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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Now THAT is beautiful!! Have never taken either of the Ferry crossings but from what I have heard, those prices are considerably cheaper than the big Catamoraan thing they run out of here..
  2. @dueyk1111 ,Thanks for the on the ride along Duey, its a pleasure to have you with us!! OH MY GOSH - about the California trip your talking about - DO IT IF AT ALL POSSIBLE! Gonna let ya in on one of California Coastlines BEST KEPT SECRETS that we happened upon. Ride the Coastal Highway (highway 1) going North out of Bodega Bay, follow that unbelievable "1" roadway North past Fort Ross State Park until you come to a small town called Stewarts Point, about all that is at Stewards point (besides endless beauty) is a small store on the ocean side of Highway 1, across from this store is where Skaggs Springs Rd. meets highway 1, turn east (turn right if you were heading north on 1) on Skaggs Springs Rd!! You will NOT believe this road!! It is almost a one lane paved road with some of the most gorgeous scenery known to man!! That road is some of the most beautiful riding Tip and I have ever found!! It is a hair pin laden paved pathway thru Redwoods and scenic lake overlooks. Its beautiful all the way out to Geyserville but the best part ends at Lake Sonoma.. By the way, if you happen to want to camp on the coast, be warned that the folks in Bodega Bay dont really like people tent camping in their bushes , instead of that - if you make it up to Stewards Point Store and look at their parking lot, there is plenty of room on the sides of the lot to camp and they dont mind (they didnt when we were there) if ya spend a night camping there.. It is normally not busy at all when you get that far north on 1 - just LOTS of peaceful, sea breeze filled endless beauty By the way, the wet morning fogs burn off around 11 a.m and, no matter what it feels like, it is NEVER followed by ,, I am and want to go too!! Puc
  3. Roger dodger on that avoiding the Windy City and the 4 lane ick-spressways as much as possible good buddy!! If you had time and wanted some gorgeous riding, the 2 lane along the Lake Michigan Shoreline from Ludington down to our home is some really nice biking!! It would take a little longer to get down here is all, maybe an extra 1/2 hour or 45 minutes - depending on how easily distracted you are Eagle. There is also the old highway (old US 31) that is 2 lane and a pretty nice ride too. It comes down from Ludington and goes thru the small towns of Hart, Shelby, New Era, Rothbury and basically ends in Montague which is about 20 minutes from our home. There is a really good possibility that I could hook up with you and ride in with you too!! If you go to the members map and look at Muskegon Mi, you will see my balloon there, put the map on "satellite" and zoom in, the pointer on the balloon points right at my back yard, VERY easy to find!! If you end up deciding to head straight east out of Ludington (very pretty ride!!) to go across Michigan, you are right - that is some neat 2 lane. That area is loaded with state/federal lands with plenty of free camping - I deer hunted lots of it and know of nice pull off camp spots. Be happy to direct you to some if needed. Any thing I can do to help just let me know. @eagleeye , are you tent camping or pulling a trailer or both?
  4. :rotfl::happy65: Skid tinks he might bee graderating afir YamaaDann:crackup:
  5. @Chaplain Dusty, I was reading your thread about dealing with possible altitude carb adjustments on your 83. Last year I had some issue's with Tweeks (my 83) that sounded very similar to some of the questions/problems you were asking about. If you follow the thread that I am linking here, you will see where the trail landed me. After fine tuning Tweeks carbs to her liking, her starting issues were solved - she got her fuel economy back (she went from 32 mpg to over 40) and her plugs went back to looking GREAT! Anyway, I hope this helps somehow!! Puc http://www.venturerider.org/forum/watering-hole/86325-carb-metering-rod-question.html
  6. IMHO, lots of GREAT advice happening here Chap! What your describing sounds familiar to a situation I was having with Tweeks last spring. After testing and diagnosing, I finally came to the conclusion that her low fuel economy and hard starting was being caused by a very tired motor not being able to handle the fuel she was getting.. I am an old 2 stroke Motocross guy and have done TONS of two stroke tuning (plug chops, plug chops and MORE plug chops) and have done my share of fattening em up and leaning em down via the slide needle that controls fuel flow within the main jet after having proper jetting.. Anyway, what I was seeing on Tweeks plugs and feeling in her performance reminded a LOT of those days. I went looking for a way to fine tune the needles in her slides (basically doing to a CV carb what we are not suppose to do). What I discovered on Tweeks was that, due to wear and tear, I needed to lean her down considerably on the needles.. I figured I would give it shot.. Of course, those CV carbs have "fixed" needles in their slides. If you pull the diaphram and slides (check em real close for pin holes and tears), take the slides apart, drop the needles and you will see a small,,, hey,, wait a minute here, I think I posted this on here already,, let me see if I can find that old post..
  7. Indeed, that thing was something!! Hey, any idea what motor that was? I never was a real deal muscle car guy like some of the folks around here,, I just know when I saw the thing setting in that parking lot I was drawn to it like a moth to the flame..
  8. Whether its working at your job or CTFWing all over the country, there is nothing quite as relaxing as having your family waiting for you at the end of a long day. After dinner, my two daughters cuddled in by their own father. With my oldest - Awawhoo, on my left and my second born - Cappie on my right, one of those precious daughters of mine pushed play on the remote control and the three of us sat down and enjoyed a before bedtime movie together - the way it has been and the way it always should be!
  9. We left dad's campsite with plenty of time to pick up dinner for our kids who live south of Sacramento. We stopped in the town of Galt to pick up some Fried Chicken (if I am buying dinner, I am buying my favorite). When we pulled into the Fried Chicken place, the shiny chrome of a big block Hot Rod caught my eye and, once again, I felt my body being dragged by my feet toward the gorgeous unfinished vehicle. I stepped inside the shop where the vintage Pontiac had come to rest and asked if they would mind if I took some pictures. After receiving permission to do so, I made friends with this gorgeous muscle car, it sure brought back memories of days long gone by!
  10. Right after we left our two new Hobo friends in Anderson, Tips sister called our little Trac Phone and left a message for us. We were told that Tips Father was in an RV Park in a place called Nicolaus California which was suppose to be located somewhere near Sacramento. We stopped at a McDonalds, bought a couple burgers, dumped a salad over each of them and started digging around on Mapquest to see if we could find the little town Tips Dad was suppose to be near. The crosswinds of CTFWing that were pushing us toward a pow wow with Tips dad found us southbound out of a city called Marysville. Having never ridden in this section of the big state of California, Tweeks, Tips and I had no idea of what we would find - PERFECT!! As it turned out, the area had miles and miles of grape farms (reminded me a little of Napa Valley). Also some strange looking orchard trees and bushes that looked like some kind of nut farming arrangement. Nicolaus turned out to be a very small town that consisted of a bar and a small store. A lady was sitting in her front yard so we stopped and asked her if she knew where Tips dad may be staying. She said she had never heard of Tip's dad but directed us to the nearest RV Park and sure enough, we found him. Tip had not seen her father for a couple years. He had stopped in and visited us 2 years ago at our home in Michigan but we had not seen him since. He looked like he was doing very well living in his motor home. Her father told us that the reason we had seen very little of him up in Michigan was because his old bones could not handle the cold Michigan winters. He invited us to camp next to his coach for the night which we did. We visited with Dad for pretty much the rest of the next day. It came as no surprise to me to hear of his love for the open road and the joy he found in exploring our vast country. He smiled as I told him how much his daughter reminded me of him - Tip has certainly got an endless supply of love for making memories while CTFWing with her best friend - me!!
  11. Following the directions that the furry Weed California resident had offered, we soon found ourselves in a town called Anderson. Before we arrived in there, the taste buds on my tongue started reminding me that I had not had a potato chip in many days. I love potato chips. When I was younger I lived on Potato Chips, Snickers Bars and Mountain Dew for a whole summer and had found them very nourishing. I did so to prove that Potato Chips are actually a food group in and of themselves. Having successfully acquired the life long need for frequent Potato Chip sampling and being very familiar with the signal that my taste buds were sending, I leaned back and mentioned to Tippy that I felt like I needed to find some chips. No sooner had we had that conversation than we found ourselves stopping in the small town of Anderson. After feeding Tweeks, we rolled up to a convenience store to see if they had anything that would quench the call of the Chip. As we walked past a couple of Hobo's who were sitting in the shade on the sidewalk in front of the store, the young lady hobo asked where we were from. We sat down next to them and started telling them about our trip, they in turn told us about how much fun they had been having doing the same thing on foot (and some train hopping). Ironically, this lovely young couple of Hobo's had a huge stack of Potato Chips sitting behind them and they asked if we would like a case or two of them.. They said that some person had gone into the store, bought them and given them to the couple with the understanding they would give them to any other Hobo's that happen to show up but they could not sell them. They said they thought our bike - Tweeks - looked enough like a Hobo kind of bike that she qualified us for free Chips.. I laughed and agreed to take some chips off their hands if they would sign Tweeks. We shook hands on it and a Hobo-Potato Chip friendship was made!! We sat around with Kelly and Brandon (the Potato Chip Hobo's) and visited, watched as they proceeded to fulfill their part of the Hobo Bonding by signing Tweeks and we wished them well as we continued on our trip. One thing about CTFWing, you never never know what kind of friends you are gonna make along the trail!
  12. Once in Weed, Tip noticed a resident who appeared to not be in to much of hurry. We stopped to asked the likeable fellow about general Weed information and to see if he possibly knew the best CTFWing trails heading in a southern direction. This soft spoken fellow stood very still as he gave us perfect directions which we later followed. His demeanor was one that reminded me a lot of someone I had met before and I thought he looked like a friend of mine that I had gone to high school with many years ago. Tip said that she thought he smelled funny and had the looks of a Sasquauch but when I asked her if she had ever met a sasquauch before, she said no. I than asked her how she could know what one smelled like. She gave me that glare that let me know I better stop asking questions.
  13. The following morning blossomed with the return of calm seas and some glorious warm sunshine. The timeless fragrance of the pine air filled our lungs and made the desire to leave the trails difficult so we just started following them. We finally exited those Oregon two tracks onto a paved road that sported a sign that mentioned Weed California on it. Having not had the time to explore Weed on the way into Oregon, the three of us decided to CTFW in that direction with hopes of finding a late breakfast in the beautiful old California mountain town.
  14. Tip and I laid shoulder to shoulder inside our worn out old Menards tent. We listened to the trucks passing by on the highway that makes a very unique southern border to Memeloose State Park. Having just gone thru a fabulous day of touring St Helens, having dinner at the Venture West Rally with all those great new friends and than spending time getting to know them all in the parking lot at Cousins was overwhelming my brain and I was having trouble getting it to quit processing it all and go to sleep. Laying there talking, we made the decision that we would ride over to Portland the next morning and follow the edge of the Pacific Ocean back down into California and then drift back over to my daughters in Sacramento. When we got up the next morning we noticed the westerly winds coming from Portland had a decent amount of rain clouds imbedded in them. Being the type of natural born drifters we are and really not caring for taking on what appeared to be an Oregainian thunderstorm - we instantly changed the plans we had made the night before and headed east along the Columbia. We said our goodbyes to The Dalles and headed away from the rain. It was a blustery day with no consistency to the Oregon winds. Because of this, the three of us CTFWed in a zig zag fashion across Oregon. By evening the winds had pushed up deeply into the beautiful forests that surround a area called Sun River in southern Oregon. We stopped for fuel in a really neat resort spot called Cottonwood, filled all of our tanks and set out to find a decent place to drop our bedroll on the two tracks of the national forest lands there. Even though we had not made reservations, the three of us were able to secure a really nice camping plot on one of the many forest logging trails that lay hidden under the limbs of the sweet smelling pines that cover this vast area.
  15. Sure nuff, been up that way many times Eagle. What ya looking for? Ludington State Park is right there. South of Ludington is an AWESOME area called Silver Lake,, has a GREAT State Park with sand dunes that ALWAYS have some interesting stuff happening (dune buggies and all that). South of that farther is Muskegon State Park - BEAUTIFUL place too cause if you make it that far down you may as well camp at my place cause its FREE! Got a hot shower, a grill that cooks some mighty fine burgers AND, if your looking for a riding partner to follow you to Ohio - ya may very well find that too!! We are a meesly 1 hour ride from Ludington if you take the ick-spress way!! Anybody else grabbing either of the ferries across from Wisconsin to Michigan? The Ferry out of Milwaukee empties out right in our back yard in Muskegon!! I am hoping to leave here on Friday morning to head to Dons, I have plenty of room for campers! Be fun to have a rally point here and head out together. I know some really nice little back roads we can take on our way across out of my area. We could also stop by the Detroit area on mid day Friday if any of the east side folks wanted to hook up for the ride over? Glad you asked this Eagle!!
  16. Thats right, these record cold -20 Arctic winds are mixing with what ever white coloring it is you are using in that Wisconsin White Wash Machine and creating a substance called Snolettes. Apparently these Snolettes are only found in the Arctic Circle!! The industrious side of me kicked in, Tip and I opened the doors to our new business today and things are going pretty good!! Speaking of the business side of our new operation, thanks to you and our dear friends in the far north (suppliers of the Arctic Temps) our Snolette inventory is really looking good (far better than our local Wesco Bakery who ran out of Peanut Butter Cup Paczki's before noon on the 17th), we have well over 3 feet of the Snolettes in inventory just waiting to be shipped! Our new companies motto: WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU SNOLETTES - ADD THE LEMON'S LIFE GAVE YOU EARLIER AND MAKE LEMON FLAVORED SNOLETTE-AID!!
  17. No idea if the MK 2s have the same fork springs in them as the 1's. One of the things that I have noticed thru the years is the amount of sacked fork springs there are out there. I have a hunch that the 1st Gens springs will sack just from being parked during non riding months without the wheels off the ground - I only say that cause all of mine have needed Progressives when I purchased them and all of them were low mileage scoots when I bought them. Its fairly easy to check and see if the boingers are sacked, let the air out of the forks and see where they set in height with the bikes weight on em. New Progressive Springs and a fork oil change and that puppy will ride like a new scoot!!
  18. Prayers Up for Jeannie!! We are thinking of ya young lady, hope your feeling better and it warms up a little so you and the Rag man can go riding down there!!
  19. you were woke up from that fantastic dream by your wife who was shaking the daylights out of you.. Screaming at you saying saying, get out of bed and go to work ya bum the kids need new shoes. You got up, brushed your teeth, fell over while trying to put on your pants and chipped a tooth. You were in a hurry cause you were late for work. You walked into the freezing cold garage where your gorgeous 1949 18 over Springer frontend Knucklehead chop sat in the corner staring you. Before starting your rusted up old car and heading to work thru a foot of freshly fallen snow that your friend named @Flyinfool had left in your driveway you looked at the old chopper and said, this is all your fault you know - if you wouldnt have
  20. Well I am sure not gonna mind, hmm,, lets see here,, how @Flyinfool, how bout you Fool, you gonna mind if Cha just shows up? Or how bout any of you other pranksters, do you mind if Cha just shows up? Someone pass me a hot dog, this has the potential to take while..
  21. You are welcome Reiny, glad you enjoyed it!! I heard something that may interest you, because of the influx of Northerners hitting the sands down in Maheeeco', there is a shortage of Salt and Lemons - might wanna grab some of those mainstays before ya cross das border.. Also, I think I read somewhere that Jonas or someone may bring some fermented Shark meat to that Freebird MD thing in May.. If you think of it and dont mind, maybe save those Tequila worms for pre fermented shark Ordevors.. Just stack em in your luggage - as pickled as they are they should last just fine..
  22. I haven't even had a chance to see one of the new F6B's in operation yet and I see Honda now has an F6"C" out, dubbed the new Valk.. Anyone had a chance to play with one or even seen one yet? Thought I should put the following note in here directly aimed at anyone from Yamaha who might read this - Boy those Honda Motor Company people sure know how to take care of their followers.. https://www.google.com/search?q=2015+Honda+valkyrie&sa=X&biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&imgil=wCu_j5ciMDbZsM%253A%253BenTjvHdr1nc51M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.ridermagazine.com%25252Ftop-stories%25252F2014-honda-valkyrie-rider-test.htm%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=wCu_j5ciMDbZsM%253A%252CenTjvHdr1nc51M%252C_&usg=__2Vc8gUkvXhty2VAlN8S6vNMcXoU%3D&ved=0CDIQyjc&ei=5QrlVIaAFsXHsQT73ICwCA#imgdii=_&imgrc=SoTZmOcM5naTZM%253A%3BGLCiIdrSlvv3uM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.totalmotorcycle.com%252Fmotorcycles%252F2015%252F2015-Honda-Gold-Wing-Valkyrie2.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.totalmotorcycle.com%252Fmotorcycles%252F2015%252F2015-Honda-Gold-Wing-F6C-Valkyrie.htm%3B2015%3B1509
  23. Now I am not one to but, I was just downstairs - plugged in my little fan, turned it on high and noticed the output air movement (blowing) seemed to be directly related to the input air (sucking). I tested this theory by slipping a piece of cardboard over the back of the fan (stopping the sucking) and noticed right away that when I did so, the output air movement (blowing) also instantly stopped.. Fool, if you got a second, please go out and try this with the White Wash Machine. The White Wash is hitting pretty good here right now, I will go outside - stand in the driveway and stare in a westerly direction and let you know if my theory holds water,, frozen water...
  24. I haven't attended a genuine "Maintenance Day" yet but, a couple years ago Tip and I went for a ride down to a place called "Vogel", I think that was in the Georgia Mountains. Bumped into a bunch of VR members at the Tail of the Dragon and followed em to go find out what a Vogel was. We camped there and the next day I was crossing the parking lot, there were about 6 guys standing around someones complete MK2 talking, I walked over to the covered shin dig place (about 2 minutes away), got a cup of coffee and walked back down to the group gathered around the bike. They had dismantled the fairing and were working on the speedo or something. Jumped on Tweeks, rode over to pick up Tip, came back no more than 1/2 hour later and one of the 6 was riding the finished product around the lot.. Definitely amazing what a group can do once they set their collective mind to a task..
  25. Oh man,, EXCELLENT point Fool - EXCELLENT POINT!! Seems how nails didnt work, Your 2015 deer hunting trip should find you with a buzz box to plug into your generator - make a couple passes on those door hinges up there to make sure our Northern Neighbors keep the door closed!!
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