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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Hey Raft - glad you got that puppy ironed out and no one was hurt brother!! THAT situation can turn ugly really fast!! Here is something from our Read Only Tech section you may find of interest... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?12536-Stranded-with-brakes-sticking-and-heating-up-Read-this All the best! Puc
  2. Lots of really really good advice here Phonetrouble!! Wanna add a couple things.. Any chance you been using regular car oil in your scoot? IMHO - that stuff is disasterous on the clutch plates. Also, another thing that can cause your scoot to develop what you have mentioned, again - IMHO, it what I refer to as "saw toothing". That is an ailment where the clutch plates have worn a small notch in the clutch basket and the plates are not able to move properly across the surface of the basket edge.. Might be worth taking a real close look at the edges when you got it apart to make sure they are not notched a little. Never have had a good clutch in any of my 1st Gen's,, thinking they came stock with weak Clutch springs and that the engineering theory of the 1/2 plate buffer in the clutch basket was not a good idea.. If I were ever gonna actually take an attempt at creating a REAL good clutch that didnt slip even in 4th and 5th gear when the scoot was fully loaded and taching 4 grand when I nailed it, I would ditch the 1/2 plate and get stiffer springs.. Then I would also make sure that I NEVER used energy efficient "car oil" with all its non friendly slippery additives - got a theory of my own that tells me once glazed always glazed and that energy efficient oil can sure glaze a clutch plate..
  3. Acronym (B.H.D.E)
  4. Now ya done did it Jeff,, ya woke me up and perked my interrrest.. If memory serves me from High School lectronics,,,, a diode only allows current flow in one direction,, is that right? If that is right,,, once the alternating current from the alternator on our scoots has been passed thru a diode (rectifier?) isnt it changed forever? Isnt that why everything on our bikes is DC dependent beyond the rectifier?? That point understood - what application would an isolation diode have? Would it be used like a fuse? Not trying to call you out friend,, just looking to learn something
  5. Possible or not Reiny,,, as DanL' has so eloquently pointed out, just having The Wiz give it a shot would probably inspire folks to get out on their scoots and come out for a HOT DIGGITY DOG eatin and rip roaring good ride and a chance to meet some new friends,,,,, and THAT is what its alllllllll about:big-grin-emoticon: :scratchchin:,,,,:think:,,,, on the same token though,, I am not so sure the whole matter is completely out of The Wiz's range of possibilities,,,,, I watched his work first hand and it was down right MAGICAL!!! Hail The Wiz:bowdown: Puc
  6. Hail "The Wiz":bowdown:!! I LOVE IT!! Time for some adjustment to my signature line!!
  7. and,,,,,, if he is the type of varmint who camps,,, he not what we would call a happy camper PS,, let the 1st Gen ?'s begin Dix,, we are here to help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. AWESOME!!! Sounds like you lop eared varmints had a great time - I LOVE putting faces with names too Dix, what a blast!! As far as the pic goes - thank you and this time I:
  9. We'd get some Hotdoggin done all right brother,, probably end up with two non-working computers that even Mr. Wizard himself would have nightmares over. That would be FUN though Carl!! try to be free for the Hot Dog days that the Wiz comes over for will ya Carl? You would make an EXCELLENT test pilot for the Full System Restore thingy that the Wiz may try on Bongo and I!!
  10. OH MY GOSH BROTHER:scared:,, would THAT be a super duper lop eared HOT DOG EATING VR varmint party of a good time Bongo!! Was thinking about it Bob and the thought occurred to me that for the Meet - Greet and Eat Meat that Mr. Wizard attends I was gonna give him top billing in the Water Hole, something like: "PUC'S MEET - GREET N EAT MEAT" "starring this weeks special guest" "Mr. Wizard" "Come watch Mr. Wizard make hot dogs disappear and friendships develop right before your eyes - an event that is guaranteed to send you home as a changed person!! I had even thought about seeing if The Wiz would attempt one of his full system restore's on me during that event.. One of those deals where he waves his magic mouse and I turn into a 30 year younger Pucster.. Tell ya what Bongo,,, you come along and sit next to me when he works his magic - maybe we will both go home changed into :rudolf:'s or something:big-grin-emoticon: You folks are ALWAYS welcome Bongo!!
  11. BEAUTIFUL Eckster:clap2:!! Hats off to whoever suggested that one!!:thumbsup: I use Peanut Butter in mouse traps and it works AWESOME!! Hopefully them rodents dont start knawing on your wheel covers Eckster
  12. WHAT A BLAST!!!!!:clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool::thumbsup: I managed to melt down (literally) the mother board on my ASUS computer and ended up switching to a Toshiba that runs Vista for its OS.. All was ok with it but I just could not get it to load "Flash Player" so I could watch embedded videos (no idea of thats even proper puter lingo).. I played with this thing, bounced it off a few walls, pushed all the hidden buttons in its security system, read all the stuff on google I could find that detailed what might be wrong and tried all the tricks I could muster in a valiant attempt to make er go and I just could not figure it out.. Just about the time I had surrendered to the fact that Snickers (I have now named this thing "Snickers" because I swear I heard it snickering at me every time I tried something and it didnt work) intelligence was superior to that of my own and had given up on being able to view my friends embedded vids I received a PM from one of our members named @Wizard765.. Wiz volunteered his time/talents and attention to see if he could figure why Snickers was being so ornery.. I humbly accepted Mr. Wizards offer of working some magic. I wasnt sure how much he would be able to do other than tell me what buttons to push because Wiz and I live many many miles apart - he lives in Canada and I in the U.S. Wiz had me sign up at a site called Team Viewer.. It wasnt long before - get this,, I SWEAR this REALLY happened (I have no pics so all I can do is swear to it), Mr. Wizard was literally working on MY computer FROM CANADA.. It was SOOOOOO cool!! Tip and I sat and watched the Wiz's cursor move around on the display of our laptop,, turning buttons back on that I had turned off, chasing down "service pacs" thru our internet connection,, downloading things like SP1's and SP2's - IE9 and all that kinda cool stuff.. Tip looks at me and says "now that is just plain weird" watching someone else operate my computer from miles away.. My response to her was "it may seem weird to you but I am learning sooooooo much watching this Master Computer Wizard at work!!".. One time while I was watching him work a little screen pops up, Wiz super sized it and then started typing me a message.. "Hi Friend,, do you see that....." began his message.. I looked at Tip and said ":scared:I think the Wiz is talking to me.." I was :think: and wondering what to do.. Timidly I tried typing and sure enough,,, my text appeared.. It was really really strange because now there were TWO buddies working on the same display screen :guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2: This went on for hours (Wiz was AMAZING in his patience with me, gracefully giving me as much time as I needed to understand what he was doing - FANTASTIC TEACHER:happy34:) as the two of us rode the highways of cyber space together - The Master and The Grasshopper.. In the end, as I am sure you are expecting to hear, Mr. Wizard was able to change Snickers attitude and get her back to being a submissive machine BUT, as in all Touring adventures - the REAL thrill for me was found in the journey.. It, the journey, taught me once again how helping others or, in this case, being helped by amazing people like the Wiz is really where blessings abound. We ended our time together with me wondering how I would pay Mr. Wizard for his talented service and his kindness.. I was pleased to hear him say that he was hoping that somehow he would be able to come visit us and be a participant in one of our Michigan "Pucs Meet - Greet and Eat Meat" Hot Dog eating events... I WAS THRILLED TO HEAR HIM SAY THIS and am sooooo looking forward to seeing and shaking the hand of my new friend, WIZARD765, who has such magical powers about him that he can even take over a computer hundreds of miles away!!! THANK YOU WAYNE FOR ALLLL THE ASSISTANCE and also for your friendship!! Your ol buddy Puc
  13. OUCHY OUCH OUCH OUCH:95:!!! So sorry to read this Tuffy!! I know they make Motorcycle sized fix it stickers for us bikers,, I wonder if they make Motorhome sized stickers for Motorhomes.. Tip and I have talked about getting another motorhome for our upcoming retirement years - after reading and seeing this I am thinking I better check out sticker availabilty before going that route cause I could just see me doing something like that Tuffy....
  14. Endless
  15. Cow
  16. Why it's my long lost Sister = AUSSIE ANNIE = YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWWWW!!! :clap2::dancefool: HI ANNIE:15_8_211[1]: Been missing and wondering about you and Quickstep!! Soooo good to hear from you!! While I am not a Facebooker I do stop by over there once in a while just to refresh my pea brain and make sure my VR friends like you and Quickstep (and LOTS of others) are still around. I cant keep up with keeping up with both sites so I had NO idea about your family!! My goodness Annie,, THANK YOU for checking back in here and letting us non-Facebooker VR folks know about all that Sis - your family has my thoughts and PRAYERS UP for sure!! Life can sure throw some curves cant it? Tip and I been tasting a little of it too.. Bunch of doctoring stuff, lost 2 aunts and a Nephew (brain cancer) in the last 7 days - just been NUTS around here too!! You two rode across Australia? You ride thru the "Outback"? You ride your Trike and Quickstep on his F6B? Annie I would LOVE to hear story's, maybe see some pics if ya got em and ALL that stuff if you ever have time to elaborate!! Would LOVE to hop with Kanga's, camp in the outback and sleep under the stars of Aussie Land some day... Hearing you tell a couple stories would be almost as good though Sister!!! Wow its good to see your name in the Water Hole again Annie!! THANK YOU for checking in!! Tip, Tweeks and Puc - your Michigan family!!
  17. Thinking you should be able to remove those forks without removing the fairing Cha.. Never did a MK2 but I have played with the MK1 a little.. Gotta yank the bars, little plastic grills,, basically open up the top of the fork area. On the MK1's you can turn the wheel enough to gain wrench clearance for loosening the tree clamps that hold the tubes. Can recall if ya gotta pull the caps on the tubes to slide em down out of the top tree,, thinking ya might.. Remove the front wheel and brake calipers,, fender, maybe able to leave fork brace and slide both sides out together by reinstalling ax and using it to pull down or rap on with rubber mallet.. The air lines for the forks are connected to clamps that are o-ringed - can be tempermental.. As I recall they are snap ringed UNDER the clamps and have to be removed from the top of the upper tubes. You slide the upper tubes down out of the top tree, nock the clamps off the top of the tubes upwardly, release the snap rings and remove em and finish removing the tubes out of the bottom triple tree.. Any of that make ANY sense at all?
  18. Hi Barn.. Thinking I never got to "cyber" shake your paw and welcome you to VR so - put er there and to VR!! About your bike.. May sound crazy (you will probably have no problem finding folks on here to say that so I just beat em to it) but I have personally never any decent luck with cleaning the peanut plugs in these scoots. Just has never worked for me. Would advise to shoot down to Auto Zone, buy new - check the gaps and stick em in. In the future, cold start with choke if needed but work it off choke as quickly as possible cause, once again, these little "D" peanut plugs do NOT take to kindly to blackening. If it runs good and has good throttle response after warming up it is very possible you are just experiencing cold bloodedness.. Personally I would do a good tune up, starting with pulling the slides, checking the diaphrams for pin holes, checking the slides for ease of movement in the carb bodies, make sure I have a clean air filter and the cover is intact. Drop in some new plugs, maybe even spend the big bucks on new plug caps or at least ohm out the old caps to make sure they are not failing.. Stick er back together, with the choke off I would hit the starter and see what happens.. If it starts and idles with no choke I would proceed, if not I would give her some choke and start it and let it warm up to not needing choke while I spit check each header to see if its hittin on all four (these things run deceptively well on three). After being satisfied she's hitting on all four and she come up to temp of not needing choke I would shut er down and hook up the gauges to check carb sync.. Start it, sync it and see how she idles and how she responds to throttle. Should set your idle at a grand and have good sync there BUT I always like to also spot check my gauges at around 3k cause I spend a fair amount of time in the range. Put if back together, ride it, make sure temp is fully up, check crispness of response on throttle.. If it's wandering in RPM range, slow to return to idle after all that. Check throttle cables for proper slack (should have small amount of looseness at throttle twist when idling) and for stickiness.. Lube cables. Lean conditions from vacuum leaks can cause strange idling conditions too. Some folks spray carb cleaner of even starting fluids around vac hose connections and intakes. I like using my propane torch (unlit) to locate and starting fluid to pin point leaks. Hope this helps somehow Puc
  19. Moo
  20. I LOVE Gary n Mary,, hope they are well and having a blast out there!! :clap2::dancefool: You sneaky lop eared double dippin varmint Eckster,,, first ya get the honor of swapping trail tales with DragonRider and now ya double dip with this news about Gary n Mary..... Dog gone good thing you forgot to take pictures again cause if you had proof that both meetings really did take place I would be :worthless:
  21. Really good news JF - glad to hear your scoot is also a Canuck with the adjustable metering rods and,,, YOUR IDEA WORKED:guitarist 2:!! IMHO, Your idle blubber could very simply be a case of carbs being out of sync, no big deal for completing your adventure but, once again, if you happen to run into a Bandito with a set of gauges strapped to his steed you might beg a quick borrow of the guages and do sync. YOU DID GOOD PONCHO - REAL GOOD!! Enjoying the story and eagerly waiting more of your AWESOME pics my friend!! You are making us proud here,, ride on, ride safe, keep er running, dont take no wooden paso's and most of all - keep having fun and sharing it with your North American lop eared varmint buddies!!! Mierda (thats spanish for "Puc")
  22. BEEEEAUUUTEEEFUL Harb - JUST BEAUTIFUL!!! :clap2::dancefool::thumbsup: I saw no less that 17 places to hide Tweeks and drop my tent in amongst those pretty little purple Texas wild flowers! I could easily see Tip, Tweeks and I spending a few nights just sucking up the scents of those flowers while searching the sky's of Texas for that lone star which your state is known for.. GREAT Vid, THANK YOU!! Been a longggg winter.. Puc
  23. Is Our Hot Dog (in lieu of "Oyster")
  24. I hear that brother,,, ya either spin a wrench or pay the piper when it comes to owning any of these puppies..
  25. Hmmm,, didnt really answer your ? clearly,, sorry bout that, NO - you do NOT have to pull carbs to remove slide covers Something else to check Jf,, pull the air box cover and make sure your air filter is clean..
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