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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Hey ya gull derned lop eared Road Glide ridin varmint,, there's one on that Harley of yours,,, its called a "CDS" or Cloaking Device Switch,, "P" is for presentational mode and is used when surrounded by other Harley's - has a homing device built into this mode that will automatically make you appear anytime your near places like Milwaukee Wisconsin or Sturgis South Dakota,, works GREAT too. "D" is for disappear and is used when hanging out with folks who are riding 83/84 MK1 1st Gen Yamaha Ventures and is activated automatically when ever those 1st Gen riders see you in their rear view mirror... :duck::duck: :duck::duck:
  2. Nope,, never did..,,, take that back,,, Yep, saw one recently.. Buddy of mine has a really cool old electric powered Minibike that he is restoring.. He showed that switch to me and said it was for the lights, said that you move it to the left for driving and to the right when you were parking.. I told him I thought he may be mistaken, that "D" was for driving and "P" was for passing. That in the "D" position the lights were all on and they were taking juice from the batteries, in "P" position the lights were all off and all the power was now passed on to the scoots cool little motor - a sort of electrical turbo boost.. He thought I was nuts but I still think he will find out I was right when he finally test rides his pretty little Electro Bike, moves that switch when he's in motion and does a wheelie in front of his neighbors. They will all smile and laugh and probably yell something like "GOOD THING YOU LEFT THAT CREEPY SKELETON THINGY ON THE BACK OF YOUR WING CAUSE HE WOULD HAVE FALLEN OFF AND BROKEN HIS ARM OR SOMETHING".. The End
  3. Check your oil for fuel contamination - seeping float bowls can cause it. Make sure your air breathers and exhausts havent been plugged off from mice activity. By some new plugs, remove the old ones, spin the motor up with no plugs in it and throttle held open to dry out combustion chambers and put new plugs in it. If you hadnt already removed and cleaned the carbs, I would also suggest draining the bowls into a glass jar and checking for water. Check fuel pump by refilling bowls and listening for clickin as mentioned. Hit the start button with kill switch on, no choke, see if it will start. Add choke as needed, if it fires up remove choke as quickly as possible to avoid blackening new plugs. As its warming up, spit check headers to see if she is running on all four.. If problems still exist, might check wire harness for mice damage. Also, how's your battery? Weak battery can = no runny! Any chance it was stored in freezing temps with no anti freeze?
  4. Are you sure it went internal? Look the area over really well and see if you can figure out what the chances of it falling inwardly are as apposed to having just fallin on the bike somewhere. If it does look possible that it could have fallen on the outside of the motor I would take a real bright pen light and use it in a dimly lit garage (the darker the area the better) to keep my focus tight into one small area at a time. Start at the top and work downward. If it did drop internal = I hate when that happens Trader, probably not gonna much care for my advice.. If it is in the motor it's not a good plan to just leave it, can cause a LOT of issues.. Never had the top end of one of these V-4's apart so I am not even sure what oil cap your talking of.. Are the oil caps steel or aluminum? If steel, it might not be a bad idea to try taking a magnet on a coat hanger and see if you can fish it out that way. I have one of those extendable antenna looking things with a magnet in the end of it (might try Harbor Freight if your gonna go looking for one) that is pretty useful for doing it BUT, I have also used a coat hanger with a small piece of an "earth" magnet with actually better success because of the extreme power of the earth mag and tight areas it can weasel into.. If you decide to use the coat hanger routine, I suggest that you put the magnet on the end of the coat hanger and tightly make a wrap of electrical tape over the magnet and around the hanger though - do this so you dont end up with the magnet also stuck inside the motor along with the oil cap. Another thing you might wanna try is draining the oil out of er and seeing if the piece might come out in the oil. Probably sounds nuts but if the motor were out, I would even suggest turning the engine upside down and bouncing it on the bench a little.. You really dont wanna leave the cap floating around inside the engine..
  5. Never had one apart but thinking that looks like a typical seal that is rubber formed over a metal body casing.. Thinking I would carefully drill a pilot hole thru the outer casing of the seal to run a sheet metal screw into and then pry outwardly on the screw,, even do this in a few spots if necessary. You can just drill thru the outer edge of the casing, that way no chance of damaging the inner case seal mating surfaces - where it meets up with the shoulder it sets on. Use a drill bit the same size as the shank of the sheet metal screw your gonna tap into the hole - the shank being the OD of the area at the bottom of the threads on the screw,, dont have to try an measure it with calipers,, just hold the screw up the light and eyeball a drill bit next to it - doesnt have to be exact.. Put a couple screws in it, place something under the pry bar or screw driver so you have something to pry against.. Have done a number of seals like this and usually works pretty good.. If we were talking bearing races it would be a totally different story Speaking of bearing surfaces, might wanna shake that pig down really well cause bearing issues are a known cause for seal issues.. Hope this aint the case here but thought I better mention it.. All the best Puc
  6. You mean like this Sky? The old "ask and you shall receive" routine brother,,, or,, in this case,,,, the old "careful what you ask for" routine may be http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?114869-2015-the-way-it-happened-to-Tip-Tweeks-and-me&highlight=Tweeks+maintenance
  7. +1 on EXACTLY what Mike is saying about having no ruffled feathers and not letting negative comments chase you away from the group @mirider. Hey Mike, spring boarding off Miriders point of view about getting insight from people who have actually owned/ridden/worked on one (I personally still dont see arrogance in that statement - just stands to reason that a person who has owned and "tweeked" on a particular scoot would have a little more knowledge about how it all works) . Are your comments about the Voyager Trike steering harder and having less traction based on actual experience with both machines? Did you have enough play time on the Voy to get to see if you could trim out some of the hard steering using preload as @Condor was mentioning? Is the traction loss thingy something you personally experienced and if so, is it a problem in cornering or straight line or all over? Wish I owned both types of Trikes and it was summer,, I would go outside and do a full blown video demo of both types and a 10 page essay.
  8. Jamsie,, are we talking about the needle (aka Metering Rod) hanging from the slide that has the diaphram attached to it?
  9. Downright MAGNIFICENTLY GORGEOUS there Eckster!!! :clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool::thumbsup:
  10. I can see that, I prefer to stick with Trike though Birdy cause I dont want some regulator type of varmint to come along and outlaw em cause they dont have airbags and seat belts
  11. Yes Mama,, THAT was a WONDERFUL party you put on sister - THANK YOU!! GOOD JOB!! :clap2::clap2: The Taco's were AWESOME, we finally did figure out how to shut FlyinFool's bike off, Bongo and Rbig shot a little over 5000 rounds of 7.62x39 AK ammo, Rbig took over for YammerDan with the disappearing act, lots of awesome pics of memories past were shared, BJ spun some GREAT tunes for us, Mama's first husband cut and stacked over 3 cord of wood for us and Mama kept the fire stoked as well as keeping the food and bevs flowing (THANK YOU to Mama's first husband too - those TOGA's arent necessarily good winter clothing), enjoyed having a new person stop in and say howdy (hi Kenny) and I had a chance to sharpen my and sign language skills a little.. Phew WHAT A PARTY!!! LOTS AND LOTS more great stuff too but cha gotta make one of Mama's :vchatparties cause some things just have to be experienced ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  12. Well I think when we FINALLY get more and all this :cold::snow2: gives way to some serious :7_2_102[1]: we will all feel a LOT better! :big-grin-emoticon: Back to the trike discussion. Condor mentioned the steering dynamics of the Voyager Trike. I have ridden a LOT of ATC's and a number of Harley Trikes and totally get the point about how the turning dynamics of a two wheeled motorcycle differ from a trike and it sounds like those differences are what Jack was talking about when he mentioned getting preload correct?. I am still not sure that my pea brain is squared away with how that can be so though with the Voyager Trike still riding on and being powered by the center wheel.. @Condor or @mirider , are the outer wheels on your scoots firmly planted on the ground at all times - even in a hard corner? Is this where the "preload" on the rear suspention of the outer wheels comes into play? Do you guys find it necessary to reduced the stiffness and air pressure in the rear shock that came on the bike originally to soften up the bikes rear wheel to the ground contact so the rig doesnt tend to pivot on the center wheel instead of riding on the two outer wheels? Am I making any sense here Hey Dave, thinking the disparage that you commented about earlier may have had something to do with the comment about one model of Trike being a "real Trike" or something like that? In the spirit of healthy unity, I am wondering if that comment may or may not have come from @Hummingbirds friend not having his machine set up properly and getting some kind of odd effects in handling (this is where it does get difficult when info comes third party - makes it hard to know for sure either way BUT even third party info is still GREAT discussion material because it makes me think - IMHO) - something along the line of how a bike may handle if it had training wheels or something. I only say that because it just seems like if the rear wheel of the bike were supporting the bulk of the weight and the outer two wheels were barely touching the ground it seems like the rig would handle more like a traditional two wheeler than a Trike BUT, once you went into a corner so you were now again riding a three wheels maybe the steering dynamics would want to change to that of a Trike - making for some really strange steering. On the other hand, it seems like if the Voyager Trike were set up like I think Jack was talking about, with the outer wheels suspention dialed in with the proper amount of preload and the center wheel was set up so it was basically not supporting the weight of the bike, the Trike would ride more like one with independent suspention (cause it does have independent boingers if I am understanding all this) instead of a straight axle Trike like the Harley Tri Glides I have ridden.. Am I still making sense here? As far as a Voyager Trike probably not being the right set up for going where Tip and I like to ride,,:think: probably right on that one brother . I am thinking that a Trike built on some kind of posi track differential would be the answer.. Only problem with that is, thinking the posi would have to be unlockable cause I betcha a locked posi on a Triked Venture at 80 mph would REALLY have some strange steering characteristics Someone pass the Hot Dogs please
  13. Yep,, been there myself Jim,, x2.. A break in at the shop cost me over 30k in lost inventory - Farmers Insurance only paid 200 dollars of that one. Second was a car/deer wreck,, broke my back, 5 back surgeries ended up well into our Catastrophic Fund zone.. Because of some loop holes, ended up paying the overage out of pocket.. REALLY thankful though cause I was waist down parallized, by God's grace and thru the work of a very talented Neuro Surgeon I got back on my feet and back to living again!! Something I learned thru all that is how important it is to understand the difference between an Insurance Agent and an Insurance Claims Adjuster.. To bad they arent the same person playing by the same rules and as friendly when paying out on a claim as they are when they are selling a policy ..
  14. Unfortunately this was long ago,, long before the digital camera's were all the rage and during a time in my life went I spent my time instructing my children instead of taking pictures of them (following the theme of this thread,,,, proving I was actually a good Daddy ) so I cant honestly say I don't remember taking pics back then .. I will say this though Steve,, I just read what you wrote to Tippy, she and is digging thru some photo albums as I type seeing if she may have snapped a few :happy65::cool10: I could make a video of her verifying the stories if that would help... Or, better yet,, next time we have a family gathering I could make a video of the kids explaining the story in their own words and telling the world whether or not they felt traumatized by their upbringing
  15. Like that purdy Strom needed any help in the add on department
  16. Know EXACTLY what your saying brother!!! We got the bestest insurance program possible!! Still glad you noticed and changed that tire though
  17. I seen a number of em, never did ride a scoot with one attached.. Either of you lop eared varmints ever had a chance to ride a traditional trike (no center rear wheel) and wanna shed some light on any differences in feel or handling characteristics between the two.. Always wandered about situations where an outside wheel may cause the drive wheel to loose traction or something.. That even remotely possible? I have seen those Voyager kits for sale on Craigs pretty reasonable,, under 1500 bucks..
  18. I LOVE when this happens!! No reason why you and I couldnt sneak into Costco on your card and pick-up/wrap a few dozen Hot Dogs is there VAZ? :big-grin-emoticon: We'd be just a feeding dem mulitudes brother!!
  19. What da heck,, you one of my siblings or something Trader,, another little brother I never knew I had! Being the case, I will bring ya up to speed.. Raised our children on 60 acres of land on the end of 5 miles of gravel road. Our property bordered over 5000 acres of State Land which became the playground for the 4 kids, Tip and I.. I used a King Size mattress wrapped in plastic and strapped to the back of my Thundercat snowmobile with 50 feet of 1" rope instead of the ol Toboggan behind the beat up old Bronco that Dad use to tow us with.. I made a big knot in the visqueen tied into the rope and then ran a series of knots down the length of the rope that laid across the length of the mattress so my kids could hang on.. My kids had a nick name for riding on that old mattress behind my sled,, they called it "The Magic Carpet Ride" cause when the T-Cat hit 50 the mattress would raise off the ground and "float" on a cushion of a foot or so of air.. They were really athletic kids,, it wasnt long before my son was able to stand up on the mattress and ride it like an air born surf board.. Looking back, I think my daughters Golden Retriever was the only one of the bunch who never got the hang of holding onto a knot in the rope when taking off or hitting the corners during a whip... There were also lots of two tracks in the area and trails galore.. My kids showed an interest in go-carts, minibikes and all that junk pretty early in life, figured I may as well get em started in spinning wrenches and getting grimy. Go Cart motors were still well over a hundred bucks at the time but junk cars were plentiful and cheaper. Started dragging home junkers for the kids and I to fix up and make home-made go carts out of. Were had 2 Escorts, a Champ and a Horizon.. Took no time at all to knock the doors, windows, hoods and trunk lids out of em.. They were all stick shifts - figured they may as well learn to drive a stick in the dirt.. Had a BALL chasing those kids around in our carts.. Heyyy,, believe it or not my son, nephew and I cleared 67 feet of air on one of our two tracks in our White Escort,, it did hit hard enough on the nose that covered all of us with dirt and set off the emergency stop switch on the fuel pump.. One day one of my kids "city" friends Dad came to pick his little girl up,, she was kinda covered in dirt from playing outside with my daughter all day (no,, my kids were not allowed to run the carts when they had friends over). Never forget it,, the city Dad looked at our 4 go carts sitting there in the field,, he says,, "whats with all the junk cars,, you starting a junk yard or something".. Never seen em again after I said "them aint junk cars,, thems go carts" Our Dad would be proud Trader knowing his crazy spirit didnt fall by the wayside..
  20. Yes I DID Trader,, GOOD POINT - THANK YOU FOR CORRECTING MY TYPO!!:thumbsup::thumbsup: Kind of pee's me off when that happens:big-grin-emoticon:
  21. Certainly makes one .. All that being said Teeg (by the way,, THANK YOU for posting up the response brother - YOU DA MAN!!) it makes one wonder how any of this could be different across the country when Medicare is a Federal thing,, isn't it? Seems like if they would refuse to pay in a Michigan vehicular accident they would do so every where... Not trying to ,,,, ok,, maybe just a little:hihi:
  22. I SURELY HOPE YOU CAN MAKE ONE TOO Teej!!! :cool10::cool10:
  23. :think::think:,,, good point Dave,,:scratchchin: never even thought about that angle,,:think: Thanks for offering :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup:
  24. :lightbulb:VAZ n Puc's 1st Annual Intercontinental Hot Doggin Motorcycle Rally to be held at Cosco in Flag Staff Arizona,,, come coast down Jerome Mountain and blindly follow the pack up GORGEOUS 89 in search of the mighty Cosco Hot Dog!!
  25. Hear Hear!!! "WHAT A RIDE" trumps I WISH I WOULD HAVE:checkeredflag: Gonna start a petition for Sir Bob to change his name from BongoBob to BINGOBOB
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