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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Brother,, if that aint the truth :crackup::crackup:
  2. WHen I meet with my staff to discuss next years Party Planner I will purposely set out to adjoin some weekend get togethers just for you over worked, never taking a break to smell the hot dogs, sweat pouring from your eyebrows bunch of lop eared varmints.. I gotta say though,, there have been a number of folks who attended at least 1 of these great outings who were also employed at the time.. Some came from as far away as Canada (@Dogman, @Marcarl and the latest being @habfan).. As a staff member, @billmac has been a HUGE assistant in reminding me of upcoming dates for future Hot Dogging.. I am for ever thankful for his assistance and will be looking for his guidance in date selections too (Bill made ALL of the 2015 Greet - Meet n Eat Meats).. Concerning any fear of getting you bunch of lop eared varmints all in one place @Flyinfool,,, I actually think having you all together is safer than having you spread out - lots easier to keep tabs on the likes of you troublemakers when your all in one place!!
  3. I be thankin ya mightely there Captn' Bob while me lady and I be listenin to the tune!! and the mast will rise again me friend.. Puc
  4. Funny you mention that AWESOME tune brother!! I looked and looked and looked for it Bob,, I REALLY wanted to post that song up with this - would you be kind enough to relink me my friend - pretty please:fingers-crossed-emo
  5. We have our heading!!!
  6. All on the same team of trying to keep things alive around here Roller.. The last thing many of us want to see is that good ol International go by the wayside (that Bossman skeerd me when he mentioned the possibility of it disappearing) and I was SOOOO thankful that folks like you, Orlin and all the others stepped up with such AWESOME remedies:thumbsup:!! Count on me to continue with some healthy in an effort to get as many of these lop eared varmints to attend that AWESOME 2016 West Virginia International Rally that you folks are cooking up for us down yonder!! Look forward to seeing you again down there my friend!!
  7. Just follow the link brother.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?110002-Yammer-Dan-any-interest
  8. A concession speech to all voters..
  9. A concession speech to all voters..
  10. What da heck neighbor,, you gotta camera hidden in my living room watching me type or something (see my last thesis to Mirider ) - probably just a good case of two great minds riding in the same direction and all that.. Thank you my friend!! While its not over yet,, it is AMAZING how such a tiny amount of hormonal chemical imbalance can affect so much.. As I think I had mentioned to you, my less than 5 adrenal level was up to above 17 on those last blood tests.. My next Endo appointment is coming up on the 23rd, it will be interesting to hear what his take is and, hopefully his "tweeking" with this stuff will continue on this path.. If this keeps going I will be back to full charge by next years events - maybe even be jogging to them with Tip on my back as that Tweeks is getting a little on the tired side THANK YOU for your concern neighbor!!!
  11. To all you innocent bystanders following this ever increasing thickening plot (you gotta admit, its getting deeper and deeper by the moment (think this is bad, ya shoulda been there when it was all unfolding) - could be renamed "As The Venture Wheel Spins" - a high class spin off of "As The World Turns":big-grin-emoticon: @mirider, glad you caught that brother.. I was wondering how @Drews was carrying all those pretty ladies on a motorcycle:confused24:. I heard rumors from my staff that the last time he showed up at one of these events - they stuffed his trunk full of free hot dogs - maybe this time, because of the shortage of hot dogs he would try and walk off with as many ladies as possible:icon_lurker:. Gotta keep a close eye on you lop eared varmints:hihi: Maybe that is the reason that people like @billmac and @bluestar99 decided to leave their lovely brides at home for this one:2cents: Dave, PLEASE make my apologies to Sue, your lovely bride of 51 years, for me - it was an honest mistake on my part.. To you, I make no apologies as you were a major in the final outcome of all these endless twisties - a varmint that added greatly to a Meet and Greet that will be talked about for years to come:backinmyday: And it was GREAT to finally make your acquaintance my friend!! I am SOOOOOO glad you made it in time to catch the parade Stan. I usually try and do something special like that in honor of new guests, such as yourself, to our Greet - Meet and Eat Meat events. It doesnt always work out as planned but thankfully, this time my highly skilled perfect planning worked well, even the timing for the parade was perfect By the way Stan, did you notice the Michigan State Police trooper giving me the once over as he pasted by following the parade? Just wanted you to know that he wasn't scrutinizing the plates on your scoot,, I think it had more to do with a larger crowd of Venturerider.org spectators showing up than I had reported would be there.. Lots and lots of work goes into planning something like this BUT - its well worth the time and effort to get to meet folks like yourself:thumbsup:
  12. Well? It does not appear that my instructions were adequate... Gonna keep playin that tune till we get er right brother!! Probably got frost bitten eyelids from tweekin on that Wisconsin White Washer Jeff
  13. Raggy Raggy Raggy,,, what are we gonna do with you brother? Can we help it if you and that lovely wife of yours are always on the go,,,,, chasing here:biker:, chasing there:bikersmilie:,,, someday - somehow you GOTTA take some time to smell the Hot Dogs bother:fatsmiley:!!!! Gotta say,, you would have LOVED the way this one turned out brother - read Mirider's summation below very carefully and you will get a glimpse of what the day was like,, keep in mind that all is not lost and that someday - somehow you folks WILL make one of these - and when you do I PROMISE that I will do everything in my power to make the event just as twisted and chaotic """The "grand finale" was the best one yet with more plot twists and turns than a Coen Brothers movie. Great turnout, excellent company and great fun. :banana: The pucster really knows how to throw a party. Really happy to reunite with some old friends and meet some new ones. :beer:""" P.S. - Tip and I could have REALLY used some common sense and down to earth management and organizational skills on this one brother - shame on you for taking your wife away during our time of great need:big-grin-emoticon:
  14. All hope is not lost....
  15. Now,, you gotta be asking just who are all those great looking people, one of which even came from as far away as Canada (making this yet another INTERNATIONAL Puc's Greet - Meet and Eat Meat :dancefool:) Grab a Hot Dog and watch the show!!
  17. How about a few pics while waiting for this next vid to upload,, just to prove that I didnt lose the card from my camera on this occasion:stickinouttounge:? That @billmac - he is ALWAYS messing around when Pam is not with him!! (see below)
  18. Just to perk the interest of any innocent bystander type readers who may be sitting in their easy chair wondering WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED,,,,,, lets begin with the story with THE PARADE OF ALL PARADE'S!!!!!
  19. Dont be taken in folks,, that Mr and Mrs Mirider were just easily taken in by the HUGE parade that I managed to schedule :crackup::crackup::crackup: I tell ya,, YOU HAD TO HAVE BEEN THERE!!! :rotf::rotf::rotf: It was the craziest , mostest fun that I have had in a very very long time - sometimes things just happen that way Thanks again to ALL our friends who made this possible - without you the world would not be upside down, inside out and backwards and for sure - not near as much fun!!:bighug::bighug: Tip and I laughed till tears ran down our faces on our way home!! What a great encouragement in the process of health restoration that you all are - indeed, laughter is probably one of the greatest healers of all - THANK YOU!!
  20. Now THAT was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun you guys!!!!! Trying to get some pics on and vids up,,:Laugh::big-grin-emoticon: To say the least,, THANK YOU TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF OUR DEAR FRIENDS THAT MADE THE JOURNEY!!!:thumbsup: It was GREAT seeing everyone - both new friends and old!! More to come,, much more..
  21. Puc where's your shirt? Stored in the "Men's Clothing Department" - a.k.a. the net on the back of the bike (you dont actually think Tip would allow that smelly thing to be stored in the "Women's Clothing Department" (a.k.a. the left saddle bag) do you? you Indian? Yep, Cherokee - on my mother's side = not enough to allow me to open a Casino but plenty enough to allow me to ride for hours and hours and hours in the desert regions neked with no sunscreen needed and to LOVE that dry arrid heat!! most pictures with you in them your shirtless.
  22. Awe,,, that's to bad Barry.. That Moe is really an amazing critter. :think:Perhaps if you would begin a campaign down in your region to turn this election around in favor of Viroqua Wisconsin, then jump on that gorgeous Wing of yours:biker: and attend the VR International up there and spend some time with that fun loving Moe you would have a different opinion of his handsome face my brother. OR,,,, even if things don't work out for the VR International to be held in that region, hop on that Honda, ride up to Muskegon, spend a night of recovery here with Tip and I and then we will escort you over and introduce you to that rascal!!! I am sure Orlin and Sharon wouldn't mind the extra attendance at one of their other gatherings AND I KNOW MOE WOULD GLADLY GIVE YA A FRIENDLY FIST TO HORN BUMP TO ASSIST IN THE CHANGING OF YOUR OPINION!! Puc
  23. Not sure on the 2nd Gen's how it all works but on the faster 1st Gen's I can tell you for a fact that it is possible to run them so far that they actually will run out of gas - at least on Tweeks anyway.. On a side note, my wife, "Tippy", can also verify that pushing a fully loaded 1st Gen to a gas station is a harder job than being the one steering it - at least that is her opinion
  24. Well, lets see here,, here is something to think about 10spd, if you came around Lake Superior and into Wisconsin I think you would have more coasting and a lot less peddling on your 10 speed up huge mountains than you would if you went to WV on the route you are talking about....
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