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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. ALLLLLLLLLLRIGGHHHHT:dancefool:!!!! Now we're cookin with hot possum grease:225:!!!!!!!! Gooooo get em Bobby and Becky!!:clap2::dancefool: May your roads be warm - welcoming and safe, may the folks you meet along the trail be kind and courteous, may your trip be forever free of the long arm of the Wisconsin White Washer and may the batteries in your camera stay charged because everyone KNOWS - :big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon: We patiently and steadfastly wait upon your daily trip reports Bongo! PS - please bring back some warm Texas breezes for us!! HAVE FUN! Puc
  2. 1st thing James,, and on the new scoot - she's a DANDY!! 2nd thing = a HUGE to VR!!!! Sorry to read about the mishap with the bars folding down and the binged up tank as a result,, not a fun thing THAT is for sure - might go down to Harbor Freight and grab a set of cheapy suction cups and see if you can get the smaller cup to pull enough to get the dent out - worth a shot.. Also make sure you don't just lift the bars back up into position, take a minute - loosen them in their saddles, move the bars up and tighten em down.. I have never owned a 2nd Gen like yours personally but I believe the 99's were the year that had some issues with the rear shock. Thinking the problem begins with shock oil appearing at the base of the shock, easy to check and keep an eye on. Might not be a bad idea to take a peek. My understanding is that the ultimate permanent fix is an aftermarket shock. If that gorgeous scoot were mine I would start watching for a good deal on a replacement shock if it appears the one on the bike is OEM. No idea if one of the later 2nd Gen shocks would be interchangeable, have a hunch one of our buddies here on VR will know. Another item to consider has to do with the contact points in the fuel pump - they have been known to cause problems. I have been riding the older MK1 1st Gens for a while now and have carried a spare pump on my journeys. I did have one incident over the course of wearing out 5 of those early scoots where the spare pump got me out of a jam. I have heard that the 2nd Gen pumps are not quite as durable as the 1st Gens were so I would also keep an eye out for a spare pump to carry in the bikes Maintenance Dept (right saddle bag).. IMHO you did real well on your purchase!!:clap2::thumbsup: That is one GORGEOUS scoot you found there my friend at a VERY reasonable price. The mileage is fairly low (these are 200k bikes all day long) and it sure looks like someone took good care of it, I can certainly see why you were attracted to it:173:!! A little tweekin, small amount of maintenance prep work, short introductory learning curve and here's hoping to see you and your new scoot out enjoying the ribbon of highways that HAVE to tugging at both of your heart strings!! GREAT deal James, CONGRATS!! Puc PS - Also a GREAT introductory story AND 's!!
  3. Yaaaa,, THANK YOU Mr. Freebird Don:clap2::clap2:!! Hope you know YOU are on our hero's list brother,, YOU DA MAN BROTHER!!:thumbsup: And we don't wanna hear none of that,, ohhhh - twernt nothing folks - just doing my thing nonsense either:no-no-no:! If it were not for you and allllllll your hard work in putting this place together and keeping it going like you do how on earth would us VR members have ever had such wonderful times together? Hope you realize that EVERY VR related MeetnGreet, Maintenance Day, International, Regional Rally, helping Kids at St. Judes, supporting one another at times of personal needs, VR members helping VR members in bike repair and on and on has a piece of you involved and most, if not ALL of us KNOW it!! I know we tease you a lot but I hope you always remember that 99.9999 percent of that teasing comes out of a deep love and respect for who you are and what you have done my friend.. THANK YOU for taking our teasing in stride and knowing that it is all done in love! I also deeply appreciate your input into VR family struggles. You have a gift when it comes to peace keeping brother and I admire you for it. It always breaks my heart when we as members forget that, as good as a site that you have developed here (and it is THE BEST SITE ON THE NET!!!!), there is no way that full communications can happen in an internet forum. Things like body language in communicating are totally missing and sometimes that hurts us.. It makes me sad sometimes when I read someone putting down another person OR, someone reading more into something that someone else wrote and having things go sour. The most painful part of that is when it involves two people that I have personally met and I KNOW if the two folks who are struggling thru it all would have met in person and got to know each other a little they would have been laughing about their discussion instead of having hard feelings.. Your counsel and advice in such circumstances are absolutely appreciated Don,, want you to know THAT has not gone unnoticed! Man,, there I go again,, another one.. Sorry Mama,,,,
  4. Freedom
  5. TWEEKS LONG LOST SISTER:dancefool::dancefool:!!!:clap2: How cool is that!! Hey Or, thinking I aint never did see no tail lights like those,, from what I can see,, I LIKE em!!! When you get a second and if ya don't mind,, would cha have Moe snap a shot or two of your new scoots back side - would REALLY like to see what those lights look like from the rear.. Any idea if she's gotta a good second gear in er brother? GREAT BARN FIND THERE MY FRIEND!!
  6. :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: We're RELATED!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: Who'd of ever thunk it!!
  7. Crazy as this may sound Steve,, nope,, I was told it's not "Trigger Finger".. Guess TF is extremely painful, this is not.. TF is inflammation, was told this is actually a build up of stuff around the tendons that has to be opened up and removed.. Started out with a tiny BB like nodule on the first joint of the first knuckle on the pinky of my right hand a few years and progressed from there..
  8. """Jeeze puc. I don't like the looks of that. I do suppose though you should be able to operate the throttle, just no brakes though?""" Funny you mention this Cha,, I been bike shoppin and looking at Harley's - Tippy shakin her head,, saying things like what cha want one of those for - was telling her that with my hands in the condition they are in I reckon I should still be able to hang on with just a thumb and a finger when I wick it up .. gonna get that gorgeous Heritage Springer I always wanted ONE WAY OR THE OTHER:178: """Best of luck to you buddy. What causes the disease?""" THANK YOU for the well wish my friend!! The Doc says,, what da heck did you do to your hands?? A little and I started going thru my own diagnosis with Tip nodding her head... Years of riding and racing a KX500 with its bone shattering viberations, pull starting 165 horse triple cylinder Arctic Cat Thundercat Snowmobiles when it was so cold out that - at times - the pull start handle would rip between my fingers, 34 years of cutting and hand splitting my own firewood and on and on.. The Doc was shaking his head in a "NOPE" fashion with every comment I made.. Got all done and he says one simple word "Hereditary".. He asked if anyone else in my family had suffered with it.. You know what, they did.. When my Grandmother passed away a number of years ago she had the stuff so bad that all but her thumbs and pointer fingers had been totally unusable for over 15 years.
  9. well,, actually three of em.. Somewhere along the trail I managed to pick up this disease called Dupuytrens.. Its a diabolically anti-pulchritude of an ailment in that, all though it's pretty much pain free, it can totally interfere with a bikers longing to ride a motorcycle so it probably isn't something that I would advise any of you lop eared varmints to go looking for.. Also,, if you are a touch typist like your ol buddy Puc, you dont want Dupy either cause learning to one one finger type after years of touch typing is not as easy as it sounds.. Tip, Tweeks and I have been waiting patiently for an opening to shake out with a Hand Specialist and we FINALLY got the call.. If all goes well, in less than two weeks my right hand will be on its way to being functional again, then after it gets all sorted out we will be working on the ol left side.. Long range outlook is, well,,,, is glowing bright considering that at this time only my pointer fingers and thumbs are usable commodities. Here are some pics of my right hand as of today. Dupy usually only affects the pinky and ringer finger but I managed to attract the attention of a very aggressive type of the stuff that has also decided it liked my middle finger too.. What you see in the pics is as far open as I can go with my right hand, pretty weird eh.. Today we (Tip and I, Tweeks stayed in bed) met with the surgeon who I will be giving the fingers to and he explained the process. Gonna be kinda different cause I swear on a stack of Bibles that he said that the skin around my pinky region is not gonna be able to stretch out and be stitched up so he is gonna have to leave it open and let the skin heal back together to cover the area again.. He asked if I would be good with changing my bandages on a daily basis and that I would literally be looking inside my hand when I did... I told him I thought that would make some pretty awesome pictures to share with my biker buddies on VR if they dont get censored for being to heteromorphic. As always and forever,, we appreciate any and all prayers, thoughts, love and concerns that any of our family and friends here dare to muster up on our behalf and will thank you right here, right now for doing so!! THANK YOU!! Puc n Tip
  10. ,,,,,,,,,, ever did ya hear of fool's Gold Lar?? That there be Fool's White Wash!!
  11. :cold::cold::cold::cold::cold:
  12. Heyyyyy,, Tweeks and I heard that.....
  13. @Flyinfool can speak for himself but I would say that if I looked like a Poodle needing a shave like some people do I would probably take that to heart too... Careful now,, careful,,,,,,,,, I WILL and CAN protect myself!!
  14. Its so cold here that Tip and I had Ice Cream for dinner just to warm up a little!!
  15. I LOVE when that happens David and I sure do miss it,, been a longgggggggggg winter here and sure do miss seeing those gorgeous RSV's on the road brother!!! Shaaahoot,, I would even settle for seeing a , nothing but :cold:,,, :snow: and a few snowmobiles buzzing around a land far away .. Thanks for and bringing a touch of and a ray of to your ol hot chocolate sipping buddies life..
  16. :ice_thy-vi101212101:ice_thy-vi101212101 INDEED,, Tip,Tweeks and I bid a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY right back at the two of you Mama and to allllllllllllllllll our lop eared varmint VR friends too!!!
  17. Prayers Up and Blessings Down for the owners, I am sure they have to be grief stricken.. Also hoping and praying no one was injured.. Definitely a sad thing to hear about..
  18. Yea Eckster,,, I am pretty sure I am right,, at least I think so,,, well,, maybe not but it might be true.. Probably the best way to find out, before you do anything with your wiring, is to roll er out to the end of the driveway while your neighbor is out watering his bushes.. Park the scoot and walk over to your neighbor,, tell him a guy on the internet said your minibike has a turbo that is controlled by a little switch on the handlebar. Then ask him if he would mind taking a video of you going by the front of his house on the bike. After he gets all set up and a crowd has gathered, go down the road a little ways on the bike, turn around and go toward the crowd (make sure you have a signal worked out with your neighbor that tells you he is videoing and that he gives you the signal he is taping you), BEFORE you throw the switch - lean wayyy forward over the front wheel - tuck your arms down toward the fake gas tank - leave your right foot on the peg where the brake is and stretch your left leg out over the back of the bike.. You wanna do this with your left leg so, first of all, you can steer with your toes like a rudder should the front wheel come up and you lose your steering and second of all, you can keep yourself from going all the way over backwards in front of the crowd (this is NEVER a good thing). ,, this is really getting lengthy,, probably lost ya back at parking your bike at the end of the driveway:scratchchin: :lightbulb:Why don't we meet at Don's Maintenance Day this year.. You bring the scoot, I will bring the camera and explain the above and make sure you got it all downpat before you try it.. You can then test it in front of a group of people who probably won't think you went off the deep end or something.. Keep the peace in your neighborhood and all that:happy34:
  19. HOKEY SPAMOKEY,, Look at this gang!! NEVER KNEW THESE EXISTED!!! Here ya go Trader!! May wanna search Ebay a little more - thinking could be had even cheaper,, check it out! http://www.ebay.com/itm/5-5-mm-6-LED-USB-Waterproof-Endoscope-Borescope-Inspection-Tube-Camera-5M-/371397959479?hash=item56790b1f37:g:xLMAAOSwHnFVrmD6
  20. GOOD THOUGHT TRADER!! Highly doubt Auto Zone would have one for loan/rent.. Maybe try tool rental place.. Also might check a pawn shop or two,, those places have some pretty interesting stuff sometimes..
  21. I have tried and tried to install Adobe Flash Player on this con founded dork wad Vista running outfit I am using right now,, CANT GET FLASH PLAYER TO INSTALL and I cant watch stuff like this without it!!!! Going NUTS missing all the fun!! :bang head::bang head::bang head: So,, who all is on the list?
  22. WELLLLLLLL,,, RATSSS,, worth a shot brother!! I REALLY like Flyinfools suggestion about the Harbor Freight inspection camera!! Perfect time to make an addition to the Man Cave tools if nothin else.. If you do that it might not be a bad idea to check the inspection cable end of the apparatus - get the smallest one you can find.. Be wayyy cool if you could get one with a small enough end that it would go into a spark plug hole - remember our scoots have smaller plugs (thinking 12mm).. Wish I had one I would loan it to you..
  23. Nope,, some hippy from Muskegon,, might be my brother though Doug .. Oh my GOSH,, I do make that Tie Dye look good!! Here is a story about it: http://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/index.ssf/2009/07/bike_time_gets_off_to_roaring.html Crazy reporter had no clue about scoots,, I say that cause anyone who knows anything about Honda Chops would have known that the motor in that old scoot was NOT a 79 Honda 750,, that was the year that Honda went to DOHC,,, that was clearly a SOHC built 69 - 78,, oh well - he had a close.. That motor was a 1970.. Good runner too.. Rode it to Sturgis a couple times,, good ride - GREAT FUN!! Good find,, think I will see if I can find a pic or two of some highway life out west on that critter... Got some around here somewhere.. Liven this place up a little.. THANKS DOUG,, warmed my heart on a sub zero - Flyinfool White Wash Machine infested night!! Love ya Sonshine!!!! Ur ol Poppers
  24. Top picture, look carefully at the header manifold mount bolts, bottom bolt has something black laying right in front of it,,, could it be????
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