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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. If I know someone is a thief and they are in the same room with me I totally ignore them using the cold shoulder routine - if they say something to me I will look the other way and wont even give them the time of day.. To me,, scammers are the worst of the worst in thievingdom - real bottom feeders.. I treat them the same way as any other thief! When I get a message like that, by text or by email (if I am using Craigs I never include my phone or email addy in the ad, I always run it thru craigs response system) I utilize my "cold shoulder button" (spelled "DELETE") on em Dont play games with these low lifes, NEVER give them anymore info than they already have - especially not Paypal or banking info!!
  2. OH MY GOODNESS TED,, I want you to know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers my friend - PRAYERS UP, BLESSINGS DOWN!! Your situation almost duplicates what happened to me back in 03 except mine was a car accident.. After five major back surgeries, a year in a body cast, going thru both physical and drug therapy , we came out of it changed people, bottom line - life changed permanently for me and, even more important - my family.. Tippy and I can empathize with you and your families current situation and what you all have been thru.. We know first hand how difficult the whole situation is, from financial to emotional/spiritual and dealing with unfriendly insurance companies (hope your insurance company treats you great).. Our thoughts and prayers will be wrapped around ALL of you and yours!! I want you to know that, even though empathy is a small word, I mean it in a BIG way my friend! God speed as you folks work thru all of it! One of my favorite sayings born out of that dark time, has become a mainstay in our lives, it is "things always look better in the morning" (has gotten to the point that now Tippy will even quote it to me with a smile on her face after riding 16 hours, exhausted and tired from a long day, trying to find a place to drop the tent and rest - tiny example but true).. My friend,, it sounds like the "morning" for you folks is breaking thru brightly and you are all well on your way to a very very good "day"!!!! What ever your "day" holds, it being biking - caging - walking or whatever, please remember that you are loved here, stay with us and keep us updated - we are family,, WE CARE!! Sincerely Puc
  3. Tell you one thing,, if there were any way I could pull that off,,,,,,, I would put a set of dirty plugs in my bike just to have an excuse to go to Squids and tweek on it :rotf::rotf::rotf: Thems some fine Texans down there in Cleveland,,, mighty fine Texans indeed!! If at all possible, ya oughta listen to that advice JNeed!! Take yourself a little hand cleaner too,,, ya get around that bunch your hands is gonna get dirty!!!:cool10::cool10:
  4. Great story Bert,, I am 100% in tune with ya!!! You see, you and I both know that the people here on VR hold more knowledge about the Venture than the folks that designed em, are FAR more caring than ANY underwriter of a high dollar extended warranty and most do not succumb to the greed associated with some dealers nowadays.. I all those contributors that you are applauding and say THANK YOU too!! Stopped to help a guy with a broken one once,,, unable to get any tech help from the Dealer where he purchased it or the factory tech line,,, did a bunch of and a whole lot of and he finally had to ... As he was climbing in the tow vehicle I said "sorry buddy - just a little "Beyond My Wisdom",, he looked back at me and said,, thanks for stopping and trying, it is "Beyond My Wisdom" why I ever bought the crazy thing... and,, knock on my wooden noggin, most of the time we can travel here and there without having to go looking for even those parts
  5. :Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to
  6. Heyyyyy,, wait a minute here,,,,,, even if they recalled all our Yamaha/Star bikes like Chevy did with the EV1 and we all had to ride mopeds,, I would still be here harassing people.
  7. Just to clarify, is the bike going to be in AZ near you Kic? If so, the very very best thing you could do for it would be to skip the whole storing it idea and just ride it once in a while. Even once or twice a month, couple times around the block would do it.. Second best would be as Dan mentioned, leave the battery in it, fill the tank and hit the fuel with same stabilzer (I personally like Stabil).. Start it once a month, run till the fan comes on, operate all the controls... If there is no way either of the above are possible, store as mentioned in the other posts.. I like the finding some non-ethanol fuel idea A LOT!! Fill the tank, stabilize it, run it till you know you have stable fuel in the carbs, drain the bowls.. Even though its gonna be inside a garage - you might think about grabbing a cheap Tent from Menards (wayyy cheaper than a bike bubble) - roll the bike inside the tent, centerstand it and zip her in - works great for keeping mice out and you still have the opportunity to squeeze levers and step on pedals when you have a sec.. Also,, a battery tender is not a bad idea.. On the same token though,, best thing would be for him to just plan on buying a new battery for it when he gets home - nothing like a new battery!! If it were going to a couple years,, I would encourage you to get some fogging oil, fog er down and make sure you lube the carb slides,, but that stuff aint necessary for a year of storage.. Please tell you daugher and son-in-law CONGRATS on the upcoming birth of their daughter,, it saddens me deeply to hear the news about him not being here too BUT please let them know they are in our thoughts and prayers.. I too wanna thank him for his service of protecting our way of life!! And thank you too KIC for all the assistance you are doing for the same!! Prayers Up for your whole family! Puc
  8. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thoughts and Prayers for all you folks in Iceland. Unreal video footage - thanks Jonas!
  9. 5 more days,,, just 5 more days:backinmyday:
  10. Definitely do as Gary mentions, exhaust leaks can certainly cause the popping.. Also do your carb sync,, not for sure if #2 carb is master on a 2nd Gen - never did do one - but I bet it is.. Sitting on the bike, front carb on the left is my guess.. If all the above doesnt help with throttle response and excessive popping (not really sure that I would call the popping I heard on the Vid excessive,, running open pipes usually makes some poppin and snappin) here are some thoughts.. Most of the Uni's I have used on both dirt and street bikes tend to supply more air than stock.. Couple that with running open pipes and you end up with a scoot that is able to flow alot more air threw the boom chamber.. That results in running lean.. IMHO and experience in toying with this stuff,, this leaned out condition usually shows itself right off idle and up to the mid range by an off idle hesitation and unhealthy throttle response.. Almost like a weak accellerator pump on a carbed car.. The most effective way to fatten em up is by raising the slide needles.. My 83 got so tired that she couldnt handle the fuel she was getting,,, making her fat on the bottom.. I tweeked Tweeks (thats her name - Tweeks:)) by dropping the needles 70 thou and it worked great.. I did her by using nylon washers (the 1st Gens have "non adjustable slide needles,, suppose to anyway:whistling:).. In the process of doing that I had someone - I think it was Skydoc,, mention that he sells the kit for doing this.. Not sure if the 2nd Gen is adjustable or if you have to use the ol nylon washer routine.. I would definitely follow Garys solution first,, might get lucky and find a pipe gasket in rough shape, bolt missing in a pipe or whatever... Also, complete a sync on your bike cause that could cause it too BUT,, again,,, from listening to your bike,, I gotta hunch your main issues are its flowing more air... On another note,, I personally have not had that good of luck with Iridiums,, may sound nuts but those good ol standard spec NGK plugs always seem to work best for me,,,, course,,, folks in the hood here say I am a little strange and so is Tweeks so take that bit of advice for whats its worth:rotf: BEST OF LUCK GETTING HER WHERE YA WANT IT BIO!! LOVED YOUR VIDEO - THANKS FOR POSTING IT!!!!! Puc
  11. AWESOME Midnight,,, you ever get up to the Dealer Expo in Indianapolis? Spent a TON of time there in years past,, spent a TON of $$'s at the place too
  12. Louis Armstrong summed it up for me.. I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom, for me and you. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. I see skies of blue, And clouds of white. The bright blessed day, The dark sacred night. And I think to myself, What a wonderful world. The colors of the rainbow, So pretty in the sky. Are also on the faces, Of people going by, I see friends shaking hands. Saying, "How do you do?" They're really saying, "I love you". I hear babies cry, I watch them grow, They'll learn much more, Than I'll ever know. And I think to myself, What a wonderful world. Yes, I think to myself, What a wonderful world. Oh yeah.
  13. Obviously Sailor has never seen or heard of the movie "Silence Of The Yam's" either.. I am kinda surprised because it plays every year up in the area's that get that stuff and ice (being careful what I write cause I dont wanna wake,,,,, the guy with the stuff machine cause I cant stand that movie...
  15. WOW, what wonderful way to fulfill that assignment Taylor, very very well done young lady!! I know your Grandma has already spoken to your heart to say this but I will say it anyway, indeed, the "play" is farrrr from over - the Eulogy that her Grand Daughter wrote proves that!! Your message speaks volumes of what type of person your Grandmother was and how she is loved and missed by so many!! In her honor, here is that much deserved standing ovation for her as she takes that bow of which you speak!! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Darrin, Lori, Taylor and family: Condolences at the separation from Lori's Mom that you folks have suffered.. Hopefully the fabulous memories (some of which were mentioned in that fantastic Eulogy) of "Grandma" will sustain each of you until the day when you are all together again in the presence of God! Puc
  16. Now here is something very very interesting.. About the forth paragraph down in my post here http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=87387&highlight=movie my young daughter describes her love for riding in almost those exact words!!! VERY WELL PUT PETE!! I loved her description wayyyy back then and I love your description now!! DITTO!!!!!!!!!! I am all over that Drone - sounds like I am a Drone clone!! Actually,, here in Michigan the "Antique" status is more lenient,,, been running Historic Plates for a long time and love it!!
  17. Sooo,, getting back to the Polaris Indian thoughts.. While goofing around trying to figure out where the heck the Salmon are,, Tip and I got distracted and stopped at our local Victory shop (looking at bikes is more fun anyway).. I asked if they (the Victory shop) was going to eventually handle the new Indians.. The owner of the shop explained that Polaris is being extremely cautious with the Indian Franchises.. While he handles Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki and Victory,,, all mingled in together,, Polaris will not allow the new Indian to share floor space.. He said that they inquired (and wanted em) about the Indian line but were told that in order to fulfill the requirements, they would have to alter their current building with a separated show room, the Indian showroom requiring a minimum of square footage and (not uncommon) an entrance door of its own.. He also said that Michigan was slated for a max of 4 dealerships. That last comment kinda caught me off guard,, I asked if being a Polaris Victory dealership afforded them access to Indian parts or tech support if his dealership happen to have a customer in a crunch.. He said no,, they literally cant touch em and can not purchase or sell parts for them,, they are relegated SOLEY to an authorized Indian Dealership.. He also said that violating that agreement with Polaris could cost them their Vic franchise.. IMHO, while a little disconcerting,, this is an interesting marketing strategy to say the least.. Harleys move to put a dealership in every town to support their products has certainly worked well and they have succeeded in selling a LOT of bikes.. I can see Polaris's perspective of wanting to keep the Indian marquee something "special" (it is special) and wanting to give the buying public the "feeling" that if you ride an Indian - you are wayyy above run of the mill joe bike rider.. I can also see them wanting to protect and glorify their creation - IT IS BEAUTIFUL!! On the other hand, being a cross country touring person with a few miles under my belt has taught me some things.. First and foremost,, I dont care whether its a Harley, Honda, BMW, Yamaha, Kaw, Suzuki or Indian,,,, if its a motorcycle and its headed to parts unknown - sooner or later its gonna break AND they always break at the most inopportune times... That being said, IMHO,, I am not sure that the marketing strategy of planned extreme minimal dealership opportunitys is conducive to the motorcycle touring industry.... If it were as simple as a growth curve - needing time to establish dealerships - that would be different... But,,, it appears that is not the case...
  19. Caught what ever it is that is keeping Dan awake,, Sandman should retire!! PRAYERS UP - BLESSINGS DOWN!!
  20. :bawling:I WANT TO SEE RAT RODS AND HANG OUT WITH ERIK BUELL!!! WOW V n D,, THAT looks like quite a show!! :bawling:I really want to meet Erik Buell,,, THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOO COOL!!! Guess we are square now on me costing to you that 18 bucks earlier,,,,, paid with my misery:stickinouttounge: About the pics,, go back to your original post here, click edit, click "advanced" under the copy (going from memory here), click on "manage attachments", click first box on "browse", find the pic you want from your pics library, click on it and you will automatically go back to the "browse" box selection, click on next "browse" box for next pic.. when you have all the pics listed in the browse boxes, click on "upload".. As the pics finish uploading you will notice the pics names appear below the browse boxes in blue color text.. Now look at the top right corner of the box where the browse buttons are - click on (close window).. You will now be back at the edit of your post and the blue text names of the pics should appear.. click "save" found under the text pic names... You could also just start a new post (like I am doing right now), scroll down just under the smiley icons, click on the "manage attachments" icon, then do the browse clicking as mentioned earlier.. All the problems I have EVER had with posting pics here have been due to trying to upload to big of pics.. Size to 480x640 (think thats right) and they work great!! For vids,, I post em on Youtube then copy/paste from the URL of the working vid on youtube into this area that I am writing in right now.. Fairly easy to do... Does that make sense? Hope this helps cause I am DIEING to see some pics and vids:fingers-crossed-emo
  22. OH MAN SARGE,, now THAT is heavy,,, hmmmmm,,, any domestics fly into Nellis? That would be soooooooooooo much fun!! :backinmyday::cool10:
  23. Bull,,,, laying on the beach,, soaking up the sun with your best friend,,, brother - THAT sounds like a PERFECT vacation,, and THAT is no bull!!! Hope you folks have a BLAST down there!! Puc
  24. Hmmmm,,, Dixie,,, under the circumstances I gladly transfer all claims of responsibility over to Condor for causing you to waste your money... On the other hand,,, some great reading in this thread and I LOVE that buckle!! As innocent as a 3 day old baby and as pure as the driven snow!!! Puc
  25. Actually Kat,, oil accumulation around the plugs and stuff is usually caused from valve/tappet cover gaskets,,, a blown head gasket usually shows its evil face via white smoke that smells of hot anti-freeze out the pipe or anti-freeze in crankcase oil or oil mixed in the anti-freeze in the Rad... Those kids didnt run it out of oil and collapse some lifters did they?? It is VERY conceivable that those really are the original plugs!! These "modern" day high energy ignitions will arc across some amazing resistance (gap) but when they do - they lose all manner of effeciency, especially on an engine that is tired... Betcha that puppy will feel alot better with some new plugs.. Tell Mike I said, shooting the messenger aint gonna fix the car,, trust me I know:stirthepot:
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