getting back on my feet again and was sooo surprised (and grateful) that the powers that be let me back onto the VR club grounds without to much wheelin and dealin.. Guess what, they didnt even make me sign a "no pot stirring wavier" so I was thrilled actually. I am at about 65% of my form of normality. We are not quite at your level of riding again and are pretty much grounded in the E-Bike world BUT we have had Tweeksis out for a few pretty nice rides this spring. Not far (no overnight stays in our wonderful tent) from home but still it is wayyyy better than sleeping for 22 hours with my head in Tips lap, wow that was hard. Like you, I am doing my best to hang around a little more and get back to stirring the pot some and helping out when I can. Lenny, I hope and pray you have a GREAT summer on the road as well as hanging out around here too. It is great to hear from you brother! Your Friend's, Tweeksis, Tippy and Puc
  12. BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! times infinity and beyond...
  13. and the REALLY cool thing about those lop eared guru varmints around here is they really truly don't mind us pea brains jumping in and tossing out idea's no matter how far out they seem.. Matter of fact,, they invite it. This group of gear heads is by far, the greatest group of lop eared wrench spinning, eat to ride ride to eat, fun loving varmints the net has ever seen! Wanna see something really cool @Max, if we ever do get back to the good ol times of VR Maintenance Days and you have never been to one bring your bike with something broken and stand back and watch how quickly it comes apart and goes back together. I watched a dash come apart in less than 5 minutes one time at a MD and go back together in less time than it took them guru's to take it apart!! A job that easily would have taken me 2 hours to complete,, it was AMAZING!! Personally, I actually always enjoyed being an innocent bystander at such events at such occasions (see vid). A special THANK YOU to @ragtop69gs and Jeanie for this one!
  14. My gut tells me the issue is RLU related if the 87 MK2's have one. I would start my diagnostics with a volt/ohm meter there if it was one of my MK1's. Should be able to diagnose the high/low beam switch from that point easier than tearing the switch apart, maybe get your hands on a schematic and see..
  15. and still not being as fasttt as a MK1 when your done lol
  16. Here is a quick overview of mine on Youtube of checking the stator to be sure that is what is wrong. If you find your stator is shot and its time for a new one you will need the new stator, a stator cover gasket, a forward bevel gear cover gasket and the little copper squish washer that goes under the screw that drains the forward bevel gear area at oil change (those gaskets/washer are part numbers 2, 14 and 21 here: https://www.partzilla.com/catalog/yamaha/motorcycle/2006/royal-star-midnight-venture-xvz13tfmv/crankcase-cover-1 ) . I am not sure on your Model/Year of the Venture but on the MK1's you really want to know where each screw came from on removal because if you get the wrong length of screw into the wrong hole when you replace them its very easy to push the longer screw into the case and break through the inside of the case and cause oil to leak from around the screw. It looks like you are working on a Gen 2? If so it might be note worthy to replace the regulator at the same time as the stator as I have heard that the Regulators on the Gen 2's are actually the weaker of the two. I replace my regulators with the Stator's on the MK1's when I have a stator fail anyway just cause its always proven a good, cheap way to increase the probabilities of no charging issues while ripping across the deserts. Here is that vid I was talking about. Hope it helps even though its not with the Gen 2. It still should be applicable,, at least I hope so.. Puc
  17. Remember Jakester (Bill) who switched over to riding a Goldwing? He, Tweeks, Tip and I hooked up at Sturgis a few years ago. He found something very similar to you Raggie.. Here, let him tell tell ya all about it:
  18. A person on an E-Bike forum was complaining about his E-Bike being totally unsafe (again) because the factory forgot to put lock-tight on a frame safety latch. There seems to be a fair amount of this type of individual on that site, and in the world we live in these days, that lack in life's lessons so I wrote this in response to his post: When I was a kid back in the mid 60's, before I started chopping motorcycles in the late 60's, I chopped bicycles by hacksawing the hollow forks off Huffy bicycles and slipping the hollow forks over the forks of a schwinn solid fork set, they fit pretty good too. All was well until I tried my first wheelie on my chopped banana seat schwinn bicycle with the racing slick on its back side. I learned a lot from that 1st faceplant after those huffy forks slid down and my bikes front wheel with cut off Huffy forks attached to them went rolling on without me. Probably one of the most important life lessons I learned was that it would always be something, life happens if you engage with it. As I lay there twisted up in a pretzel this question came to my mind, "do I REALLY want to try that again, ever?". About the time the blood had stopped running down my chin and off my knees and elbows those questions were answered as I slid the hollow Huffy forks with my front wheel attached back onto my Schwinn front end and tossed my leg back over the banana seat on my chopped bicycle. I also learned there are two kinds of people in the world, those that experience living life large while they brush off the blood and broken bones of doing so and those that sit on the sidelines and let life overwhelm them with its "its always something".
  19. Just to double check, with the pump unplugged, you attach the positive lead of your ohm/volt meter to the positive connector inside the terminal on the wire harness and touch the negative lead from your ohm meter to the frame and you get 12vdc, right? What if you do the same only touch the negative lead from your ohm meter to the bottom set of contacts in the pump that leads to frame ground? Does it show 12vdc? If so the loss of continuity has got to be between the + terminal to the contacts. Its seems..
  20. What I look for is burned contacts, not necessarily burned together. What happens is they arc long enough that the contacts get enough icky built up on them that they can no longer get continuity thru the contacts due to resistance. The current thru the contacts is what energizes the solenoid in the pump that moves the fuel. Yes, when you get 12vdc across those contacts they are suppose to "click" as the solenoid is energized over and over to pump the fuel. There are interlocks in the fuel pump electrical system though that will interrupt the current flow to the pumps. One is your kill switch, with the bike turned on and the kill switch turned off the pump will not "click" or run. I use the kill switch interlock all the time to fill my carbs before trying to start it. I do that by toggling the kill switch on and listening to the fuel pump cycle thru one cycle, it will along run for a couple seconds. Then I toggle the kill switch off and back on again to make the pump run for another cycle. I keep doing that until the bowls are filled and the float valves shut off the fuel to the carbs and the pressure builds in the system and turns the pump off. If you listen carefully the "clicking" will slow down greatly before it shuts off indicating that the bowls are full. I have found my bikes start easier on cold start with the bowls full. All that said, you should be able to short across the contacts with a screw driver and hear/feel the solenoid engage if you have voltage there, this would check to see if the solenoid itself is locked up. If the solenoid fires cleaning the points with a points file (I am an old school points/condensor guy that has found sand paper and contact points never worked well). By all means, replace the points before going with a different pump @Pop, like I was saying, these early pumps have proven to be VERY durable. Yes,, over 1 million miles on Yamaha MK1 Ventures. Been on them since 1987. It has taken six (6) of these 1st Gens to get there though. My kids did a LOT of touring with me when they were little and after they grew wings and flew the coup my wife, Tip, began riding with me. If you do go to youtube, click on my name, go to my videos and sort by "oldest 1st" as they are hundreds of vids there that are so old now they wont show up on a normal, newest 1st run. Be glad to have you, hope you find something there to enjoy! Puc heres one to get you started lol
  21. You check its contact points @Pop? its a fairly easy fix if the contacts are burned, maybe even just cleaning the points up a little would do it. You take it apart? Its easy.. It looks like the pump for the 83/85 is still available but not the 86 up, not sure what the difference is ( https://www.partzilla.com/product/yamaha/26H-13907-01-00?ref=ef9e7a0d9064b6453969f22330dde325402862cd ). I have a couple spares from old MK1's sitting around. Matter of fact, I got one that sat in my tool kit in my bikes for years that I no longer need cause I cant ride. $35 shipped and its yours. It is used though.. To be honest,, in over 1 million miles I never had to buy a new one, just keep the contacts clean. These MK1 pumps seem to be way more durable then the Gen 2's.. No idea why as I never had the honor of owning a Gen 2. I would be more than happy to snap some pics of the MK1 pump so you could compare fittings, both electrical and fuel line diameter. You know, something just dawned on me. I was trying to help someone figure out why the fuel filter he ordered had the wrong size inlet/outlet.. I wonder if Mom Yam upped the size of the fuel line on the MK2's and he was getting MK2 filters.. Hmmmmm.. @skydoc_17, you got a suppy of contacts that would fit the MK2 if Pops needed one?
  22. Thanks Raggie, GREATLY appreciate the knee mail my brother! Here is the one I did this morning for her. You and I being Patriots I thought you might enjoy this one too..
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