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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. I gotta good friend named Flied Lice ( @flyday58 ) who lives in New Mexico now.. Flied Lice has a little experience with landing the big ones, full blown airliners as it were. Was actually thinking of hitting him up for some landing lessons from him:big-grin-emoticon: Just figuring out exact timing for chopping the thrusters on Crud is no small undertaking:big-grin-emoticon:
  2. Honestly Dan,, mine do that ALL the time!! Its a good sign that Silvr has been accepted into the Yammer Dan family bro!! When I first got the Helix I would get up in the morning and find it cowering in the corner of the garage like a little coward.. Couple years went by and I would find the little thing snuggled right next to Tweeks.. Now I got this V-Max,, totally square with ya bro,, went into the garage this morning and both Tweeks and the Helix had moved into the corner where the Helix used to run and hide, both backed in - looked like they were staring at Crud with total distrust. And, get this,, there was a little burn out mark under Crud's rear wheel that I KNOW I didnt do.. Bikes are strange critters when it comes to understanding there internal feelings, wants and needs... There is house for sale down the street GW,, we could have soooooooooooooo much fun:guitarist 2::guitarist 2: Taking all of our adVentures to the Max:witch_brew::banana: Oh, by the way GW, its funny you mention the second gear thingy,, been SOOOO long since I had one - taking my a few days to get use to riding a bike with a 5 speed tranny again - had Crud at 132 yesterday in forth gear, thought to myself - this one does have a little more on top then Tweeks does - then I remembered I had another gear left to play with:big-grin-emoticon:
  3. I LOVE it Don.. Would love to haul butt on that puppy up to the snowmobile trails and two tracks in Baldwin Michigan .. Slide some corners, float the rear end out on some sweepers, hit Dublin for some Jerky and a pop and then go right back at it.. Same token though,, I too miss those early years of riding my 250 Enduro to Cedar Point and out to Waterloo Iowa,, yep,, would pass on the street ride from Florida to Georgia on it too my friend... COOL SCOOT THOUGH!!
  4. I had one of mine get so loose (had well over 200k on it) that it would rattle like your talking about while sitting on the kickstand, stand it up and it would quite down, pull the clutch in just a little and it would quite right down.. Did a make shift clutch swap on it (used clutch and springs) - found it helped a lot.. Almost sounded like forward gear noise.. Hey Vern, you get up this way on that puppy, stop in - I gotta good set of Gauges and between the two of us we can probably get those carbs pretty close to perfection..
  5. cowpuc


    Oh yea,, how well I know brother!!
  6. Not sure on 109 but I think the Vrod is like 20 pounds heavier than the Max.. If I can ever convince my neighbor to put down his tools (was down there helping him rebuild the turbo on his Semi Truck a little bit ago) maybe I can convince him to take both bikes down to the scales and find out exactly how they compare. Spent some time down at our local Harley shop given em the (it's all good,, we're all friends).. Come to find out that VRod was a 2011 Night Rod Special. Those are sharp scoots,, missing a couple cylinders but still sharp:witch_brew:
  7. cowpuc

    Check out my

    That would be my TERMINATOR look @KIC,, just my way of sayin I'll be back ... I always wear em (and look like that) when I leave the desert's that I LOVE touring!! Looks like the Ecksters putting up his Christmas lights already,, my kinda people that Eckster is!! Nice piece of work there brother!
  8. Tell you one thing @turtle,, THAT ride looks like a MUST DO! :banana::banana: If you folks do end up doing it - PLEASE DONT FORGET THE PICS FOR YOUR BUDDIES!!!!!
  9. Proves my comment above perfectly!!! It's like you suthners got some kind of secret language when it comes to puter repair - I mentioned some of the stuff Eck told me to look at to the service tech who was here - he just shook his head, laughed and said "you hang out with very interesting people".. Glad I didnt mention something to him about needing some nuts tightened - probably would have:buttkick:me and then my whole system.. Bunch of lop eared varmints,,,, ALL OF YOU!!
  10. cowpuc


    Absolutely NOTHING to be sorry about @Hummingbird,, always remember that the Pucster LOVES two way .. Keeps me my friend!! Just keep walking thru those open doors when ya see em brother and all will be well!!
  11. Went for a 15 minute ride on Crud the VMax to get a cigar, turned into a 2 hour trip.. Bumped into a guy on a V-Rod at the gas station,, not sure - may have been one of the early models with the smaller engines, it was black with orangeish red racing stripes on the tank and the same color stripe on the rims (that kinda reminded me of the Harley Sturgis). Had two long pipes - kind of brushed stainless look with black tips.. Anyway, got yacking with the owner, said he ran with a group of guys from Rockford (@Mirider's stomping grounds) - nice guy.. Said he runs with the Suzy m109 (according to him, both their bikes are bone stock - his V-Rod will put a pretty good whoopin on his buddies 109) and they have had many encounters with bikes like Crud and said the old Vmax's always give em a hard time.. Unlike my neighbor with the new V-Rod who I cant convince to race :stickpoke:me (neighbors is solid black) - this guy gladly gave me shot at the title.. Crud did AWESOME - pretty much a steady pull away till the old beater hit 5th - then real bye bye time... This keeps up I will have to change his name from Crud to King Crud.. This thing is a HOOT!!!!! P.S.,, if I were younger and could use my hands again - I really do think I would strip Tweeks of her glass (gotta keep those stickers on the road) and find a way to hide Crud under it:thumbsup: PS, PS,, ol Pucster could really get into trouble playing with Crud:mugshot: PS, PS, PS - thinking about an R1 if Crud stops having positive effects on my adrenal system, nothing wrong with changing my RX if I need too:big-grin-emoticon:
  12. Actually your pretty dog gone close there Jake,, that would be one of 6 of the equalizers Yamaha produced for each 1st Gen to make the race between the 1st n 2nd Gens fair.. They are Yamaha Part # XVZ12-slowemdown. They weight 25 pounds each with the idea of adding 150 pounds to the 1st Gen, with these weights in place it almost becomes a race Jack, I honestly think you do have some kind of an Indian artifact there brother - COOL!!!!
  13. cowpuc


    Funny you say that, take a listen to my first words in this vid of it,,, it did "follow me home
  14. cowpuc


    It's not nice to pickin on defenseless old bikers ya know I know a Photo Chop Shop job when I see one brother!!!! You guys are gonna get in trouble for :hijacked:ing Stans thread ya know...
  15. cowpuc


    So what,,, still got a :witch_brew: rise out of Raggy this morning,, my job is done Morning Jay, come over and ride this beater Vmax,, it freakin rips
  16. cowpuc


    I didnt even know you had a Trike,, never even did see no picture of it or nuttin,,,, heyyyyy,,, wait a minute here,,, is this one of those - sounds to good to be true so it isnt thingys?
  17. Sorry Carl, it is not possible for a seat to be more comfortable than the one that adorns Tweeks back... Just not possible...
  18. Exactly 1.7 seconds for that link to load up now Don,,, before I made these changes on my end 43 seconds would not have even scratched the surface - more like 3 minutes after trying several times for the home page.. Only way I could get on at all toward the end of this whole episode was thru clicking on an email link and going directly to a forum thread.. I did notice that all that depended on how many folks were on the site and also whether or not Tippy was sharing our DSL connection on the tablet. Either one of those and I could not get on at all - I was having withdrawals really bad. It all started about a month ago, I began having to refresh Firefox (first a couple times a day, then sometimes 20 times a day) just to get on the site.. It was really strange in that this all only applied to VR - I spoke with my provider about that and they had no explanation.. This thing is faster than fassstttt right now brother,, it flippin ripsss!! In the end I am sure my 190ish gig of pics I had on my hard drive may have somehow had something to do with it (bought a Teribite external - it ROCKS!!), puter probably a few dozen nasty virus things floating around that I ditched when I wiped the hard drive and started from scratch, calling the provider for my DSL was a HUGE part of it - the service guy came out today, moved my new router upstairs so now my connection tach is pegged against the rev limiter.. The 3 year old router I had been using was a known problem according to the service tech. He said this new one communicates way better with them..
  19. Only Eckster could use a little more schooling on how to repair my puter problems:rasberry:,, had me doing all kinds of crazy things not even applicable to puter stuff
  20. THANK YOU GENTLEMEN!! @Marcarl,, sounds like you might be the man of the hour...
  21. THAT is awesome Duey!! Gotta ask, any long distance touring on hot desert tarmac with a fully loaded scoot riding two up?? Basically, what kind of 20k miles was that friend? CONGRATS to ya Duey!
  22. Looking at an 85.. I already done the research and have the good VIN memorized (1416 and above for the no more 2nd gear issues right @Venturous Randy? = THANK YOU BUDDY).. Anyway,, need a little more info if any has it. Does the 85 come with the stator upgrade (oil hole in crank nut and splash plate), diaphram clutch, aluminum water pump impeller? Were the frame issues I have heard about (fortunately never experienced it - knock on wood cause still riding Tweeks) resolved by then. Also, I know the 85's still had the clam shell bags, do they mount the same as the 83's, hangers the same so its the same process to remove rear wheel for tire change? Are the brake calipers the still the early style or can these be swapped out to the upgraded R6 calipers? Any other things you can include (plus or minus's) would be appreciated.. Thanks ya'll.. Puc
  23. Red River Gorge,,,,, BEEEEAAAUUTIFUL in the way that you are speaking of Turtle!!! Low on tourist traps,, HIGH in WOW ZZZZ WOW WOW WOW!!
  24. In the words of the late President Ronald Reagan,,, "There ya go again",, finished by yours truly with "with trying to set those parameter thingys"
  25. I have used both many times.. Usually I save the propane method for checking crank seals on two strokes cause I am looking for at a specific item (one seal). The problem with using when many items could be the issue and they are all located in the same area is that your dealing with a gas and its hard to control to one specific point.. Liquid works better in the application we are talking..
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