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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Never worked on a 2nd Gen Coff but it sounds like it may be a starter relay to me. Anyway to run a wire from the pos of the battery to the starter cable, just touch it to the starter cable and see if you can get it started that way? Or get a couple of those Texan's to give ya a push start and dont shut it off till ya get to somewhere where you can work on it?
  2. Hey,, wait a second here,, wait just a bald man's last hair follicle second here:big-grin-emoticon: ,,,, doesnt the 2nd Gen carry its fuel up on its back like motorcycles of yesteryear did?? Years ago I used to use Sportster tanks on chopper builds and, depending on how much flow I needed for what ever motor I was using - at times I had to add either a high flow petcock or even an extra petcock (one on each side of the tank) to obtain the correct amount of fuel to maintain fuel needs at high r's.. Wonder if anyone has ever tried to completely :stickpoke:mother Yamaha's need to sell pumps by just using gravity feed like the good old days:backinmyday: Of course this would mean a real step back in time and having to remember to twist those petcocks closed for storage BUT,, giving modern day bikers a chance to taste real antique motorcycling may not be all that bad... Plus,, think of how much lighter a second gen could be by no longer needing the extra weight of a pump = one step closer to keeping up with a 1st Gen, horse power to weight ratio and all that
  3. And then here is a link to my own personal prairie campground not very far from all the action.. If any of you click on this link, then scroll back away a little - you can see exactly where I always prairie camp... If you get tired of the crazy action and just want a quiet place to camp - its wide open and all are welcome.. Last several years have even had a few big motorhomes and fifth wheel toy haulers parked on the gravel road that we come in on and camp for the night.. You can even camp right in the ditch (not really a ditch) right on the side of the main road (34) that leads into town going west past the Buffalo Chip BUT - my spot is PERFECT for a being a little quieter and still being able to see the throngs and throngs of bike traffic coming out of town at night and heading in early in the a.m... No shade of any sort but arrive after dark and out by early morning and it works just fine!! https://www.google.com/maps/@44.4524956,-103.3763309,99m/data=!3m1!1e3
  4. Hey Bill, going west out of town, go under the overpass of I-90 like heading toward Deadwood. Burger King will be on your left, little farther is a Conoco Gas station on your left - Yamaha shop on the right.. Easy to find and, cause its not a Harley doings - usually not jam packed with those goofy bikers LOL... Here is a google earth link.. https://www.google.com/maps/@44.417454,-103.536069,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s2O6K9iKAgU26bqZSM9DEdw!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3D2O6K9iKAgU26bqZSM9DEdw%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D100%26h%3D80%26yaw%3D277.48758%26pitch%3D0!7i13312!8i6656
  5. Beautiful pics of an AWESOME tour Midie!! Congrats on a ride well done!!:clap2::dancefool: You folks sure did it right from my perspective,, just something really really special about those gorgeous western states that just beckon us cross country riders to ride back again and again and again!! BEAUTIFUL 's!! I am personally fond of the Needles Hwy area = THANK YOU!!
  6. :big-grin-emoticon: Gotta be careful out there Brat,, new laws up here in Michigan can render you just as much time in jail for association as the actual quilty party receives for doing the actual crimes!! LOVE THAT brother!!!
  7. Hmmm,,,, lets see here Joe,,, other than riding half way across the country trying to catch up with the Cannon Ball Riders,,, hmmmm.. I would say probably 20 or 30 miles Joe.. We had a group of Venture riders go by one time on the highway and I was leary of cutting across the median cause it was in the open. We had to turn off at the next exit and go back the other way to catch em (good thing they weren't riding 1st Gens cause I would probably still be chasing em).. 5 or 10 mile chases are pretty much a common thing with me cause I get distracted by the prospect of meeting a new friend real easy and love to chat (like you didnt know that).. Thats a pretty deep question there ETCS - never thought about it before.. Hey,, wanna hear a short story? One time when we were headed out to a place called "The Dalles" in Orgeon to play with the Venture West folks I ran down a group of riders - at least one of which was riding a Venture, thinking they were all going to the same place we were.. Chased em into a resturant, walked in and started chatting with them about Venture West.. Come to find out they were just a group of folks out for a ride... That went over like a lead balloon, they looked at me like I wasnt all there or something.. I did invite them all to Venture West but noticed they went the opposite direction at a high rate of speed after that encounter:missingtooth: If that ever happens again I think I will tell them my screen name is @etcswjoe on VR
  8. We two too are REALLY getting anxious for those trip reports with pictures to start rolling in Patti!! I wish you nothing but the best of the best of adventure and fun in this next step of life B2 Mom and Dad!! If you folks ever get bored with, as suggested by Squidley = flipping the coin out there and just want to cool off your toes in Lake Michigan you can always come up here and do so.. I do strongly suggest you do it during Arizona's hot season though so B2Dads toes dont freeze and fall off:big-grin-emoticon:!!!
  9. You are welcome Bill,, happy for you two!! Yea, last year was not a good one for us - this medical stuff all started right after we got home from summer touring and kind of knocked the wind out of me so we never made the trip out. On the same token though, we always pack the tent up when we leave "my campground" anyway (security out there on the prairie is kinda scarce). Its the old drop the tent - fall asleep - get up - put the tent back on and go find fun routine... This year maybe we can have a common meeting place - say the Yamaha Shop on the far west end of town (make our bikes feel at home a little) at a set time each day.. I think this year I am going to try and be at the Yamaha Shop in Sturgis at 1 p.m. for a common place while we are out there, maybe grab a Burger at BK and sit in the Yamaha parking lot and eat it and see if we can catch up with some of our friends. Even just a chance to say howdy would be awesome!!
  10. What the heck,, if my next bike is a 2nd gen and if all this is fact I would do the swap out before the original fails and carry the original for a spare.. Never did a swap out on a 2nd Gen but - in all honesty - the 2nd Gen looks like its a lot easier to change out than a 1st Gen is too.. Kinda fishy here,, did mother Yamaha cheapen the pumps and make em easier to swap out so they could sell a few more pumps:think:
  11. AWESOME @jakester!! Congrats to both you and the future Mrs. Jakester!! Lord willing and the creek dont rise, Tip and I do intend on making the 75th out at Sturgis. We will be camping in the same spot I have for years, open camping on the prairie a couple miles east of the Buffalo Chip unless we get tired and fall asleep on a side walk somewhere or something.. BJ passed on some information about some outstanding pie being located not far from our "campground" that we ARE going to locate while we are out there this year, might be fun to do a VR pie search if we can all hook up in that madhouse somehow... We will know more about our situation as time draws closer..
  12. THANK YOU for the info Rose and for sharing your ride with us!!! This thread is OUTSTANDING!! Ride safe and have fun out there you two!!
  13. I am going wayyyyyy out on the Murphy's law limb here and know I am setting myself up for a fuel pump failure but I gotta join Condor's point of view.. I know Tweeks original pump has just under 300k on it (thats where the Murphy's law danger comes in = thin ice for sure) and I only had to do a quick change on I-90 in the 106 degree temps on one of my other 4 1st Gens (part of the adventure:big-grin-emoticon:), all of which made it well over 200k on OEM pumps,, seems like pretty good history.. I will say this though, I do generally carry a spare used pump in my Maintenance Department though.. Not really sure how much re-plumbing I would want to do on installing a new style pump cause what if that sucker did fail for some reason and I had to replumb again on the side of the road to install my extra pump.. Something to think about.. The question I have is are the newer 2nd Gen pumps known to fail a lot sooner than the 1st Gens do? If so, would the 1st Gen pumps fit the 2nd Gen's (in case one of you rascals has a pump fail and I can rescue you with a spare 1st Gen pump)? This is a VERY informative thread, THANKS for posting it up Bubber!! Bubber, when the bike stalled on you did it act like it was running out of gas - stammer a little before it shut down, or did it just quit - like turning off a light switch? If it ran out of gas it should have got boggy and powerless gradually (at least that has been my experience in the few times Tip and I have ran out of gas on Tweeks:missingtooth:). Is there any chance you may have checked fuel levels in your carbs by draining them out and seeing how much fuel they had them? I am not exactly sure how you were able to get air into the bowls if they were full as the float needles should have kept air from passing if they were raised to shut off by fuel content.. I am also not sure how they could "gurgle" on air passing into the float chambers unless they were full cause the fuel would have been well below the entrance area into the bowls (should be anyway),,,,, hmmmmm,, thats kinda strange.. Truthfully,, if it were mine,, after I got the new pump deal figured out and had good gas flow going to the carbs I think I would turn the key on and off until the pump stops clicking (should do so gradually so you can tell that the bowls are full). Then I would drain the bowls one at a time into a see thru container so you can compare fuel contents of each carb. Also look closely at the fuel from each bowl and make sure the gas is clean = no particles or water. If all looks good, I would run it up and down street a LOT just to let it re-earn my trust as you may have something else going on beside fuel pump... Dont trust it till you can trust it,,,,,,, did I say that right? Not to open the can of worms about Orlins MD here BUT I gotta say, I wish you could have made it down there somehow cause I would have been honored to tinker on your scoot with you - I LOVE tinkering on others machines!!! Betcha Kenny would have even let us play with his Color Tune on it - wayyyyyy cool outfit - gotta get me one them fang dangled contrapations!! Keep us informed as you fix your scoot!! It will be interesting to find out what ya find out! Personally, I hope the new pump solves everything for you brother
  14. Ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhh, I SAID I WAS STILL KICKIN!!! :stirthepot::witch_brew:
  15. You be careful with that blood clot stuff brother!! THAT can be nasty stuff!! Hopefully your Doctor has you doing some kind of blood thinner or something? My sister went thru a bout with leg blood clots and found herself in the hospital out of fear of em moving,,, thinking of you and praying for always Dan O'!!
  16. Have fun and ride safe down there my Texas Hero Brother!!
  17. Now how on God's green earth is that even possible Roller:confused24:,, last I knew you were still riding a 2nd Gen:hihi::rasberry: Must of headed there right from Don's MD:yikes: HOPE YOU HAVE A BLAST DOWN YONDER MY FRIEND!!
  18. The "and something" may be stickers Nanci,, lots and lots of stickers... Looks to me like there is someone else out there who would also really appreciate this song!! To who ever owns that scoot - this one's for you buddy!!!!
  19. Oh,, by the way,, BEST WISHING ON YOUR AUGUST BIKE TRIP INTO COLORADO @BigClayton!! Dont forget the forum rules while you are out there = :photographing::photographing::photographing::photographing::photographing:
  20. WOW ZZZZ WOW WOW WOW!!!! I was one strange kid (7 year old) when I was younger.. While most youngens back then were listening to rock n roll I happen to find a deep love for Floyd Cramer.. One of my all time favorite pieces that he played was Last Date (seconded by the Music Box Dancer). Seeing that on your list, as well as old Gospel and Country and then watching the short video of your amazing ability at working those ivory's over almost brought me to tears @BigClayton!! OUTSTANDING :clap2::clap2::clap2::dancefool::thumbsup: I showed Tippy your post here, her and I looked at each other at the same time and said "WE HAVE TO DO IT!!!"!! Lord willing and the creek dont rise, we will be in touch at some point in the future - probably on one of our bike trips headed west - to accept your amazing offer my friend!!! With out a doubt, you have been amazing blessed by God himself my friend - THANK YOU for sharing those talents and love for music at such a wonderful level!! CAN NOT WAIT TO SHAKE YOUR HAND (carefully ) and get to hear you play and maybe even get a ride in with you BC !!!
  21. Other way around Fool, that Silvr taught me everything I knows!! :rasberry: Sounds like a fun ride Silv!! Glad you made it safely home and cant wait to see those pics and vids!!! :guitarist 2:
  22. cowpuc

    Almost done

    :clap2::dancefool::dancefool: THAT is GORGEOUS ECK!! May sound crazy but I have often wondered why manufactures dont do exactly what you have done my friend.. At least take a good hard look in RnD and how placing the trunk of these touring bikes down at that level to lower the center of gravity.. I REALLY like that Eck!! NICE JOB!!
  24. OH MY GOSH GARY:scared:!! I am so sorry to hear of all this, THANKFULLY YOU ARE BASICALLY OK!! Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you my friend as you walk thru the healing process!! I too hope and pray that justice is somehow found within the courts for the recklessness of the Driver of that truck - its a sad state of affairs when someone can cause such horrendous damage and not have to be held responsible for it:95: Prayers Up and Blessings Down for you and Lisa!! WOW AM I GLAD SHE STAYED HOME TO TEND THE GARDEN!! Thanks for posting this up Kev!!
  25. Last summer while riding our Helix, Tip and I happened upon a fellow riding a gorgeous 89 Venture.. As always I mentioned our family here on VR to him.. Turn the page of life's story to yesterday and you would find us pulling into Baldwin Mi on our way home from Orlins MD in Wisconsin. As we came to a stop at US-10, I looked over my shoulder and noticed a rider on a Blue 89 sitting at a gas station. Of course, I had to go back and chat.. As we chatted I mentioned VR and he mentioned that he had heard about our site. As we talked it became clear that he was the same rider we had chatted with last year down by our home in Muskegon!! I was glad to hear Jeff (now a new member here known as @89venture) say that he wouldnt mind me making a short video of our conversation cause, and most of you varmints dont know this, my fingers just itch for my camera when opportunities like this pop up in life.. Anyway, 89Venture!! I hope you enjoy your time here!! Oh, by the way,, if you need any help around here dont be afraid to ask!! A greater bunch of lop eared varmints you will never find!!
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