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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Sounds like an AWESOME addition to the scoot Fool!! I also like the idea of you tinkering with those lights instead of other things you could be tinkering with - that Santa,, he is just a win-win kinda varmint I guess!!
  2. Dont know if your a Face Book friendly type or not Jack, if you are you might try sticking this up on the VR Facebook page, last time I was there I noticed a LOT of our lop eared varmint friends hanging out on our page there - may get more responses if ya did. Personally, I have a hard enough time finding the time to keep up with stuff on this portion of the site, aint no way I can keep up with them Face Book VR varmints,, way to fast paced for me Wish there was some way to have VR Face Book streaming somewhere here ( that @Freebird has GOT to be wondering why he ever accepted my dollar a month ) so we could keep up with things - ,, kinda like that shout box thingy he did..
  3. VERY VERY GOOD POINT BROTHER!! My bad!! Hopefully I didnt offend our friend Bill or that gorgeous scoot of his:thumbsup: If I did, Bill PLEASE forgive me! Think I will still leave my narrative up though,, just in case:big-grin-emoticon: Right back you and Vicki on the Christmas and New Years well wish my friend!! Wont be long now and we will all be chowing them Dogs down by the dozens brother:fatsmiley:
  4. Just noticed there are some folks who might be following this thread that may not know who @CMCOFFEY is,, thought I would put a link up to a short ride report I did about some time a bunch of us got to spend with him. The story got a little long so I am starting it kind of in the middle of all the action to help those interested in reading about one of America's finest. What a very special person Chris is, his LOVE of sharing times with his fellow VentureRider.org mates is only seconded by his love for his wife and children, our way of life (FREEDOM) and even more so - his love for serving the Lord (he is also VERY well known under his earned biker name of "The Preacher" ) . Feel free to browse through this link if you wanna know more about Chris (you will have to do some scrolling forward and back to locate the good stuff BUT - Coff is in there in his truest form:happy65:!!) Click here = http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?94309-Ahhhh-the-summer-of-14-ADVENTURE-SERVED-UP-GORMET-STYLE!!!!/page12&highlight=summer+2014 Also, Coff,, if you happen to Venture back here and are reading this,, here is a link to another thread that I PROMISE will put a great big Coffey on your face and a in your day today!! It's about another dear brother and friend of our's that you may remember me telling you about when we finally arrived in Oregon - he is also a Military person (thinking he served in Irag).. Click this link and take a short read if ya got time Preacher - YOU WILL LOVE IT!!http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?114501-Do-not-be-afraid-for-I-bring-you-good-tidings
  5. You betcha @shuttlebug 's, your welcome and GLAD you folks jumps in here!! We sure had some fun with that young man didnt we?!!! Sure miss him but am VERY proud have gotten to know Chris (and you folks too!!). Merry Christmas you two!!
  6. NICE BILL - VERY VERY NICE!!:dancefool::dancefool::clap2::thumbsup: BUT,,, heyyy,, wait a minute here,, hmmmmm,,,,,,,,,hmmmm It appears that I may just be the only varmint on here that knows an RSV when he see's one:stirthepot:,, got news for you folks,, that aint no RSV.. Next, the picture of the person in that pic is definitely NOT my buddy and fellow lop eared Hot Dog eating varmint Bill:witch_brew: PLUS,, I dont see our friend Pam @billmac 's wife in there in any form.. And lastly,, where's the Hot Dog's,, Bill dont go no where unless there are Hot Dogs involved:guitarist 2::guitarist 2: So,, from all that, I can only surmise that my buddy has been HI-JACKED and his identity stolen!!!! Whoever you are that posted this picture and story - YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN"T HIDE:bobby: Calling all VentureRiders,, as chief of the ,, I am putting an AVB (that would be an All VentureRider.org Bulletin for those who dont know official police chit chat) out for my friend Bill, his precious wife Pam and their gorgeous scoot "Black-Mail" (its a Midnight RSV if you never met it and dont know it by name). All last seen at a Dairy Queen eating Hot Dogs and Ice Cream with a large group of fellow lop eareds. Identifiable marks would be a permanent mustard stain on Bill's chin, a huge smile on his brides face and a small ice cream stain on Black-Mails tank (not sure but the stain may have hot fudge marks in it too). Following are a couple pics - first one is of Bill, Pam and Black-Mail. I know most of you lop eareds aren't necessarily the sharpest tacks in the box at things that dont involve food or carb syncing so I will try and help you out here. , if you look closely at Black-Mail (the motorcycle in the attached pic) = that is Black-Mail your looking at. A close examination should reveal that he is black in color - look back at the pic the OP has in this thread and, if you remember your colors from kenny's garden that scoot is blue in color - see the difference? There are many other differences between the two bikes that a highly trained eye such as mine can easily spot BUT - for most normal folks, the color will be easiest to spot. Next, the man in the pic I have included is my friend Bill. I know the OP tried to hide his appearance by wearing a green hoody looking thing so we cant go by facial recognition,, we can go by body size though,, notice how much bigger the rider in the OP's post is,, thinking if he were actually sitting on his scoot instead of showing off his ability to balance things on his hands you would instantly be able to see how HUGE this character is. Now look at Bill and you will notice he is not even close to this in height or weight. Also notice the smirk on Bills face,, for some reason unknown to me, that smirk is pretty much permanent (may have something to do with Black-mail) - look for the smirk and you will find Bill. Pam hid in the picture I posted but that is ok, she doesnt even appear in the second one - another giveaway that something is wrong here!! If you find Bill, Pam or Black-mail, please let us know.. By the way,, if you are not sure that it's my friend Bill you are looking at - he may not answer to Bill but if mention Hot Dogs and his ears perk up you will KNOW you found him!!
  7. You betcha sonshine - GLAD you got the message and were able to respond!! :clap2: Looking forward to riding, camping and playing with you and that boy of yours in 2017 Coff :dancefool::dancefool: God Bless and PLEASE be safe out there! We love and miss you! Puc n Tip
  8. :Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers::wow::wow::wow::Crazy_139::Crazy_139::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday: SIR BOB THE DRAGONSLAYER!!!
  9. And the bestest of the bestest, biggest of the biggest and merriest of the merriest Merry Christmas's RIGHT BACK AT YOU BJ!!!! :thumbsup:
  10. ,,, :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::clap2::clap2::clap2::thumbsup: There has to be more to this life down below, it just makes no sense, what I see is no show. Why would we be here if monkeys we were, if the only big difference were our cloths and their fir. Why are some people so filled up with hate , human life has no meaning when they go irate. Yet others around us have a smile on their face, there's something about them that others could trace. Look deep in their eyes and into their heart, it's Jesus you'll find whose behind their fresh start. A time in their life when His gift they received, they heard of His life changing ways and believed. This happened to many who've walked on life's shore, a change in their heart like never before. A meaning, a purpose like never they've had, now my brother has found Him and his name is Brad. A tear in my eyes formed from hearing this news, when I read that my friend and God's love he did choose. When I read this to Tippy her eye's filled up too, we both did rejoice in what our friend did just do. Ironic it seems that on this Christmas Day, we have the BEST present that ANY could say. When this life is over and God calls us on high, That Squid will be with us in the great by and by! CONGRATS and MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you!! Puc n Tip
  11. OUTSTANDING!!! Thinkin that probably means ol Santa will be able see the house addresses better:fingers-crossed-emo,, meaning he probably wont be accidently giving my goodies to some :178:lop eared varmint troublemaker out there like he usually does!!
  12. The Bird held his wrist up so Mr. Muffin could clearly see the cuffs dangling down. When he saw them, Muffin Man grabbed the Birds right wrist and pulled it down and snapped the cuffs closed around the leg of a table. The Bird was trapped once again by the tricky cuffs that belonged to the Detective and could only watch helplessly as Muffin Man ran off into the crowd in search of a lop eared varmint buddy of his who had given him the Bird many years ago. He had a great big grin on his face from knowing he was finally gonna get to give the Bird back to
  13. Indeed brother - it was great meeting, riding and chomping down Hot Dogs with you folks last summer!! A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your lovely bride Dave!! Also, may your 2016 ride season be filled with the blessings of meeting both old friends and many many new friends from VR and a Hot Dog with plenty of fixens around every corner for all!!
  14. WOW Rodney, THAT is horrible!! Thankfully you were able to get to your Mom and sweep the vermin out the door before anything worse may have happened. I do think it would be WAY cool if the Police could capture the crooks but applaud you in doing you part to protect your Mom and am VERY thankful you are all ok!! :clap2:
  15. Thats ok @Jamsie, having a "mug shot" taken during Christmas Eve would kind of be a bad omen anyway .. Sitting here reading my official VR mug shot manual to see if it had anything to say about your predicament,, think I may have found the answer = according to the manual, "subjects with mugs who's contours prevent a quality mugshot must be placed in front of a mirror and than a picture of the mugs reflection will yield a proper picture". PS,, on the GORGEOUS set of Gauges ya lop eared varmint!! May your all your days of 2016 be found in perfect Sync!!
  16. Right back at you Spear, MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FRIEND!
  17. And a MERRY CHRISTMAS to our Yama Mama household!! A giant thank you too for the kindness of posting the BEAUTIFUL pic of your tree as even the picture police deserve at least one night a year off!!
  18. I was actually checking back here with that exact question on my mine Mralex,, good looking piece of art work there FL - would LOVE to see any more pics of your project as you progress or tinker with it!! Still oughta try the restrictor routine FL - never hurts to try.. Got thinking about this thread the other night,, I used to run Festiva's years ago, had an 89 Carbed model,, they were 1.3 liter motors = 1300cc. I remember back then there was a little 2 barrel carb you could get for em that functioned like a four barrel does - rear barrel opened up with vacuum increasing.. Suppose to add some pretty good ponies to the stock 1300cc Festy.. Wonder how one would perform in this application, wonder how a stock Festy carb would do.. Sometimes I wonder to much.. Probably way to much dinkin around trying to modify the intake with an adapter plate.. Maybe a trip to an auto junk yard to see if you could find a smaller CFM carb with the bolt pattern your currently using is where this will all end FL..
  19. I like this A LOT Snag,, any chance of some pics or some instruction of what bolts to remove from where for him to do this? If its really easy, may even be an easier way to swap out a rear tire on a MK2?
  20. cowpuc


    Yea,, my grandma always told me why or why not too - guess thats why she was a good grammy..
  21. my wife around anywhere, she is suppose to be here. Big Tom turned around to look for Eileen in the crowd, having gotten away with his favorite sly move of distracting his adversary one more time the Bird did an offensive football move he had learned in High school, faked with his shoulders to the left and dove head first into
  22. OH NO!!!!! So sorry to read this Eckster - Prayers Up for a safe journey rest of the way and for no residual problems resulting from the accident and BLESSINGS DOWN that they are basically all ok and your still able to have them home!! This was another one of those posts that needs clarification on the "like" button response. I could not let this """Some of us know that deep, gut wrenching feeling when a loved one is taken from the family so quickly, so PLEASE folks, make this Christmas a special Christmas by taking that extra minute and give every family member and friend one more hug, another kiss, and make darn sure you tell them that you love them... tell them "twice". The kids wont be getting here until around 4am to 6am tomorrow morning now, but we will be out the front door and in the driveway when they pull in."" get away with a 100% LIKE Eck!! Tip and I will be praying for you and your family Eckster, SO sorry to read this!
  23. @dogman, notice the post time differences between VideoAZ and the ol Pucster,,,, :think:sometimes I might talk/type to much,, funny cause most of my teachers made that observation and made that same comment,, :scratchchin:even in College
  24. Here ya go Dave, this is the one I pack. Pretty simple to use really. In the link = Move the enlargement slide under the pic over so you get a good view. Move the pic around so you can see the bottom right of the meter. See where it shows the plug ins for meter leads? You put the black one in the "Com" hole and the red lead into the "V - ohm (represented by an upside down horseshoe) - mA" hole right above it. Rotate the dial around to "20" on the scale in the DCV category. Move the "Off - On" switch over to the On position and the digital readout on the meter should show a 0 (going by memory here). Now touch the red (+) lead on a battery's positive (+) post and the black (-) on a batterys negative (-) post and what ever voltage the battery contains will appear on the meter. For kicks you could play with a small flashlight battery, look at the side of it, probably read 1.5 volts on the battery, locate the + and the - ends of the battery, touch the leads accordingly and it should read read 1.5. Using your bike battery should show around 12 volts. Thing to remember is this does not necessarily show battery condition because what you are reading is voltage, not amperage (your not putting much of a load, if any, on the battery with this little meter) - BUT it is displaying what voltage is available and that is what your looking for. After ya get done playing with the meter and you wanna get down to work ya gotta figure out a way to connect the leads to the battery on the bike or your gonna need an extra set of hands cause your gonna want to raise the rpm (rev it a little) on the scoot so you can watch the meter rise as the r's come up. You should be able to wedge the pointers of the leads under the connectors on the + and - posts on the battery - I usually am able to do this. Use to be Radio Shack carried cheapy little alligator clamps that slid on the end of the meter probes but Radio Shack went under a couple years ago:8: and not sure where you will find them now - maybe an auto parts store - those work good to if you cant find a way to wedge the probes in. Dont have to worry much about getting the probes chris-crossed - if that happens you will just get a negative reading on the meter - the biggest thing is to remember to operate the meter in the range (the 20 volt marking is good for up to 20 volts) and choose AC or DC current properly (if your gonna play with house current or current directly from the stator on your bike you will need AC). Remember if your fooling with house current (120 Volt AC) it WILL poke ya pretty good if ya get ahold of it). Playing with 12 volts DC on the bikes is very safe as long as ya dont short out the wiring on the scoot and start a fire or something:doh: So ya start the bike with the meter attached or start it with a friend standing there to turn the throttle a little for you, idling you touch the leads to the prospective posts on the battery and say you have 11.8 volts on the meter, a touch of the throttle and it should rise to like 13.8 or 14.5.. This is good!! If it doesnt rise you got problem in the charging system somewhere. Dont throw the little meter away even if you get good readings:D, you will find it handy for diagnosing all kinds of fun stuff:178: - can be used for ohming out the stator or even checking switches and finding bad wires if you should be inclined to run into one:no-no-no:. Besides, having your own meter is a lot like having your own jack knife:happy34: and guess what - border patrol people dont look at meters like its a weapon like they do jack knives = you get to show off your :Cartoon_397:ness and can come visit us for Hot Dogs without worry about bad boys like @ragtop69gs or some of our other buddies when crossing that :usa:/:canada:border !! Here is a link to the meter I carry on my scoot,, looky looky its only 4 dollars online. Just got my latest Harbor flyer and they are 5.99 in there (same meter). Not sure what thats all about - :confused24:if Harbor would sell in store for online prices.. http://www.harborfreight.com/7-function-digital-multimeter-69096.html ****On a side note, usually I can tell whether or not my scoot is charging properly just by watching the headlight (easiest at night), let the bike idle - watch the light beam as I rev it a little - it will brighten slightly as I rev the motor and will stay brighter if I hold it at the higher R's. Reason for that is that most 12 volts batteries put out around 12 volts if they are any good. Like I said in my thesis, the system will usually show 13.8 volts or slightly higher when spinning up - that voltage difference will also show up in your lights being slightly brighter - make sense? not hooked to battery Hooked to battery..
  25. If I tried that my girls in California would pay the attorney fees for the divorce, then pay Tips airfare to come out there and live with them, then they would all me with a note attached - Whose gonna take care of ya now ya geezer of a lop eared varmint?
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