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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Only keep the site glass cause I like to be able to see if my oil pump is working.. On the same token though, a dipstick with an oil pressure gauge would also be way cool (I dont trust computer monitoring)..
  2. Hi ya Sonshine, @divey!! Glad to hear you two troublemakers are fixing to hit the highway again together!! SOUNDS LIKE FUN!! Wish I had advice on motels, got none.. I do know that Wendover has a Casino with really decent rates, good food and prices too.. Concerning ride options, if it were me and I were gonna do that much ickspress way anyway, I would head north out of Wells (on 80), go up 93 to Twin Falls, north up to 20 and to 26 and and back to 20 across to Idaho Falls, then 26 over to 89 and around to Jackson.. I would then grab a NP pass and scoot up thru Yellow Stone. Grab the Beartooth, back around to 89, up to Livingston. If not pressed for time, stay on 89 up to Great Falls, if pressed for time - 90 west thru Bozeman over to 15 and north to Great Falls.. Lot cooler going the way I am talking and AWESOME scenery. Mountains is mountains, afternoon storms can be nasty - ride early to 1 pm and watch skies closely between 1 and 5 - them storms can come on real quickly.. If you do stay with your posted route - dont forget to stop at the Bonneville Salt Flats on the outskirts of Wendover. Go out on the flats and ride a few miles - really fun!! Shell station in Wendover now has Bonneville stickers thanks to your ol Dad, stop and get one and put it on your bike and I will return your signature on Tweeks with mine on your bike :scared:next time we see each other.. Carry LOTS of water when crossing the desert regions and a little xtra gas. Aint so much for the ride but things can happen and get ugly real fast. Also nice to have in case you come to someone else broke down and they need water/gas - happened many times to us (both ways).. Dont forget to check air pressures with altitude changes. Winds? OH MY GOSH, they can come out of no where and blow ya sideways - Tweeks has a sticker that says "Windy Wyoming" and it means what it says. I always carry a set of dirtbike goggles for both Tip and I onboard - you would be surprised how handy they are (she is really really cute in hers). Even with a bike shield and glasses - that desert talcum powder like dirt gets in the wind and it is brutal!! Full face helmets with shields may be the answer for some but, if your traveling that way - watch your overheat inside of the helmet - heat stroke can be really subtle. Dont forget LOTS of good sunscreen and DONT FORGET LIPSCREEN SUNSCREEN (like chapstick)!! I use the lip screen on my nose, ear tips and over my eyes cause I cant stand sunscreen when it gets in my eyes from sweat - lip screen works awesome!! Dont trust no wooden indians that can talk or cowboys that dont have cowpoop on their boots.. Keep your tanks topped off out there. Buy candy bars for kids at gas station when ya get a chance (parents permission of course) - kids got it rough these days and its fun to see em smile!! Wish we could ride with you two champs, have a BLAST out there - ride safe!! Give our love to everyone at Venturewest Doug and heres some for you guys from Tip and I too!:bighug: PS, dont forget 's and MORE 's to share with your ol buddy!!
  3. Bring it Raggie, you and me can go mole hunting at 3 am after all those rum ball filled snorers hit the hay!!!
  4. Yep,, short shiften my way to heavenly bliss!! ROCK ON!!!!
  6. I am a greedy little sucker,, I want both forward controls with boards and mid ship foot pegs...
  7. Now that there suggestion right there makes more sense than anything I have read so far today:thumbsup: VENTURERIDER.ORG JAM PILE ON MIKE'S PLACE!!! :7_2_102[1]::7_6_3[1]::bikersmilie: Which way is Florida again
  8. Now how da heck do ya spect to get that 3 fiddy 7 to go bang and ring da bell when you da one doing da snoring and for whom das Bella needs to sing? Does yourn big toe twitch enough when ya snores to touch er off er somethin:think: Ya even got me confused on thissen bro:scratchchin:
  9. What a tragic terrible thing. Thoughts and Prayers Up for the family and friends of the young man who lost his life. Also for the man who was driving the truck and made such a huge mistake in his driving. On can only hope that justice is served and afterword, that person is forced to find another line of employment.. Theory: For motorcyclist: Intersections = one of the most dangerous places on the planet. It makes me cry every time that theory is tested.. RIP Joe Bill Johnson
  10. I am bringing my 30 ought 6 to help with my bell ringing responsibilties in case someone like Don really does take that dinging thingy out of the inside of my friend - "Bella" (already gave the bell a name). My "ought 6" already is committed to Bell duty but, she is accurate out to 1000 yards so, if needed to poke holes in Fools stainless stand plates because someone forgot their drill bit - the ol girl and I will gladly come to your tent site and do the "hole" thing for you.. I will bring 1000 rounds of Full Metal Jacket "Bell" (some of my friends arent as sharp as I so, Bell = Ball) ammo that should suffice for both jobs.. If its not enough ammo - a few of you may have to stand behind Bella to receive your holes - dont worry, my ought 6 is still very accurate and I can still see - pretty good. Same rule as Fool mentioned, just locate me somehow, introduce yourself, promise to vote in the next Presidential election for the candidate of my choice, be nice to Tippy, dont snore at night, promise to brush your teeth in the morning so your breath dont smell funny and sign Tweeks before you leave Don's and we will call it square (no ya confounded lop eared varmints - the hole will NOT actually be square).. Hey @Flyingfool, HOW COOL IS THAT:thumbsup:!! THANK YOU for doing this!! I will be THRILLED if I can get in line amoung the first 30!! THOSE ARE WAYYYYYYYYYY COOL my friend!! Dont worry Jeff if you run out of them before I get to you, I still plan on looking you up, introducing myself and shaking your hand!!
  11. Crack my knuckles here,, lets see, where to begin,,, hows this.. I wish the riders in Marine City would have been my hero couple. I miss Squid and Lonna, they are my friends, if they came to my house today they could stay in our back bedroom - I would go get cheese cake and ice cream for an after dinner treat. Squid and I could work on his bike this time and then go riding. I would show them all the great back roads in the area and we could camp in our North woods and build a big fire to cook hot dogs on. The next day we could all stop up in Baldwin Michigan at Jones Ice Cream and pig out on waffle cones - afterwards we could ride over to Ludington and walk the pier to help out with our belt line - the young ladies (Tip and Lonna) could do that part for Squid and I cause we would sit in the parking lot and talk about guy gear head stuff.. Texas needs to learn to share, its not fair that they get the finest and then keep them. I will lock the doors if Squid and Lonna come here and never let them leave! I was going to keep Raggie when he came to get the trailer last week but he is a very slippery varmint, Squid's beard is more bristly so he would be easier to get in a head lock and keep him here
  12. BEAUTIFUL DON, just BEAUTIFUL!! Hats off to both you and Eileen for providing one of the prettiest campgrounds Tip and I will have ever stayed in. Your hard work (both of you) is greatly appreciated!! Now,, about that bell I see in the picture,, any chance I could get assigned to control the dinging thereof? As an official member of the National Ding Dong Association - me and that puppy could have a lot of fun together!! 10 snores - 1 ring
  13. Here - here Earl!! VERY WELL PUT!! Cant wait to shake your hand my friend - thanks for the well written thoughts!!
  14. One of our members was kind enough to ask about Olivia and her new Owner's possibility of showing up for MD like I had talked about way back when she found her new home (THANK YOU @Motiv for asking). Frankly, because of all the recent med stuff I have been dealing with, I had completely forgotten about my sweetheart - HOW COULD I DO THAT:95:!! Thanks to Motiv, I sent Ben (her new owner) a quick email to let him know what had been going on and to inquire of the possibility of us MD varmints getting an exclusive show time with Olivia and Ben. Here is the response I received from Ben!! Hello Scott, Very sorry to hear about your health, but Happy Birthday!!! One way or another we will team up when you get here. I will check my schedule with the Mrs. When I get home tonight And get back with you beginning of next week. I know for sure, I work that Saturday from 9am to Noon. As for Olivia, she has been pouting about a few things, but the more I work on her and buy her new things ( like a typical lady ) she is warming up to me. She Looks GREAT. Her tired old Generator may have to see a Doctor. She is not charging well these days. But the Lady is 73 years old. Anyway, talk with you next week. :clap2::dancefool: Ben also included a request for @Freebirds street address - Don, if you get a second would you mind PMing it to me so I can pass it on to Ben? Thanks again Motiv for the reminder - I hope it all works out cause I cant wait to see my sweety all dolled up and ready for the re-inactment battle fields that Ben participates in!! Long Live Olivia!!
  15. Sounds good Raggie, Steve hasnt had the joy of having to wait for us yet , lets just officially can the whole meeting at exit 15 at 1pm and meet up at Don's.. We were really not looking forward to dealing with those east side maniac drivers anyway - they sent the best of the best over to our place and after watching you slide corners using that trailer as a counter steer tool,, we probably should stay away from the east side maniacs So, anybody reading this,, the 1pm meet for Raggie and I at exit 15 on I-75 is officially off BUT,, looking forward to meeting everyone (including my motorcycle/trailer racing champion friend) at that great Venturerider.org dealy in Oberlin Ohio!! Ride safe and if you see a guy who could use a shave on a good looking 2001 Reddish colored RSV pulling a Motorcycle tent camper with the edges of the tires burned of from smoking it in the corners - just move over and let em by!! Hey @eagleeye,, back to just us,, bring map - lest we end up in Oberlin Kansas (there really is such a place)!!
  16. Heyyy Dan, that makes me wonder,, for us guys that like Harley's and cant afford to ride one,, I wonder if a guy a had a Pace Maker installed if they could time the thing to go "Potato Potato Potato" Probably shouldnt have said that, some marketeer from HD might read it and use it as a money maker for the Motor Company.. I can just see their new accessory catalog advertising official HD Pacemakers ..
  17. HOKEY SPAAMOKEY Kat - I bet Mike's like ,,,, I am sorry, I apologize for being such a .. Looking great kiddo - I AM PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! I had to lose 50 pounds once in order to get a neuro surgeon to repair my busted up back and get me out of a wheel chair. I did it by eating a Wendy's small chili for lunch (no crackers) and ground chicken with mustard on a piece of toast for dinner (its amazing how little you can live on when your wanting to be able to walk again) - 50 pounds in just under 6 months and that was without excersize - NOT FUN.. Anyway, I know from experience how tough it is to control weight (its a whole lot easier to put it on:innocent-emoticon:) . Out of that ordeal I learned to REALLY appreciate folks like yourself who have your type of will power young lady and, what a blessing for you to have the support and understanding of someone like your hubby! Give that rascal a hug for me.. Wishing you two nothing but the greatest in happiness together while you share this "new" lifestyle and freedom!! Amazing Kat - just amazing!! Love ya's Puc
  18. @Dale124, Dale - I have dealt with exactly what you are describing my whole life. Mine was normally happening when at rest (watching TV or something). Tip was laying with her head on my chest watching a movie one time and heard that puppy doing all kinds of things along with the familiar "flutter" feelings.. This was way back in the 80's. She said she could hear it missing beats and stuff. Went to a Cardio dude back then, wore a heart monitor so they could catch the thing (like yours, it was very intermittent). When it finally happened on record I was setting on the couch and screamed "got cha you nasty rascal". Went back, thinking it was open heart surgery stuff.. Docs said it was "PVC's" or something like that.. Something about the heart not getting filled up all the way or something.. Said lots of folks have it and it was of no concern. Suggested I knock off any caffiene usage (how did they know I LOVED Mountain Dew).. I cut out the Coffee (hard) and the Mountain Dew (harder) and guess what - it REALLY helped (no idea why).. Recently I was diagnosed with Sic Sinus and am still being considered for a pace maker. I asked this most recent cardio guy if those early years of the flip flopping heart feeling and light headedness stuff was related to this low signal to the bottom of my heart they recently found.. They said probably not, that things change as we age.. Just wanted you to know your not alone and I can relate to what your saying.. Bottom line my friend, at a minimum, if your intaking caffiene, I would try cutting that stuff out completely and see what happens - cant hurt.. Go to a cardiologist and let him have a listen, that ticker aint nuttin to fool with.. June 17th 2015, the beginning of my friend Jeff's new life!! Prayers Up and BLessings Down Fool - its on my calendar - will be praying for you brother!!
  19. This project may have been a little advanced for Dan O', we actually had the correct number of poles.. Ya might be right though Fool, it would have fun watching him attaching the camper tent to my eave troughs with bungee cords or something.. Clever rascal that Yammer.. In Raggies defense (like he needs any help in that category), I think he was trying to locate someone who actually had a clue. I kinda tricked him when discussing the sale on the phone. I told him, NOOOOO PROBLEMO ABOUT SHOWING YOU SETUP - I KNEW EXACTLY HOW TO PUT IT UP Good buddies do that kinda stuff,, oh sure,, come on over and let ol Puc'll teach ya the ropes:stickpoke: Ya know,, now that I think about it,, he had to call me a couple times to get my actual address, for some reason he didnt trust the positioning of my balloon on the members map... Now I kinda wonder if he was suspicious of the whole set up teaching process right from the beginning:think:
  20. Hey,, Hi Brian - alllll the way from Michigan in the US!! Assuming you are talking about an 84, not a 64 Venture, what exactly are you looking for? I may be able to help you out.. Puc
  21. If both front and rear brakes have been still working normally it has to be fork oil. I would proceed with the Progressive plan and get to MD!!!! I am looking forward to meeting/riding with you too Mas!!!
  22. What a great day,, Raggie and his daughter came over from the east side of Michigan to look at our Camper.. After a very very brave attempt at getting the tent portion of the camper to stand upright and a short learning curve thereof - Raggie and I learned a few things we will never forget.. 1st off, the tent sections on these little campers fit the trailer portion better if the tent is not inside out. Second of all, having women (his daughter and Tippy) adding opinions about our tag team effort can complicate matters. Third thing we learned was tent stakes dont work well on concrete:big-grin-emoticon: and last but not least, fresh yellow line paint from the road does not wash off as easily as one may expect it to (Cowpuc Loves Tippy).. Great day with even greater friends!! If you wanna join the fun, watch the vid.. If ya dont wanna have nightmares, just look at the pics and try to imagine the fun we had!! Hey Raggy, that daughter of yours does a FINE job on the twisties - daughter to be proud of!! THANKS again for purchasing the trailer and for the GREAT day Jay!! Hope you get THOUSANDS of good nights rest inside of your comfy new dog house!
  23. I snagged into one of those once (cant tell for sure - pics blurry) and immediately cut the line and let it go.. It was nassstty!! Funny thing though,,, I also left the lake and when I was loading my row boat up on the trailer I noticed some mens clothing laying on shore.. I tried em on and they fit so I loaded em up with boat and went home. Tip was shocked when I told her the story, she thought I stopped at Goodwill or something on my way home.. Another note, it was in that stack of clothes that I found a Harley hat that have worn for years - my favorite hat and still is!!!
  24. GOOD QUESTION @Motiv - THANK YOU for asking.. All the medical stuff going on I had completely forgotten about Olivia and her new owner.. Last I heard he had her stripped down for restore to match his other military stuff BUT, that has been a while!! Because of you, I just emailed Ben (new owner) and inquired.. I let him know details about QSL (date time). Hoping its ok - I also let him know he would be welcome at @Freebirds MD - I think Don's might be a farther of a ride BUT thought best to let him know he was welcome!! I will update if/when I hear something! Again Motiv - THANKS!!!!!!!
  25. Was bass fishing a small pond a number of years ago, hit something hard with the paddle for my canoe - looked down just in time to see the claws and foot of huge snapper - not kidding, the foot was the size of my hand!! I have NO DOUBT that your ponds "dinosaur" is taking the bait!! On another note, we also used to have a pretty good sized pond that I had dug to use for fill dirt. We ended up finishing it, shallow end with beach sand for the kids, deep end was 15 feet.. I too planted fish.. Few years go by, I am standing in my bedroom shaving while gazing over the landscape when a Blue Huron came right over our house and landed in the pond. I yelled at Tip and said "a teradactel just landed in the pond!!!" After those monsters showed up I couldnt keep fish... I LOVE POND LIFE - WAY COOL UNC!!!!
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