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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. :scared:Your right Rodney,, I TOTALLY missed that!! I see em now,, poor ol Frosty is takin a licken and keepin on tickin aint he!!! @Flyinfool has no leg to stand on now (NO pun intended Jeff) - the frozen cat is out of the bag!! THANK YOU for pointing that out Rbig!!
  2. One in each hand brother,, one in each hand!!! Couple months and I WILL prove it!!
  3. My buddy Larry (who can be found in the Sporty Trike vids) gave me that Harley Hat - it is a Medium and my head is Large.. Took a while to get it broke in to perfect fit by using the old cowboy hat routine of dipping it in water.. Now it fits like a biker hat should, like sliding a glove on my beaner.. Lack of hair under the hat could also have something to do with it..
  4. Do you know anything about his biking experience prior to 1988 Goat? How bout whether or not he can proficently ride a peddle bike? I know lots of people who rode bicycles when they were children and stop peddling when they were old enough to drive a car just to return to riding a bicycle many years later when they retired and take off on a pedal bike like they had never left it.. I know,, probably sounds Apples to Oranges BUT we humans are amazing creatures in retaining skills such as riding a motorcycle and the correlation between motorycycling skills and bicycling skills has also always amazed me.. That and relationships come in all shapes and sizes,,, did I say that right? Not all relationships are created equal,,, still not quite what I am trying to get out .. The depth of the friendship you share with your buddy will probably determine how you should approach this whole subject with him Goat (getting closer to saying what I am trying to say).. Have you asked him if he would like your opinion?
  5. Man oh man do I LOVE riding the scoot thru blooming Cherry Tree Orchards - intoxicating doesn't even come close to describing the sweet smell of those babies!!
  6. Thanks Z, sometimes its not easy being a puc..
  7. Sitting out in the GORGEOUS sunshine doing my hand excersizes when up pulls my neighbor Dave on his gorgeous Ultra Limited.. Says I know your not suppose to ride your bike for a while so I thought I would bring "Big Red" down so you could ride mine :guitarist 2::guitarist 2: Tip sticks her head out the front door and says "what are you up to now" ,,,, I said - heyyy wanna go for a short ride - it worked!!! Brothers and Sisters I SWEAR,, nothing heals the body and soul like fresh spring air being forced into your open mouth while your riding your iron horse and yelling YEEEEEHAWWWWW!!! By the way,, this is the same neighbor who another friend and I got together with and built that Sporty Trike for his wife.. You guys might remember that whole deal.. Good friends are a blast arent they?? Here are some vids of that the Trike project in case you forgot..
  8. COOL - glad it's not a water pump!! Here is what I would suggest.. Find something to drain the anti freeze into, pick up a can of cheap carb cleaner and a sheet of medium grit sand paper, get some "Seal All" (comes in a Yellow Tube - Red Print) from Wally World or an Auto Parts store (good stuff and cheap). Get to a motel where the bike will sit over night. Pull plug #11 shown in the diagram - located under the water pump (also seen in attached pic) and drain the system - really best if you drain the system so the seal all has a chance to bond. After draining, wipe down area on both plastic tube and area where it slides into pump.. Sand the area - both plastic and aluminum case - really well, spray it off with carb cleaner and sand again after carb cleaner drys. Spray off again with carb cleaner.. make sure there is no anti freeze still seeping and area is good and dry. cover area with seal all but not to thick - it should go on fairly runny. Seal All first coat over the joint about 1/2 inch on each side of leak. Let dry for couple hours (longer is better) and then re-apply next coat out to an inch or so.. Now let that dry till your ready to leave next morning.. Put the plug back in and refill the rad.. Have had REALLY good luck with Seal All getting me back on the road.. Punched a hole in a case one time - you could literally look in and see gears - made a patch out of Seal All and gum wrapper tin foil - worked AWESOME!! Hope it works for you and you make er to MeHeeCoe!!!
  9. Must be related brother!!!! :7_2_104[1]: Not to be guilty of yet another thread but I gotta say something,,, @MJ44 - is that your scoot in your signature with a side car? From what I can see I LOVE THE LOOKS OF THAT PUPPY!!! Any chance you could post a few pics of it and some ride info,,, would LOVE to see/hear all about it!! Might not be a bad idea to start a new thread and let me take the whoopin for the though... THANK YOU for all the work on setting up the Motel stuff Randy - sorry about the
  10. Never mind Fl,, I found ya brother and NOW I remember,, you da MAN with the Holley on the Venture (how could I forget) Maybe she's got fuel gathered in the intake plentum or something.. Jumping time would be fairly uncommon with these things.. Maybe check the plugs and see if they are saturated.. If their dry, ground em and see what kind of spark you get. Are you sure its fuel thru the carb now? Is that Holley spraying a stream into the carb throat when you twist it?
  11. Did search for your other posts about your Trike and can find nothing - got a link you can share? Are we talking a car engine?
  12. Thats a REALLY good sign that your gonna have a riding buddy Silv... We always had hunting dogs - Beagles for rabbits, Springers for pheasants and all that - when I was kid, Dad always taught me to look for a black roof in their mouths to determine whether or not they would be good hunters. Did it for years and it always seemed to work out.. Wonder if something like black webbing between their toes would be an indicator of a dog that would be good passengers on a scoot What a cute puppy!!
  13. Depending on where its leaking from Jf, the cover that goes over the water pump does have an o-ring seal on it - this would be a very easy repair job. The impellar, which you would find under the cover with the o-ring in it, is mounted to a small shaft that passes thru a mechanical seal and a regular oil seal on its way into the drive gear that drives the water pump. There should be a weep hole on the underside of the water pump casting that allows anti-freeze to escape if the mechanical seal fails (or a bearing goes south).. If the water is coming from that weep hole than its a little more involved because the water pump has to come all apart to fix it.. Most of these older bikes "weep" when they are cold from the hose connection area under the radiator where the little plastic hex head valve is located.. Usually they stop completely when they warm up.. It sounds to me like this is NOT your issue - your issue sounds more like a failing water pump mechanical seal. Here is a link to the water pump diagram. The cover o-ring would be part #9 , the impellar mech seal is #8 .. A common issue with mechanical impellar seal failure is that anti freeze can find its way into your engine oil - all it has to do is get beyond the oil seal that is the next seal in toward the engine on the shaft.. Have you noticed any "muddy" look to engine oil? I had a water pump seal fail out in the middle of no where while playing in Utah one time.. I finished the trip up with all the way back to Michigan by running my rad cap loose - not advising you to try it BUT it did work.. Just running with the cap loose allowed enough pressure to be released that I lost a lot less water.. Another place to check very closely would be that plastic tube that feeds into the waterpump case. This would be part #21 on the diagram. That tube does have o-rings also and it is not uncommon for them to leak should the tube get bumped.. If it is leaking from that area, a little carb cleaner cleaning, scratch er up with some sand paper and spray again with carb cleaner - stop at a Walmart or an Auto parts store and purchase some "Seal All" before you start to clean it up.. Coat the tubing joint up with seal all real well before you hit the sack for a night and by the next morning you should be good to go... Thinking first thing is to find out exactly where the water is coming from first thing Jf... ooppsss,, almost forgot diagram http://www.yamahapartshouse.com/oemparts/a/yam/50042846f8700209bc788cdf/water-pump
  14. OUTSTANDING SYLV!!!:dancefool::dancefool::clap2::thumbsup: :scratchchin:,,,:think:,, you didnt forget to pic up battery's for your takin device when ya got the tabs for your plates this year did cha? Fantastic bro!! Thinking we should be able to find ya a sticker to cover the area for the year if needed too.. Then next year, if you decide to paint it you can peel off the sticker, do the painting and send the sticker to one of your buddies who would put it to good use again
  15. Seems like every year we go out to Cali we end up having to ride thru lots of smoke.. It wasnt very long ago that the Donnor area was really really bad!! Oregon too,,, couple years ago coming out of Red Wood NP and heading across Oregon was mile after mile of back road, bandana across the nose riding - not a good thing.. Hopefully all that rain/snow will cut way down on this years wild fires... Also be really neat to actually see green grass across Cali instead of that yellow earth.. Dont get me wrong, that yellow field grass is pretty in a way but it always looked wayyyy to vulnerable to fire for my personal liking.. Heyyyyy,, you Cali lop eared's,, @Condor - you will probably know where this is.. Heading north toward the Oregon line - cant remember if it was before "Weed" or after,,,, we rode past a HUGE lake area - thinking it was probably a resevoir or something.. Anyway,, it was a really deep spot on both sides of the road where a lake was suppose to be.. You could tell by looking at it that at one time it was full of water - docks and all that were like 100 feet or better above the area where the water was at the time.. Place was EMPTY of water,, still a few boats playing around wayyyyy down in the bottom of the place where the little bit of water was still seeable.. Question for you guys,, will that area fill back up from run off of one really good year of rain/snow like you are seeing now? I may have pictures,, will have to see if you guys cant figure out where I am talking about...
  16. What da heck,,, gotta agree with ya Randy,,, the guy on the bike just sat there in a clearly marked "NO VEHICLE" zone and let the truck run over him - plenty of time to get out of the way,, cant help but wonder if there wasnt some form of road rage going on there - like the guy on the bike was with the truck driver ... On the same token though,, the guy in the truck definitely had to have known the guy was there.. Thinking both parties should have their drivers licenses examined - and maybe even their gray matter... Just NEVER a good idea to play around with Semi's when traveling,,,, especially if your touring on a scoot (IMHO)... Man that was a terrifying video - seeing that child go under that rig was AWEFUL!!!!
  17. WOW,,, WHAT A CUTIE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup: Bring Millie along when you come to Michigan for a Hot Dog Silv and I will get one for her too!!
  18. Now YOU are a varmint after my own heart Red!!:thumbsup: The pic below is from a situation almost exactly like your talking about brother!! Running a dog gone 404, 3600 miles on her and pulled into Moab Utah - tread getting really slim - ONLY tire I could find in alllll of Moab was another 404 - guy wanted 215 bucks for it .. Made a few phone calls and found the closest next shop was Richland,, or Richfield or something like that.. Told Tip that I would rather risk in and keep heading west.. Got lost in the mountains, 2 days later pulled into Richland, all they had was another dog gone 404 BUT - 95 bucks so I bit.. They said they wouldnt be able to fit us in till the next morning,, said no problem - I will take it cash and carry and borrow your parking lot for 1/2 hour or so.. They said, if you can pull it we will mount it free - COOL!! That 404 was gone by the time we got to Cali,, 404's are TERRIBLE as far as mileage goes (IMHO).. REALLY nice to know that the side stand on the 2nd Gen is worthy!! Have used it on other bikes (dirt bikes mostly) in just such a way.. Knowing that, if we ever do get the honor/pleasure of owning a 2nd Gen I will DEFINITELY be carrying a small sissor jack just for such an occasion! If the side is worthy, I bet a varmint could also use the same arrangement (side stand/sissor jack) to swap a front tire too - or other lifted scoot needs for that matter.. @videoarizona David - GOOD THOUGHT TOO BROTHER and certainly NOT beyond something I would do.. Gotta say though,, getting a little older sure makes my back side ache just thinking of trying to get that puppy back upright.. Wanna hear something crazy? On a trip out exploring the Utah Mountains a few years ago my cousin and I got our bikes sideways on a mountain. He on his Virago and me on one of my 1st Gens.. We were able to get his Virago straightend around with only a forward peg broken off but we had to roll my Venture over in order to get it upright.. Took a windshield (was ok - it was one I had cut down to about 4" anyway) and a mirror in the process - was running "baggered" so no trunk.. As we were rolling her upside down I laughed and said "too bad I dont need to do a tire swap cause this would be easy!!".. If any of you lop eareds ever decide to try this (or probably even Davids suggestion for an emergency tire swap) after doing so it is probably best to NOT try to start your scoot till the oil has a chance to return to its proper places.. Just let it set for 15 or 20 minutes.. GOOD INFO GANG!! THANK YOU!!
  19. OUTSTANDING @jfman!! :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: And THANK YOU Bert!! Jf,, did you lose a water pump seal? Those last couple pics look vaguely familiar.. You ok out there buddy?
  20. Hey Cruiser,, thinking @B2MOM and Dad lived not to far from where your talking about down yonder.. Maybe she will notice this and give ya some thoughts.. Never did live down there but do know that are a LOTS of great folks down there!! CONGRATS on your upcoming retirement Cruise!! THAT is AWESOME!!
  21. Might not be an easy thing to do George but, for some of us,, it seems like an easy thing to have done to us
  22. In my case Dan, I always figured what happened to Roller and has happened to me on numerous occasions is part of the adventure of chasing the front wheel.. Its not a matter of if, more a matter of when and where.. There are a number of places that Tweeks like to drag Tip and I to that tend to be "out of the way" and I REALLY like knowing I can get the back tire off if I need to.. How about this you guys,, is the side stand on the 2nd Gen strong enough that it could handle the weight of the bike resting on it if you lifted against it? Is it centrally located on the frame so a person could place a small jack on the other side of the bike and lift against the side stand or is it forward mounted like a Harley? Maybe a small, collapsable "scissor" jack (like one found in a compact car) stored in the bikes Maintenance Dept could come in handy if things went south when riding out west...
  23. Just like that new TV setup,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon:
  24. Had JUST put a brand new tire on the scoot before we left, about 700 miles on it before the pic above happened... Down near Johnson City Tennessee when - BANG - INSTANT FLAT!! Just about had the wheel off when my first possible ride into Johnson City stopped.. Guy parked, walked up and ask if we needed help, said he would be glad to take me and the wheel into town - LOTS of great folks out there but not all have a bike trailer with them and most cars have a trunk big enough to haul a bike wheel.. Guy stood there and a "rattle" as I spun the rear wheel with the flat new tire on it.. He says,, you got wayyy more problems than a flat tire my friend - you got a wheel bearing gone - hear that rattle? I said, nope,, what ever punctured my new tire is still inside of it - thats what your hearing rattling.. Took the wheel into "Jims" in Johnson City (GREAT GUYS!! sold me a brand new Dunlop for $110 installed and gave me the grand tour of their facilities - WOW you should see the bikes they got upstairs in that place - LIKE A MUSEUM!!!) and THIS is what the guy who swapped out the tire found inside of it - looks like a split rim clamp off a semi or something... I do carry tire plugs, 6 dollar Habour Freight air compressor, set of tire irons and all that in Tweeks Maintenance Dept but things like this do still happen,, thankfully not every trip BUT I still like to be able to do something if it does...
  25. Yeaaa,, some of them do,,, but not all switches, light bulbs, clutches, tires, brake pads, fork seals, carb syncs, stators, fuel pumps, wire terminals, valve stems, wheel bearings, float valves, slide diaphrams, shift lever linkages, rear shocks, ignition modules, fuse boxes, main jets, oil changes, water pumps, drive shafts, forward gears, second gears, header gaskets, fuel tanks petcock, valve lash shims, fork springs or even key switch for that matter get to complete the full 300k with the scoot.. :lightbulb:THE ONES THAT MAKE IT CAN SURE HAVE CHARACTER WHEN THEY GET THERE - IMHO OF COURSE:big-grin-emoticon:
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