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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Party Bead Wearing
  2. cowpuc

    It lives!

    I always called that "puttin em on an IV" Cant wait to see that GORGEOUS scoot running down the road without the IV bag attached Huggy!! Now that you know how to link us up to youtube that shouldnt be a problem,, right :big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon: (these three things are never satisfied: 1. A barren womb. 2. Fire's need to consume. 3. A Puc's love for old Harley's.. Hey Huggy,, has your brother got any intention of hauling his 51 out to Sturgis to show it off? If so I would LOVE to know about it with hopes of seeing him out there.. Man that is a BEAUTIFUL piece of machinery!!
  3. Wow Kat,, don't know what to say about this horrible new's other than we are thinking of and praying for all of you sister! Our heart felt condolences to all involved.. While the snow flies here in Michigan I heard about my friend, Who's heart is breaking on this day when her brother's life did end. Her tears are felt up in the North and all across our land, I wish that I could be with her now to lend a helping hand. On days like this our hearts cry out for mercy from above, we lean on our Redeemer for His tenderness and love. We may not fully understand why days like this are so, but I can still be thankful that God's grace extends below. Puc
  4. Coke Drinkin
  5. Tater Chip Eatin
  6. :stirthepot:er's..
  7. cowpuc


  8. Here ohhhh sweet brother of mine,, hold these two wires while I test this light switch ,,,,, that 51 is gorgeous Huggy!!! GREAT JOB YOU GUYS!!!!
  9. cowpuc

    It lives!

    ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 192.89765% WITHOUT A DOUBT DOWN RIGHT OUTSTANDING HUGGY!!!!! Give your brother a great big pat on the back for me will ya!!! Just BEAUTIFUL!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: OH,, AND HUGE :ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886 TOO!!!!!!
  10. :scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared::scared: :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Your Panhead?????? me REALLY likey old Harleys
  11. Prayers Up for your Son's Girlfriend and her family on the loss of her Father Eckster!! Please share our condolences with her/them. THANK YOU for being there for her and taking the bull by the horns to get the water heater corrected before someone got hurt my friend. You very well may have saved someone's life and THAT is no joke!!! YOU DA MAN BROTHER!!!:clap2:
  12. Yep, snowing here too DanL!!!
  13. Wassup Huggy.... Copy the URL address from the URL line of the video and paste it in the post.. Try one once here and we will see if that works..
  14. EXACTLY @SilvrT !! Now lift up your chin, and repeat after me: Hot Dogs for everyone and life is GRAND - eh!! ,,,, I got it,, IIIIIIII got it,,, Canada don't got no pennies no more!! Sharper than you thought I is aint I Silv!!
  16. Balancing beads or balanced with weights Art?
  17. Wasnt me brother,, I KNOW better then to poke a stick at a sleeping Grizzly:big-grin-emoticon: Hope ya get to feeling better real soon!!!! Prayers Up for ya DanL and ALL the rest of you not feeling good folk too!!
  18. :scared:I dont know why someone (myself included) didn't think of this before you guys!! :lightbulb:Every year we here in Michigan have this VR Rally called "Puc's Meet - Greet and Eat Meat". At these particular gatherings $4.00 Hot Dogs (they are all beef, 1/4 pound Hot Dogs) are served. Then there is the "special homemade topping" that you can put on the dogs - this topping is easily worth another $1 per dog. Then there are cans of genuine Coke products - these would be $1.50 a can if you bought them from a vending machine. Then there are bags of chips - these would also be $1 per bag from a vending machine. Then there are the Party Beads, these usually sell for $2 at any other event. Occassionally we also have cakes, candies and other little freebies.. So lets see here, lets say you came from Canada to party with Tippy, Tweeks, Puc and any other unfortunate - I mean fortunate lop eared VR varmints who happen to be in attendance for one of these events.. Lets say you ate 10 Hot Dogs, that would be 40 bucks. Lets say you covered em with the Special Sauce - another 10 bucks, lets say you drank 6 cans of Coke to wash em down, theres an extra 9 bucks. Lets say you at 5 bags of chips, another 5 bucks. Of course, your a Canuck who likes to party with new friends and old and you just gotta have party beads, another 2 bucks.. So what do we have: 40+10+9+5+2= 66.00+4.00 Mi Sales Tax = $70 (U.S.).. Now lets say you bring your precious better half or significant other,, or,, for that matter,, lets say you bring along one of your lovely children who can out eat you any day of the week!! Lets just double that 70 bucks and call it an even $140 to cover your 2 up riding needs... Now, I am not gonna even think about exchange rate here cause, guess why? These events are FREE,, yep,, 100% TOTALLY FREE - meaning - NO COST TO YOU OR YOUR HOT DOG GOBBLING YOUNG CANUCKS - """"EH""""!!! At about this time I can just picture every lop eared VR member varmint in Canada looking about like this .. Well wait till I splain the rest of the story.. We are known to hold more than one of these events per year and YOU are more than welcome to attend ALL of them!! So,, lets say ol Puc holds 10 events this year and you make all 10 - that would be $1400.00 U.S. worth of fun, food and friendship EASILY and ALL FOR FREE!!! :mo money: About now you should be :dancefool: with joy that you paid that little extra and decided to rejoin this amazing group of misguided missles known as Venturerider.org Motorcycle Club members!! PS - not all Hot Dogs are exactly 1/4 pound after cooking, actual weight may vary - you may have to eat 14 Hot Dogs to actually go home with 2.5 pounds of Hot Dogs digesting inside of you.. PSS - Puc and Company not responsible for ANY customs charges levied because you bragged to a Custom's Agent about how many Dogs you chowed down! PSSS - Puc and Company not responsible for ANY misbehavior, spilled pop, grill fires, ketchup drizzles on motorcycle clothing, untruthful ride stories, lost keys, out of balance tires, weight gain, stretched facial skin from laughing or crying or any other mishap associated with ANY "Puc's Meet - Greet and Eat Meat" event!!
  19. Hey Arb, you are touching on the very reason why I posted up a recent survey about tire life - THANK YOU!! Any idea if the E3's those guys were talking about were the radials or the bias tire? It is my understanding that they (the E3's) come either way.. Just curious cause I may very well spend the bucks and give em a shot and find out for myself... If I could get 15k out of a rear tire that would be 3 to 1 of what I have done so far.. I am with ya,, be worth looking at!! Notice your out in the Lone Star State.. Is that where the MD was? I only ask cause that may have bearing on some thoughts I have on why I get such low mileage from my tires - I ride a fair amount of hot tarmac and know that you guys do to!! Thanks Art!
  20. Wassup Kevster,, you lop eared :stirthepot:ing varmint you!!! ,, screwed it up yet again didnt I... Lets see here,, so far we KNOW that I cant change it,, maybe we could get that fun loving, kind hearted, gentle spirited Bossman of ours to make even MORE changes to this crazy Poll:doh:.. I already spent all my extra compliments, Hot Dogs and Hot Dog sauce.. Dont know what I got left to coax em in... ,, how bout I petition YammerDan and see if I can get an agreement between Dan and I that we will stop pickin on that fun lovin, kind hearted, gentle spirited HARLEY rider about his Harley?? :crackup:That will never fly Bout the only thing I can do from my end is do the math for you Canucks and offer an open apology for messing up the Poll - THAT I can do!! Dear Canucks: I, Cowpuc, am sorry for not including Kilometers in the above poll. I LOVE you folks and would NEVER do anything to hurt your feelings. I also LOVE your Yamaha Ventures and wish I could have found and owned one for my very own. I have always been jealous of your Ventures because you Canucks got the better carbs on your bikes - you got the ones with the "E" clips on the metering rods instead of the STUPID metering rods that we Americans have to use nylon washers on to tune our bikes. As a way to express my sorrow please accept these calculated kilometers and vote accordingly to those kilometers that you have found your tire mileage to be: Poll Line and corresponding data correction: 1. replace 15k miles with 24140.16 Kilometers 2. replace 10k miles with 16093.44 Kilometers and 15k miles with 24140.16 Kilometers 3. replace 7k miles with 11265.41 Kilometers and 10K miles with 16093.44 Kilometers 4. replace 4k miles with 6437.365 Kilometers and 7k miles with 11265.41 Kilometers 5. replace 15k miles with 24140.16 Kilometers 6. replace 10k miles with 16093.44 Kilometers and 15k miles with 24140.16 Kilometers 7. replace 7k miles with 11265.41 Kilometers and 10K miles with 16093.44 Kilometers 8. replace 4k miles with 6437.365 Kilometers and 7k miles with 11265.41 Kilometers 9. replace 15k miles with 24140.16 Kilometers 10. replace 15k miles with 24140.16 Kilometers If you have ANY questions concerning any of the above PLEASE feel free to PM or call my Canadian Office at any hour day or night.. You can find the contact information for that office by clicking on here: @kevin-vic-b.c. Once again, I apologize to all my Canadian friends for the above screw up.. Sincerely Puc PS,, hey Kev = :rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::uk2::checkeredflag:
  21. Well ,,, I guess you wont find me looking for a mint - picking around in the console between the car seats of YOUR car should you ever rescue Tip and I out there in California Zzz :rotfl::guitarist 2::guitarist 2: THAT was a GOOD one brother - still got me laughing!!!:crackup:
  22. Right there with ya brother,, its really kind of mind boggling isnt it? Fact is, I have made many cross country trips on my 1st Gens out to the west coast. Have ALWAYS left here with a brand new rear tire - correct size, load rating always at 72H or better (usually far higher) and I am just like you - I check my tire pressures religiously.. It's a given that there is lots of highway between Michigan and the West Coast that tends to run hotter - I have driven thru Needles or Vegas and gotten to the other side and found the black rubber from my rear tire coating the back of the saddle bags but this is not always the case.. Something that IS always the case is that the West Coast (to the ocean) and back has ALWAYS been a 2 rear tire trip.. Some of have been 3 with a swap somewhere in the middle of it all.. Here is the really strange thing,,, I dont ever remember covering more than 6 thousand one way miles getting there or getting back.. I know for a fact that I have burned off more than 1 Dunlop 404 during those trips and they just barely pulled down 4k. I also know for a fact that my very best tire to date was a Metzler 880 (even got higher mileage than a brand new Michellin Commander 2 which surprised me) which we ran from here to Big Bend and then up around the Canyon, across Nellis to Sacramento - up to The Dalles and then up to Mt. Saint Helens and then back to Sac.. When we left The Dalles I was checking tires and pressures ( @CMCOFFEY and I checked both bikes - I remember telling him how impressed I was with the meat that was left on that Metz) and was very impressed and it appeared the tire would make the tire swap back in Sac I had planned for it for a total mileage of just under 6k miles - THAT was a absolute max for me and I was impressed.. Problem was, that Metz delaminated on the way back to Sac so all my good "feelings" about Metz came under suspicion cause I HATE blowouts on a bike - especially one that is carrying all that gear and my precious Tippy - not that I let the fear of having a flat tire on my scoot keep me home BUT it really aint that much fun having to ride one down from high speeds I tell ya.. Later I was yapping with Squidley about what had happened and he told me the story about Him and Lonna having EXACTLY the same thing happen with a Metz on his bike only I think they may have went down.. The 880 that had gotten the record mileage EVER on the back of one of my scoots just got crossed off my probable replacement list - unless I had no choice of course.. Anyway you look at Boss, this Poll is already down right revealing to me too... Sure makes a person dont it!! Here are some pics of the delaminated Metz and the tire I replaced it with.. First time I had ever heard of "Full Bore" but it was rated good, the right size and well under a hundred bucks (70 dollars shipped if I remember correctly).. That Full Bore did an EXCELLENT job of getting us up to Glacier from Sac and back home before it was wore out too - didnt get quite as good of total miles as the Metz but not as bad as the 404's I had ran either..
  23. Awe,,, THANKS BOSSMAN!! Yep,, that means you qualified for all those wonderful compliments x2 for editing for us!!! You also qualify for extra extra special Hot Dog mix sauce if you ever get up to one of our Michigan Hot Dog Meet n Greets this summer you kind hearted, gentle spirited varmint you!! Sooo,,, have you gotten enough miles on your Harley to know whether or not it gets better rear tire mileage than your 2nd Gen that Dan wrecked (had to put that in there - I somehow got missed when they passed out the "kind hearted" cards or something:headache:)? You running dual compound tires on that sweetheart? One of my buddies has a 2010 Ultra with those Dunlop "Harley" dual compounds on his and I think he just broke 12k on his and its ready for a rear tire.. Sound about right?
  24. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!!!!!!:dancefool: ˌso͞opərˌkaləˌfrajəˌlistikˌekspēˌaləˈdōSHəs/ adjectiveinformal adjective: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious; adjective: supercalifragilistic extraordinarily good; wonderful. "the only word to characterize Kepler's discoveries was ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’"
  25. These lop eared genius varmints are right on target Jox - do it - you wont regret it!! ,, thinking if it were mine I would also double check the little hose that is connected to the #2 cylinder sync nipple on the intake manifold - its that vacuum line that sets up your ignition timing.. I would just take a peek and make sure all is well there too just for the heck of it.. By the way - THANKS for keeping yet another one of these great big beautiful 1st Gens on the road my friend!!
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