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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. my thought exactly bro.... then we can get come full circle and get back to picken on the real traitors,, the 2nd gen owners
  2. :clap2: THANKS PAT - YOU DA MAN!!!
  3. cowpuc

    Hot dog .

    NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could feel the warm summer breezes, hear the sounds of VR buddies laughing and riding together and smell the sweet odor of dogs on the grill as soon as that pic came into view Teej!!! THANKS!! HOT DOGS FOR EVERYONE!!:big-grin-emoticon:
  4. Hope it turns up brother!! No idea's on how to help Rand BUT wanted to say THANK YOU for your service my friend!! You Veterans are on my hero's list !!
  5. BINGO!!!! May as well pour in a permenant dog grill jack cause these lop eared hot dog eatin VR varmints can sure pack em down!!! Now,, about those pics
  6. Here is a short explain of what is going on Huggy. Barry, if you happen to see this and have ANY advice that you would be so kind as to share with ur ol buddy it would be grealy appreciated - PM is fine if you think it best.. THANKS AGAIN to all you well wishers!! Hope this vid isnt to gross!! Also, there is a portion of this vid that points out some possibilies for making our own fairings, saddlebags and even trunks. Thinking I will ask The Docs for any left over pieces of brace material!! Take a peek and see what ya think!!
  7. he knows that sooner or later 1% of you lop eared varmints (VR MC 1%ers ,, YammerDan - Raggy - Flyinfool - Marcarl - CarbonOne - EagleEye - Bluestar99 - Zzz - Orlin - Condor - Yamamama - Chaharly - Aussie Annie - Bongo) and that bunch may need a little more than he can offer on the site,,,,,,,, always got your backs that leader of ours!!! Good pic Frank:happy34: ,,, cant help ya also caught a pretty good shot of another one of my favorite VR members in the pic too -- GOOD ONE!!
  8. :dancefool::dancefool::thumbsup: :7_2_102[1]::7_6_2[1]::bikersmilie::900[1]::7_6_3[1]::bighug::Im not listening to:fatsmiley::fatsmiley::fatsmiley::fatsmiley::fatsmiley::fatsmiley::fatsmiley: soon,,,,,,,,,,,, very very soon my friend!
  9. :thumbsup::thumbsup: :missingtooth:
  10. well i'llll be high sided - never ever ever heard of tugs - love learning something new!! good read, great pic! will be watching thread! thanks ronsun!!
  11. doc appointment went well, no sign of infection! wait till you guys see my fingers = AWESOME!! Already into doing excersizes even with open wounds. saw therapist too, he said 75% on little finger is well within reason if i do my hand stretches = it was at under 5%!! not to bad pain even with gaping holes that have to fill in. all well, should be good for may hot dogs = YEEEEEHAWWWW! pics tomorrow when we do excersizes and rebandage!! @Barrycuda, are you a hand therapist? Either way bro, THANK YOU for your profession choice = therapist rock!!:thumbsup: this medical stuff is amazing, THANK YOU to anyone here working in med field too = just amazing what you folks do!!!!
  12. where is susanville jack?
  13. oh,, almost forgot Silv!!!
  15. naaaa ahhhh,, this is me.. my typist is to busy cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, getting my drugs, being a nurse and baby sitting her whiny husband to type for me.. pretty soon she has to bathe me and take me to the doctor for my first check since surgery. add those to list, you can clearly see why i have to do all the typing.. ahhh ohhh,, another thread,, still doing that even with 1 finger.. sorry silv,, trying 2 get us back on track = i still love the lil red electric 3 wheeler and would not be embarressed at all driving it but it would have 2 be a 2 seater cause tippy loves 2 ride with me even after having to take care of me!!
  16. with u randy. its really hard when taking a long time to type, hit submit, get the message that i timed out, hit back button, get back to place where i was typing only to find text is long gone. start from scratch, 3 hours later right back to timed out thingy, now will try control z in future. thank u randy for posting this and thank you tlm 4 suggestion. may get to try it with this post
  17. where did you get the adapter for the spin on? any pics/links would be helpful. Good thread Goose, maybe it`should be moved to read only tech once complete info is gathered about how to add spin on if not one already there. spin on to replace canister filter is awesome!! by the way, have u checked with auto zone 4 filters? last i bought were cheap, good quality, came with o-rings and shipped to my door for free.. worth a try, maybe....
  18. thanks teej and right back at cha on the dogs brother.. its time like those that makes times like these a walk in the park,,, now lets see if i can do this ..
  19. ya got that right steve, no idea what i would do without my sweetheart!!! that tippy is one amazing lady!! thank you again everyone 4 all the well wishes and prayers!
  20. they are different, i love different!! would love 2 have one, would be fun to drive to dons 4 md, would give carls spyder a run 4 its money in being different. parking reminds me of nyc, pak em in wherever u can - lots of fun:thumbsup:
  21. 4th http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/Gallery%20%20A/Yamaha%20XS%20Eleven%20Venturer.jpg http://www.xs1100-frw.de/HOMEPAGE_03/XS_MODELLE/XS11_81ER_H.JPG
  22. thank you David and`ALL!! REALLY APPREIATE THE THOUGTS AND PRAYERS!! A link for David and a THANK YOU PITIURE FOR ALL!! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?86325-Carb-metering-rod-question&highlight=tweeks+metering+rods
  23. And mice LOVE peanut butter,, best mouse trap concoction known to meeses.. :lightbulb:Smear it on your scoot and have those teeny weeny lop eared varmints chasing ya like your the peanut butter pie pied piper.. Might be able to loose IF your riding a 1st Gen:crackup:
  24. I am told that the Hot Dogs at "Puc's Greet - Meet and Eat Meat" gatherings are second to none Doug and those are always held in the first State due North of you!! You and your friends or family are ALWAYS welcome to cross da border and join us,,,,,,,,, we are happy to have Hoosers here for Hotdogs
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