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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. cowpuc


    Maybe it was tired of us asking why and got sleepy..
  2. West Michigan shoreline's either Jeff BUT for a different reason than you are probably talking.. You see, having a buddy on the other side of the pond with a bad habit of triple coating our coast with White Washer droppings has us all trained to pack the mowing equipment away in November. Last summer I picked up a John Deere lawn tractor with a snowblower attachment. After finally getting all the grass cut and leaf's up, I dismantled it and mounted the blower. Tip walked out in the garage at the time and made comment about me getting ready for winter so early. I told her that one of the few defenses I had against Fool and his infamous Wisconsin White Washer was proper usage of double reverse reverse psychology - she was .. I reminded her of most of our fishing trips together and how she always caught the fish - THAT she remembered. I told her then that all fisherman know about double reverse reverse psychology, that being if you take your wife fishing with you she WILL catch all kinds of fish and together you will NEVER get skunked and then I double guarenteed her that the purchasing of the tractor and having its snowblower attached to it by November would mean NO snow till this year was over
  3. Must have been before that era of the mid 60's when siphoning hoses were invented:rotf:,, =
  4. :thumbsup:Right there with ya @BlueSky ! Matter of fact, I have always been one to REALLY appreciate the freedom that comes with riding "beater" bikes, not just for the savings in insurance but also from the aspect of - if it breaks or an accident happes somewhere and I can't fix it, just give it away and pick up the next one to ride home on As far as insurance goes, we have to pay the Michigan Catastrophic Fund fees on our policy's (135 bucks every 6 months) on all of our licensed vehicles. Strange but we only have access to the "fund" on a scoot related crash if the accident involves a car. Back when I was riding cross country trails on my dirt bikes a lot I was purchasing insurance from "Bike-line.com" (was underwritten by "Markle" in Wisconsin). Somehow they were able to waver the Catastrophic fund on street legaled dirt bikes and my insurance was 30 bucks every 6 months - never had a claim with em so I cant say what kind of folks they be as far as paying claims BUT they did get me legally on the "road".. No idea if they are even still in existence and whether or not they are up in Canada too but maybe someone else to check with..
  5. massive right hand landed on his shoulder stopping him right in his tracks. The Bird had almost managed to fly to the Rocky Road dream he was looking for but was not surprised when he turned and found himself looking right into the eyes of
  6. VERY glad to hear your off the pain killers already Jeff - THAT is awesome!! Lived on em for over a year back when I was dealing with major back stuff - NOT GOOD, even over doing the over the counter stuff is really hard on the system. Sounds like your doing pretty dog gone good considering the work you had done brother - OUTSTANDING! We are close enough now to 2016 that I want to thank you again for unplugging the machine before you went in - looks like we are definitely gonna make it into 16!! I used a concoction of Sea Salt and side walk Calcium Chloride in the brine. Was hoping if nothing else that the first snow she produced would actually be more of a dryer type even if the homemade concoction failed in locking up bearings and stuff - after looking over how well built the Washer and Snoper were (brother you spared no expense and do nice work - that stainless is pretty) I kinda thought my intent was probably not gonna have the effect I was hoping for. You may not of noticed yet but I cranked up your pulse jet engine while I was there and cut some notches along the trail leading out to the shed where the washer was in hopes of helping you with any water run off from the Spring rains we will be getting soon. I know it sort of looks like a Motocross track now but my heart was in the right place. Might wanna stay off that trail until your foot heals fully and your ready for some mx'n. We can all wait another year for you to tinker in the shed brother, I am sure all our friends can handle more of this mild Wisconsin White Washer free weather.
  7. Daniel,,, what did your father tell you.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I71cY9Ysy5U By the way Dan,, I ever tell you I used to be an AVID rabbit hunter,, little suckers tasted just like Fried Chicken:fatsmiley:
  8. Yea BUT,, you are man enough to see it for what it is and not afraid to tell it that way - that counts in my line of thinking - :scratchchin:thinking it just might in His line of thinking too. Aint nobody perfect,, some how I dont think its about perfection anyway,, thinking its more about direction:think:. Fact is, if it were not for that little baby in the manger who was/is perfect we would be in a world of hurt brother!
  9. said "look sweetheart, there's your good friend Sweet Nothing standing over there talking with Greta". Eileen turned her to head to see if she could spot Sweet Nothing in the crowd of varmints and when she did, her sly husband reached in the ash tray where he had watched her lay the keys to the cuffs the Detective had given her earlier. The wily Bird had the cuffs unlocked and door opened quicker than Puc's Famous Hot Dog's disappearing in a group of hungry VentureRiders and he was
  10. Good point!! Maybe those products dont have the consumer watch group keeping as close of an eye on them for gouging that the fuel sellers do .. Makes no sense does it..
  11. ROCK N ROLL MIKE!!!:dancefool::dancefool: We LOVED Guntersville brother!! Hope ya get a good turn out!! By the way,, those folks at the State Park down there call this (see pic) primitive camping:think:, most of us call this luxury in its truest form!!
  12. WOW Z - WOW Zzzzz WOW WOW WOW!!!!! You are right brother - THAT is AWESOME!! :clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool::thumbsup: Looks like she is powered by a bunch of old Harley motors bolted together = WAY COOL!! Tell ya one thing, I would climb in the back of that gorgeous ol Harley powered bird and go for an upside down, barrel rolling flight quicker than you could say "Puc stole Zzz's Christmas present " - yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehawwwwwwww:sign green with env Got yourself an AWESOME wife and some great friends there Z!!
  13. Hey Dave, no idea if you have Harbor Freight in Canada but I do know that ours has cheapy little Ohm Meters that work pretty dog (no pun intended ) gone good for what they are. I carry one of their meters on my bike with me everywhere I go, thinking I got mine with one of their freebie coupons but it seems like they were only 6 dollars anyway:happy34: Those meters do have AC/DC voltage metering built into them - wouldnt trust em around higher voltages (man I hate to get nailed) but for 12 volt work they do work well. Need a pic or a part number?
  14. PERFECT ECKSTER - JUST WHAT I THINK I MAY NEED!! Thinking about getting "DOT" tatooed on the little bald spot Tippy says I have on the back of my head, may as well get em both done at once, than I would be all set for riding come spring!! Thanks brother, YOU DA MAN!!
  15. and a couple more from our friends hiding out on Jekell Island:clap2:,, hoping Dave will explain em:thumbsup2:
  16. I stuck these pics on this thread too: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?114318-What-did-you-get-for-Christmas/page2 but thought they deserved their own thread!! THEY ARE GORGEOUS!! @Daveand Barbie, I would LOVE to hear more about them, where they are taken and all the good stuff, and am sure others would too.. Its an amazing thing to think that there really may be someone out there that is out of reach of @Flyinfool 's White Washer, especially during the Christmas Season:big-grin-emoticon:
  17. HERE WE GO FOLKS,, HOT OFF THE PRESS!!! @Daveand Barbie , WOW ZZZZZZ WOW WOW WOW - talk about AWESOME!!!! The one of your scoot with the white lights behind it is AWESOME - brother what a Christmas treat!! Love your campsite too.. Matter of fact - :clap2::dancefool: on em all!!! Now ya gotta explain em to us :witch_brew::witch_brew:
  18. TOTALLY get ya and right there with ya brother !! Hopefully this little vid/song will let you KNOW that I do!! May have to listen to it very carefully cause its an old Cassette Tape but its STILL one of my favorite Christmas songs!!
  19. 1st things first,, THANK YOU for the pics and WOW ZZZZ WOW WOW WOW, BEAUTIFUL thing ya got going there FL:clap2:.. We're talking AWESOME IMHO Also IMHO, what you are describing for performance ailments add up perfectly when considering the size of carb your running, just to big (in CFM). While you may be able to jet out of it running lean and causing her to run hot - I have my doubts that even running larger jets will be the answer cause it takes velocity of the air your moving threw the throat of carb to atomize the fuel (giving you a good fuel/air mixture) and it seems very likely that your engine isnt producing the kind of air movement needed to do so at the larger CFM. The flat spot your experiencing at the bottom is more then likely also caused from such a massive amount of air being available when the throttle plates open. As suggested, you might take a peek into the throat of the carb and snap it open real quickly and see if the accelerator pump is working (should see a good squirt every time you crack the throttle) but I would not be surprised to hear you say the pump is working fine. Bottom line, I really think your way over sized on the carb and thats why she's performing like she is.. Never tried this but I wonder if choking the whole system down with a small air filter or a small air box would decrease the CFM and increase the velocity of the air movement enough to make a difference.. May sound crazy but I think if I were in your shoes that is what I would try next. Even if you built it out of card board or something. Maybe just take a piece of cardboard and cut it so it fit over the top of the carb throats, then play with cutting different size openings above the throats - increasing little at a time and see how it runs.. Never know, might just be able to end up with some kind of a metal CFM reducer plate REALLY COOL what cha got going there my friend!! Hope your enjoying this as much as I am:big-grin-emoticon:
  20. You are soooo rotten
  21. Even though his right wrist was still cuffed to the arm rest, the Bird was able to wiggle his shoulders around enough that he was able to see Big Tom's red undergarment flag flying proudly in the evening breeze so he knew
  22. Eileen's expert handling of the lumpy Chevy was going to pay off big time as there were still plenty of Hot Dog's left on the mile long serving table and plenty of Chips too. As the Chevy came to a sliding halt, the Bird could not help but notice that most of the Ice Cream was gone though. Wondering why this was so, he began scanning the crowd in an attempt to see if
  23. No suggestions Tooch,, no idea about the ipad stuff,, do know and can verify that pic 4 looks pretty normal.. Thinking I like pic 2 the best though, that one looks more like the kind of tree I would LOVE to have
  24. no idea about the behavioral attitudes of ipad's and the like Dave, do KNOW that I LOVE the word picture of your Christmas present though - BEAUTIFUL!! Sounds to me like I oughta get an appointment with your Doctor and see if the RX he prescribed you can be duplicated:cool10:. Thinking you might be onto something getting a mountain range and some actual sea water between you and Fool,, gotta a hunch when he finally does get back on his feet we all may be in for some White Washin.. Ya ever get that ipady thingy figured out be GLAD to see some Island shots!!
  25. Now thats what I am talking about Silv = BEAUTIFUL!! :clap2::dancefool:
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