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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. THANK YOU @Larry1963 !! Because @bj66 (OP) asked for our non-typical music in this thread I had to refrain from all my Willie n Waylon suggestions and was just that someone would have the thoughtfulness to bring them up - and looky that brother, you even brought in Johnny!! That Ghost Riders is a life long favorite!! Cowboy change yours ways today or with us YOU will ride..........
  2. and then end up babysitting him with the endless hope that someday he would
  3. Nah @SilvrT,, took typing back in college, had to do 35 wpm touch typing to pass. Problem now is my hands are shot with Dupentrens (right hand little finger is almost locked down to my palm) so I am wayyy slower but still able to get by ok.. If you think I can type,, you gotta meet me in real life and see how well I can Almost can keep up with folks like @Marcarl or even @saddlebum In all fairness, kindness and decency to myself though - I am AMAZED at how fast people can thumb text!! Now THAT is amazing and a type of type I simply cannot do!!
  4. You KNOW this is coming right Kat? PLEASE,, come on,,, pretty PLEASE!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2: I would LOVE to hear you sing Coal Miners Daughter - I LOVE Loretta or even better yet, sing Grampa,, my girls LOVED to sing this with me.. I still ball my eyes out with this, my daughter LOVES to sing this to me..
  5. How cool is that David!!:clap2::clap2: Always though Phoenix was in Arizona:think: Guess not or you KNOW I would be begging for a video of that awesome sight there my brother VideoArizona
  6. OUTSTANDING on a job well done Larry:clap2:!! GLAD YOU GOT ER UP AND GOING!! My money is on the idea the fluid is leaking ever so little out the back of the Slave - might wanna toss in a small bottle of Brake Fluid into your maintenance department just in case - cheap insurance should it be a bigger leak than expected - and just keep an eye on your site glass while your out playing on the scoot.. More likely than not, it will take a good while for it to leak down. Those slaves are rebuildable, kind of a pain but doable. Glad I could help in some small way brother!! WOW ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WOW WOW WOW :178: THAT VERTIBLE BUG BROTHER!! NOW THAT IS PURRRRDDDDYYY!! WHAT YEAR?
  7. and you KNOW Barry - or a DEMO vid would be even BETTER!!!!:dancefool::dancefool:
  8. Been singing this one a long time.. Michael Parks = Long Lonesome Hiway My Dad use to work as a bouncer at the Grand Haven Beach Bash where these guys played (and many other groups too - these were one of my favorites!! Tommy James and The Shondells = I think alone now And these guys could REALLY steal the show!! Beach Boys = Surfin USA OH MY GOSH!! Monkee's - I'm a Believer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udX6y-FB3vU
  9. Take it back,, this one is my all time favorite of Frankies Gonna go out someday with this song on my lips.. Elvis = My Way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5RpZv509vc Followed by How Great Thou Art My grampa and I used to sit for HOURS and listen to these guys - this was always my favorite and still is!! Blue Ridge Quartet = Wings Of A Dove I love Gospel music and no one does it better than Jimmy Jimmy Swaggart = I'd Rather Have Jesus
  10. Had to get special permission from Tippy to share this one - been singing it too her for 35 years.. Don Williams = Your My Best Friend Always sang this to my son when he was going thru rough times as a little shaver. Always LOVED what Weird Al Yankovic did with American Pie cause I also LOVE Star Wars~~ Grew up in the 60's and, despite how unpopular it was, I never lost site of what our fightin men were all about!! Sgt, Barry Sadler = Ballet of the Green Beret Leo Sayer = Long tall glasses Always been a country boy just like you @bj66 Hank Williams Jr. = Country Boys Will Survive and always deeply patriotic,,, speaking directly to you ya bunch rotten eggs over there,, ya - you know who ya are - keep it up!! Jr. = Dont give us a reason Still LOVE the old truck driven/CBin songs!! CW Mcall = Wolf Creek Pass NO ONE carries it out like Frankie!! Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08ziDo8Luws ALWAYS BEEN MY FAVORITE!!
  11. Well,, at least you folks are finally getting some much needed water PLUS look at all the work the Auto Body shops just got!! One thing about that new Snopercharger of @Flyinfool 's = that puppy do have some range dont it!! From experience Tip, Tweeks and I can tell ya that kinda stuff is REALLY not fun on a scoot!!
  12. I LOVE THE BEE GEES TO BERNIE!!! One of my very all time favs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykU8iSKkJR0 Micheal Martin Murphy = Cowboy Logic (my oldest daughter found this song and gave it to me with tears in her eyes - said Dad, this is how I feel about you!) Tommy Makem and Liam Clancy = Day Of The Clipper (THANK YOU @Stealthblade) Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show = COVER OF THE ROLLING STONE!!! Jack Blanchard n Misty Morgan = Tennessee Birdwalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMiQF_tf7A8 Jimmy Dean = Big Bad John One Tin Soldier
  13. WHat da heckster Eckster, we GOTTA be related 1973, took my perfectly good XS650 Yam - chopped her down - its was the age of the CHOPPERSS!! Nice Cali Springer, Amen Frame, 21 inch spooley, peanut tank,,, life was GREAT!! Had an awesome job working at place called Gardner Denver in Grand Haven - worked 3rd shift (always been a nite owl) making great money.. Lost track of time titteling with my new MX Bike (bought a brand new Honda CR250M Elsinore - AWESOME SCOOT - did lots of stupid things with it too ) and found myself late for work ! Hopped on the Chop and headed in. Ride was uneventful as I left our small town, just passed the highschool and I was ringing her out. Car went by in other direction and I caught the glare of the MI State Police sticker on side of car. No idea how fast I was going (only dorkwads had a speedo on a chop) but 4th was floating the valves as I shifted into 5th when he went by. Quick head check showed brake lights from the Boys in Blue:doh:. Knew every dirt bike/snowmobile trail in the area (of course), figured it was either a late mark on my time card at work or a BIG speeding fine - chose the late mark. Quick right on a paved road - flashers about a mile back. Revved her out to end of pavement and onto two track - red lights gaining - quick left on two track that led to a snowmobile bridge over a real muddy creek that had a single track on the other side of it - had ridden this many many many times on both sleds and dirt bikes and KNEW once I got across the wooden bridge it was BYE BYE TIME!! Ripped up the 1/2 mile of two track on the chop - could see no lights in the woods around me = FANTASTIC:biker:!! Hit the bridge doing about 30 on my Chop, got to the back side of the bridge and DISCOVERED THAT SOME KIDS HAS USED THE BACKSIDE OF THE BRIDGE TO BUILD A TREE FORT OUT OF:confused24:!! I buried 4 feet of gorgeous California Springer front end into 4ft of the blackest, narliest, stickest, smelliest muck known to man!! Almost went over the bars and I would have if the 6 bends I was running would not have slipped in the dog bones allowing the pullbacks to roll forward so the grips were now almost even with the front axle - my body was laid across the tank and my face was hanging over the Bates headlight!! I jumped off and started tugging - could NOT move it!!! All of a sudden I notice headlights coming thru the forest real slow.. It was dead quiet out and I can still hear the soft rumble of the big block Mopar engine that the State Police used back then.. Was nothing I could do, I was sitting backwards on the "Queen" section of the King/Queen seat with my chin resting on the padding that followed the seat up the sissy bar when the cruiser pulled up to the bridge - figured it was for sure.. Two of the nicest Police Officers a kid could ever run into climbed out of the cruiser. The Officer who was driving walked up the ramp of the bridge right to the edge where my bike sat, he asked what was going on.. I told him I was out trail riding and didnt see the tree fort the kids had built in the tree about 50 feet away until it was to late.. He looked at me, looked at my bike and then looked at his partner and they both BURSTED OUT IN TOTAL HILARIOUS LAUGHTER .. After they finished, he looked back at me and said "Oh yea,,, we see this all the time:rotfl:" He then asked me if I knew how fast how was going back there in the 55 zone:detective:.. All the fight was gone,, time to own up,, I told him I didnt have a speedo but would guess 85.. He said try 102.. Then he said I need you to come back to the car. When we got to the car he told me he wouldnt let me in the rear seat where I belonged cause I was covered in mud:8:, then he and his partner got inside - he then asked me again what was going on, I leveled with him and told him the whole story. He and his partner talked for few minutes and started writing. He then turned to me with the paperwork and said "because of the circumstances I am gonna let you by with 15 over - we are also riders and what just happened is STUPID crazy".. Their next move was absolutely amazing, those two officers helped me get my bike out of the mud , tow strap around the rear wheel hooked to the push bumper on the squad car and it went "Spuck" when the muck released the Spooley!! We lifted the back of the bike up on the remaining skid that made up the front of the bridge - rolled her back down the rest of it and I followed em back out of the trail and onto the pavement. It was a LONG nite standing at Warner Swasey Turret Lathe covered from head to toe in stinky creek muck,,,,,,, actually it was kinda nice cause the neither the boss nor the parts inspector came near me for the whole 6 1/2 hours I was there
  14. GOOD ONE Toy!!! :think:Something is missing in the story though,,, oh yea,, its the response in the form of a Denial to Claim from any normal insurance company!! Probably would read something like: Dear Sir Thank you for the detail in your recent claim submisson. Unfortunately we are unable to pay the claim for the following reasons: 1 - your policy shows no addendum in the form of flight insurance and all injuries, excluding the injuries you received once you were back on the ground, are not covered under your policy. Should you predict future incidents like this we strongly suggest that you contact your Agent about the coverages we offer for Air Travel - we do offer some great rates in this type of coverage, most are under $300 per month and all offer the same type of great service that the rest of our policies carry. 2 - your policy also had no provision for the upkeep and care associated with buildings or propertys not owned and covered by your Home Owners Policy. While it is hard to understand sometimes why people would leave a pile of bricks in a high traffic area and cause such injuries as you received we assure you, things like this do happen frequently. Due to this, we also suggest that you consider another one of our great add on's to your policy. Ask your Agent about our "Total Incompetency Package". This policy is available to you at an additional rate of $250 per month and, as stated in the Air Travel package mentioned earlier, it too is part of our great service that we are known for. We wish you the best in the recovery process of your current injuries. We would also like to inform you that your current Health policy expires in 3 weeks and, should your payment be late for that coverage, due to your recent claim we will have to discontinue your policy and our great service to you. Thank you
  15. NICE Jeff!!! :clap2: ,,, only if I may I would like to add: When I was a non-senior Teen the cops would chase me all over on my Moped to me,, now they just or :rotfl:at me... Its amazing what "Seenager" can get away with ... Life begins at 60!!!
  16. That Fool is no fool, he is right on the money about the plugs. Our bikes use the smaller "d" plugs which have a very small end surface area and they don't take kindly to over choking - choke, start and off choke quickly - work it back and forth till it takes throttle and the plugs will last a long time. Leave it on to long and plugs will blacken and once they do they are shot. Do exactly Like Jeff mentioned, start cold, spit check the headers one at a time, check em like your checking a hot iron - should get a hot "ssst" off each header - if you get one that dont sizzle like the others check that plug. If they all are hot at idle I would go next to pulling the carb diaphrams and checking them. I bought Tweeks, our 83, from a guy who ran her over 6k miles on three cylinders. I told him when I test drove first time that she was wayyy under powered, he looked at me like I was nuts. Rode her home 100 miles, highway speeds no problem. Pulled diaphrams and one diaphram was completely separated from slide. Put slide back together and wow zzzzz wow wow wow - previous owner was :moped:and happy with it but never knew what a v=4 (just made a new icon here guys "V=4" - as in OUR Veeezzz = 4 ,,,, if I didnt own "cowpuc" for a name already I think I would register myself as "V=4" - I like that - SORRY - GOT SIDETRACKED:puzzled:) was REALLY all about!! Small hills should disappear in the rear view like they werent even there IF your "on the pipe" (old two stroke lingo), running in the horsepower "r" curve (above 4 grand), even actual mountains actually should do the same - these things pull like freight train when hitting on all 4..
  17. Larry, I got minute, would you like me to pull the cap on my 83 and You Tube you a video?
  18. By the way, you are 100% on not wanting to get brake fluid on anything.. Cover with plastic is ok but cover the plastic with rags so the fluid cant run on the plastic either!!
  19. All it takes is those little holes in the res to have the fluid move over em and a tiny air bubble to move into the master. Sounds to me like just adding fluid, cover back on - pull the lever a few times and you will get your clutch back. It has probably been loosing fluid over time and you just didnt realise it. The rubber cover on the lid is designed to hold fluid in and not leak out when you corner - is it leaking around that cover? That cover seal can be kind of tricky, you have to fit it in just right to get it to seal.
  20. Prayers Up and Blessings Down Lenny - hope that puppy gets to feeling better and is not something major!! Sounds to me like you might need to practice your ball stealing techniques before you play B-Ball with them Grand Kids again
  21. Larry, how much fluid was in the Res when you popped the lid? was it just a tiny amount in the very bottom? Doesnt take much air at all to loose hydraulic pressure - you probably got low enough to get air into the master (that is the resivor where the clutch handle mounts). If you put some fluid in it - move bars so the res is as level as possible - fill it so window on side of res is just covered - make sure rubber on cover is pushed in and in right position - put cover back on and pump the lever you will probably get clutch back. Sometimes it takes just a gentle movement on the lever to get it to bleed air out of the master - I like to do this with the cover off but you have to be very gentle and careful when doing so cause the bleed off will squirt ya - makes mess.. You just gently move the lever so the piston in the master moves just enough so you can see little bubbles coming up.. If this doesnt work you will have to bleed the system BUT - I have been where you are many times and the clutch usually comes back without it though. There is a high probability that the inner seal on your slave cylinder is leaking. It can leak and show no real external sign. I have ran many many miles with small amount of clutch fluid loss (fill up a couple times a year after covering thousands of miles) BUT - the system is a sealed system and it should NOT loose fluid..
  22. "here's the best part, thanks to that defective plate they put in my head, the VA gave me huge plot of old govment land just north of town"
  23. and because criminals aren't the smartest people in the world, he tried to remove them with his teeth and ended up having to go to a dentist who had to break the tooth off my cuffs so the crook could
  24. Hokey spamokey Unc, thats no outhouse - that there is Chalet that just happens to be self contained!! Deer probably all moved out thinking a high end custom builder was starting a subdivision.. Let you in on a little secret, Deer are very very smart - the best way to be guarenteed you will see em is to just poopy in the woods - make sure you place your rifle just out of reach of where your gonna squat, get going potty and they will come out in droves!!!! Now if you wanna shoot one too you do that same thing only carry a handgun hidden in a shoulder harness where they cant see it when your going:missingtooth: NICE JOB UNC!!! PS - LOVE your deer hunting camp partners and the pics!! All the best out there!!
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