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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Never owned a 2nd Gen but, first thing I would do is make sure the fuel petcock is in the off position if your bike has one. Another thing you could do is slip something under your bikes kickstand to keep it in a more upright position if its not being stored on lift. While I am sure its possible for you to have overfilled your tank a little and for a little venting to be taking place, I would personally lean toward a float bowl over flowing and seeping some gas out of an over flow - having the bike more upright may help.
  2. Just thinking out loud, considering weather and motor home traffic patterns,,, I would take 90 to 78, 78 down to the Red Lodge, turn right and head into Yeller Stone on 212 via Beartooth pass in the morning, follow 212 till you come to a "T" and turn left (right turn will take you towards the North Entrance), the left turn goes down thru the center of the park = I would go down the center road), follow that road - watch for "Water Fall" signs as you travel along the Yellow Stone River - worth the walk to see the falls! Keep going till you come to the left turn that goes to East Entrance - DONT TURN (stop for gas though) - keep going straight along west side of the lake, road will "T" off again, turn left, follow down to the South Entrance and into the Teton's, wait to do the Teton loops till morning, ride into Jackson Hole for dinner, park on main street and eat Hot Dogs at outside cafe and harrass all the Harley riders, back up to Teton entrance, right after entrance turn right toward campground - set up tent and go bear, Moose and Elk hunting (camera of course). Do Teton Loops early in morning to avoid huge traffic backups, back into Yeller Stone thru South Gate, come to corner that leads to East Gate (its the road you came in on the day before) dont turn right, keep going up to Old Faithful, see old Faithful, ride around old Faithful "trails" to explore the smelly water area, back track to west side of Lake where you came thru the day before, turn left this time and follow around to the East entrance, out to Cody, Cody's cool - LOTS of good food,, going east out of Cody take "14 A" not "14", follow 14-A up thru Powell, fill up in Lovell and cross the Big Horn Mountains (I wont ruin it for you trying to explain the beauty but will say that it took over 30 years for them to get the pass in leading up into the Big Horns - IT IS AMAZING and very very little traffic), 14A will join with 14 - stay east on 14 and come out to 90 real close to Custers Last Stand National Park - worth the explore too.. 1 pm till 5 pm always seems like thunderstorm time in the mountains, keep an eye on the sky.
  3. Come on in!!
  4. Beautiful
  5. Walmart Parking Lot
  6. WELCOME TO PARIS AND THANK YOU FOR FLYING WITH US FOLKS!! As the Bird and Eileen were departing the little Cub, Eileen noticed a big building with a funny looking pointy top off in the distance and a vehicle coming toward them with a Hammer and Sickle emblem painted on the door. The Bird was busy searching thru his official FlyinFool Airline's Easy To Learn French Book to try and decifer what the driver of the Hammer and Sickle car was yelling at him when it occurred to Eileen that they were
  7. Works GREAT only I left it for a while, it logged me out automatically and I lost my All Star Status so now I am normal again.. Did get my ability to use the "Sounds" again though and think I found out why that feature was not working - ya gotta double click on the word inside the little box to get it to broadcast REALLY neat set up Bossman,, gonna be a LOT of fun!!
  8. I get four "*"'s between all my words when I type a sentence in the new chat so I ended up with this: cowpuc: Thought****I****would****talk****to****myself****for****a****second..
  9. Ratss,, I missed all the fun!! Did just try the new Chat Room and it was hilarious,, as soon as it loaded our doorbell rang and Tip went to answer it.. No one there.. Then I discovered that our door bell is somehow connected to the new Chat Room.. Pretty cool really!! Hey Don, not to complain or nothing but I was wondering,, how much extra is the chat room software that includes the ability for folks to actually appear at the door when the doorbell rings:big-grin-emoticon: Looks GREAT Boss!! THANK YOU for all your hard work - YOU are appreciated!!
  10. Looking good John!!
  11. snow
  13. I hear that brother.. It is interesting though from a Michigander stand point.. For years our prices here were considerably higher than you folks were paying, seconded only by California prices.. We were always told it was because of special fuel additives required in Michigan.. Last couple years it seems like that has not been the case, wonder if they ran out of additives and now we are buying non-special gas like you Buckeye's have been burning for years..
  14. Nope Don, Houghton Lake is north and center state of us. It is where we had our first Greet - Meet n Eat Meat Hot Dog special last year though - just a little to cold to drift up that way other wise I might have ran up there, filled the bike up and gobbled a Dog or two!! We are still at $1.73 here, how's prices down in the land of Pond Monsters, raffle tickets and free camping? Close,, I remember pumping "200" for .17 a gallon at our home town Sunoco during our gas wars back in the late 60's.. That sweet smelling "260" was still close to 30 cents a gallon,, the price difference had no affect on the Goats, Super Bee's, Chevelles and Stang's appetite's to feed on the stuff though
  15. THANK YOU for passing this info on to us @Patmac6075!! Got my order in and thanks to you - looks like Tweeks (our 83) will be rolling on E-3's this year!:thumbsup: @Flyinfool , THANK YOU for digging up the link too brother:happy34:! I looked and looked on Motosports site for this tire deal and couldn't find em:doh: Gotta LOVE this place!!:bowdown:
  16. Any chance you could share a link Pat? Tried to find the tires and no luck.. Here is the closest at Motosport.com I could come up with and it shows the prices over 150 bucks as tire.. http://www.motosport.com/dunlop-american-elite-rear-tire Thanks Puc
  17. Tweeks:big-grin-emoticon:
  18. WOW,, another one Your right Z, that is truly sad! Thoughts, prayers and condolences to all of Glenn's family, friends and fans! RIP Glenn Frey
  19. BEEEAAUUUTIFUL David!!:clap2::dancefool::dancefool: Your pics and ride report provide a feeling of promise and hope to this ol frostbit biker :guitarist 2::biker:
  20. One of the great side benefits of walking around video taping all my new friends and fellow riders at the Maintenance Day in Oberlin was I got to see them at some of their finest moments. I got to find out first hand how friendly and good hearted of a group these people are. People came from all over the United States, Canada and even as far away as Iceland to attend this Rally and everyone seemed to be very relaxed and enjoying each others company to the fullest - then it happened, someone yelled FOOD and the whole place turned into an uproar! Having a fair amount of experience dealing with large gatherings of hungry bikers, I approached the feed line with caution. I carefully selected my spot in the food line behind some friendly people who seemed to be missing that "I am gonna bite somebody" look that seemed to dominate most of the empty bellied hardcore motorcyclist who were standing in line ahead of us. I noticed a table covered with prizes that would be given away to raffle drawing winners - apparently this drawing was going to take place right after lunch. I dabbled around looking at the prizes and noticed some really cool stuff. Lots of bike related things with the big prize drawing being that of a Go Pro Camera - NEATO!! Tweeks and I have been together long enough now that she pretty much has any available space in her trunk and saddle bags occupied, matter of fact, even all of her hidden compartments are filled to the brim with stuff from all over the country. I once dug into one of those hidden compartments and had found 2 pounds of loose change all rusted together around a piece of coal that I had picked up while exploring coal mines in Virginia and that mass had attached itself to a handful of double "A" camera batteries that I had purchased for back up batteries for my camera a few years ago. It's discoveries like this that serve as a reminder to me that I really didn't have room to carry a whole lot of stuff home in the way of "winnings". Then I got thinking about my buddy Dan who was laying up in the hospital trying to recover from the wounds he had received during his recent accident. I figured the least I could do was pick up a bunch of raffle tickets for him and if he won anything I could send the winnings home with Skid (a good friend of Dan's) to give to my injured friend. Besides, I figured any repair work that Dan was going to be facing with rebuilding his now damaged 2nd Gen may require parts and I also knew that he had accumulated a few 1st Gen Ventures thru the years and that anything I could send his way in the form of 1st Gen spare parts would be going to a good home. The ladies selling the tickets I would purchase for my friend were really friendly, they didn't check my dollar bills for being counterfeit, they made no snide remarks about me smelling funny and even told me to be sure and check "the other room" for "lots more food then in the main kitchen" so I even bought a couple extra tickets with the hope of winning something that would make Dan smile again - good sales people those ladies selling tickets were! The outcome of the raffle tickets was going to take some time but I can clearly state this, that little "can" that I stuck my food funds into sure produce some AMAZING results.. I walked into Don and Eileen's kitchen and my hungry eyeballs about fell out of my head!! I found myself humming one of my favorite tunes ("Long Tall Glasses") as I filled my plate with everything from Meat Balls to fresh veggies and was just finishing finding the perfect spot for some baked beans when I noticed the living room located along the front of their home.. Tables of salads and deserts were in there inviting me to explore the deeper regions of my hollow right leg which caused me to actually begin singing the song I had been humming. I casually and carefully laid down my already filled dinner plate near the door that exited onto the front porch, walked backwards in the food line, grabbed another plate and proceeded into "the other room" to complete that song I was singing. Having managed to sneak my two plates of food out past the people who were enjoying their own delicacies on the porch that adorns the front of the Freebird home, I found my way over to a small gathering of people located within calling range of the garage area where the winning tickets would soon be drawn. BongoBob and Big Tom chewed on my ear about my inquiry of the owner of the extra large set of red underwear that blew gently in the breeze not to far from where we were sitting. As I downed a fairly good sized piece of apple pie that had gotten in the way of my fork, I made a comment about how thankful I was that the red "flag" that mysteriously appears at many of these types of gatherings had been placed in a downwind position to that which I had found myself. Big Tom laughed and then reminded me that Tippy, Tweeks and I had yet to be seen at another Rally that takes place in New York on an annual basis. Bongo then re-enforced Tom's comment with one of his own while he glared at my plate of deserts. I offered Bongo a slice of my pie but he padded his belly and said he was stuffed to the gills. Having full knowledge of the vast selection of endless food inside the Freebird home, turned cafeteria, I could sure understand why as I was stuffed too!!! Squidley, one of Tippy, Tweeks and my Texas Hero's (see my 2014 ride report for an explanations of why I say "Texas Hero" ), and his wife, Sweet Nothing (I still wonder how that sweet lady ended up being called "Sweet Nothing"), had ridden all the way from their home in Texas to pull a surprise visit to this years Maintenance Day in Oberlin. Among other things, Squid had managed to get himself lured into drawing numbers for the raffle's that were about to take place and I thought I heard his Texas squawk yell something about "anyone wanting to be a wiener best be making their way over to the raffle area" so I departed my comfortable chair near Bongo and Tom and headed that way. I was really curious to see what kind of stuff Dan was gonna find waiting for him on the return from his stay in the hospital and I sure didn't want to miss this version of a motorcyclist Shrine Circus anyway! I sat on the porch behind the Texan and his wife and videoed some of their skillful drawing methods in case anyone needed to double check the accuracy of their methods and to just keep an eye on the two of them. Doing so proved to be a very strenuous task because I not only had to keep track of recording their fun and games but also had to try and keep track of the numbers on the tickets that I had procured for my buddy. Suddenly the joyful Texan called out a number matching one of the tickets in the spool of tickets I had wrapped around my wrist and I was handed a really neat Leather Tank Bib for a 2nd Gen Venture - PERFECT!! I walked over and handed it to Skid and asked if he could sneak it into Dan's garage for me. Skid grinned and said sure!!! Squidley announced it was time for the Grand Prize drawing. The place went amazingly quiet as Sweet Nothing reached in the hat and pulled out a ticket, Squidley's Texas drawl voice slowly read off the numbers that appeared on the ticket that his wife had just removed from the pile of little paper stubs in the can, a voice that I recognized from my not to distant past yelled "I GOT IT" from behind me. I turned around to see Monty, with what appeared to be a half a spool of raffle tickets hanging from his hand, heading forward to claim the Grand Prize of the Go Pro Camera - CONGRATS MONTY!! I am not sure who made the suggestion of having another Grand Prize Drawing but someone came up with the idea to auction off Freebird's new Harley Davidson Road Glide. I will say this though, I noticed the large pile of abandoned raffle tickets laying on the table where Monty had removed the Go Pro from and managed to gather them up BEFORE my buddy Squidley had a chance to start reading off the numbers that would result in someone trying to sneak off on Don's bike.. I listened carefully at the numbers being called, thinking deeply about how cool it would be to send yet another one of Don's bikes to live in Yammer's garage (Dan had purchased the 2nd Gen he had fallen on from Don when Don had purchased his new Road Glide).. While I did not win the Road Glide, I still don't think it really mattered cause I noticed Freebird had taken a security position between his bike and the crowd at the end of the drawings and I highly suspect that the Harley drawing was just another way of poking fun at our wonderful host - what a GREAT rally!!
  21. Got a neighbor who also loves playing with Harley's - good friend who I have helped build up a number of them now. We built up an 09 Sporty together a few years ago. The build came out really well (94 horse) but that scoot haunted us with a slight oil leak on one of the jugs that we chased FOREVER.. Finally found it, was a bad spot in a casting that was allowing oil to actually seep right thru the aluminum - just one of those freak things.
  22. I have often wondered if the trend of the market demanding larger displacement engines hasn't played a big part of the heat issues that are common in the air cooled scoots of the day. Combine that with having to run those two great big coffee can sized pistons on a combustion chamber that is filled with as lean as possible fuel/air mixture to meet regulatory rules and things gotta heat up. I ran my old 74 inch Shovelhead all over the country, including LOTS of desert two tracking, and never really had any complaints about it being to hot to ride. Regardless of the heat issues and all that, I sure understand completely why folks love those big ol Harleys. There is just something very special about the sound, feel, smell and vibes of straddling those big ol scoots,, something soul stirring...
  23. Personally I like the feel of Organics. They do tend to wear out faster and not a bad idea to keep a spare set in the Maintenance Department (right saddle bag) of the scoot if your gonna be out for a month or so. IMHO, they also seem to be easier on the rotors.
  24. Pretty cool stuff really:thumbsup:! Only thing I remember about Ham Radio has to do with being involved with CB radio's back in the early 70's. Visited a guy in our CB Club who was also a Ham Radio guy. He had a studio all set up in his house that looked like some kind of NASA set up,, all kinds of buttons, dials, meters, lights, maps with little flags on em and a series of antenna's on his house and on towers that probably should have had strobe lights to keep aircraft from getting tangled up.. WOW how times have changed!! Thinking back then that in order to operate a Ham Radio you had to be licensed, even had to learn Morse Code (that thing where ya go - da da dat dat dee dat dat and have it mean something). Had to be licensed to operate a CB radio too.. Wonder if that has all changed too?
  25. I use a big syringe with a hunk of fuel line attached to the end of it, open the bleeder on the slave, take the lid off the clutch res, slide the fuel line over the bleeder nipple, fill the syringe with brake fluid and push the fluid backwards thru the system and into the res...
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