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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. THANK YOU ANNIE!!!! Our in hopes that we get a chance to cross paths with you and the mighty QUICKSTEP!!! G'Day Sister!!!!
  2. Dont forget to add in Security Force costs, even though Raggie and I are donating our time and ammo, their should be something added to your formula that would cover an event such as Swat Team enforcement and Fire/Rescue..
  3. Tip and I are doing a wedding on the 13th of June (THANK GOD THIS PREDNIZONE IS WORKING) and were also SHOCKED at how prices have soared!! Don, PLEASE tell Eileen that Tip said we are on the same page with you folks - it is unreal!! Personally, I am amazed at what you are pulling together at your home and proud to know such high caliber, willing/wanting to share people - I APPLAUD YOU FOLKS!! :clap2::clap2: Thanks for sharing the info in your usual very well put informative way Don, just right so that those who cant afford the xtra expense will still feel totally welcome and wanted. Personally, I think the integrity of your intent should be maintained by keeping the "can" a little discreet so those who cannot contribute suffer no feelings of intimadation AND know thats the way it is upfront - I am a greedy little troublemaker when it comes to wanting as many of our family there as possible (got to take advantage of meeting as many new faces at one location as possible). As far as those who will be contributing. I know there are a number of us who buy/sell and do the Paypal thing. I wonder if it might not be prudent to open your Paypal account up for early dinner donations for those who would find donating to the cause in that manner more convenient.. Personally,, Tip and I still do a fair amount of "dating" and I gotta tell ya, a good dinner date nowadays is easily 25 bucks (what da heck, even a BK Burger/Fries and Coke is only a buck short of your cost per serve).. Toss in the OUTSTANDING sense of family and FUN that I got a sneaking hunch is about to take place (priceless) and I think a GREAT dating experience is in the works!!
  4. Tell ya Dick,, I have known that for a very very long time, even tried to tell my Mom when I was just a little Puc but never got no one to listen to me.. You gotta KNOW that I want the guy in the first pic doing the flying.. That second pic of one tired pilot should land in Muskegon, I will pick em up at the airport, bring em home for some of Tippys home cooking, take a snooze, get up, tell me stories of seeing aliens from the cockpit and then go chase us along the lake shore on my Honda Helix.. Then and only then would I want that feller buzzing around my head in one of those great big airliners
  5. Prayers Up and Blessings Down SKIDDER!!!
  6. Ya know,, I been thinking about this one Dan,, I have read the Bible thru more than once and for the life of me I simply cannot recall anything in there mentioning nuthin about a man (another than Jesus, but he only was cause He is the Messia) or woman ever aquiring sinless perfection.. I have met a LOT of great people on this planet and I gotta tell ya, I aint never met me a perfect one yet (me amoungst the worst), great and nice and all that - heck ya but far from perfect.. Seems like I did read something along the line one time in there that said something like this "if a man says he is perfect and sinless he is lying and the truth is not in him".. Now let me give you my version of that and aimed at the feller that wronged ya bro,, ah hmmm,, "I can tell your a lying cause your lips is moving":big-grin-emoticon: Sad bro,, really really sad..
  7. YOU BETCHA RAGGIE!! Gonna use some of that 50+ sun screen chap stick like I carry out west on the rest of my zips,, keep em from getting sunburned too:big-grin-emoticon:
  8. But,, and I may be wrong about this, arent the early model RSTD different in umph than the later ones? Seems like I read that they have smaller carbs until early 2000's? Wondered if a person could swap out a set of 83 carbs, open the pipes and make it go like stink or if cams, ignition curve, compression ratio and all that has to be addressed.. Paaatuuuueeee,, this popcorn takes like shoe leather,,, Hand me the marshmellows, gram crackers and hersey bars will ya Fool
  9. time around the fire!! Been seeing a number of early model RSTD's around a very good prices.. Seems I have read that they were majorly detuned? Wondered if any of our gear heads has taken the time to bring one back up to the higher numbers we see with the 1st or 2nd gens? Maybe I am completely out in right field even asking that question,, maybe its the quoted numbers on those early bikes just being quoted wrong from Yamaha? Never rode one, anyone actually owned both that can give good comparo - between a 1st Gen and an early RSTD? Thoughts? Thanks!!
  10. Flyby,, no idea whether you did or not either - tweeks, twaaks, twipps dont matter on here cause the old girl has no idea how to use a puter.. I was only referring to accuracy for in flight spelling while using those exhaust fumes to spell things in the sky like you lop eared hi flyin areo spellers do.. Ol Tweeks see's her name mispelled up yonder, she may force me to send ya a note attached to Fools experimental jet that reads "hey flyboy - loose the "a" and plug in an "e" or Puc dont get no Indian"!! Gotta be way more to fixing spellin problems up yonder than down here - specially trying to manuver one of them passenger jet air spellers!! By the way,, you actually did use the term Man Sewer to loosely.. Dats cow poop you be smelling, not man stuff - should read "CowSewer Puc"..
  11. Good for you David!! PS,, dont forget your extra saddle bags and trailer - the tools at HF LOVE to follow us gear heads home and dragging tools on a rope behind your bike is probably not legal in Tucson (LUCKY RASCAL - RIDE TO TUCSON, STOP AT HF:stickinouttounge:)
  12. Nano Nano, Mork calling Orson,,,, Mork calling Orson... Today on earth I learned some really interesting things about metal zippers on leather jackets Orson. I also learned how a little humility can go a long ways when needing help from an earthling.. I took my space suit leather jacket to a man with a big needle to have a zipper replaced that long ago had gotten ruined by meteor dust and me pulling on it.. The human at the shop asked me if I would rather have a new zipper or if I would be interested in learning about zipper care and possibly being able to keep my original zipper and save $35 dollars. You would be proud of me Orson, I told him I came to earth to learn, gain knowledge and I chose to do that.. He showed me how to carefully separate some sticky tiny teeth (looked like they needed a dentist from Ork), brush dust from earth places like Texas - Utah and Montana out of the teeths tiny pockets with a small brush. He then showed me how to use a small knife (some people here use these knife things to hurt each other instead of helping zippers) and realign the teeth. Then the kind man showed me how to use Chap Stick (he told me this is kind of a secret that he only tells people about that he can clearly see want to KNOW and UNDERSTAND about zippers) on the zipper and then to take a lighter (here on earth they use lighters to start fires instead of ray guns) and to heat the chap stick up on the zipper to lubricate it. My zipper now works as new, I have a new good friend who taught me lots about zippers and Mindy is happy because the kind human didnt charge me anything for the knowledge (they have a thing called Tipping here, I tipped him two Orkon field stones for his knowledge). While I was walking out of the door of the sewing shop I thought of a new saying that you may like Orson.. Here is what I made up: "NEVER KNOW SO MUCH THAT YOU ARE UNABLE TO LISTEN TO YOUR FELLOW MAN AND RECEIVE DEEPER KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING FROM HIM" Thank you for listening Orson - Mork out!!
  13. Prayers Up and Blessings Down Rick!! Glad you are going to be ok!! Heal quickly and fully my friend. Thanks Don for letting us know.
  14. Well put Patch, I certainly would NEVER follow an "experimenter" like my selfs advice unless you happen to be willing to suffer the consequenses of a failed experiments. I gotta say though, concerning the shimming.. I was actually surprised to open the slide up on my 83 and find the Metering Rods not equipped with "e" clips for adjustments. Most bikes that I have played with in the past have come equipped with Metering Rod adjustability via this clip and (may be wrong with this) I always assumed moving the meter rod up and down was part of the tuning process for areas between right off closed throttle (where the fuel from the pilot jet is, again - IMHO, feeding the engine) to where the tapered needle is no longer effecting fuel flow thru the main = at WOT the main jet is in total control - the area's where people spend most of there time and where altitude changes seem to have the most effect.. I used to use the metering rod adjustments to get my dirt bikes and snowmobiles spot on and it really really seemed to help in plug fouling BUT, and reiderate,, its a huge BUT - I am farrr from anymore than an experimenter with this stuff and certainly am ALWAYS willing to acknowledge that!! Thinking about all this,, years ago I worked in a Honda shop and got involved in setting up brand new CT70's and Z50's.. A big part of my time back then was in final carb adjustments in tweeking out little hesitations and the like (they were sensitive). I always used the meter rod to crispen them up in final tune and these were brand new bikes.. Now ya got me wondering, hope I didnt mess up a bunch of new minibikes in the process:yikes:
  15. My money's on it getting skeerd and jumping ship - you and me taint old enough to be forgetful yet Dan O'!!
  16. OH MY GOSH - would THAT be AWESOME JEFF!!! Especially LIT!!!! You my man are MY KINDA PEOPLE!!! Gonna sound nuts probably but I really really like the old JD Harleys.. I LOVE the exposed valving and I thinks its cause I LOVE watching the parts move.. I think having this window idea is AWESOME.. Wouldnt it be cool if in the near future someone was able to create clear plastic strong enough to be used as cases so we could see everything going on inside of a running motor:backinmyday:
  17. Yea,, dat boss man needs to study up on "Self Fulfilling Prophecy" cause me and Tooch,, we are pretty good at following that code of ethics aint we Tooch!!
  18. Maybe ya got yourself one of them trick circus mirrors that do shape bending or something... I know I looked in our bathroom mirror a minute ago and seen this . Notice how my ears are not lopped? Did yours look like that or were they hanging down more, that would be what I am referring to as "lopped",, you know,, as in loppy or floppy..
  19. Just told Tip and my youngest daughter what you were doing Eck. Without hesitation Tip also said 14A from Cody east. Totter (my daughter) still picks the Tunnel of Trees - located on the Lake Michigan shore line here on the west side (only way up North) - didnt surprise me, she liked it so much years ago I "named" her (biker name) after it = Tunnel of Trees Rider = Totter. Anyway, there ya go Eckster - two more entries!! By the way, been thinking about it, I think my 1st place choice (gotta choose just one right?) is gonna be Skaggs Springs Road from Stewards Point to Geyserville.. A lot of it is one lane (not one way though) - almost like a bicycle path - thru the Red Woods.. 1st time we rode it I told Tippy that it really really should have National Park status. It was wayyy more awesome than even the Red Wood Forest NP (IMHO) with curves that not even the dragon can compare to (not as many) and SPECTACULAR scenery!!
  20. Indeed brother - THAT is unbelievable! Any chance you may have a picture of the sign at the top of the east side mountain climb - the one that talks about it taking 30 years to build that roadway? I thought I had some but cant find em.. What an amazing accomplishment and AWESOME ride!!
  21. Just cause you see a lop eared troublemaker when you look in a mirror doesnt mean I will get to see em:detective:
  22. Hey Jay, you get the rack for your trailer?
  23. THANKS JAY!!! I will strap my 6.5 KW Genny onto Tweeks back for lectricty.. Heyy,, wait a minute here,, didnt I read somewhere that Consumers were gonna run power down into the Buckeye State a couple years ago? Will have to do a little digging and see if they happen to have gotten all the way into Oberlin yet.. Maybe that would even mean I wouldnt even have to bring a generator either!!
  24. Hey Speedy Gonzales - you must have a spy camera in my kitchen here or your a mind reader or something:guitarist 2:
  25. No, actually I have never had the honor of shaking Fool's snowmaking hand.. I just know how much he LOVES making that nasty white stuff and KNOW that dandi lions always pop up in my yard after it sheds his prior winter folic. Figured if I get as many of them as I do from his fertile snow he must have a regular farm of em over there!! Speaking of Dandi Lions, you guys ever try Dandi Lion wine? Had a good friend as a kid who's dad use to make the stuff, my friend and I (under a little of my coaxing) use to sneak into his dads bomb shelter (oh man,, remember those days back in the 60's when everyone was building Nuclear Bomb shelters?) and spend the afternoon drinking his dads survival supplies:doh: Good thing the ruskies didnt attack cause we would have all died from Dandi Lion wine starvation!! Goofy kids never think about that kind of stuff I guess:bang head:
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