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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Heyyyy - Hi Ya Bill!! Still here!! Just completed the 1st phase of trimming the Pred back (dropped to 2.5mg for two weeks), kicked my butt pretty good.. Had blood drawn today to see where the Adrenalin and "Adrodone"? is at now.. Now I am at 0 Pred with another blood draw this coming Wednesday (spoke with the Endo on the phone - wants to make sure I aint headed into real trouble = called something like "adrenaline crisis" that, apparently can be life threatening:confused24: Feeling pretty icky Bill.. Have HIGH hopes of feeling better by September but my dentist found a couple teeth with bad roots that he really really wants to pull (if not one thing than another around here Bill) and that is scheduled for the 1st - looks like ol Pucster is gonna end up with falsies of some sort:detective:... Havent felt like even looking at my party planner lately Bill,,,,, Will take a peek (or you can) for something in the mid Sept time frame when I get to feeling better.. I am sure my "helpers" will be available in there somewhere...
  2. Hey Bill, did you by any chance bag that Raider out and stick a Batwing on it? I have been a "Chopper" fan my whole life and, of course, that Raider caught my eye right away.. Was curious if you did anything with yours to make it 2 up touring user friendly? Any pics? Another quick question now that I got your attention @jakester,, how did you like the gearing on yours? Was chatting with a Raider rider not to long ago and he mentioned that he really wished it had a higher top gear - or maybe even a 6 speed tranny? Are those geared lower than, say,, a Strat or a Roadliner? Wonder if a guy could go up a tooth on the front pulley? Anyway,, do tell some experiences brother!!
  3. Yo bro,, is this the one you was peeking at? My eyes is kinda blurry but this thing appears to have a "V" shaped motor kinda like a Victory.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?108618-Just-a-plug-to-tease-my-buddy-Dan-a-little&p=930517#post930517 I was thinking that with this one you could just leave your tent poles at home permanently cause you will have to use your tent for a chute to stop!!
  4. Nice Joe,, REAL NICE!! Thanks my good man!!
  5. Us too Lewis ,, Tip and I are headed to the hospital for another blood test - phase 2 of stopping the Prednisone is now in process.. Well my friend, at least we no goes for the big party have GREAT friends who will keep us up to date with lots of stories and AWESOME 's, lots and lots of AWESOME 's of them lop eared varmints having a BLAST!!! Prayers Up and Blessings Down for ALL our CTFWing, good hearted long lost friends - ride safe ya'll and have fun kickin up those heals!! P.S. = Starfan is gonna be taking some video of the whole dance thingy for me (sic em Jonas:big-grin-emoticon:), can't wait to judge FOR MYSELF who wins the dance contest - do us proud ya'll:witch_brew:!!
  6. Keep the Warden and drive an army tank if ya have to bro!!!!!!! CAUSED PAUSE FOR A FEW OF YOUR BUDDIES TOO DAN O'!!! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?104022-To-Yammer-Dan-From-VR-family-who-attended-Freebird-s-MD-we-love-brother!!
  7. Spent a fair amount inside the Yamaha shop at the Sturgis Rally - waiting to see if any VR members were gonna happen to show up.. Had a lengthy conversation with the Sales Manager there about what was coming.. Told him about our gang being anxious for Yam to intro their new 1700cc V-4 platform Touring bike - guy said he knew about VR and said to say hi.. Also said - bottom line - in his opinion - "dont hold your breath - instead look for the 1900 air cooled belt drive Strat Deluxe in more of a Touring mode if anything - market strength is in the air cooled belt drive V-Twin bikes"..
  8. Bottom line Dan, I think you owe it to yourself to test ride an independent and the straight axe if you havent done so.. I LOVED the straight axe Sporty I helped put together for the neighbor BUT only from the standpoint of it reminding me of the Honda 350X's I owned (and rode HARD) thru the years - things were a BALL,,,, in the woods.. I have rode a bunch of Harley Trikes (demo Tri Glides and a really good friend has an HD "Free Wheeler") all straight axles too. Those are extremely nice scoots and VERY well built but they all seemed like a person could get into trouble if you happen to catch a hole in the road at high speed (especially on a hard corner) and got into a little to much counter steer... May sound crazy to some folks but I know you, like myself, have spent a fair amount of time on hard tailed scoots.. You ever notice how a hard tail chop will toss around under you if your in a corner and hit a hole? The instant momentary corrective action needed on one can be kinda surprising,, especially if your not expecting that "feeling".. I am sure you know what I am talking about.. That "movement" (minus the pounding of course) is somewhat similar on a straight axe and correction in the steering on a trike is quite a bit more sensitive,, trikes are not as responsive to motorcycle type of body language (they do have a language of their own though) - still there of course but corrective action is more in precise handlebar input - MY OPINION OF COURSE.. Due to the rear wheels finding highway contact on their own - Independents dont do that, they tend to hold the road much easier IMHO.. I am sure there has got to be a BUNCH of lop eared varmints on here that can either agree with or blow my thoughts on the subject out of the water.. they well hop in here and enlighten us.. :lightbulb:As long as we got each other's ear and are yakking all this stuff (WHAT A BLAST),, you ever thought about a side car rig? Maybe set Silver up with a hack, have LOTS of room in the hack to store extra tent poles and fried chicken, probably be a little cheaper than Triking the ol girl PLUS = it could be moved to another scoot if ya ever wanted to:missingtooth:
  9. AWESOME RedRider!!! THAT is some kind of heavy duty CTFWing there brother!! All the best to you as you prepare and as you participate!! I am rooting for you and hoping you end up with one of those Top 10 finishes,, either way though - THAT IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. OR,,,,, go the other way = plug in some Flatt and Scruggs - play em loud so everyone knows your part of the team.. Carry your water in a Mason Jar and ALWAYS - I mean ALWAYS say "ya'll" when ya thank the waitress for the butter covered grits. Do that and you will be just fine Barry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RvI6ZI2JWc
  11. I hear ya bro, pretty hard to wheel and deal with a feller in that set of shoes.. All that said, at 10k - it sounds to me like the seller is already asking a fair price for it Dan. If I were looking for a trike I would personally want independent suspention and reverse.. I know nothing about trike conversions but have heard the name "MotorTrike" mentioned many times in conversations about em and gotta believe that that particular company probably produces a quality independent.. On the other hand,, with your knowledge of our Yamaha's (might come in handy for any future repairs needed), the fact that the Yam's are shaft driven and watercooled PLUS the fact that you have the best service department right here on VR - makes me in wondering how far 10k would go to converting Silver:guitarist 2: Of course you KNOW that it doesnt make any difference what cha ride bro,, we all still LOVE our YammerDan and you will always be YAMMERDan to us:happy34:
  12. Hey Raggie,, not to interupt your thought process but I thought I noticed a pretty good size hole in the leg in the one on the left (last pic)? FYI is all..
  13. cowpuc

    gas milage

    Assuming you have been doing your wrist excersizes regularly,, I may suggest checking your throttle cables for slackness - two loose and your slides wont go to full open when ya nail it.. This too can result in your MPG's being mopedish (to high) and will also cause the 2nd Gens to disappear in your review much slower.. Sounds like that Dingy TCI is treating you SUPER 10spd!!! :dancefool::dancefool:
  14. Scrubbing the male connectors on the sending unit with a small brass brush (gotta LOVE those freebie brush kits at Harbor Freight) and itching the inside of the female connectors on the wires with a dental pic before giving em a little squeeze may also help.. Contact cleaner works ok too but Tweeks wires like to be scratched for some reason...
  15. I know that Polaris/Victory had some real issue's for the first couple years of production.. What ever it was was pricey enough that Polaris decided to just turn their backs on those early warranties which caused a lot of grief for early buyers.. I may be wrong but I think those were 92 inch - 5 speed scoots.. If memory serves me correctly, by 06 Polaris had switched to the 100inch.. I have a friend who rode one of those and LOVED the motor.. Didnt have a ton of miles on it (under 25k).. when it got repoed - he bought it new and never had a lick of problems with it.. Not sure when Polaris jumped to the 106 inch but I have ridden a number of them (demo's) and they seem to run pretty dog gone good.. Also, spent a fair amount of time on a Vision 8 ball a couple years ago that, seriously,, was one of the best handling scoots I have ever ridden.. Down side - IMHO - is that it seems like the Victory line has not been immune to high depreciation issues (at least in my neck of the woods), a lot like our Ventures.. That said though bro, that issue may work hugely in your favor - all the more reason to at least check the scoot out and if it looks good - make em an offer!!
  16. Maybe it's just the California street scammers, or maybe Tweeks, Tippy and I have that certain street dwellers "look" about us, but either way - not all are such bad people.. This pair of panhandlers watched us pull into the gas station they were practicing their way of life at, took one look at us and offered us some of their mornings takings - ironically asking for cash was never even brought up
  17. Good question!! Try this Mr. Owl,,, hey @sarges46 - where da heck are ya brother!!!!!
  18. You hit a nerve there Bongo - I LOVE VOTING!!.. Spring boarding off that, I wonder if a little by having a Poll with a variety of hair brained idea's might just shake the tree of interest to attend - might be interesting. What da heck bro:lightbulb:,, we could have a couple of Polls just for the heck of it.. Maybe you should produce one along the line of what you were intending and I will try and stimulate input and produce a "lets test the waters of over all interest" Poll.. Lets see if I can come up with some off the wall, random thoughts that might be fitting for a :stirthepot:ing Poll session just for kicks.. Anyone interested in tossing something in this list, feel free to jump in here!! Suggestion Rules: there are none - I would enjoy an IR held between the Canadian Border and the Sturgis Rally in South Dakota (during the Sturgis Rally) so I could experience seeing motorcycles everywhere. - I prefer to have the the IR held in a remote area with as few other cars/bikes/people (other than our Rally attenders) being in the area. - I enjoy having a well planned IR with guided riding routes, catered or eating establishments planned, prize drawings, Hotel accomendations offered and seeing names on a required sign up sheet so I can see who is planning/committed to being there.. - I would enjoy a much more loosely planned IR with no actual sign up sheet needed, more of a traditional family reunion/gather at a park just to meet whoever happen to show up. - It would be fun to accumulate funding for a randomly selected off shore members passage to attend the IR, a chance to actually meet a member from a far away land would be awesome. - Times are hard and just accumulating funding for our own family vacations can be difficult. :witch_brew::witch_brew::witch_brew:
  19. OUTSTANDING LEWIS!!! :ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886 wow,,,,,,,, look at all the room for stickers Tippy:sign kewl:
  20. IMHO,, I have learned thru the years just how much of a prankster the Fool and his Wisconsin White Wash Machine can be.. The standing rule of thumb around here has always been - draw a straight line across the entire country using Michigan's southern border as a straight edge to guide ya.. Above that line - October 1st thru May - plan on riding dirtbikes/snowmobiles/quads and giving the x-country CTFW road trips a break.. All this was never about not WANTING to continue riding but ice, snow, hail, salt on roadways and VERY cold at night was never to appealing to me on a 900 pound fully packed 1st Gen.. Unless you have a very special "in" with @Flyingfool, I would advise CTFWing to the south of that line Barry.. Matter of fact,, I would take full advantage of the ride opportunity to go ride some of those EXTREMELY hot areas of the country while I could if I were you.. That said,, your "Coast to Coast" thought sounds AWESOME to me.. If at ALL possible I would squeeze a couple more days in there somehow, I would bend my ick-spressway philosiphy in exchange for being able to stay in the saddle within the safety net of ick-spressway night riding - ride "10" all the way to Phoenix - grabbing Big Bend NP in Texas (as mentioned), get to Phoenix - rip up "17" to Jerome AZ, ride 89a thru Sedona to Flagstaff, enter the west gate of the Grand Canyon and ride around it (thru Page), catch the North Rim and out thru Zion, purposely pull into Vegas from the north on "15" at night (amazing), CTFW thru Death Valley NP (place is also double AMAZING if you happen to catch it at night with a good moon), skirt the base of Sierra/Nevada's on 395 on the west side of Death Valley down to Barstow, hop on "40" and head for home, stop in Albuquerque for a Lugana Burger (right on 40) to Celebrate the journey!! Come home and color in the bottom of your map and tell us ALLLLLLLL about it!!! Gotta admit though my good friend,, a bowl of chili with a bunch of lop eared Wing riders in North Carolina sounds like a lot of fun too though
  21. OUTSTANDING ROLLER AND WIFE!!!!!! CONGRATS TO BOTH OF YOU - HOPE THE TWO OF YOU ARE HAVING THE TIME OF YOUR LIFES AS YOU CELEBRATE YOUR 42ND YEAR OF MARITAL BLISS!!! :ice_awesome-vi46644:ice_awesome-vi46644:ice_awesome-vi46644:ice_awesome-vi46644:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886
  22. :big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon:
  23. Like a highly skilled :witch_brew:ing predator - the wiley Pucster hovers above VR seeking the weaknesses of his lowly prey.. Identifying a form of paranoia in his fellow gearheaded friends, thru precise craftiness known only to those with a true predator's heart, the evil Puc creates a snare and within minutes - his first victim, a likable varmint with a yen for fried chicken, is unable to resist the read. This varmint, who has rubbed skulls with the Pucster before, finds himself trapped by his own inability to resist succumbing to the power of suggestion...
  24. Always a chance of air in the system causing you grief on the rear master,, they can be kind pugnacious about bleeding.. Also, if you look at the feed line from the rear fluid resevoir to the actual master you will see a small plastic cup held in place with a small screw (going from memory here).. Might not be a bad idea to remove that cup and make sure that fluid can access the master.. You can find pics of what I am talking about here = http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?12536-Stranded-with-brakes-sticking-and-heating-up-Read-this As far as the temp gauge.. If it were mine I would check anti freeze level first, then check the connection at the sending unit before I went forward with ripping er down to the gauge itself.. Take a peek at the picture below.. Notice the Blue wire that is in the upper right corner of the pic? The wire's crossing it coming up from the horn? Check that Blue wire where it attaches to the sending unit.. Also check the terminating of the other wire in the two wire harness with the blue one - I think its blue/green if mem serves me correctly.. Those two terminals have caused me a fair amount of problems like you describe.. By the way, they are located under the lower fairing on the right hand side as you are sitting on the bike.. Welcome back,, Hope this helps... Puc
  25. I am thinking High Energy Ignition combined with EFI and digital ignition timing with mapping the whole thing to run as lean as possible (a lot less carbon depositing).. Used in that environment, I wouldnt be surprised to hear of plugs like these "Brisk" things getting to a point that they would never need to be changed.... Unless something went hay wire....
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