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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Holy whippin wild ride Batman!!! YEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWW!!! Thought I was back in a good ol fashioned Rocky Mountain storm! Rained solid alway across the State and didnt stop till I got 15 miles from home:250: Pulled in at 11:01. Sitting here telling Tip how sad I was while at Don's that she wasnt there cause it was soooooo beautiful out and the fun we all had was beyond belief, BUT,, she knew when I walked in the door that she had made the right choice cause of the weather coming home.. Now I am getting spoiled with a big hot bowl of her homemade chicken and dumpling soup:missingtooth: Thinking of all the other folks too Larry, Prayers Up that everyone gets home safely!! Was thinking of @rbig1 having to go back to Iowa and hoping he doesnt have to deal with the wet/cold!! And our Canadian brothers/sister, and da southerners,, easterners, westerners and northerners:fingers-crossed-emo Ride safe all!! Oh yea,, THANKS for the concern guys!!!
  2. Prayers Up and Blessings Down your wifes mom Jonesy!!
  3. d Shhhhhh,, not so loud, Mr. EagleEye is sound asleep in the bedroom next to mine getting his beauty sleep.. His tummy is full of baked beens and smoked chicken sandwiches that Tippy made just for him (actually I ate 3x more than he did - ate like a bird he did (guess thats par as he is a eagle after all). He told me he saw you Red and said he could not wait to get back on here and see if it was you.. I think I wore him out with laughter and stories cause he just made it past 12am headed to the sand man.. No idea how he is gonna handle the real MD at Dons when he runs into the professional 's down there:confused24: when an like me wore him out so early.. This could really be interesting By the way, WOW ZZZ WOW WOW WOW what pretty scoot he has!!! I LOVE his custom white walls!! I got time,, wonder if he would notice it if Tweeks had his bikes tires on her in the a.m.
  4. There was time not very long ago when a much healthier Puc actually LOVED riding in the rain. I remember a few years ago while out at the Sturgis Rally it had been in the low 100's. I came around a corner on the Spearfish Canyon ride where there was a large group of riders standing under a tarp trying to stay dry. As my then 83 Venture ( #4 who's name was Sammy) with me standing on her pegs getting cooled off by the glorious rain passed by them and waved.. They all started giving me the "power sign" (raised fists) as though rooting us on. Later my brother in law who was with me mentioned the incident and said he felt like some kind of hero when in fact, he could not believe those other riders were wasting the chance to cool off and get a free shower to boot. I told him I had the same thought! I also used to ride my bike (350 Motosport) to work all winter (only transportation I had) and loved it.. The cold never really bothered me back then, matter of fact I LOVED the white stuff fervently. Now, what seems like only a couple weeks later, I had a doctors appointment today and mentioned our weekend plans. I was warned about my immune system situation and my sic sinus (very low heart rate - bad signal to the bottom of my heart). I mentioned that I had been watching the weekend weather and the combination of the wet and the cold that is likely to come in (50's here). I was told to be very careful in regard to my current sensitivity to hypothermia (how on earth is that even possible - I always thought hypothermia was some kind of Siberia ailment). Then the doctor went on to explain how getting sick from just getting chilled could be disasterous with my lowered immune system.. All that said, there is a good chance that we are going to have to turn to our little KIA and becoming yet more additives to the cager mixture - THAT is soooo hard to even type!! One way or another though, FOR SURE we refuse to be the cause of Freebird having to eat all that food :fatsmiley:that he has ordered and are planning to be there to assist that fine man one way or the other!!
  5. WOW,, what a mess that has got to be Sapper:95:!! Just want you ALL to know that Tip and I are thinking about and praying for all our family down there!!
  6. Sorry to hear this Sleepy, was looking forward to making your aquaintance.. Best wishes in helping that son of yours move - lift with your legs, not with your back!!
  7. Its a 1981 Murray, 1.5 hp, cruises really nice at 25 - guessing 30 is about tops. It is Puch motored and it seems to be fairly well built. I am pretty amazed at how well preserved the engine was after setting all those years - amazing compression and super quite. It has a very similar carb (Bing) to my very first bike (1959 Sears Allstate also made by Puch - parts of it are still with me after all these years), you know the one - with the neat little float tickler to prime er up. I had forgotten how teeny tiny those little carb orvices were.. Used to be able to actually see those little puppys but now I had to wear two pair of 3 power reading glasses and a magnifying glass to clean this one:big-grin-emoticon: In all fairness, Tip actually wanted the mirror like that so she could make sure the wind wasnt messing up her pretty hair:Laugh: and I thought that position would be perfect for signaling @Flyday should he be circling over head! Besides Fool, this particular model didnt come with reverse so seeing to back up is really not necessary:rasberry:
  8. Ah ha - and here I was feeling guilty doing all this pacing!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the truth comes out,, funny thing about truth - sooner of later it always seems to find its way to the surface! Thanks Carl, now I dont feel so bad!! Oh yea, about your speech,, please try to hold it below 12 hours - I get really tired these days and I would hate to fall asleep just as the ending punch line:stickinouttounge:
  9. Little bit of tweeking needed from setting for a couple decades (PO just stopped riding it years ago) and look whats cookin for my girl!! She is a keeper and, its looking like, so is her new scoot!! Looks like I am gonna have more in new tires for the old scoot than I have in the rest of the bike BUT - my girl Tippy is worth every dime!! Look at her smile,, I LIKE THAT - A LOT!!
  10. Well I for one believe you Patti, YOU GO GIRL!!!!! :You_Rock_Emoticon:and so does your Jeep!! Thanks for story and thanks for the (as in singular)!!!
  11. Hold on here a second guys,, if memory serves me correctly there is small alignment indentation on the outer edge of the diaphram on these first gen carbs thats seems like it would hold the entire assembly in position . If a slide were to rotate it seems like it would have to loosen itself from the sealing between itself and the diaphram - if this happened the diaphram and the slide would definitely not remain as a sealed unit (IMHO) = failed diaphram. Something just dont add up with the comment made by that motorcycle commentor guy - not that he aint wayyy smarter than yours truly (I am sure he is) but I am having a hard time seeing what he is saying as a possibilty as feasible... I am probably missing something in my logic..
  12. That :crackup:right there is the kinda stuff :rotf:that is my basis for knowing it was best :rotf:to succumb to this particular scammerizer.. Thanks Carl for the scintillating way of enlightening me!!
  13. Well put Dogman, well put!! God bless you Carl!!
  14. Cannot wait to see what that 2nd gen honey looks like with her new shield David!! Thanks for doing all the testing and reporting back for all us sandbaggers!! You da man bro!!!
  15. cowpuc


    Just wear your helmet and strap on that cast when ever you go anywhere Sailor - you'll be all right!! Sooooo glad your doing ok!! Heal fast and fully my friend!!
  16. :crackup::rotf::rotf::rotfl::rotfl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRysrnWZ1SI
  17. OUTSTANDING T - sounds like ya did real well!! Would LOVE to see some 's! Also,, """On the bright side I did put 300 miles on yesterday. 100 of which was with 115 Harley's, 2 Spyders, 1 Yamaha crotch rocket, 1 1984 Yamaha 650 bobber, and my 1st Gen.""" sure sounds like a great recipe for some awesome fun!
  18. cowpuc


    Right there with Flyinfool.. Then check/change plugs, the little 10mm plugs in these things hate to be choke blackend. Check your carb diaphrams for holes/rips and your slides for stickyness. Toss a carb sync at it and try it again..
  19. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyy cool Larry:clap2::clap2: and THANK YOU for following the unspoken forum rules with the !!! BEAUTIFUL!! Sayyy,, ahhhh, look closely at the pic,, is that a set of flying saucers chasing each other in the background? I LOVE flying saucers!!!
  20. Now THAT is fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Hey Rbig,, what cha using for oil? I know when its warm out I switch to 20/50 in Tweeks and she tends to run a LOT less noisy and shifts better.. Of course, she has a ton of miles on her and I have no idea how many miles on your scoot but - if its over 200k you might just wanna try some 20w50..
  22. I know Jeff, I know - I was/am trying to be careful brother.. The thing is,, I just knew I didnt wanna end up getting REVERTED (If you do not extend your subscription, you will revert to "registered").. That kinda scared me so I fell for the scam.. Had no idea exactly what it meant but I knew I wanted no part of it..
  23. :crackup::rotf::rotf::crackup: sensors indicate that this billmac feller and the Nigerian scammer have something in common Captian
  24. R, if it were mine I would start with the clutch.. If pulling in the clutch quiets the rattle down, even if its not everytime - IMHO, it is probably clutch related.. If it were a crank/rod issue I highly doubt that clutch activation would change it.. To help with your hearing, I wonder if listening thru a paper towel tube (with no paper left on it) would help? I used to use a stethascope a lot but, my hearing isnt what it used to be either and I have found that the good ol paper towel tube seems to have a megaphone effect.. Might try it..
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