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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Awe - thanks Dale, missed you guys too!! If we make it and you and that @divey show up, the first thing Tip and I are gonna do is collar you two and finish our conversation we started in the bar and never finished it
  2. Although I hung the gun and bow up a few years ago, I wanna wish ALL you Deer Hunters out there a safe, fun and successful freezer filling season:thumbsup:!! Nail em ya bunch of lop eared meat eaten varmints and remember, the one you get with your 180 grain XTP hollow point will be one less that has the potential of being nailed by one of your buddies on a 5,600,000 grain full metal jacket Yamaha Venture
  3. Sure did,, them guys is CRAZZZZY!! Wind surfers are the ultimate in nutzoville!! Now me,, I just smiled and waited for the storm to finish knocking down our leaves so I could finish up my leaf clean-up - today I dismantled the Leaf Vac, got it in storage and getting ready to see if I can figure out how the blower attachment mounts on the Tractor BEFORE the Fool takes his first real shot at us next weekend .. Wasnt long ago I was spending these days up in the deer woods just dreaming of that big ol monster buck I was gonna NAIL in the morning:happy34:.. You in the Deer Woods now?
  4. Good stuff!! I think a US 1 Rally would be a blast, could do a smaller Cali town like Guerneville or Geyserville for a base, run connectors over to "1" (like Geyserville to Stewarts Point on Skaggs Creek Rd :scared:and spend time chasing up and down 1:dancefool:), then spending a couple days exploring those classic little "hippy" towns in the area (tie die shirts and all that:Laugh:) - Bodega Bay all the way up to the Oregon line ROCKS:thumbsup2:. Another great one would be Kanaub Utah - surrounded by some mighty awesome National Park rides and views and Kanaub is a really fun town. Another would be a Vegas outing = if the dates line up with a full moon, Death Valley is UNBELIEVABLE at night when its moon lit AND 105 degrees with no sun on ya is SPECTACTULAR, Hoover Dam, Nellis and AWESOME Ham and Egg Breakfasts!! Of course, you KNOW I gotta put a pitch in for Sturgis South Dakota (or any of the small towns near it (like Spearfish, Bell a Forche or even Rapid City) - folks who have not ridden the Black Hills during non HD Rally times would find that place the ULTIMATE in endless touring!! Carson City would be fun - could easily spend a week chasing around the Sierra Nevada's, crisscrossing the passes from Tahoe down to King's Yosemite/Kings Canyon/Seqoia and maybe a trip to Fallon to watch the Military Jets ("50" - the loneliest highway in America aint so lonely there:hurts:). A couple decades ago my boy and I got caught in a pretty good snow storm in Yellowstone during mid June - couple feet fell on us while tenting on the bike. Because of that, I am personally a little gun shy in my older sissy days about touring those northern sections of the Rockies during the early (probably sounds crazy saying "early" to you far western riders) season. In 2014 when Tip and I made it to the Dalles Rally - we purposely rode down (border with Mexico) on the way out to help avoid that iffy weather.. After the rally we headed up to Glacier on our way home - it was mid/end July and they had just gotten the Road to the Sun opened up the day before.. Probably a non issue but something to think about.. Regardless of where/when it is,, I too wanna thank Vic and Nance (and all the others who participating in making this rally happen) a hardy :clap2:, a couple :thumbsup:'s and a giant THANK YOU for all your hard work!! Them's GREAT Rallies my friend's!!
  5. If I had something with the look on its face like that third picture in my garage I would be afraid to go near it :rotfl::rotfl: Seriously though Eckster,, your right,, the guy has TALENT:thumbsup: Actually, I have always wondered why someone hasnt invented a side car that could be slept in and seeing the side door on this guy rig caused that thought to resurface:thumbsup:
  6. I think the only disagreement I may find with you at all on this @Ground-Hugger is that I struggle to see what you are saying as something that just the French have played into. Back when 9/11 happened I watched in amazement as US Citizens in my home State of Michigan stood in the streets over on the east side and cheered when they heard who was behind the whole crisis. I and wondered how that was possible and why it was let go? Now I noticed that some of those same people actually got voted into office in that same area and again I am - how is that possible.. It has occurred to me that living in a society where religious freedom, one of our Constitutional rights, also has a down side, that being that really bad guys can and do use our freedoms (all of them) against us. I somehow think that solving the problems associated with all of this may actually come down to a decision being made concerning the matter of defining what constitutes religious activity and what is actually a non-religious philosophy of life that violates our individual rights to Life - Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness as set forth in the Declaration of Independence (WOW,, remember where "Lady Liberty" came from - kind of strange considering the events that unfolded today). Until that is ironed out and it is decided by our leaders to call a spade a spade, a decision firmly understood and the results of that decision enforced - I wonder if problems like the world is seeing don't stand much of a chance to end. Without that happening one has to wonder if true evil, as not seen since monsters like Hitler, Hirohito, Mussolini and their millions of followers were committing their atrocities, will continue to grow like the cancer it is. I just hope and pray that its not let go to the point that we find ourselves having to revisit horrors like the beaches of Normandy to get it all straightened out - God help us should that happen.
  7. cowpuc


    and eyes closed
  8. If you figure out a way to send some kind of reverse computer self destruct device to send to the bottom feeders that did this to you Jeff PLEASE let me know, I would be interested in investing into that technology Hope ya get it resolved!
  9. even closely to the speed of the returning Blue 1st Gen, the bike and Yammer Dan were there right beside them. As Don tried to retract the net with the envelope inside it he felt the ice cold steel of a set of official Detective Handcuff's snap against his wrist and he heard the "click" of the jaws as they snapped shut around his right arm. THe sound made Freebird's mind have flash backs of a long time ago when
  10. Prayer Up and Blessings Down as our allies and friends in France try to work thru this mess!! Heart felt condolences to all who are a suffering at the hands of the unjust.. Godspeed to the French authorities (and the rest of the free world) as they attempt to free the hostages and bring justice/stability to a very very bad situation. PS,, I think I heard them say something referencing the closing of the French Borders at this time.. I wonder if that includes air traffic and all? Sure sounds nightmarish,, what a mess..
  11. If you did go and you didnt wear clothes I hope you got home before the white things falling from the sky here in West Michigan (notice I didnt say the S word? No since in encouraging @Flyinfool any more than we have already) made their way to your neked skin.. Carl,, if you did go and you went neked you are herebye and forever absolved from the unwritten forum rules contained in the :worthless:part of your VR contract - this done in an effort to mitigate any retina damage that would certainly come as the result of you doing such a thing.
  12. Sorry for changing your quote @shmily , but I had to do it,, just a tiny little bit my friend.. We all to well can relate to what your saying. You probably know this but I am also the type who has always put a name to my bikes as they win my heart over, like Tweeks (our 83) has done. I also have to agree with that last line of yours = "There are a lot of similarities between motorcycle people and aviators." and have always wondered if some of the aircraft flown but men and women in the military, of much higher skill and intelligence then that of my own, who put a name to the craft that they entrust their very lives to really do feel the passion we are talking about - after reading what you wrote, now I know...
  13. Absolutely, positively NO offense taken @saddlebum, matter of fact brother - its courage like you displayed in stating what you did (and done so PERFECTLY I might add) that helps bring change, constructive growth and helps pay the kind of Patriotic respect that those who deserve it have earned. Take notice that I did correct my miss-stated title in the thread and it now reads "Honorable Veterans Day" cause I like that too!! THANK YOU BEN!! My apologies to any pause I may have caused our Vets on that Honorable Veterans Day! Puc
  14. as Don was trying to answer Jonas's question by saying "I know it wont be Harley cause I have tried that, a MK1 1st Gen is the only thing on the planet that would do it but we would have to get a hold of Skydoc and stiffin the clutch springs first".. Before Freebird could finish his sentence, the Flying Fortress they were riding in ran out of the NOS effect of the funny smelling Donut Dough and Jonas lowered the craft to align it with the envelope. As he did, Don reached out with a fishing net he had removed from the Batman and Robin survival belt he had been wearing since childhood and reached out to net the envelope when
  15. From the lab where @Flyinfool invented the mighty Wisconsin White Washer and then created the SnoperCharger to boost the effeciency of the Washer these words were heard "IT'S WORKING,,,,,, ITSSSSSS WORKINNGGGG!!"
  16. Not so sure about that Bill,, have seen some really really cool pics come from that lop eared varmint @videoarizona .. Maybe what we really need to do is get em to come up for a Hot Dog someday so he can find out what riding on pavement that wont melt the soles off your tenner shoes is like
  17. I think @Carbon_One was also in the process of tieing on a hack, no idea if he did the job.. I like em and think they look like a TON of fun but I really enjoy having Tippy behind me so we can share the experience like we are one on the bike. Also, for a lot of our ride style (single trackin between trees and all that) it just wouldn't work, besides, Tip definitely has no interest in being the one riding in one. I think she is afraid I will "Commondant Klink" her or something:big-grin-emoticon:. Talking Ural,, because of the 2 wheel drive capability - OH HECK YEA,, now THAT would be a BLAST!! There was a member here named TxSturgis (Brian) who had one (probably still got it - I know he LOVED that thing). Tx did a lot of posting on the site (with pictures ) about his experience with them and knew a lot about their history, pros and cons and stuff. Tip and I just missed a huge Ural gathering out in New Mexico when we passed thru a couple years ago that Tx told us about when we chatted with him on the phone - missed it by 1 day - would have LOVED to have attended that Rally. I think the main forum for Ural's is something like "Soviet Steeds" or something like that - I am sure LOTS of info and questions answered could be found there. From the little bit of reading on that site and reading Brian's reports about them, it seems like the newer the unit the less problematic they are. Also seems like I read a few times that the older ones required a lot more maintenance (fairly simple to work on though - kinda like a Harley). I always thought taking one on crawl across the country would be a blast:big-grin-emoticon: I also know that Tx brought his out to the Sturgis Rally one year (I dont think he rode it from Texas - thinkin he trailered it but could be wrong). I think @bj66 (great guy - he is the one who hosted the 1st Annual Pie Butt 26.2 out there this year:thumbsup:) knows Tx and got to spend some time around the machine when it was at Sturgis, maybe he could shed some light on the subject.. Thats all I know, my brain is now empty:big-grin-emoticon:
  18. :rasberry::rasberry:
  19. Personally I have had really good luck with most of the name brands.. I tried Full Bore for a trip back from California with a total tire cost (shipped) of just over 60 bucks - was amazed with that little cheapy tire. I got wayyyy more miles out of it than its companion Dunlop 404 and the 404 was considerably more cash (exactly twice the price). On that same trip I ran off a Metzler that came apart while it still had tread left on it - NOT GOOD - would not recommend Metz. When tire shopping on the cheap, one of the things to watch carefully is the weight rating and date of birth. Not a bad idea to pack your scoot up, weigh it and know what kind of range of weight you are carrying and shop accordingly. There can be significant differences in prices between a "72" weight load tire and a "78" weight load - sometimes ya gotta call the place that is selling the tire to find out what it is before they ship - save ya lots of hassle. It always best to get what you need = blowouts are no fun.. http://www.webbikeworld.com/Motorcycle-tires/tire-data.htm
  20. Wow Rooster, a HUGE THANK YOU for your service and that very thought has crossed my mind many times over. Some things in life just make no sense at all:confused24:! In the end though, it sure makes me thankful and proud of each of you Vets for placing the value of freedom far above the value of almighty:mo money:
  21. Was just down sitting in the spot we took the pics at (not the pier, the other ones). Definitely noticed a LOT of lightening directly over your lab Fool!! Tippy giggled every time and I would say - "LOOK - he got another one!!"!! On a serious note Jeff, Prayers UP and hope your ok over there - looks like its gonna be a Hot Dog flipper for sure:big-grin-emoticon:!! PS.. ooopppppsssss,,, sorry about the miss-spell on your name! Will correct here when I get done - PLEASE dont punish me by directing those White Wash Nozzles this here way! PS, PS,,, hope all our friends west of us who have been dealing with this storm as it crossed the States are also ok? Looks like the Rockies got POUNDED with snow and high winds? Prayers Up and Blessings Down for all you lop eared varmints!!
  22. Sitting here waiting for that lop eared varmint @Flyinfool to test his Snopercharger.. Word has it that we could be seeing 20 foot, yep, twenty foot waves on the pond that lies between our home in Muskegon and his laboratory in Milwakee. In the past that rascal has done some amazing things with formidable weather equipment so this time I thought we would do some before - during and after pics/vids.. Stay tuned to this channel and we shall all see if this is one of those :scared:times!!!!
  23. Indeed you guys,, we know not what tomorrow holds so today - WE RIDE!!!!!! and take lots of pics to share with our loved ones when we do
  24. 100 % totally AWESOME Motiv,, linking arms with you as a non-vet in total thankfulness to all who served and are serving!! Thanks for this thread and the beautiful picture!! Puc
  25. Here is quick THANK YOU TO OUR VETS vid to view while your waiting to be served those delicious meals guys/gals!!
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