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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Exactly,, thank you for that correction PB!! So, um, who needs more than one motorcycle at a time, anyway? = Lots of people need more than one bike PB for a variety of reasons,,, I personally have noticed Tweeks feels better when other bikes are around her - especially over the long winter.. I know one thing,, I wouldnt wanna be locked in my basement for months on end with no one to talk to.. Guns are the same way,,, I knew a guy a number of years ago that bought a new 30-06,,, it was his first gun.. He proudly showed it to me,, I pointed out that it looked sad.. He was like,, huh:confused24:.. I told em I thought it was lonely and we went back to the gun shop and he bought the 870 Remington 12 gauge that had been sitting next to the -06.. That 30-06 chippered right up... You ever heard the term "bike family"? Older bikers like myself remember the real meaning for that term.. Most folks today think "bike family" implies a family of human beings who own bikes - most often used when a man and his wife both own their own bikes... Well,, the REAL and ORIGINAL meaning of that term was, and to some of us still does mean,, a "family of bikes" (ANYTHING WITH TWO WHEELS AND A MOTOR) that is owned by 1 human being..
  2. I know PB,,, I KNOW I am the worst of the worst when it comes to gramhers- centance structure - punksituations and have NO business correcting any of my buds here BUT,,, this one really needs to be corrected... Your first sentence has two extra words in it,, it should read,, WELL IF YOU DO IT THE 1ST GENNERS WILL INTIMIDATE YOU.. Just trying to keep the Watering Hole honest... Lenny,, I gotta hunch ya came to the wrong spot to have one of us try to talk ya out of it,, THAT is one gorgeous bike for the money!! Best wishes in your decision making,,, personally,,,, I can clearly see the need for all of us to have 1 of each,,, an RSTD for a play bike,, and RSV for another play bike and finally,, a 1st Gen for yet another play bike,, only faster...
  3. Thanks for the well wishes Kic!! I dont think that slime sets up fast enough Kic,, tried it once on a cut finger and it did nothing but turn into a mixture of green and red swirls... Believe it or not,, Tip and I were giggling and talking about some home remedies while sitting at the doctors office today... I told her that I thought Seal All (great stuff - have used it a lot) might be the ticket as the acetone they use in it to keep it fluid drys really quickly,,, bet it would burn like fire until it dried though!!
  4. Good question Gary,, they have me drinking a fair amount of water right now,,, I have no doubt that part of that has to do with the refill end of this thing... The ENT found what appears to be a water filled sack in my sinus cavity that is holding some of the fluid in,, not sure if that is reusable or not.. He was very very careful not to bump it while showing an Intern what it looked like today.. As far as where the dipstick is,, I left him out in California this last summer and havent heard from him in a while!! Last I saw him he was eating an ice cream cone and planning some of next summers riding out there.... Maybe he will read this, jump in and say hi!!
  5. I wanna rig up a camera on an extendable arm with a remote trigger on it so I can stick it out away from the bike and take pics of Tip and I as we are cruising thru the mountains.. I tried it once out west with some duc tape and stick but found out that the arm has to be easily retractable or it bothers cagers passing by in the other lane... I also have to work on a remote trigger as the 10 second timer on my Nikon doesnt really give ya a lot of time to get the camera out to take a picture...
  6. Hey Natty,, funny you should mention that blender,, Tip and I got that as a wedding gift 34 years ago!! If you have one like it ya best hang onto it - it HAS to be worth a fortune on the antique road show!!!! THEY DONT MAKE EM LIKE THAT ANYMORE - TOUGH AS NAILS!!!
  7. Will do on the egg floating routine Eck,,, the old gas stove smoker is longggg gone - turned city slicker when we moved here and picked up a regular little smoker.. That aint rust your seeing on the knife Eckster,,, its a flavor adding concoction made of deer fat, salmon skin and bones, sassy frass limb juice from cutting hot dog sticks, burned on marshmellows from using the knife as a somemore tool.... I broke the handle off it trying to teach my son how to throw knives up in the deer woods one time, have cut my finger a number of times with it as a result so there may even be some human blood mixed into that concoction... Hmmmmm,,, looking back at those pictures,, I see what cha mean,,, that does look rusty,,, guess I better go kill a deer and add some more deer tallow to that concoction to keep er from getting any worse.. Thank ya for pointing that out,, hate to see any of our thanksgiving guests get sick from eating something cut with a rusty knife!!!
  8. Tom,, please pat your Dog on the head, give em a hug and tell him ol Puc was rootin for em!! Glad to hear you folks are ok,, THAT was a nasty one!!! May sound crazy but I ran a hose from the water heater drain in our house one time to the outside,, used hot water to wash the snow/ice away in a simular situation as your dealing with.. Opened those drains right up!!!! Not only that but it made for all kinds of fun conversations with my neighbors for years afterwards!! Best wishes with it all! Puc
  9. Thanks Spike,, our deck was just starting to miss being white:stickinouttounge: Daughter comes home from work a while ago,, comes stormin inside - out of breath she says - "care if I pull my car inside the garage Dad"? When she came back inside after pulling the car in, I asked what all the hub bub was... She says "its snowing so hard out you cant see the road and its blowing horizonally so hard that it sounds like my doors are gonna blow off"... I laughed and said, that cant be - FlyingFool wont be back from the deer woods for a week.. Checked it out and shore nuff,,,,, seems I had forgotten that da Fool aint the only member here from White Wash Consin with the capacity to wreak havock... Me and my big mouth:scared: Note to self,, next time listen to MarCarl
  10. Kev,, I will take this one if I have anything to say about it = "happy they found it.... excited to be able to follow you through this adVenture." , as that, besides maybe warning someone else about this stuff, is the main reason I am posting it up!! and you can count on this = What I will do is smile thinking of the guy I met in The Dalles and think of you and Tippy often and hope to see you ad another chapter to this thread frequently. I hope the HEALING starts soon.
  11. Thanks for the thoughts and the feed back on my posts Oldgoat!! Never did hear that before about Olivia,,, learn something new everyday!! Now I gotta dig out her original Military maintenance manual and see if it says anything in there about it.. If it does I will snap a pic and post it up for kicks!! Brother,, you give that Great Uncle a hug for me and tell him I said THANK YOU for his service to the country (if he is a Vet) and that he is welcome to come by and lay hands on that Olivia ANYTIME whether he is a Vet or not!!
  12. Ya got that right "Son"-shine!! Nothing but a small pit stop in that outstanding ride across your beautiful country and up into ALASKA - yeeeeeeeeehawwwwww!! YE BE WARNED!! Dad
  13. PERFECT!! :clap2: Right back at you Eck and alll my family here!! Puc
  14. This is pretty crazy stuff... After all kinds of blood tests,, CT Scans, MRI's, Brain Exams, nose probes, swallowing massive amounts of anti-biotics and shooting steroids into my nostrils I am now on my way to the University Of Michigan... Apparently, the U of M is the closest brain fluid repair/replace joint to us here in West Michigan.. Everything we are being told sounds pretty promising,, its some rare stuff but not totally brand new.. Other than a little tiny sign that read "GONE BIKING - MAY NEVER RETURN", the MRI showed my brain pretty normal.. However,, it does appear that there is a suspicious spot in the lining that holds the fluid in around the brain - a tear if you will... As always,, thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated - THANKS TO ALL!! I wanna share some insight into the symptoms of this path,, certainly NOT to scare anyone or to sound morbid, but strictly to inform!! For a while now I have been smelling weird smells (wires burning, hot fiberglass) noticed a feeling of confusion and just feeling down - not my normal sunshiny self.. Also sensitive to sounds, unusually irritable.. Headaches when standing up or moving my head around. Here is a kicker that I never really thought about.. I also noticed on a number of occasions that I could be standing around talking to someone and my nose would just start dripping,, not the normal mucussy stuff,, more like clear water... It would stop just as quickly as it started.. The ENT nailed this "tear" by me answering yes when he asked if my runny nose ever tasted real salty - it did.. A brain MRI confirmed it all.. Apparently, the fluid that your brain rides in and spinal fluid tastes very salty,, go figure.. A tear in this lining can come from many sources, from whip lash to a bonk on the nose and can go undiagnosed for years, until symptoms start showing up.. Fun eay,, NOT!! On another note,, THANK GOD we have the medical society that we have here in our country - I take this moment to thank ANY of you involved in the medical field in any form - THANK YOU!! Inspite of all the turmoil and changes we have faced thru the years, some out of greed, power struggles and all the nay sayers I still contend that our country is second to none in its compassion and care.. It's a blessing being an American and I am proud to be one!! As I walked into the bathroom after meeting with the surgeon I noticed a small, simple note hanging on the restroom wall.. It read "TAKE WHAT EVER YOU ARE IN NEED OF",, below the note were tear off tabs with little words written on em,,, they read "strength" - "healing" - "peace" - "forgiveness" - "a hug" - "joy".. As I removed the "healing" tab I was reminded again how wonderful it is to live in a place on this great planet where, just like family here on VR, people still really do care... Puc
  15. Lets all send Annie a snowman!! Here ya go young lady!! ENJOY!!
  16. Following right along with ya Carl!! Another thing I learned thru the years, having to do with what you are talking about, is what I do with Salmon.. After brining, rinse it off with cool water, dab it dry with a towel (being careful not to use one of my garage towels that is covered with brake fluid or fork oil - although WD40 aint that bad), let the fish set at room temp until it forms a actual glazed cover over the meat (someone once told me what that covering is called but I could never pronounce it).. Smoke at 160 till the inner meat just reaches 160 degrees,, OUTSTANDING STUFF!! Do the same with poultry - I found out the hard way that I was ALWAYS over cooking stuff.. NOT NO MORE - now even turkey is still wet inside!! PS - Tippy LOVES the smell of yours truly after sitting around a camp fire, cookin hot dogs and yappin with friends... She is a true,, outdoors kinda girl,, with a slight twist of leaning toward the craziness of chasing the front wheel and living off the land... My kinda lady!!!
  17. I knew it,, I just KNEW it!! That Lenny,, he is my kinda guy!! Bottom line,, no matter where ya go - having fun and seeing beauty is a choice.. Each person has to CHOOSE for themselves whether they are gonna make the situation worse by falling prey to negativism or make it better by looking for and finding those golden nuggets!! Couple years ago,, Tip and I are standing outside a joint in Stove Pipe Death Valley.. People running inside screaming -- its to hot,, its to hot.. I looked at Tippy,, smiled and yelled - at least it aint snowing :cool10: as I calmly walked over and started talking to a young man dressed in Military clothes who had just gotten home from Afganistan where, in his words,,, "death valley heat was like a warm summer breeze compared to where he had just came from".. WELL PUT LENNY!! Personally,, I cant WAIT to go back to Vegas!! Now I gotta a "Son" out there that I am gonna go see,, me and Tip are gonna rock-a-bye his new baby girl, play ball with his boys, meet his wife, find some aliens on Nellis (you all KNOW they really do have some out there dont cha?) and go riding with Tech Sargent Coffey!! Probably all go out for Ice Cream afterwards too!!!
  18. Why is that so Boomer? That is the kinda talk I have always heard.. Is there something wrong with the meat in those boars? Why cant ya just go nail one,, I mean "harvest" one, or two or 20 and have a great big perpetual pig roast?? Open a side of the road cafe,, like some of you suthena's do with boiled peanuts (yuck,, this ol carnivore didnt much care for that stuff) and turn them little squealers into CASH!! Use the $$'s ya make to buy a new bike - when life gives ya lemons (or pigs) make lemonaid so to speak.. I get feeling better I will come down there and show ya'll how its done!! Shoot them suckers,, I mean "harvest" those hogs when they are even just little piggies if that what it takes,,, 20 little piggies when they are still good eatin is better than lettin em destroy stuff.... Sorry,, fingers got away from me... Anyway,,, so when ya nail,, harvest, a sow do ya hafta hang em upside down and drain em right away like I have heard they do with normal Pigs?? Or can ya just pop it, pull out the inner workings, take it home in the garage, skin it, slice it up and go to grinding for sausage?? Also,, I have heard that the best time to hunt them is at night? Can you go out on state land down there, shimmy up a tree (like we do here for deer), take a night vision scope (cant hunt deer here after hours but have done a LOT of racoon nite hunting) and a rifle and hunt em?? Man that sounds like a LOT of fun!!!
  19. Way cool on the kids there Yammer - tell em both CONGRATS for me will ya!! I was a very avid deer hunter here in Michigan all my life,, my kids were raised on venison.. "Harvested" (Politically Correct verb for the day boys and girls) many with both bow and gun.. Always processed our own too,, shoulda seen Tippy carve up a hind quarter,,, good enough with a blade that it'd scare ya.. Boomer,, you just answered a major question that I have always wondered about.. All the talk thru the years of "Hogs Gone Wild" down there,, being a hunter a heart - I ALWAYS wondered if there was something "different" about them that made em not good eatin.. I ALWAYS told Tip,, if we lived down there I WOULD find a way to "Harvest" those suckers and keep the freezer full of HAM, BACON, BBQ'd RIBS AND HOG ROAST!! My little smoker would be running 24/7 PACKED with ribs...
  20. WOW,, THAT WAS AWESOME!!! You could tell,, seeing his old car was like seeing a long lost close friend,, it about knocked the wind out of him... Family love is sooo cool!! GOOD ONE RANDY!!!!
  21. Kinda had me going there for a second Bum,, I thought ya had lost it or something... I thought to myself,, "that Saddlebum,, he's kinda different,, how could anyone not know the difference between a human bean and big ol turkey?".. Yea,, ok,,, kids use to tease me back in my school days and, among other things, would mistake me for a turkey but, what the heck,, that was back before I grew my beard and started wearing a Harley hat... Then it dawned on me Bum,,,, ok,, maybe not all turkeys I have seen have had beards but indeed, most of them were wearing Harley hats,,, TAKES ONE TA KNOW ONE YA LOP EARED, TROUBLE MAKIN VARMINT!!!
  22. That sounds insane to me too BJ,,, especially in the environment that a tractor runs in.... Hmmm,, aint no farmer but it seems like 100 hours would even be high...
  23. I dont cook much and never have been much of one either.. I do like to torture stuff with my smoker occasionally though.. Salmon, Venison, Turkey, Chicken, Pork or anything that happens to be laying unmarked in the bottom of the freezer are all prime candidates for my little smoker.. The more of an adventure the better!! Many years ago an old geezer stopped by at my shop to pick up a 69 Honda CT-90 I had sold him.. I had an old gas stove that I had converted to a smoker sitting there puffing away on the slab out back ,, stuffed with salmon as I recall.. As Rich, one of the guys who worked for me, was helping him load the bike up I could hear them yakking about the smoker.. I walked out back and the old man asked if I had brined the fish properly.. I gave him the look I always offer up when I have no clue of what someone is talking about.. Told em I never did brine nuttin.. He explained to me his method of properly brining meats in preparation for smoking... He taught me to "float" an egg in what ever juice I was using as brine.. The trick being to get just enough salt mixed into the juice to get the egg to suspend lightly - "you dont want er floating like a bobber" he said,,, "ya want it suspended so it hangs like the worm that is attached to the bobber".. Never forgot it!! He also got me started using Apple Juice for brine!! Over time I have experimented with a variety of juices to add flavor to what ever is going into the smoker.. Tippy and I came across a really good deal on some Pomegrantates at the store earlier today.. They also had some last minute deals on bags of Citrines (really sweet little Oranges).. Tip has been trying to talk me into smoking up a turkey for Thanksgiving,, the :lightbulb:came on as we walked past the deal on the Pomegrantates and Citrines.. Other than hearing that Pomegrantates were suppose to be juicy and sweet I have never met one.. After getting them home I think I discovered why these critters were only 10 cents each,,, they are not the friendliest fruit on the planet - THEY ARE GOOD THOUGH!! The mix coming out of the blender between the them and the Citrines sure taste like something that is gonna make for some yummy good smoked turkey!! It has to brine now for a couple days,, than into the smoker (will snap some shots of that too) for a day,,,, hopefully it turns out ok so we dont get stuck eating Peanut Butter sandwiches.... Hmmmm,, now there's something I havent tried to smoke yet!! Happy Early Thanksgiving Ya'll!! Puc
  24. YAOWWZZAAAHHH,,, makes me cringe in pain just readin this MM!!!! THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS UP FOR YOU!!
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