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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. You got it Bren,, only my vocal cords are horse from moaning while shoveling snow all day,, how bout we let Anne Murray sing it for him..
  2. Glad you got that puppy out of there Or, hope it heals fully!!!! I really really cant stand slivers either!! Although I did see one once that kinda made smirk a little. My brother and I were tusseling around (we fought when we were kids - a lot) and he slid across some plywood and got one in his backside that was about an inch and 1/2 long. Dont get me wrong, I didnt smirk cause of him hopping around holding his backside, I smirked cause my only recollect of him having dealings with Doctors at that time was a couple years before that my sister had come down with Hepatitus and all of us kids had to go have a blood test. When it came his turn to have blood drawn it took 2 doctors and 3 nurses to hold him down just to take some blood out of him. When he got the sliver, I smirked as my parents pulled out of the driveway with him screaming "I AINT GOING TO THE DOCTOR" from where he was laying in the back seat and I stood there wondering how many Doctors/Nurses it was gonna take to pull a sliver out of his backside..
  3. Oh,, stop being so modest,, you KNOW you could even make the one that SeaDog was using to get the job done,,,,, IF you wanted to,, why I bet you could even do it with the jet wash off a super modified jet engine turbine and some oxy/acetylene if you REALLY wanted to!!! I dont believe I have ever seen one of those Laser's actually function - I always thought stuff like that was stamp/cut by press or something,, hey @Oldseadog , does that involve heat, sparks, ragged edges to clean up and stuff or does the metal just disappear..... That is really gorgeous!!
  4. Rod, I think his reference to "Dyna 3000" is probably in reference to a replacement ignition module or something - I dont recognize that as an oil. The other two oil references are basically comparing synthetic to Dino oil,, I think...
  5. OUTSTANDING YOU OL SEA PUPPY YOU!! We could probably take up a collection and buy you one Fool if you PROMISED to cut that White Washer into pieces with it:big-grin-emoticon:
  6. Yep,, Michigan is the same Dave! And I totally get your point! I did the "year of manu" plate on a couple machines in the past and gotta say, Historical Plates are by FAR superior because of exactly what you are eluding to - RIGHT ON THE MONEY!! I have run Historical's for many years on bikes and cars and never (knock on my wooden head) even been asked about em - even when getting stopped for other reasons - I think its cause they look like valid plates. I wouldnt even leave my home town with "year of manu" plates without getting looked over by officials that really do not know DOT Law and stopped occasionally, not worth the hassle but they DO look great!!
  7. 100 percent in agreement with all that has been said - the BRP is an AWESOME ride!! Besides some of the most fantastic scenery, I have always found the folks in those towns along the way are some of the greatest people on earth! So much to see and sooo many great folks - YOU CANT BEAT IT!! I will say though, WATCH YOUR SPEED!! Do not get caught up in the tail wind of other bike groups or following cars going over the 45 mph limit (less than that in some area's - some spots are posted 25). We had a large group of bikes go cruising past us one year, probably 60ish, and I had all I could do to hold Tweeks back. Thankfully I did cause the park service had them all stopped, I talked to them later and everyone got the big ticket. I later found out that because its a National Park - the fines can be considerably more then normal.. In Michigan 15 over is reckless driving, points and a hefty fine - I have heard of people going right to jail for the same 15 over violation on the BRP! The BRP is monitored very closely (I have seen it watched almost as closely as the Dragon) and it is NOT the place carve the twistys (if your into carving). With that understood, if you ride the BRP to experience the scenery and enjoy just loafing with your best friend,, sucking up relaxing hours and taking in REAL southern hospitality and culture,, you folks are in for the time of your lives!!! Tweeks, Tip and I wish you both the time of your lives on the BRP and both give it :thumbsup:
  8. Hey RR,, what is a "revamp"?
  9. Yep, Michigan is an open carry State.. We also have the Concealed Carry business but because of the ultimate authority of the US Constitution and the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear, most folks around here never paid much attention to the CCW stuff. Actually folks around here always seemed kind of afraid of the whole CCW thing cause they didnt want the wrong people having knowledge of what kind of artillary they had. Now the ammo shortage stuff that caused a ruckus, it wasnt very long ago that the back woods two tracks always had people tossing lead around but that has been cut way back simply because of economics. Its really funny cause my daughter and I used to think nothing of blowing off a couple bricks of 22's while out for the day on the bike,, not no more.. I haven't packed for vacations/travel for many years. If Tip and I ever finally make it up to Alaska we will probably stop once we get there and grab a cheap 12 gauge shotgun and tie it on Tweeks side and then pawn it when we leave.. Years ago I packed open all over the west on my scoot - everyone did. Never ever had a reason to drag it out and, quite frankly, it became more of nuisance than it was worth - never did see a Grizz and the serial killers just never appeared.. Kind of figure that this will probably be different up in Alaska BUT,, maybe we will be surprised and find all the bears gone up there too..
  10. That Vicky,, she is a true shweeeeethart!!! Personally I think that dorky hamster named Punkseesquanny Phil:buttkick: should be replaced by VICKY THE VIRAGO cause I really like what she is preaching!! Hey Fool, you reading this?? Just sit and STARE at her color:225:, Vicky's got something for the mighty Wisconsin White Wash Machine too!!
  11. Having just watched that You Tube arrest video about the older couple and knowing the implications toward LEO's that it has the potential of producing I thought I would post a positive one. One of the things about "modern" life that has always bugged me is how wasteful we are. Seems like I have spent my life rescuing treasures from trash bins. I have rescued everything from weed eaters, lawn mowers, sheets of plywood, entertainment centers and on and on that were wrongfully headed to the landfill. Maybe its a curse from my childhood days of having to build bicycles from scrap pieces, where ever it came from - I cant stand wastefulness.. Anyway, last night Tip and I had to run into mainstream Muskegon to pickup some RX's, next door to the RX Store is a Radio Shack that is going out of business, beside the Radio Shack is their dumpster that was OVER FLOWING with all kinds of perspective treasure. My whiskers twitched as my feet dragged me over to the treasure chest.. I found two brand new boxes of peg board brackets sitting on top- COOL! Tip walked over and noticed a big spool of plastic banner she wanted me to dig out, while I was digging out the rolled up banner material I noticed a set of car keys laying way down inside of the dumpster.. It took some doings but I fished them out.. They were keys for a newer Dodge - had the "chip", door controls and panic button all built into the master key. Also on the fairly large key chain were numerous key chain mini cards for a variety of stores, one of which happen to be for Ace Hardware. I told Tip that the owner of the keys would probably want them back as just the car key would probably be 300 bucks to replace, let alone all the personal info on the mini cards, house keys and all that.. Because I am usually needing parts for stuff that I have broken, I have a pretty good relationship with our local Ace Hardware people. I stopped there today, showed the counter girl what I had found, she scanned the card and came up with a phone number, she called the person who assumably owned the keys (I was proud of her, even though she knows me she still gave me NO information) but the number came back as being disconnected.. There were lots of other cards on the chain but I thought it best to not attempt getting personal info on someone off any other cards. I drove back into town thinking maybe I could catch someone at the Radio Shack. The store was closed and I was SHOCKED to see the mess that other dumpster divers had made of the area where I had found the keys, I was not to shocked to see a police officer sitting there writing out a report. He rolled down his window as I pulled up beside his car. I told him about noticing the stores trash last night and he smiled as I told him that I was a Professional Dumpster Diver and told him about the keys I had found inside the dumpster.. The officer thanked me for trying to locate the rightful owner of the keys, agreed that someone would be very happy to have them back (said they probably had dropped them in the trash by accident when cleaning out the store) and told me that he would take it upon himself to track down the rightful owner from the other key cards (had a couple Pharmacy cards on it so it might not be too difficult). The officer never even brought up the trashed area around the dumpsters even after I openly admitted to having found the keys in the dumpster the night before! Someone out there is going to be very happy that there are Police Officers who really are still serving the public and having our backs!!
  12. I helped a good friend build up Sporty not to long ago. He picked up a brushed stainless Patriot Defender (I think it was called) pipe for it. It was a pretty pricey pipe but it did tune up very nicely and, it came with the tuning plate (like a throttle plate in a carb) that was cable controlled. You could go from open exhaust to quite at the tug on a cable.. Actually not that new of an idea, seems like Honda had tuning plates in their early 305 Scramblers...
  14. I have never been in their shoes but I can say just by a lifetime of observation that Police Officers have an extremely tough job. Their world has got to be where the foundation for the saying "darned if I do, darned if I dont" came from. IMHO, it takes a very very special kind of person to really be successful in the field and I think it is situations like this that should be used to sort out the persons who are capable of fulfilling the task from the ones who are not. It was obvious in viewing that video that there were at least 2 person's involved that should be in another form of employment (not that they are bad people - they just should not be involved in law enforcement). Any form of an employment situation that protects incompetent workers is doomed to fail. In the long run, the incompetent will vastly outnumber the competent resulting in the few competent who are left being unable to do their job correctly. In most fields the loss of a business is usually the worst that happens as a result of what I am talking about. In law enforcement, innocent people end up suffering (and it can get extreme). In the medical field, people die.. Also, I always wonder how much good seeking monetary retribution really does in cases like this, especially when one is dealing with public servants such as a Police Department. In the end, its the tax payer who ends up paying the bill. All the way through the whole process, from Judges to the overtime being paid to the testifying LEO's, everyone is being paid for their time,, by the tax payer. Then, if a decision is made to award the couple, its the tax payer who pays the bill. Then, everyone goes to back to work, including the incompetent, and no real difference is made. The worst part of all is that it starts all over again (hey,, isnt that the definition of insanity). Makes no sense,, a lot like the false arrest of that classy ol guy.. On a little lighter note, if I were him I would go over that GORGEOUS old car with a fine tooth comb!! If that were my set of wheels and those pranksters put even one scratch in it,,, there would be REAL heck to pay!!!!
  15. Yea,, that is really sad. Mr. Nimoy was a very very talented actor who is gonna be sorely missed by millions! RIP our Vulcan friend!! We should start a "Best of Spock" thing to remember him by Yamagrl.. Tippy says here favorite part of his role was his interplay with Bones.. Mine was when he said "I have been and always shall be your friend" in Star Trek 2
  16. Indeed,, THAT is no fun!! Thoughts and Prayers Up your way Bay!! Best wishes in the job hunting!
  17. THAT is awesome Shamue!! Do me a favor will ya, take a quick look at this vid, go out to 1:27, thats where I shake hands with and thank the local guy who told us about this place.. He and his wife were also on a bike, we talked for quite a while with them in the parking lot.. Wonder if you know him,, never know cause it is a small world!!
  18. Nooo,, dont shut up Barry,, its always great to hear about this stuff!! Hey bro, had an idea,, wire up a go pro with a mic in your helmet, narrate your ride while you video it!! Tell what your feeling and thinking about - especially during the last couple hours of saddle time,, may even help keep you alert during the hard part.. It would make a GREAT Birthday Memory tape! Plus, you could put it on You Tube and post it here - probably be a best seller!! Jusy dont be editing out any parts of a tired singing Barrycuda if you do though!! Oh come on,, dont be a sissy:hihi:,, just do it!! Me and Sunn,, we would do it cause we aint skeerd!!
  19. That is really ironic, Tip and I were looking at pathways for CTFWing up to Laska and were just talking about passing thru a town called "Surrey" out in B.C. The "Top Spot" in Cedar City Utah!!! The "Laguna Burger" a couple west of Albuquerque!!
  20. THAT "TOM THE HOG" IS ONE GORGEOUS BIKE - WELCOME TO THE FAMILY TOM!! :thumbsup:CONGRATS DAITAN!! Like Silvr mentioned, it would be a really good idea to try and find out about the cam chain tensioners - see if that has been addressed for sure! Matter of fact, If that beautiful scoot were mine, I would take the cam cover off and see whats inside for myself anyway - probably stick in an upgraded oil pump and tensioners and be good for the next 70k. Then my "bling" money would go for the quick release hardware for the trunk, rear fender rack, and a single seat so I could go show off on my custom bobber when Tip and I weren't out CTFWing on that puppy!! Wow THAT is PURDY!!!
  21. Praying for this new member Don, thanks for letting us know!!
  22. Gotta be something to do with cabin fever, no sleeping in Michigan either!! Prayers Up - Blessings Down for our Skidder!!
  23. Tip and I walked under the mezzanine that connected the stations of the old railway house that at one time had serviced the local Deadwood traffic. During the gold rush days, people like Wild Bill Hickok had lived here and it came as no surprise to me to find an actual working scale sitting under the overhang where we stood gazing at the old building. I climbed on the scale and watched as it showed that I had actually lost a couple pounds of weight during our 2014 CTFWing excursion. I climbed off the scale, Tip handed me her riding pouch as she climbed on the scale to see if she had also been successful at loosing a couple pounds. Unknown to her, as she stepped onto the scale I slid the big toe of my right foot onto the platform of the scale and was able to add 20 pounds or so to her total weight. She looked at me in disbelief as she stepped off the scale. I told her to try it again, this time I pressed even harder as the scale took the reading. My playful trickery didn't work as well this time and my right shoulder paid the ultimate price as she dispatched quick right hook and my left shoulder absorbed by her womanly punch. At the same time that I felt the impact of Tips punch I also thought I heard laughter coming from a couple who had been watching the whole debacle unfold before their very eyes. After the four of us had a short laugh about my now sore left shoulder, the couple introduced themselves. They were a lovely couple who were also CTFWing all over the U.S. in their RV. Having both retired from the Military, they had some really wonderful road stories that they shared with Tip and I. We gave them our contact info and told them that they would be able to find the story of our new found friends in Deadwood S.D. on a blog I would be writing during the upcoming winter on VentureRider.org. We gave them them both a giant THANK YOU hug for doing their part in serving our country in an effort to keep us all free. Having said farewell to our new friends, we headed to the Adams Museum, sore shoulder and all.
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