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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Notice I didnt click "like" on your response Raggy - sounded way to much like whats going on around here too and I sure dont "like" it Hey ya lop eared varmint Bongo,, I didnt notice anything mentioned about a new battery?? Seems like the last time I heard about you not riding your scoot,, lets see,, oh yea,, that was a Raggy's Meet and Yap,, you werent riding it cause it needed a battery.. Just guessing that was taken care of a longgg time ago:stirthepot: Sorry my friend, couldnt refuse being a smart .. Sounds like you guys made some super headway - KUDO"S to those furry varmints from the North for getting ya fired up and helping ya get Sexi even Sexi-er yet!! ROCK ON GUYS!!!!!
  2. Yep,, what Raggy asked.. Either way though, I think it best to remember a person (or people if traveling together) on a bike/bikes is no different than that of a cager/cagers.. He/she has full right to ride at whatever speed they want, if they wanna drive like geezers on a sunday cruise - they have that right. If they wanna speed, they pay the occasional speeding ticket like the rest of us have had to - their choice.. To avoid obviously angry drivers - I know I have pulled over in my car and let other cars pass lots of times - to many crazy folks out there to even give it a chance to become a road rage incident = aint worth the hassle. Usually the other way around if I am on Tweeks - just something magic about wicking it up to avoid road rage.. When I am on the scoot or in the car and on the ick-spressway and I come to a group of cars or bikes battling it out for position (especially if there is a Tractor Trailer involved in the mix) - I will usually sand bag and let the folks who are in a hurry battle it out.. Then when it gets all clear I will let Tweeks speak for herself until I am back in control again with a couple miles between me and the group. That isnt as much fun or as easy in our gutless Kia.. I personally dont see any difference between a group of cars or group of bikes.. On another note, when in my car I really dont mind driving surrounded by Harley groups (or any other bike group) - I feel right at home with em and usually become part of their scene by all my obvious ohhhing and aweing... That means if they dont know how to group ride and stay in formation - I will inadvertently end up in the middle of the pac, dont bother me a bit.. I have had a number of times thru the years where this bothered the lead bike riders enough though that they eventually pulled over and waited for their group to reform.. Perfectly their choice and their perogative.. I always try to remember this one thing about bikes and bikers.. Just because they CAN ride side by side or form a single file to allow traffic to pass does not mean they have to!! Every bike has full right to a full lane all to themselves - if they are there they own it. If we are talking two lane road here and you have a bike pull over to allow you room to pass by sharing his lane - in our neck of the woods you can get ticketed for that.. We have a lot of Mopeds in our area - not to long ago a friend of mine was ticketed for pulling his Moped off onto the shoulder of the road to allow cars to pass him - 45 mph road, moped would only go 25. The LEO that issued the ticket to him explained that his Moped was no different than if he would have been driving his car and that 25 in a 45 was not illegal but trying to be courteous and letting the cars past was... Concerning staying out of the left lane (passing lane),, I know it sounds crazy but when on my bike and on the ick-spressway I ride that lane a LOT!! I do move over though if someone happens to be wanting to pass (kind of unusal though cause I tend to ride faster than traffic - keeps me in control (at least I "feel" that way). I ride that outside lane for many reasons (less truck damage, ect..) but I mainly do it cause I was born and raised in Deer country and I really really like to have the extra distance away from the inside shoulder where a 160 pound white tail can suddenly pop out and pay me back for all of his ancestor's I killed with my bow/rifle.. I have avoided them more than once in my riding career by doing this.. I was stopped a couple years ago up on I-75 (near Mackinaw City) by one of our finest - Michigan State Police - for doing exactly what I am talking about.. No other cars on the ick-way - he was setting in median running radar.. I go by, few miles over as usual and riding in the passing lane.. Pulled me over and asked why I was riding the outside and that it was illegal.. I asked if he was a biker and, ironically he said he was.. I explained to him why I was doing what I was doing,, he actually nodded and said it made sense.. I told him that even if he wrote me a ticket I would probablyl continue to do so cause a couple hundred dollar fine was better than increasing my vulnerability to deer.. He smiled and said - I get it - have a nice day..
  3. I thought I recognized your scratchin on that dollar bill Squid - only it looked to me like it said "Squidley Jane":scared: and I didnt wanna say nothing that would or nuttin..
  4. Oh come on Craig,, you know ya want too,, spill the beans brother,, let it all hang out!!! Oh wait,, maybe I better be careful here,, could be encouraging you to violate the code or something = what happens in NY, stays in NY......
  5. Hey you guys,, I just noticed something,, if you go back and listen carefully to the very end of the video of our Jonas pushing the bike,, listen to what he says right at the VERY end.. Am I goofy or does @StarFan sound just like Elvis Presley:guitarist 2:,, Rock N Roll Jonas,, not only are you da man,, you is also da KING = I was right all along - ELVIS AINT DEAD - just changed his name to Jonas and gave up riding that 59 FLH Harley gave to em and started riding a Yamaha:stirthepot:!!!!!!!!!! :guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2: YOU DONE BEEN FOUND OUT MR JONAS PRESLEY
  6. Hey ya dad burned Icelandic rabbit:Bunny:,, dont give me that cock n bull story.. Watch the video of another one of my hero's in life = Starfan - rounded up all the folks to help your brother Slowroll when in need, insisted on trying ONE MORE TIME:bowdown: (I was there and videoed the whole episode as it unfolded right before my very eyes) and took care of business... You are farrrrrrrr from lost without da Pucman my friend,, matter of fact,, its usually the Pucman that CAUSES himself and other people to run amuck:stirthepot:!!! I LOVE YOU TOO MY BROTHER:bighug:!!!
  7. Yea @The Tooch, what in the wild world of sports is going on around here??
  8. Interesting short story () to support your perspective (I dont consider it a rant - wayyy to much truth to it Bren).. Last year I attended a run in support of a friend of mines family who had lost my buddy to his cup popping out of its cup holder and getting caught between the yoke and the tank (why I always use styrofoam cups in my cup holder.. Ride left with about 200 bikes, first stop from rally point was a bar (not good). Stood outside and yakked with a few other folks for an hour or so.. Ride captain came out, saddled up.. I had a "gut feeling" that I should call my ride at this point (riding my ride). Told the guys I was riding with that I was gonna head the other way, asked why so I told em I had just seen to many bad things happen thru life in group runs without the added effect (not judging, lord knows I have been where they were headed many many times = 3 fingers pointing back at me so to speak). After I watched em all pull out I went the other way. Later that day one of my friends that continued on the ride stopped by. Told me I had made the right choice. Said the guy who "filled my spot in the stagger formation" in front of him had taken a corner about 3/4 mile from where I had left the group. He forgot to straighten the bike up from the arch of the corner - drove off the road - hit a tree and endoed his Harley.. That back part of the group stayed with him till the ambulance got there. IMHO (and it probably aint worth the memory used here to store it on) a lot of what we are talking about in this thread has to do with pride, pride is strange stuff.. Healthy pride can induce us to do some amazing things in life,, the bad kind of pride can take everything we own - including our lives.. Sometimes I think that one of the hardest things in life is knowing which one we are dealing with when making moment by moment decisions in life even beyond this world of motorcycling that we all love so much...
  9. Unless you two pranksters have developed tennis elbow (and I am pretty sure neither one of you are into tennis) and/or have lost it in hand/eye cordination,,,, or had some kind of tummy flu,,, I highly spect moving a freshly roasted hot dog from grill to biters is gonna be affected Lord I hope not!! Seriously though, Prayers Up and Blessings Down for both my hero's YammerDan and the Fozzie too!!
  10. Yep, biker code numeral uno - ride your ride.......
  11. Tell ya one thing ya icey lop eared varmint Jonas,, if the two of us do make it to that there NY Rally thingy ya best not let me out of that joint without signing my GORGEOUS Icelandic Flag that is permanently mounted on Tweeks windshield (THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH JONAS!!)!! Thing is feeling kinda naked without you and Gretta's signature on it!!!! Will know a LOT more of whether or not we are going to be able to be there as we get closer to August - got another daughter that is now talking a 2015 fall wedding :mo money:so I gotta be a little careful with our fall plans BUT - I been practicing my dance moves so you and I can rip up the floor with those Eastern US varmints!!! :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: @StarFan, you are da man and, by the way, you dont need me around to be so!!
  12. Knowing you bunch of lop eared party varmints staying up all night, I would be more worried about YammerDan and Fozzie Bear eating all the hot dogs before I got there than finding a spot to sleep Kat:big-grin-emoticon: Thanks for the offer Kat - its GREATLY appreciated:thumbsup: - you southerners are some of the most hospitable folks known to man!!
  13. Probably sounds strange but I have ALWAYS loved the looks of that old style, way prettier than the newer modular stuff (just looks to "boxy" to me).. Just something about all those cool aluminum engine lines that make me ,, I am a goofy varmint... Muskegon's bike club had a flat track not to far from where I grew up.. I used to love playing on the track and gotta say - those old right side shift bike's were way easier to flat track because of the shifter on the right = use tranny for braking.. Not sure if there is any validity to this thought or not but I have a hunch that the early sporties (see pic of my 59 below - I left it right side when I chopped it cause I liked right side) were right side because of there tie to flat tracking = HD was BIG into competition on the tracks back then,,, just a guess though.. Sold the 59 a few years ago, still have a brand new set of forward control change overs for it that I just could not put on it cause I loved that old right side shifter..
  14. Last year crossing into Alberta at Glacier NP, everything was fine between Tip, Tweek, the Canadian crossing guard and myself until we got to that ominous question = got any weapons.. I had told him no but he just seemed to not like my answer.. After about a 10 minute deliberation (no other vehicles in line) I finally gave up - told him that it just occurred to me that I did in fact have a weapon, pulled a little 2 inch jack knife out of Tweeks tank bag and offered to leave it with him if needed.. At that point he gave up (didnt smile - I think those guys have a contractual obligation not to smile) and motioned us thru - and I got to keep my jack knife!! Dog gone good thing he didnt search my bike because there, hidden within the walls of my Maintenance Department he would have found my 16 inch pair of Channel Locks - now those suckers are DEADLY!! By the way,, anyone reading this that is thinking of hitting the 75th Sturgis Rally this year, might not be a bad idea to leave the handguns at home for that too. The State of South Dakota voids all CCW's and it is illegal to carry even if your an out of state Police Officer during that week.. Just an FYI..
  15. Eaten hot dogs with a group of hot dogs,, you folks sure now how to hurt a fellow family member dont cha!! Wish there was some way
  16. Late bloomer here... Better late than never I spose,,,, maybe -- maybe not.. I have used just regular Rain-X for years, stuff has always worked great on my 83/84's BUT, and I gotta big but,,, I also use Plast-x to clean my shields. The shield on Tweeks (original) lost its thin protective coating many many moon ago and I keep it alive and it pretty good shape with Plast-x - usually apply Rain-x after every cleaning.. Not sure if Rain-X would affect that thin coating or not but it has never had an ill affect on just the Plexi glass underneath.. Personally I LOVE Rain-x cause when its raining hard I like to jump on the ick-spressway - run a little faster than normal = stay dry and the rain just flys off so I can see where da heck I am going!! Thinking about the whole sun beating on the shield and causing issues, never noticed anything bad from sunshine.. Maybe its cause when its perfect riding, like out across the desert, I ride a lot with my eye closed, with Tweeks on auto pilot so I probably wouldnt notice even if the Rain-x did something wrong in the ..
  17. Now now Mr. Fool, thats no way to lure out a hiding varmint!! I have found that peanut butter works best.. Last night a mouse came running across our living room floor and ran behind the entertainment center.. Tip looks at me and I looks at her. I says, was I seeing things again or was that blurrrr a mouse.. Nods her head yes.. I looked over there again and the little critter was peaking at us around the corner of the center. I got up and he made a dash for the basement stairs. I headed him off and chased him back behind the center. Then ran into the garage, grabbed a mouse trap and ran back to the center and there he was again - staring at me with those beadie little eyes. Chased him behind the center again then ran into the kitchen and grabbed the crunchy peanut butter.. Walked back to the center and he was sitting right in the open like he thought I was playing with him - stomped my foot and he ran back behind it - PERFECT.. I loaded up the trap, laid it where he was last sitting, turned around and walked back to the couch, laid down by Tip and SNAP - right across the whiskers Never did try peanut butter on a Gold Wing before - I know Ventures like the higher octane Ham Sandwiches.. Maybe gonna have to start smearing peanut butter on Tweeks rear fender and see if I can lure that Wing rider out from hiding Fool!! NO SNAP TRAPS THOUGH, that particular varmint is one I would really like to go play with:cool10:
  18. Glad I wasnt alone in that Carl!! Hey, gotta ask ya,, you ever met this Eck feller - the one who started this thread? Now there is an elusive varmint.. Been to a few VR meet ups now and it seems like that critter is kind of slippery.. Still have yet to shake his paw and its really beginning to make me think that our gut feeling about the issue we are talking about may actually have some truth to it..
  19. I think GW has it Dan!! Plus, perhaps if you were all wrapped in bubble wrap you would be less prone to lose yourself!!
  20. Got a daughter coming from California to stay with us for the month of July.. She is a of nosy MD and thinks she is gonna follow me around in dealing with a bunch of medical stuff I have scheduled also for that time period. Not sure how its all going to pan out RedRider but if the timing is right I would be HAPPY to hook up for a late lunch - dinner or something!! Please keep us informed as you progress with your plans!!
  21. I too was around before the crash and back when VR was a non-pay site. Went thru some major medical stuff back in 03 (busted back - 5 back surgeries) and raising kids, could not afford the dues .. Site went pay and I still visited the area's I could just for read sake. A really nice unnamed person knew I had been around for a while, covered me for a years membership (THANK YOU AGAIN). Never did make any of the VR functions until a couple years ago... Told Tip that I had always wondered if folks I had been chatting with on here for years really existed or if they were actually all just one or two people playing games on a computer.. I also, like Venturous Randy mentions, had always wondered what a Vogel was so away we went to see if we could uncover those two mysteries.. CTFWed south in search of lop eared varmints (this was just a couple years ago or so) and a Vogel.. Uncovered varmints at Tail of the Dragon that year (first VR critters I had ever actually met) and later that day found out what a Vogel was.. Found out that most of the people I had chatted with for years were actually real (a couple I still am not certain - one in particular who - right in front of my very eyes admitted the first time I met him that he didnt even know if he was real and was having a hard time finding himself (and THAT was before his recent accident that claimed even more of his already defunct memory - THINK THATS SOMETHING? I HAVE SINCE MET ANOTHER VARMINT WHO SWEARS HE CAN CONTROL THE WEATHER ), some were even pretty decent people who actually were not varmints at all but human beings with fairly likeable personalities. Now here I am today, I decided to hang around and try to use my self proclaimed psychological skills to teach manners to the questionable mob who fell into the lop eared varmint catagories. I have discovered the need for this profound undertaking to be very wide spread, all across the US, Canada and it even has spread into area's like Australia and Iceland. I am proud to be part of this family and what it represents and the "bonding" process that started at Vogel seems to be tighter all the time - of course, I do take my civic duties seriously and must admit, I have only actually met a couple hundred of the 12000 members here and still reserve the right to turn everybody in to the Federal Mental Health officials who are very familiar with my work..
  22. Totally AWESOME!!! Just checked you folks progress - AMAZING!!:clap2: After reading your last post, hope your weather has changed for the better on this last leg? Hows the wildlife and mountain views? What are you paying for fuel and how is the availability? Are you finding ample camping area's (are you able to just pull over and camp?).. How are the roads and tire wear? Sooooo much to think about it all just following along with your Spot Check map!! THIS is awesome!!!
  23. Can wait to hear where that Cha varmint ends up!! RIDE CHA RIDE!!
  25. Tip and I LOVE to head down to our lake shore and watch storms move in.. This last one that @Flyinfool air mailed to us was really strange. Fog was so thick you couldnt see the road in front of our house when we pulled out.. I told Tippy that there was no way the Fools storm could possibly make it cause the air was dead still.. Felt our way down to the lake, could hear massive lightening like it was right on top of us but the fog was so thick you could not even see the lightening flashes.. Then the wind picked up big time (parking signs were even bending over and shaking like crazy.. Finally the wind blew strong enough that some of the soupy fogged blew gave up its position and we could see about half way to the Lake Michigan shore. Then - swoosh - a good 1/4 inch of rain fell in about 20 seconds!! Then it stopped, came home and now its foggy again and dead still.. Strangest storm I ever did see,,, or not see in this case:big-grin-emoticon:
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