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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Those Classics are GORGEOUS @GothicJB !!! Congrats on the "new" scoot!! Sure would LOVE to see some 's of it Know how ya feel about having to part with the 83,, even though they are older bikes there is still something magic about em.. Like you said though, aint no fun to watch em suffer in the garage - good on ya for doing the humane thing brother:thumbsup: Hope the 1100 brings you miles and miles of 's
  2. You ever get er straightend around Toy? Hope so brother!! Good on ya for noticing the tire in the first place - FLATS ARE NO FUN:thumbdown:!!
  3. OUTSTANDING Capy!!:clap2: CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE PICS OF YOUR 84 AT THE "FEST"!!:dancefool: If @capymotiv follows thru with this I am going to nominate him as a good example of how to start off your posting career on VR properly!!
  4. Let cha in on a little inside info Fool,, I have a sneaking hunch that da Bum has been using left over Ratchet Jaw Oil on those hinges.. I know him and his fellow countryman, @Marcarl order the stuff by the 55 gallon drum so I am sure between the two of them they always have a couple quarts of it left over from a long summer of Ratchet Jawing.. Maybe now that you are feeling a little better, got your chores all caught up on the Snoper, you could do a little research on finding a substance for RJO removal?
  5. Never was much of a Tattoo kinda lop eared varmint but always told Tip that if I did ever did get one I was going to get "DOT" tattooed on the back of the little bald spot on my beaner so we could have pictures like that:thumbsup:
  6. :dancefool:ROCK N ROLL DAVE!!:guitarist 2: Sounds like a LOT of fun!! Only I dont know about this "report here" business,, I personally shy away from telling stories about our family members on here but we can talk about that when we stop for gas:detective: GOOD WITH THE CUBANS THOUGH BROTHER!! Will try to remember to pack a few extra Hot Dogs to return the favor!! Takes one to know one and YOU know em all!!
  7. Yeppers Mirider They got everything a biker needs to find REAL happiness up there in the U.P!!
  8. funny you mention this Bill,, after the friendly cager came flying up beside us pointing at the rear end of Tweeks and we pulled over to see if we were on fire or something is when I noticed the tarp was gone (also noticed @bikerjohn 's extention cord was missing - walked back found it though,,, this is ALL a true story - ask Biker John or Tip - they will vouch for me!). Because the cover was no where to be seen in the 1/4 mile I walked back, I actually wondered if it had hitched a ride on the underside of that Semi you see going past us in the pic where we had stopped. Maybe the cover for the cover is still attached to a brake adjuster on the trailer of that Semi:confused24:. Yup I did have my name on the cover Bill - now I am glad I was wise enough to do so before we left home. Actually, I cant claim the wisdom for doing so as it is derived from my dear Mother who always put my name in my undies to make sure I got the right ones on after showering when returning from gym class in high school.. Back then I used to go by the name "Fruit Of The Loom". Changed my name since than cause my buddies always called me Fruity.. New name that would be on that cover is XXL Bike Cover - I also always put a return address on my stuff just in case a trustworthy, loyal, honest, clean cut biker finds something that belongs to me and wants to return it - if that cover is the correct one it will have a return addy of "Made in China" = a very small town named Made located in China:witch_brew:
  9. Its ok brother,, personally I think keeping the covers covered in sun screen falls into the same category as the rest of us washing ours - your still in good company David!
  10. I been saying it,, I been saying it:big-grin-emoticon:!!! Been yakking with my Greet-Meet n Eat Meat staff and we been talking a lot about doing a U.P. shin dig.. During the course of the discussions your name came up as a potential victim,, I mean guest to come up - spend a night here at our trail head home (the Lord chose to use our home to mark the Trail Head of Michigans finest touring package) , pack up the tents (I even have extra poles around here somewhere) and head up the Lake Shore.. Gotta wait till summer though, I suspect God wore a mitten when he made Michigan for a reason
  11. Brother that is some BEAUTIFUL country down younder Eck.. Thanks to you we have a camp spot all picked out for next season:thumbsup:!!
  12. cowpuc

    Biker hit

    Ok,, I admit it,, I have done both,, but usually under extreme circumstances of getting mighty tired of of following people on Harley's or geezers on 2nd Gen's It will be interesting to watch this all unfold and see if it ever gets in front of a jury.. If a Prosecuting Attorney looks at the evidence and see's some kind of flagrant intent to hurt someone and a jury see's it too, the guy could spend time over it.. Guy sure better hope that jury dont consist of a bunch of VR members,, it's 15 to 0 that there was a crime committed
  13. Course not,, everyone KNOWS that 1st Gens REALLY DO rule (stole chur quote bro ),,, applies x2 for cagers :bikersmilie:
  14. Scared me there for second,, enough so that I just went outside to see if he was still sitting there
  15. Now how in the wild world of mismanaged Wisconsin White Washers did @Flyinfool pull that one off @DaveAndBarbie - the guy really is a GENIUS!! Oh well,, keep it up Jeff,, you are steadily turning out to be the greatest friend a buddy on the other side of the pond could have!!! Now THAT is the OUTSTANDING Fool!! Its either better late than never OR,, a really really good sign that you actually are gonna set the White Washer aside and start the '16 ride season early:fingers-crossed-emo:big-grin-emoticon:,, just say no to :stickpoke:
  16. The "Nation" shows this = http://www.yamahapartsnation.com/oemparts/p/yamaha/1fk-16381-11-00/push-lever-comp for a replacement.. Kinda got me cause it also show's that this is the exact replacement for ALL 1200 and 1300cc V-4's - didnt know that the same clutch slaves were used all the way up... Maybe some much wiser varmints than I can verify this Best to find out (maybe call a Yam shop) before ordering one brother!!
  17. I wonder if this is anywhere near a small town that the mainstreet is also the Tennessee/Georgia border (TN on one side, GA on the other).. Years ago my daughter and I rode thru a town like that and ended up shortly after on some of the tightest switchbacks I have ever ridden - the kind that absolutely no way would a semi truck EVER be able to make the corners,, I doubt even a dump truck could make em.. Sound familiar to anyone? Would LOVE to find that place again!!
  18. Indeed brother - THAT is TERRIBLE aint it? There is a poll being ran here somewhere,, here it is http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?111396-Biker-hit ,,,, where us guys been yakking about it all.. Pretty interesting points of VR views being talked about over yonder... THANKS for posting it up in here Rand!!
  19. Thought the whole point of the FOB was to keep the bike from being ridden off without the FOB within a certain distance...
  20. Ok,, think this moment of thoughtlessness is solved Bill! Also REALLY glad that you pointed it out Bill cause I had completely forgotten that the bag that contains that new cover did have a silver color section to it too.. Phew,, that could of been nasty if you would have gotten all the way to California and came home with the wrong bag with a new cover in it brother!!! PS - sorry about the lousy pics too,, I promise to take some good close ups of Tweeks next new cover when we get one!! PS PS,, sorry bout the hi-jack Eck!!
  21. OOOPPSSS,, VERY VERY GOOD POINT SIR BILL, my bad!!!! Might take a second here but I will see if I can find a pic of the cover in the netting before we got to where the net ejected the poor thing... Try to have it up here before you folks head out to search for it... Hold on..
  22. Tip n I usually use the 100% "natural" method for keeping Tweeks cover cleaned - it's affordable, enviro friendly and probably more fun than any other method. It works like this - if it looks like it is gonna rain while we are setting up our tent we toss the cover over Tweeks so the cover gets cleaned off. This also keeps the dirt, grease and oils that Tweeks has accumulated over the years of touring from getting into the rain water and contaminating the area's ground water.. I do have to admit that this method is not for most sissy bikers though as there are times when a nasty western storm will come up in the middle of the night, which will wake Tippy up enough to need to wake me up to remind me that I hadn't washed Tweeks cover in a while. This normally results in me being the one (I am not the girl/sissy in the relationship between Tip/Tweeks and myself) to crawl outside the tent, face the skeeters (there are ALWAYS skeeters in non-desert places where it rains - remember that if your ever inclined to ask why I LOVE the desert) - pickers that stick into your feet (I dont always remember to put the "its time to take a bath" flip flops in the tent) and the Bears.. ,,,, just thought of something here... If there are any of you who dont own a bike cover (I remember those days vividly,, I used to just park under those gas station overhangs and sleep in their bathrooms because I couldnt afford a cover either) and would like a BRAND NEW XXL touring bike cover I can tell you where one is.. Back in '14 Tip/Tweeks and I were riding about 50 miles north of the motel in California where a few of our VR members had stayed for the night.. I think that was Redding or Red Bluff or something like that (I can picture the motel in my mind cause Tip n I stopped and left a note for that group that we had been there and chose to go on up into the mountains to camp for the night).. Anyway, I had purchased a BRAND NEW COVER for Tweeks and was really looking forward to Tippy waking me up in the middle of night some where down in Texas to give the cover its first bath.. Ironic thing was that in over a month of riding before this incident IT NEVER RAINED!! As we were traveling those mountains far north of where we had left the note for those VR varmints, the cargo netting that was holding Tweeks new cover on must of felt sorry for the unwashed cover and decided it needed a chance at a better life.. If you need a cover and don't mind seeing some of the most GORGEOUS country known to man, you could make a trip up there and probably find that brand new cover!! By the way,, the cover is still in it's BRAND NEW factory carrying bag - Blue in color so it should be fairly easy to find.. If you look at the pic below you will notice the we did stop and look for it but the ick-spress we happen to be on was One-Way and I refused to ride the opposite direction on a one way road for a cover that needed a bath! Its yours if you find it!!
  23. NOW THATS A TRUCK BOSSMAN!! She's a beauty that is FOR SURE!!:dancefool: That thing looks like it could pull the pond monsters out of the pond even with a ton of hot dogs in the back of it to feed the multitudes standing on the shoreline watching the spectacle:Bunny: Congrats Don!
  24. :Bunny2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I71cY9Ysy5U :Bunny:
  25. You know your ol Dad Sonshine,, he keeps on VERY good terms with his neighbors.. I dont run my hot rod at night, I help them keep their stuff running and they dont tell the your Dad is nuts:big-grin-emoticon: actually they beg me to let em ride that ol beater too (and I do) ,,, maybe my is contagious
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