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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. cowpuc

    Hey puc

  2. The old ones sound like stock springs to me.. The stockers use that insert as you describe so they are considerably shorter than Progressives. Seems like even stock springs had a progressively wound end on them (if I remember correctly).. I always run 3/4" of preload on my Progressives - its a little harder to get the caps started but I like the extra stance it gives the bike and the resistance to bottoming when I am trail riding.. I also run 12wt Belray for added stiffness and no air pressure. Ooppppsss,, just realized you are talking MK2, I only know about MK1's - probably totally different forks... I well, think I will post this anyway just to
  3. cowpuc


    AWESOME!! THAT does bring back great memories! One of my friends Dad bought a brand new Titan in 1969. His dad owned a machine shop and had left the bike in the shop with the keys in it. We were in high school at the time, walked in the shop after school, "borrowed" the bike while his Dad was gone. Went trail riding 2 up on it, having a blast and hit a small jump (maybe 3 feet high).. Landed on the side of the bike and bent the crash bar back.. Rode it back to the shop, got a hunk of inch and 1/2 cold roll, covered it with rags so it wouldnt scratch up the frame and bent the crash bar back in place. Dusted the bike off and swore the buddy oath to say nothing to no one.. Randy showed up at school the next day so I KNEW we were in the clear!!! THANKS for the GREAT memories Evan!!
  4. IMHO, that maintaining a clear conscience can be difficult at times M6, sometimes ya just gotta follow your gut feelings (like you did in this example) and know everything is gonna work out for the best! I, for one, am proud to call you my friend too M6!!! If I can be of any assistance in finding whatever it is your looking for (bike related or not) PLEASE let me know!! Be glad to help!!
  5. That Shadow is SHARP - I LOVE the "Blacked Out" version!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! Say Cha,, for your scratch repair needs - if you do go with the more difficult method of repairing with stickers I would advise you to hide a permanent marker on your bike somewhere so people can sign them!! This finalizaton of the sticker application is mandatory!! If you dont do it - people will look at your bike and think your strange!
  6. Hmmm,, now there's a novel idea!!!
  7. BEEEAAUUTIFUL!!! CONGRATS OR!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yea,, THANK YOU for the AWESOME my man!! And for keeping yet another 1,, or 2,, wait a minute,, or 4 1st Gen's out CTFW!
  8. CONGRATS SILV!!! Unlike most of the folks on here though,, Tip and I would be lost without out ours!! I have had sooooo much fun with it!! I even got pulled over by the police on Muskegon Lake with mine and ticketed for not having all the stuff on it that the boats that go out into Lake Michigan have to have. I was missing my fire extinguisher, ship to shore radio, flare gun and Horn. The young man who was driving the Police Boat (about the size of Don's boat) thought that because Muskegon Lake hooks onto Lake Michigan that Muskegon Lake was suppose to be under the same rules.. I tried to explain to him that my little electric motor couldnt even make it out of the channel.. I went to court over all this and thankfully the Judge let me off (agreed with me because my boat is only 12 foot in length and has no gas motor) and only charged me court fees of 100 dollars but no fine. I chuckled a little when he did so and the Judge asked why I was chuckling.. I told him that I now had exactly the same amount in boating court fee's as I had paid for my little flat bottom boat.. All that said, we have gotten wayyyyy more than $200 worth of fun out of ours and have no idea what we would do without it!!
  9. Hope you guys have a BLAST out there!!!!!!
  11. In an attempt to avoid the appearance of misdoing, I think the only thing that I may have done differently is that I would have posted a clearly stated message on the OP's thread that I would be interested in purchasing the item IF the OP was not interested. "Avoiding the appearance of wrong doing" can be tricky but, IMHO, transparency always seems to be the answer if your attempting to avoid hard feelings in a situation like this. I would have also openly let the seller know that I was a serious buyer, had the cash and would appreciate being second inline in the event that the OP was not interested, once again, all within my response in the thread. I know,, I am one strange character.....
  12. :clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool: AWESOME RIDE REPORT CHA!!!! Glad you got that first ride in and over and all went really well!! Sounds to me like you got yourself a WINNER that my friend!! Any of those gaskets should be readily available from Yamaha, maybe even find em on Ebay.. Hey,, I was just over reading another thread that another friend of ours had written about getting his bike out and going for a ride too.. He (Orlin) is also a really great guy (like you) and did a really nice job on his write up too.. Problem is, he forgot to include some 's in his story and someone gave him the old warning... Not trying to or nuttin Oh yea,, I LOVE those Honda Shadows like your buddy bought too - them there are GREAT bikes!! Gotta ask,, did he actually paint a brand new bike to blacken it out?
  13. Good on ya Orlin!! :clap2::dancefool: Hey,, wait a minute here,,, somethings missin:detective:,,,,,, ohhh,, I know what it is,,
  14. ""130HP and TQ for not a large sum of money. Get those numbers out of a Harley ... think double that price."" HOKEY SPAAAMOKEY SILV - I HAS NO IDEA!! Tell ya what my friend, I went to a Harley performance school a couple years ago to learn about and get a chance to ride a Street Glide with the new "120R" Harley Motor.. Had a BLAST, learned A LOT and spent some time with the dyno and riding the bike with that motor.. Even that "race" motor dynoed out at 124 RWHP and that was a $5000 motor WITH the exchange of your NEW 103 or 110... My neighbor (who I am trying to get to follow me out to Don's MD) rides a 2010 Ultra Limited, is a fantastic HD gear head.. We chased his 103 out to 106 horse (thing runs REAL strong) but, like you said, it was expensive - cams, heads, pistons, tuner, and pushrods.. IMHO,, about the only way HD is gonna come close to those numbers is by NOS or boosting it and I personally wouldnt want to go there again (did an 03 88 inch up with a Super Charger a few years ago - sucker ran GREAT but I always felt like I had just pulled the pin on a Frag Grenade).. Other than the Harley's V-Rod (THEY RUN!!) I think the 106 Vic's 130 Horsey's are :thumbsup:
  15. FINALLY someone in our group of gangsters is making sense!! ITS A FLIPPIN LIGHTENING ROD!! YEEEEEHAAAAAWWWWW OLDGOAT - YOU DA MAN BRO!!!! :clap2::dancefool::thumbsup::thumbsup: :bikersmilie::bikersmilie::bikersmilie:
  16. Kic: I am so sorry to hear of the loss of such a great American as your precious Son-In-Law, Sargent Brian Lloyd Walker. You sharing this horrible news is heart breaking to the very depth of my soul. Much like yourself, Tip and I have visited Arlington and many other National Cemeterys on our excursions and are always deeply moved and touched by the endless rows of Monuments, each one a testament to the high cost of the freedoms we all enjoy in the free world. I want you to know that as we visit those places of highest honor from this day forward, we will think of Brian with deep thankfulness for his ultimate sacrifice. Please accept our deepest sympothy and condolences and PLEASE pass them on to your precious daughter for us!! Sincerely yours, Scott and Cheryl Barnhard RIP Sargent Brian Lloyd Walker
  17. OUTSTANDING THREAD RIDE2MUCH!! Got be honest here though, that one little lonely shot of the bike with the bedroll next to is the one that speaks loudest to my soul as far as answering the question of "where do you stay".. Gotta love all those 's though!! So,, who are the folks in the people picture? Gotta have a left to right intro and what kinda scoots each has... I can be a nosey ol feller cant I?
  18. Well, I love me all,, GOOD ARTICLE SILV!! I really really like the looks and feel of the new Indians. I think Polaris did a BEAUTIFUL job on the motor! Have ridden em a number of times and LOVE the ride!! I also LOVE the newer Vic's. I rode a Vision 8 Ball (think that what it was called) at a demo and I was AMAZED at how stable that thing was - most stable bike I have ever ridden!! All that said, there are a few things that would push me right back into Harleys lap.. For one thing, the last time I checked Polaris is still operating under the exclusitivity thing on their two breeds. You cant get help from a Vic shop for an Indian and vice versy.. For the life of me I dont understand why they are doing that - especially with the few and far between dealership network they both have (gotta agree with Tooch on this).. This may have changed but the last time I checked, a Vic dealer cant get parts and work on a broken Indian even if he wants to.. Harley shops are like Star Bucks on steriods.. Another big issue with me are "tweeking" necessities.. I LOVE all the different cam grinds, pipe selections, injector throttle bodies, roller rockers, over bore kits and on and on. I also LOVE Harley's Screamin Eagle Tuner, its expensive BUT it is AWESOME in its tweekability. The Vic 106 has been out for a while now and still no sign of even a factory tuner - that I know of.. For some reason, it seems like Polaris REALLY is serious about taking on The Motor Company and has not been shy about asking simular $ figures for their bikes but expecting people to pay those dollars and only get half the package that HD is offering just doesnt feel right.. Then there is the resale value, depreciation and all that stuff.. Stuff that probably really doesnt matter to most folks but I have been in the business for a good while. Because of that, I am always thinking resale numbers.. I have bought and sold a LOT of bikes thru the years and have always been amazed at how market predictability in this field seems to follow Harley.. If the value of Harley goes down,, the whole market (not collectable's) seems to follow.. Retail sales, trade in values and all that stuff also seem to fall toward HD being a better return.. A small example of this stuff could be obtained by looking at a purchase that Dingy just made on a MK2 1st Gen. Jump over to Craigs sales listings and take a look at what I am referring to. Not bad looking bike, they were asking 700 bucks, he got it for 500 dollars.. Had that of been a Harley of the same year (NOT A SPORTY 0 it would have been an EVO Big Twin) in the same condition - INSTANT 3500 all day long.. All that JABBER aside (and that is ALL it is), I would be PROUD to pound pavement and CTFW on ANY of the new breeds but my hat still tips in Harleys direction.. Of course,, there is NOTHING like a 1st Gen Venture and its a good thing they didnt include one in that article cause we ALL know what would have happened if they would have!!
  19. THAT is AWESOME Coff!!! Was just reading about your day of helping Kan out on the thread he had posted - GOOD ON YA FOR LENDING A HAND SON-SHINE!!! Its folks like you that make this site the BEST picnic in town!! :clap2:
  20. I am probably one of those one quart plus types who have provided the world with at least 5 1st Gens with swingarms full of grease.. I have always pumped grease into that zerk and always given her an extra shot or two or 10.. KNOCK ON WOOD, this may sound crazy but I have also never had that system apart on any of my bikes either.. I wonder if running that swing arm FULL of grease has actually helped preserve the units.... I have never noticed grease coming out of the rubber boot that covers the front joint on any of my bikes,, hmmmmm,,, :lightbulb:maybe the idea is to just keep filling it till you see grease inside the boot - Tweeks may already be to that point cause I aint shy with the grease gun:big-grin-emoticon:
  21. Gotta agree with ya Kan, that whipper snapper Coff is one fine young man, a real treasure:thumbsup:!!! Glad you two varmints were able to get the situation under control!! Hopefully all goes well with your Doc giving the nod and you have a GREAT riding season out there!!
  22. Sooo,, the Venture swingarm/shaft housing was used on a previous model? I wonder what the zerk to lubed in the previous model..
  23. Indeed, WELCOME to VR Classy!! Sorry to hear about the loss of your Father Classy, you have my thoughts and condolences.. It is WAY cool that you have your Dad's bike, he obviously had VERY good taste in bikes - a little time with it and you will have a machine that will bring you endless hours of great memories of the past and the future!! You have already gotten some solid advice. I have brought a couple of them back to life myself, I would advise you not to get to deeply into planning a complete tear down and gasket replacing until you find out exactly what you do need.. You may be surprised to find that you will actually need to replace very few gaskets and do very little rebuilding to have a super nice machine. Its a ways off and has basically nothing to do with getting it fired up (the stuff already mentioned by others will get you there) but, if the bike has been stored on its side stand for all these years - you will more than likely need to replace the stock front fork springs - the stock springs may very well be sacked out. If they are sacked, be careful how much you ride the bike on the sacked springs as its hard on seals and fork internals to have the forks bottoming out.. Just something to keep in mind. Also, when you replace the battery, make sure that you get it to a good full charge before using it to crank the bike up. Low charge on a battery (even new) is hard on the starter. Also, if I am working on a scoot that has been sitting for a long time and am getting ready attempt a revive, I like to "prelube" the oil system. On bikes that have accessible top ends where I can squirt oil thru tappet caps (like a Honda SOHC 750) I will pull the spark plugs, hit the kill switch, run the engine over with the starter while I squirt oil over the camshaft so it doesnt start dry.. Just to get some lube on stuff BEFORE starting.. That said, with the bike on the center stand, remove air filter cover and look for mice nests, remove air filter so you can see the carb slides and clearly see that nothing is going to enter thru the carbs but air. I would clean out the cavities where the plugs sit on your bike really well, remove the plugs, squirt a small amount of Mystery Oil (half teaspoon) into each plug hole (use a short piece of clear gas line - slide it into the plug hole and squirt the oil into the gas line so you know the oil is going into the jug). LEAVE THE PLUGS OUT. Check the oil thru the site glass on the right side of the bike. If it looks low, put enough new oil in it to bring it between the fill lines (dont do an actual oil change yet). Ground the plugs so you dont hurt the ignition system while rolling over. Spin the motor off the starter for a few 5 second intervals to move oil thru the bikes oil channels (prelube). Take the hose that you shot the mystery oil into the jugs with and now shoot a half a teaspoon of raw gas into each jug. Replace the plugs and put the wire on em. Bump the starter and it should fire up and burn off the fuel you shot into the jugs. Motor should now have sufficent lube thru it.. Now you can change the oil and filter without having to worry about starting the engine with an empty oil filter cavity that has to fill before the motor starts recieving oil...
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