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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Oooopsssie Daisy,, just finished posting that last post up - started it earlier before all the stuff about who rides what and why and all that.. In the mood for a poem,, lets see.. I like 2 strokes, 4 strokes, turbo's and more. right side shifts, left side brakes I guess I'm hardcore. Long bikes with springers and bobbers so short, it's make riding em so twitchy that some will abort. Old beat up mopeds or a brand new Roadglide, they make my face glimmer with a smile real wide. Suzuki's, Kawasaki's, Triumph's or a Vic, Indians, Can-Ams they all flik my Bic. I once had a War Bike that was oh so sweet, but still love my Helix who's ride is a treat. My V-Max is fast but there's faster out there, but I'll go race anyway because I really dont care. To show you how much this really is true, I'll tell you of Tweeks before I am thru. A Yamaha brand if you really must know, but it takes more than them to make that ol girl go. She was made in Japan, to that we agree, the relic's an immigrant, its easy to see. But her soul is American cause that's where she's been, the folks who have helped her are North American men. She's worn out, tattered and covered in fun, just like your bike or your bike no matter which one. In the end it don't matter which breed that we ride, cause we are ALL bikers and THAT is our pride!!!!
  2. But still,, even with all the tweeks, twists, skewed stats and hidden business agenda's, with all this happening its still fun to read all the hype - THANK YOU @djh3!! Just remember this one point thru it all, when it comes to non-hype internet facts about hot dogs and Hot Dogs NO ONE can compete with a Puc's Greet - Meet and Eat Meat occasion here in the great State of Michigan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happy65::happy65: :think:Nothing like blowing my own horn eay :think:Sorry about the hi-jack Deej:motorcyclehelmet:, sometimes my fingers get me in trouble:doh:
  3. Sure wish it was that easy Chief. While I think that would be somewhat of a competition for the one Sir Joe posted in the video and I would not want to live downwind from the over spray of either of those machines, that Wisconsin White Washers range farrrrrr exceeds 126 feet.. The over spray from the WWW is measured in States and Provinces. A good example is I happen to know that @Flyinfool left the nozzles pointed west toward South Dakota when he left for his annual Deer chasing spree and it sounds like the over spray from that reached all the way down to Dan's place in WV. We even got skiffed in the process here and I am in the complete opposite direction!! Not to put any idea's in the frozen tundra that sits between the varmints lop ears I have a hunch that Jeff's machine, with the Snopercharger engaged, could bury that machine and the building behind it with one little poof!! :witch_brew::snow::snow::snow::witch_brew::witch_brew::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::usa::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow:
  4. on one side and duck taped to the other. The first rider able to get around Jonas and Don was a strange looking varmint with blonde pony tails flapping in the breeze. At first glance one could easily have mistaken this rider for a
  5. Now how did you know where I was Yammer? I did everything right, got the leaf's up, spot cleaned out in the basement for Tweeks and Crud, got the blower on the tractor and everything but for some reason - even being prepared for this stuff still leaves me depressed. Or, maybe its some kind of hibernation mode kicking in or something, not sure. Sure am glad I got buddies like @MiCarl who are kind enough to remind me that it aint just me that the Fool picking on, misery sure loves company When I was kid in the snow I did play, outdoors in the cold it seemed forever I'd stay. Making snowmen for hours having the time of my life, this was before my four kids and my wife. My children all called me their "furnace man", because my body stayed hot like warm water in a pan. They would gather around and snuggle close by my side, as plans we would make for next summers ride. Then something happened to both me and my own, they grew up and left Tip and I all alone. In my furnace man's body I discovered a glitch, the last kid that left threw the air conditioning switch. Now all I can do is cover my head, when the Fool play's with the machine we all dread. I sure miss the days of degree's ninety and five, and that warm summer sun that keeps me alive. Weep not though my friend for we're not all dead meat, for the sun will return with it's glorious heat. Our V-4's will hum down the hi-way in fun, the "furnace man" wanes but his souls just begun!
  6. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: :lightbulb:may even be a good format for a video production:big-grin-emoticon: Youtube will never be the same after Mr. Potato Head gets done cleaning up all the rust in North America! Mr. @Eck, any problem with us having some fun with this?
  7. Definitely sounds like your headed in the right direction Chaq, hopefully it all comes down to as simple as swapping oils out to get her to the point where its to your liking. It will be interesting to see if Vzuden is using something different in oil than what you have. Thinking about it, it seems like if it were that easily solved that they would have sent a memo to all Gen 2 owners to swap to the new oils:think: Very interesting thread my friend!
  8. Supercharger Carl, Supercharger:big-grin-emoticon:.. A Turbo sounds ok when its spooling up but nothing like the gear whine of a scoot after ya drop a gear driven Supercharger on her!! :lightbulb:Or, maybe Yamaha is instructing its latest model of the Gen 2's owners to use a different oil - a LOT has happened over the years in synthetics and all that.. @vzuden, what are you using for oil in the 2012 and what are you using Chaq? If the noise bothered me and I was thinking of swapping out clutch baskets and all that, I would at least try an oil change first.
  9. realize that our Icelandic friend is no one to mess with. By this time the rider on the Blue 1st Gen was
  10. I was gonna get "DOT" tatooed on the small bald spot I have on the back of my head once but heard getting a Tatoo is kind of painful and I didnt want the pain distracting me so I changed my mind.. I am one of those naturally distracted folks who would not care for or need any extra distractions. Also, had a Pontiac Bonneville once that had the speedo display broadcasted on the windshield - drove me crazy.. Sounds cool though..
  11. And before that gang of hi-way men come on here and start I have a question to toss out to em.. Years ago I had a Virago 750 that had some really bad starter issues (sounded like it had rocks in the starter drive). Checked around a little and found out that this ailment was common on a lot of Virago's.. I got the bike for free (mainly because of what I am referring to) so I figured what the heck - I'd tear her down and see if I could come up with a fix.. I ended up taking my dremel tool an cutting some relief on the starter gears (beveled their leading/ meeting edges back to about midway of the gear face). WOW did that work awesome!! I have never really minded the clutch whine on my 1st Gens (been around gear driven superchargers a little - always LOVED that sound of POWER - another flaw in my charactor) and never tried this but I wondered if cutting some relief in the basket and mating gears might just quiet way down - any of you geniuses ever try it?
  12. I too would have to agree with the others, if that is the sound and it is limited to the rpm range - then indeed, clutch whine. I have a hunch (maybe others with Gen 2's who are reading this will take a listen to the vid and give us an opinion of whether they agree) that if yours is not as pronounced as my 1st Gen in the Video than yours is actually on the lower end of the "Whine Scale" of a lot of 2nd Gens. I have no idea if the "I" basket will rid your scoot of ALL of the whine - it seems like someone mentioned to me at one time that their 2nd Gen's original clutch whine was wayyyyyyyyy worse then Tweeks (the bike in the Vid) and that the "I" basket repair they had done brought the whine down to about her level.. I only point that out because, if that is true and if yours is already less verbal than Tweeks is than I would have to question whether its possible for an "I" basket repair to actually make things worse - make sense? We need to get some folks involved in this with more experience on these scoots than I have,, lets see if I can perk up some lop eared varmint ears that just popped into my pea brain for you.. @Squidley , @Freebird , , @Skydock , @GeorgeS , @Eck , @MiCarl , @dingy , @Venturous Randy, @Carbon_One , @Condor , @ragtop69gs , @Yammer Dan , @DragonRider , @bongobobny , @StarFan , @BigTom , @videoarizona and @allyouotherfolkswhoImissedcausemybrainwentblank = Stick around Chaq,, this could get interesting
  13. Hey Chaq, take a close listen in this video, if you fast forward to :36 and then play till I shift gears at :46 you can get a little bit of an idea of clutch whine. Is that the kind of sound you are talking about? I have never owned a 2nd Gen but have been told that the "whine" is even a little more noticeable on them BUT, I have also been told that the rpm range when it happens is about the same on both - all my 1st Gens have had it, so does my V-Max, right up to about 3100 r's when it instantly goes silent - if you watch closely in the vid you can see that when I shift right around 2600 its starting to get pretty high pitched..
  14. Those are bad to the bone!! I like the looks of the muff out,,, as much fun as your having doing this and as good as you are at it - might as well show em off GW!! Also, not only the soot on the chrome but you may also get more smelly exhaust up in the air of the cockpit with em hidden.. "Out" gets my vote..
  15. And it would be a lot easier to get into those tight spots, like around spokes and stuff. Mostly have 4 sides ,, you guys got 3 sided fries in Canada Carl?
  16. Know exactly what chur talking about Silv,, that's why I carry a couple of cheapy little nylon backpacks in Tweeks trunk that I hang on her side loaders full of soveniors or food or what ever whenever necessary. Makes her an instant Bagger Bagger
  17. make their lop eared varmint ears to perk up and for them to twist the go grip on their scoots in an unlikely effort to escape that nasty smoke. When Starfan seen the commotion behind him he
  18. Just rinse with water Eck or do you suggest some kind of oil or something to get rid of any form of residual salt Eck? Thanks for passing on all these awesome restore tricks:thumbsup:
  19. Chandelier
  20. trying to stop the tears from those watery blue eyes from thinning down his Frap and making it taste like
  21. backside from singing the "I got the to fast for me, Blue 1st Gen blues" while sipping
  22. Yea, but cha gotta admit @saddlebum,, that big ole snorting Buck would have a great story to tell his youngens at the dinner table about the Venture riding feller who , after the initial wore off, stepped off his bike and commenced to :Im not listening totalking him out of shooting him.. PS,, it is AMAZING how keeping deer antlers on the front of Tweeks has cut way down on having exactly what you are referring to happening.. If any of you decide to do the same, I have found that the bigger the rack the better the outcome - works far better than the best deer whistles known to man PLUS the bigger they are the faster the smaller deer seem to run and hide PS PS,, good one Bum!!
  23. Yea,, and I bet his venison burger has a strange twisted kevlar fabric taste to it too
  24. Now THAT is cool Big Lenny and I can sure relate to how stuff like that is what makes for some AWESOME memories.. I bet those memories go both ways for the hero on the Helix - a lot of folks would probably just laugh at the whole idea, your response is priceless. I always admire folks who do what they gotta do to get er done. That guy was probably having the time of his life out CTFWing on a Helix:big-grin-emoticon: - :thumbsup::thumbsup: for him!! THANKS FOR SHARING THAT Lenny!
  25. And THAT is a FACT Bossman!!! REALLY COOL to think that a full blown motorcycle business can exist without even needing to sell bikes:big-grin-emoticon: All other companies could do themselves a lot of good if they would not only follow HD's lead in bike design but also take some hints from their marketing strategies. Across the board,, The Motor Company is truly an amazing icon!
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