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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Well I am sure not gonna mind, hmm,, lets see here,, how @Flyinfool, how bout you Fool, you gonna mind if Cha just shows up? Or how bout any of you other pranksters, do you mind if Cha just shows up? Someone pass me a hot dog, this has the potential to take while..
  2. You are welcome Reiny, glad you enjoyed it!! I heard something that may interest you, because of the influx of Northerners hitting the sands down in Maheeeco', there is a shortage of Salt and Lemons - might wanna grab some of those mainstays before ya cross das border.. Also, I think I read somewhere that Jonas or someone may bring some fermented Shark meat to that Freebird MD thing in May.. If you think of it and dont mind, maybe save those Tequila worms for pre fermented shark Ordevors.. Just stack em in your luggage - as pickled as they are they should last just fine..
  3. I haven't even had a chance to see one of the new F6B's in operation yet and I see Honda now has an F6"C" out, dubbed the new Valk.. Anyone had a chance to play with one or even seen one yet? Thought I should put the following note in here directly aimed at anyone from Yamaha who might read this - Boy those Honda Motor Company people sure know how to take care of their followers.. https://www.google.com/search?q=2015+Honda+valkyrie&sa=X&biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&imgil=wCu_j5ciMDbZsM%253A%253BenTjvHdr1nc51M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.ridermagazine.com%25252Ftop-stories%25252F2014-honda-valkyrie-rider-test.htm%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=wCu_j5ciMDbZsM%253A%252CenTjvHdr1nc51M%252C_&usg=__2Vc8gUkvXhty2VAlN8S6vNMcXoU%3D&ved=0CDIQyjc&ei=5QrlVIaAFsXHsQT73ICwCA#imgdii=_&imgrc=SoTZmOcM5naTZM%253A%3BGLCiIdrSlvv3uM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.totalmotorcycle.com%252Fmotorcycles%252F2015%252F2015-Honda-Gold-Wing-Valkyrie2.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.totalmotorcycle.com%252Fmotorcycles%252F2015%252F2015-Honda-Gold-Wing-F6C-Valkyrie.htm%3B2015%3B1509
  4. Now I am not one to but, I was just downstairs - plugged in my little fan, turned it on high and noticed the output air movement (blowing) seemed to be directly related to the input air (sucking). I tested this theory by slipping a piece of cardboard over the back of the fan (stopping the sucking) and noticed right away that when I did so, the output air movement (blowing) also instantly stopped.. Fool, if you got a second, please go out and try this with the White Wash Machine. The White Wash is hitting pretty good here right now, I will go outside - stand in the driveway and stare in a westerly direction and let you know if my theory holds water,, frozen water...
  5. I haven't attended a genuine "Maintenance Day" yet but, a couple years ago Tip and I went for a ride down to a place called "Vogel", I think that was in the Georgia Mountains. Bumped into a bunch of VR members at the Tail of the Dragon and followed em to go find out what a Vogel was. We camped there and the next day I was crossing the parking lot, there were about 6 guys standing around someones complete MK2 talking, I walked over to the covered shin dig place (about 2 minutes away), got a cup of coffee and walked back down to the group gathered around the bike. They had dismantled the fairing and were working on the speedo or something. Jumped on Tweeks, rode over to pick up Tip, came back no more than 1/2 hour later and one of the 6 was riding the finished product around the lot.. Definitely amazing what a group can do once they set their collective mind to a task..
  6. Oh man,, EXCELLENT point Fool - EXCELLENT POINT!! Seems how nails didnt work, Your 2015 deer hunting trip should find you with a buzz box to plug into your generator - make a couple passes on those door hinges up there to make sure our Northern Neighbors keep the door closed!!
  7. KEEP IT UP FOOL, IT WONT BE LONG AND WE WILL HAVE THE WHOLE FROZEN NORTH COUNTRY TO OURSELVES!! Have fun down their Reiny and haul back some warm air IF/when ya return will ya? PS, this little vid says it all,, it even has a quick picture of Reiny while in Mexico at 1.44 in the vid!!
  8. What da heck,, barely a bump in the road,, why I bet Yammer Dan and Skid on their 2nd Gens could do that trip in less than 4 hours!!
  9. [h=2][/h] Originally Posted by Rick Haywood Doesn't Ohio bike week start the same weekend in Sandusky? Sounds like an extended trip may be in order. Thats a good question Rick, if it does I wonder how far from Don's Sandusky is. Definitely have to check that out!! Sure nuff,, Ohio Bike Week starts on the 29th at the Harley Shop in Sandusky.... Tweeks and I gotta ride right pass that place, probably oughta leave a day or so early cause when that beat up old Yam smells HD exhaust in the air she tends to get side tracked.. I wonder if any of the other 300 plus VR members that will be showing up for Dons MD will be stopping in there on the way thru? THANK YOU for pointing that out Sir Haywood!!
  10. Thats a good question Rick, if it does I wonder how far from Don's Sandusky is. Definitely have to check that out!!
  11. WOW is that purdy!! I LOVE the classic look and feel of the older bikes too Eagle, CONGRATS!! Are those carbs I see hanging on them intake manifolds or are they throttle bodies made to look that way?
  12. I suffer from equal opportunity , I could care less which of our countries you live in Kev,, THAT was just plain I thought I heard not to long ago that BC got pounded? I had written a thread asking about Kitmat (or whatever its called) and it seems like shortly after that someone out there mentioned the coast had gotten nailed. That picture of yours looks more like southern Florida or something Kev..
  13. Lefty, you and the CptN' werent touring out near Crater Lake last summer were you? I have pics somewhere of a biker bird sitting on Tips arm from that one, be pretty cool if that happened to have been CaptN Ike.. Never hurts to ask! Heyyy,, just thought of something,, are you two coming to Don's MD this year? Just wondering cause if you do, I would LOVE to let him sit on my shoulder as I walk around Don's "Campground"!! Got a couple hotshots that I hear might show up that I would LOVE to give the bird to:big-grin-emoticon: (probably heard that a few times while hanging out with the Captain) Seriously Lefty, he is gorgeous!
  14. Plus the fact that open carry makes you a walking gun cabinet. How easy would it be for a kid to thump a person, like the lady in the pic, over the head with a can of beans and bingo - instant robbery weapon. Not only that, but I have heard of folks getting robbed for a couple bucks, if the bad guys see a person with 900 bucks (or more) worth of handgun and 300 dollars worth of ammo (I know, I am stretching that but it sure seems that way these days) hanging on their side it seems like that would be a major attractant for theft in itself. Years ago we rode around with an easy rider rifle rack (my oh my, been a long time..) in our pickup windows with our rifles hanging in plain site - what a beautiful thing! That came to an abrupt end as more and more people got killed and robbed or truck windows got broken and guns removed. Same with those gorgeous gun cabinets filled with thousands of dollars of guns and ammo.. Remember those days? Everybody and their brother had gorgeous glass windowed display cases - days gone by because, just like the comment about open carry making the women a target, it made the home owner a HUGE target from a variety of bad people.
  15. Yea,, thats to bad Don.. If I were back at it full time and a Vender/Member, I would actually contact you and want my ads here to be Member Only - Period.. Remembering the days of dealing with the jokers and scammers on Craigs and even Ebay,,,,, I would actually have enjoyed having one place of refuge to do business in where I was pretty much assured (I know - stuff still happens) that I was dealing with good folks.. Kinda use my buy/sell here as therapy Then just run my usual ads on the open Internet and let the scammers do their thing....
  16. I am willin it to ya Cha,, I am willin it to ya!! You need a vacation!! THANKS DON FOR THE INPUT!! Wish I coulda been there for that BIG ONE!! But,, this one looks like it will be a TON of fun too!!
  17. By the way wrench, those V-45's were known for cam issues.. Might wanna do a compression check on her..
  18. I dealt with a lot of bike yards years ago and, other than Harley, never did bump into a Honda Only place. That V-45 should be fairly easy to find used parts for, they were popular. Would you like some phone numbers of places I dealt with, some may be out of business but I know some of the larger ones are still going strong. Another thing that you can do (depending on how much stuff you need) is go to Adhuntr.com (searches all of Craigs) and see if you can find a parts bike near you. Most of the bike yards I have dealt with charge 1/2 of new plus shipping so it can get pricey if you need a bunch of stuff..
  19. I was just looking at the list of great folks who are signed up for Don's MD and smiling over what appears to be a GREAT time to put faces with names and a thought occurred to me - I wonder what the largest attendance of any VR outing has been? I also wonder what the largest attendance of a Freebird MD has been? Anybody have a clue? I know,, sometimes I wonder to much..
  20. Last year I was standing out front in the hot sunshine, Tweeks up on the lift in front of the Garage, wearing shorts and no shirt - sweat just running off my body... My neighbor stops by, shakes his head, points over a shady spot on the concrete about 10 feet from where I was working. He says "what are you stupid - why on earth aren't you at least working in the shade"? I looked at him and said "Apparently you have forgotten about last winter already!! I am sucking every bit of that hot sunshine up while I have a chance cause I KNOW that bone chilling winter is coming back!!". Bottom line you guys, when summer finally does get here - GET OUT AND ENJOY IT,, STORE IT UP!!!
  21. I think its fine just the way it is Don. Part of me screams,, nooooo,, close our site off to members only, have only a limited amount of the Watering Hole viewable to outsiders so they can get a small sample of who we are and what being part of a great family like VR is and, if they want to give it shot - sign up for a free trial membership so you and the moderators have record of who's coming and going.. BUT,, I am not a Vendor/Member either and I think anything we can do to help Vendor/Members be successful is worthy of some tolerance to the being more open.. I think in the end, your last sentence: "At the very least, you should be aware of the fact that you need to do your due diligence when selling something. Not everybody uses the "buy now" button and if they do, it will be a member here. If somebody contacts you through the "contact seller" link though. You need to be a bit more cautious in dealing with them." Is very solid advice that we should all read very carefully and live by as, IMHO, this addresses the real issue.. Whoever you were that got taken advantage of, I am sorry to hear about the situation. Good lessons aren't always cheap (most do come with some kind of price tag) BUT, if we grow from them (and don't grow bitter) we are usually better people for paying the price and learning!
  22. You are welcome Nanci, my pleasure - I only tell it like it is, YOU DO VERY NICE WORK!!! Hey @Freebird, check this out. I used one of those "@" symbol smoke signal things that you figured out and got for our usage (you da man Boss!!) in telling the story about @Luvdaleather and her leather business. I may be wrong here, but there is a good chance that it was that little "@" thingy that ultimately woke Nanci up from her deep sleep and now it looks like that is gonna lead us into a hunt for a lost @LoneEagle!! Thanks again for watching out for us Don!! Hey Jack, I think we should send out some undercover spies, find out where that Harley riding Bald Eagle is hanging out at. See if there is a Leatherby's near his hangout. If there is, maybe you, Nanci, @EasyRider , @VentureFar, @shuttlebug, myself and any other of you California crazys who want to join us, could go buy a Banana Nut ice cream cone, stand in front of LoneEagles hangout and yell "SEE WHAT CHUR MISSING!! - COME OUT AND PLAY WITH US YA PIRATE!!"
  23. :clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool::thumbsup::big-grin-emoticon: Heck yea,, even the chipmunks out there are man eaters!!!
  24. With the 2014 Venture West Rally having drawn to an end for us on that Friday evening, we hugged and thanked as many people as we could for being so friendly and kind to the likes of us three loafers from Michigan. We headed back to the Loose Moose State Park west of The Dalles to begin the process of preparing for the ride back towards my daughters in Sacramento. When we arrived back at the Moose, the person camping beside us came over and introduced himself. Come to find out, he was the State Park Host and he wanted all of us to know how much he appreciated our friendliness and attention to being respectful to folks in the area. He was a very nice person named "Bob" who, after Tip, Tweeks and I had left, brought an official Oregon State Park sticker over to feed Tweeks insatiable appetite for stickers. Coff had this gentleman sign the sticker and than he mailed it to our home so Tweeks could get her just reward. @CMCOFFEY sent Tweeks a sticker from Nellis Air Base with the Oregon sticker because she had crossed Nellis and had no sticker saying so, that Coff was really out to spoil the old girl completely!! We worked together checking air pressures, tire conditions and over all maintenance on the bikes while we hung out for our last evening together. Coff noticed that his bike, Exodus, had shed a screw in his front fender during our trip to Mount St Helens. We could not find a replacement screw so, the three of us (Coff, BIkerJohn and myself), being all that we could be, decided to use one of my handy tie wraps to reattach Exoduses front fender trim. After doing so, I went and got my permanent marker and signed the Tie Wrap, thus beginning Exodus's life long journey into Tweeks crazy world of stickerdom. Even though I did hear Coff telling people that, because the tie wrap had come from Tip and I, that it would be permanent, I didn't really understand how deeply he meant that until we had gotten home and received Tweeks Nellis and Oregon stickers from Coff. Along with that was a note explaining that Coff was in the process of making stickers for Exodus and for Tweeks and he wanted to know if I would like for him to ship the other sticker when he had finished making them. I wrote him back and asked him to hang onto the stickers he had made for Tweeks hoping that doing this would give her a good incentive to find yet another trip out to Area 51 to visit CMCoffey and his family. Coff thought THAT was a GREAT idea - CMCoffey catches on really quick!! @shuttlebug (Mr. and Mrs), BikerJohn, CMCoffey, Tip and I finished up the evening by saying our goodbyes as we knew that the next morning was going to come quickly. Each one of us who had shared in that adventure known as the 2014 Venture West Rally in the little town of The Dalles Oregon, had came to the this place and time having never met and were now leaving as great friends! In the world of CTFWing, it doesn't get any better than that!
  25. One of the great things that I have come to appreciate about belonging to an organization such as VentureRider.org is the unending wealth of knowledge that the combined years of all the members associated with VR represent. I am not new to spinning a wrench and have gotten my hands dirty a few times in the process of CTFWing. Lets face it, it does not matter what motorcycle you ride (or car you drive), sooner of later something is going to break. Bikes don't really care how much you pay for them or even what name hangs on their placard - stuff breaks. I learned a long time ago that if you want to learn about something, no matter what it is, just surround yourself with like minded people - preferably those who have also been riding similar bikes as the one you have chosen to ride - start a conversation about any given issue, input things that you know and than listen carefully as the other people share how they might accomplish the same task. I have used the process of doing this to define "wisdom" to my children - basically that is the ability to actually learn something from someone else's mistakes or life's experiences. I have personally found that when I do this it can really shorten the learning process and, ultimately, enrichen a persons short existence here on this beautiful planet we share . I had many opportunities and conversations with folks at the Venture West Rally who openly swapped mechanical and electrical detail of our Ventures with me. There was an abundance of real Yamaha geniuses at the rally. We had a great time and it was an honor rubbing shoulders with these folks. I happened upon one of these interludes and seized the moment at catching some of this sharing going on between a very learned VR member named @GeorgeS and @Rainbow Rider while standing in the parking lot after the rally. It was a tremendous opportunity for me to record some this vast knowledge sharing between these two gentlemen. I will also add, that after GeorgeS found out that Tweeks had broken her speedo back in Dennison Texas, he went back to his home in Washington and located a new speedometer for Tweeks and mailed it to her! What an amazing group of people - THANK YOU GEORGES FOR CARING!
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