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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. ROOOCCCCKKK N ROOLLLLLL BROTHER!!:guitarist 2::guitarist 2: GREAT write up John - GOOD ON YA!! Be keeping an eye on ya as we group ride sometime this year and ya disappear into the willy weeds to go find an answer to the famous question of "I wonder where that trail goes":big-grin-emoticon:
  2. While I am sure they will not be up to our Puc's Greet - Meet and Eat Meat standards, it pleases me beyond measure to have noticed that Burger King will be offering Hot Dogs on their menu's this year!! No more long distance, time consuming miles of searching for a back up place to find Hot Dog's should my staff decide to bail on you loyal Eat Meat attenders!! No longer shall you have to follow Tip and I to parts unknown with empty tummys in search of a Hot Dog. No longer shall you follow in disbelief, wondering how you could have been so gullible as to trust some prankster bone head on the internet to meet your needs of meat at the end of a long ride across North America just to be let down at that final moment. Of course, this also means you have no excuse now to not jump on your bike and find out whether or not our Greet - Meet and Eat Meats are for real! 2016 appears to be the year of Hot Dog rides!! Long live our Greet - Meet and Eat Meats and long live the mighty Hot Dog!!
  3. As crazy and insane as this is gonna sound (well, maybe not to .1% of you lop eared varmints) THAT is exactly where my mind went Bongo.. Having grown up and then raised kids in the Motocross circles, I can tell you for a fact that I have seen kids that age on Motocross bikes doubling whoops and clearing jumps.. Have ripped down a two track on a beat up old 250 Honda XR and had em go by me on the back wheel on a KX60.. Kids can be VERY capable riders.. Ever wonder where those crazy 16 year olds you see on stunt bikes doing high speed stoppies, backflips and superman's over jumps got those skills? Most of em started at a very very early age. Ironically, when I viewed that vid for the first time I noticed the condition of the road, the general low population of the area and the viewable openess of the area. I also noticed how the youngster made the move from dog bones to grips (and I winced when he did) - knowing how little pressure it takes on the inside of a grip to instantly cause most bikes to head for the ditch. That is when it occurred to me that this bike may very well have been a long bike (chop) and the dynamics of a chop are a lot different than a regular scoot - because of their wheel base they are very stable and lazy on the straight run.. :think:,, this isnt sounding right,, my personal love for danger, adrenaline and individual freedom are getting the best of me again,, judge not lest ye be judged and all that,, flaw in my character ,, :scratchchin: lets try this angle.. Years ago, a lot of people in the U.S. that were blessed enough to get to live in the country like I did chose to own horses.. My sisters had em and I couldn't stand or ever come to trust the things (the horses,, I LOVED my sisters). It was not uncommon for 6 year olds to be seen riding around on horses back then - no helmets or nuttin, just a pair a jeans - tea shirt and cowboy boots.. I always told my Dad that he was NUTS for allowing my little sisters to be around those nasty things at such a young age - my Dad grew up with and loved horses and didnt care much for bikes cause they were inherently dangerous, as was I according to him.. I, on the other hand, viewed an animal that could actually think for itself and decide to do crazy things all on its own was far more dangerous than a motorcycle could ever be. Thing was, back then - families on horses were a way of life and still are in many area's out west even though one small weed rubbed in the wrong place on a horses backside and they will kill a full grown man - much less a little kid.. :think:,, not getting me any where is it :think:,, try another approach,, My son and I were on a trip in NYC one time and seen a couple little kids about 6 or 7 year olds getting on a Subway with NO parents to be seen.. They climbed on that thing and rode along yapping about their day like it was nobodies business... I squeezed my 12 year old son's hand a little tighter and said NOW THERE'S A COUPLE KIDS WHO NEED SOME NEW PARENTS - WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD LET THEIR CHILDREN RUN AROUND IN SUCH A DANGEROUS SITUATION.
  4. Your welcome my friend,, anytime!!
  5. Gdub,, hope this ain't to lengthy or boring of read,, if it is just take a red marker and "X" it off brother LOL Your son's desires sound remarkably familiar.. At a very early age (while still in the womb ) I had exactly those desires,, all I wanted to ever do was work on bikes,, I LOVED EM!! Got out of High School and went to work spinning wrenches part time for our local Honda dealership (worked full time in a machine shop too). Got laid off in my full time job and went to work at a local Kawasaki/Hodaka dealership full time and spun wrenches part time at the Honda shop too. Was hard pressed to make a decent living spinning wrenches on bikes, applied for apprenticeship in the Trades (Boilermakers). Ended up welding for them and making GREAT bucks,, love for scoots never died though. Bought a house, won a new Harley, lots of Motocross toys for cash,, fell in love with Tippy and got married, had kids and the enjoyment of life on the road with the Boilermakers went south.. Found out that not much had changed in the back room employment with the bike shops - could not feed my family, took a position in Maintenance at a shop. Still dreamed of working on scoots and of owning my own bike shop with the hopes of actually making a living that would support a wife and 4 kids.. Went back to college, 4 year degree in Management.. Opened our shop in 86.. Learned the hard way the ends and outs of making a living fixing other peoples motorcycles = there was WAY more money (and a LOT less frustration - think about this = people coming to you with a broken bike are already unhappy while people coming to look at buying a real pretty ready to ride scoot are always smiling - make sense?) in buy/sell and in doing "restores".. In mid 90's went STRICKLY buy/sell with a LOT of restore sales. Those little hard tail Honda Mini Trails were a HOT item - 5 grand a pop and up for a nicely restored 68/71. Was able to raise my family on the business, did not get "rich" dollar wise on the business but made a good living and met some AWESOME people - even lost a couple of my "buyers" in the 9/11 attack - some of those Mini's became "Honda's Under Glass" for office display's. Had one Commercial Banker who bought over 30 bikes from me (not all for him) and even did a little business with a Professional Football player who wore a Super Bowl ring from playing with the Patriots - pretty cool really.. Learned to study market trends and follow business "cycles" (no pun intended ) thru my college experience and it was INVALUABLE to my business. CT90's became the hot sell,, we dropped the Z50 restores and did CT's, on to old school MX Bikes.. Then the chopper craze started and we built old school chops and later a LOT of old Harleys and Indians.. My kids got older and my second born daughter became the best carb mechanic you ever did see (this kind of stuff is where I found REAL riches by working on bikes),, took some of those skills and her LOVE for math (got her brains from Tip), went thru Med School and is now a Doctor (way beyond my mental capacity). WHAT A BLAST!! Throughout that whole experience I got to know all of our local name brand dealership owners on a first name basis (called Networking - GOOD SKILL TO LEARN!!). A couple of them were sending us customers who had needs their big shops could not fulfill. The "backroom" was always where my true love was at so I also got to know most of their mechanics on a first name basis. Most of those shops had a real problem keeping good help, due mainly to the difficulties associated with the financial side of keeping a business running thru the winter months. Thru the years (and this is a shame) I noticed that our local Harley shop was one of the few that maintained a well trained staff. I know most of their shop guys have been thru "Harley School" and the good ones stay busy and make a good living to this day. Even though we are in Michigan (and right on the western lake shore where FlyinFool dont stop dumping snow until late March or early April) where the ride season is fairly short - those mechanics do stay busy year around.. So,, all that nonsense said,, how would I answer your question:think: If he is REALLY wanting to work in a bike shop backroom and heart set on making a career out of it in modern bikes and has the advantage of having an opportunity to begin schooling in Automotive (nothing wrong with that) I would advise Automotive Electronics. Hit it hard and dont look back, be the best of the best!! These fly by wire Harleys with programmable tuners operating everything from ignition timing to injector pulse rates and the people who understand them are the future IMHO. Maybe find a bike shop that he could spin a few wrenches in while attending school and watching the ads for a Harley Dealership looking for people and willing to send him thru HD School.. May have to move though.. Another approach is working on his own, buy a repairable, fix it and resell,, the old buy low/sell high and expand on the middle routine - still VERY doable but it takes a LOT of hustle being self employed.. If he decides to do this I still think that a good Business Degree is priceless (even a 2 year Associates from a Community College) - understanding business and learning how to operate in the business world will pay off many times over.. Hardest part of this is understanding local markets, if Mopeds are all the rage - ya do Mopeds, Quads ya do quads and so on.. Sheesh I wrote a book , can ya tell I LOVE yapping about this stuff ,,,, give your son a hug for me and tell him ol Pucster understands
  6. OHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!:95::95: Knocked the wind right out of my sails!!!:95::95::95::95: Linda and the "Jonesy" family have our thoughts and prayers!! Good for nothing, life stealing cancer,,, this stuff makes me ball my eyes out!!
  7. I LOVE IT BRO!!!:clap2::dancefool: Cause I wanna be just like my brother DanL,, I am gonna do sactly like em and wear my bike cover too :lightbulb:Think I got er figured out here DanL,,, every thang sept for the tie straps along the edges of the cover,,,, do they go on the back like one of them Hospital Gowns thingys or does they go in the front? In the front!! That way it will be easier to open em up and stuff left over party grub under our bike covers for a bedtime snack AND it will protect us from some lop eared varmint coming along giving the tie strap a yank in the search for a Pond Monster..
  8. Sitting here waiting for a return call from my hand surgeon Jeff and needing a pick me up.. YOU SURE DID THAT BROTHER!!! YOU DA MAN - THANK YOU and :ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886 The bumpy back road journey of life is a whole lot smoother when traveling with companions like you my friend!!!
  9. shaft drive
  10. Hey Cha, here is some info on adjusting the Metering Rods.. Take a few minutes and read thru it in its entirety and you will be amazed at what folks came up with for mileage.. I dropped the needles on Tweeks back in 2014 before we headed out for a couple months. Went down to Ace Hardware and bought nylon shims to do so. Took a pair of Verniers with me and checked em for size right at the store, was SHOCKED at how exact the washers measured. I know that Skydoc (was one of the responders in the link) does sell a "kit" for doing exactly what I did, I had already completed the job with the washers so I didnt end up with his kit but I can say, he was spot on with his suggestions.. Thinking I ended up dropping mine 60 thou with NO issues of spark nock and NO problems running cheap fuel (even lots of 85 octane). This was all over the west - mountains, prairies, salt flats, two tracks and even a number of high speed - long distances across places like Montana.. Do your diaphrams and sync her down first - your peeing in the wind trying to tune with bad diaphrams. Then crispen it up/fine tune it with the meter rods IMHO.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?86325-Carb-metering-rod-question&highlight=tweeks+metering+rods
  11. Try not to feel to bad Cha,, most - if not all of us, have suffered thru the same ailment in multiple situations. IMHO, one of the GREAT things about the day and age we live in is this internet business, with it's dynO'mite people like Mr. Freebird who have given us the opportunity to share our experiences with our brother bikers so we can all learn from each other! I learn from you, you learn from me, we learn from them and they learn from us - what a GREAT way to live to brother!!
  12. Just trying to kill off a few of those Robin sized mosquitoes you got down Eckster
  13. And if you put a light smear of Yamabond 5 on the leading edge of the diaphram it will slide pretty easily in between the plastic discs and seal it when it dries.
  14. on the new scoot John - THAT IS GORGEOUS!!:clap2::dancefool: Them Strommers are strong scoots, definitely a step toward the sport side of touring instead of the touring side of the sport.. I am also one of those folks who will be waiting to hear more about your future outings on that new baby!! By the way,, THANKS for the update and the
  15. He says as he swings the nozzles on the White Washer in a southerly direction
  16. Never worked on an RSV Ky but gotta wonder if your problem might be petcock related.. First thing that popped into my mind was fuel pump, filter and tank vent too - ya covered those. Not sure how the petcock is built on an RSSV but most of the old scoots at a screen at the entrance of the petcock and a screened bowl on the bottom that could plug up.. If it were mine, I would look and see if I could slide the fuel line off the nipple on the petcock or down at the fuel pump - turn the gas on and see what kind of flow your getting.. Another thing that can do some crazy stuff is if you got water in your fuel somehow, maybe drain the float bowls into a clear glass container (baby food jar?) and see what comes out.
  17. lonely
  18. Attitude sets your altitude.
  19. Hey Teej, I am one who would really NOT prefer you call it quits as far as input here. Understanding insurance companies and predicting how they will respond to a claim is a tough job. I have had a couple of big dollar claims that the insurance companies I was dealing with found a way to weasel out of paying out and I can tell you from first hand experience that it is no fun. I think one of the greatest ways to protect ourselves from being found in that set of shoes is by doing exactly what you have done with this thread - YOU ARE APPRECIATED TJ! I also know that being a "No Fault" State, Michigan has some strange insurancing practices when it comes to motorcycles that may or may not be pertainent to this thread. We (Michigan) have the Catastrophic Fund that we are charged for in our policies (and its a pretty hefty sum) whether it be for Auto or Motorcycle. The way that works (to my understanding) is that if an injury claim goes over a certain amount (thinking that number is 300k dollars) that the coverage gets picked up by "the fund". There is a huge loop hole in the fund rules that says that if you are injured on your scoot and the accident does not involve a car, you are NOT covered. Sad because we (in Michigan) are required to pay for the fund but we have totally different rules when on our motorcycles than in the car.
  20. Decision
  21. Pizza and Toga's and Whips, oh my.. Pizza and Toga's and Whips, oh my.. Follow the VR Chat road, follow the VR Chat road,, follow the, follow the,, follow the, follow the, follow the VR Chat road,,,,,, we're off to see Yama Mama,, that wonnnderful Mama of ourrrrsss.. I DO I DO I DO BELIEVE IN:vchat
  22. Poison Ivy
  23. mosquitoes
  24. WELCOME to VR Mcola and CONGRATS on the new scoot!! NICE FIND!!
  25. Way way`way way cool on the heal/toe Chief,, THAT is just bad to the bone!! So I get to gawking at those and then notice the rest of aftermarket stuff on your bike.. Gotta ask,, looking at the rear boards it appears to have an outboard board and an inboard board and what appears to be an extra chrome bar leading diagnally from the inside floorboard toward the rear of the bike.. What's that all about,, was that a side hack scoot or something? Also noticed lots of other aftermarket stuff, think I am seeing chrome air intakes on the fairing, lighted front bumper, chrome front mud flap.. Got any other shots of cool stuff on it you could share with us? Any chance you have any shots of this scoot back when it was a rider? I just betcha THAT was one awesome scoot!! THANK YOU for sharing the pics that you did Chief - WELL DONE!!!
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