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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. cowpuc


    IMHO - check the res up on the master 1st and make sure that tiny little bleed back hole is open before doing anything. You been running bike or diesel oil? Energy Effecient car oils will cause slipping.. Could try swapping out the diaphram spring, maybe getting tired.. If you decide to do plates - do em all - dont skip the half plate if the 2nd Gens are still using them.. Thanks to @Carbon_One - I finally have a 1st Gen with a good clutch (amazing thing - THANKS LARRY) - the previous owner that Larry got it from did a complete Barnett setup - no buffer disc (1/2 disc) and much stiffer springs.. Will tell you it is definitely much more precise in its engagement but WOW does this thing shift nice and WOW does it hook up!!!
  2. I worked in a Honda Shop back in 73 when the CR250M Elsinores came out and had the first one in West Michigan = there was MAGIC between those bars!! When the CRF450's came out I had a buddy who bought one and I spent a fair amount a time both woods and track riding that puppy - there was MAGIC between those bars!! I just gotta hunch that this 1 Litre CRF is gonna once again - Honda KNOWS how to put MAGIC between those bars!!! Good post Tuffy - thanks!!
  3. Unfortunately I had to miss this one but I gotta ask Mama,, do my eyes deceive me or was there a lot more MD'n the jaw muscles in prep for chewing chicken than there was MD'n motorcycles? ,,, also didnt notice not even 1 MK1 in the bike shot,,,, makes one wonder if Mom Yam added to the durability of the 2nd Gens by slowing em down compared to the 1st Gen's,,, could be I spose... WOWZY that new bike of Don's is PURDY!! !!! Had Squid of been there he'd of auctioned it off and I betcha he could've gotten a pretty penny out of that sweetheart!! Probably even more than he did out of Don's HD!!! THANKS FOR SHARING MAMA!!
  4. CONGRATS on the find of the scoot Lenk and CONGRATS on finding us here = !! Lots of amazing folks with TONS of info around this joint!! Seems like I remember that punch mark indicating either the water pump upgrade or the stator upgrade and not the second gear repair,, may be wrong though - might do a little research in the Tech Section about it.. Either way though, if your scoot has the punch mark in the spot Yamagrl is talking about it is a GOOD thing cause it does indicate an update of some kind was done:big-grin-emoticon:.. Are you sure you are referring to the head gaskets being cracked and not the valve cover gaskets? The valve cover gaskets are the ones with the half moon shaped rubber in them on the top of the motor.. It is not uncommon for these old scoots to show cracking on those gaskets as it is also not uncommon for folks to overlook the valve shim maintenance. If it is the head gaskets you are somehow finding cracks or problems with, it will be a mandatory tear down - the verdict is still out on the valve shimming - so folks go by the book on those and then there are those of us who have ended up with a scoot like yours and put 10's of thousands of miles on em and never had a problem,, go figure.. A list of things off the top of my head you might want to take a peek at,,, certainly not conclusive (I am no guru like some of these lop eared varmints,, just an innocent bystander tourist type who's worn out a few of the 83's).. - water pump upgrade - came with a plastic impellar - check frame at swing arm for cracking - check fork springs, if OEM - you will need Progressives. - stator - stock was insuffecient in oil cooling - check calipers for sticking pistons and flush hydraulic systems (including clutch). - clutch upgrade - if your split cases for second gear upgrade, may as well upgrade the clutch - I never had the honor of having a good clutch in one until the one I recently picked up ( @Carbon_One - this thing is AWESOME!!) - lots of ways to approach this - maybe contact @Skydoc here - he sells kits.. - upgrade electrical panel - not uncommon for the OEM fuse panel to be in rough shape - grease the drive shaft splines and rear pig pins - grease mono linkages and swing arm assembly - lube speedo or it will screem so load when your coasting down into King's Canyon in California that you will think you just got attacked by a gang of Bob Cats and you WILL be in danger of having a heart attack.. - if your gonna keep it and ride it one of the BEST investment speciality tools is a set of gauges or carbtune to sync carbs with. - take the locks apart on the bags, clean and lube em, they will eat keys at the most inconvenient time. All I can think of at the moment,,, congrats on the scoot and all the best making it the funnest motorcycle you have ever known!!! PS - if you have any idea of who the original owner was and he/she was/is a member here, maybe you could post a name and either they will respond or someone here may know what all has already been done,,, we tend to be a close knit family around this joint and, especially the supporting members (its just a buck a month - well worth it if your gonna keep your scoot), share most of our hidden secrets about our scoots and even somethings not even scoot related (search Wisconsin White Wash Machine or Rum Balls and you will see what I mean). PS - PS, somewhere around here is a feller named @Prairiehammer who collects VIN numbers for a database - he would LOVE to have your VIN to update his info if your willing.. Not sure but he also may be able to help you figure out who the orginal owner was which, in the end, may help you figure out what has and hasnt already been done... PS-PS-PS,, I know your brand new here,, just a heads up - there are some sneaky (thats their symbol that stands for Picture Police) that lurk around here - if you get a chance to snap a shot or two of your new scoot and post them up you may save yourself from getting hassled..
  5. Tamale stealer Bongo probably nailed it with the neck bearing idea Ready but, as always, his other suggestions are spot on too IMHO - he's a sharp one that Sir Robert:bowdown:.. If your tires are in good shape and properly inflated it would be a good idea to check the neck bearings for proper adjustment and wear..
  6. ,, another chance to get in on the 1st Ever Official VR Tamale Contest - headed that way right now to see if I can compete - hopefully one of these lop eared Tamale stealing varmints hasn't cut me off:big-grin-emoticon:!! Unfortunately Ready, we are Trolls that live below the Mackinaw Bridge, about half way down the State on the Lake Michigan Shoreline in a town called Muskegon. Exploring the U.P. for your Anniversary sounds like an awesome plan Ready - I am with ya brother, the U.P. is a GREAT place to explore! Hope you folks have a wonderful time up there and a fantastic Anniversary !! :ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886
  7. OUCH!!!!! But SOOOOOOOOOOO glad your all right brother and THANK THE LORD you were riding solo Evan! All the best in finding a replacement or repairing your scoot!!
  8. :scared::scared::scared:,,, I gotta go thru your posts and see if I offered any suggestions that may have been construed, manipulated or ever slightly distorted as helpful cause, WOWZY, DO I LOVE GENUINE HOMEMADE TAMALES :big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon: Your thoughtfulness and gratitude attitude is greatly appreciated Ready, I LOVE reading posts like this!!!
  9. ROCK N ROLL!!! :dancefool: and a HUGE to you Freebird Jr.!!!! :thumbsup: I did a couple stock Nighthawks and found them to be AWESOME scoots and really fun riders! After spending a goodly amount of time getting a feel for it, have fun out there and ride safe young man!!! Sr. Bird,,, first thing I thought was 45 on the rake, 18 over springer, forget the side covers and weld on a plunger/hardtail frame but,, yea,,,, dropping two teeth on the front sprocket and tossing on a great big 560 Chin Shing old school knobby would do the trick too Speaking of chain and sprockets brother, take a peek at em with your son - teeth on the rear look worn sharp to me - may be an optical delusion on my end here but the last thing your son needs is to drop a chain - not fun.. COOL SCOOT!!!!
  10. @bikerjohn - hey brother,, sounds like you and that lovely wife of yours got a GREAT trip in the makings!!!:dancefool::thumbsup: You folks takin the scoot or you caging for this one? Either way my friend - Tip and I wish you nothing but the finest in weather, scenery, fun in the sun and excellent accomadtions (meaning SUPERB EATIN ) no matter what your traveling mode may be!! Have fun, stay safe and dont forget your sunscreen PS,, a or two a day will keep the at bay!!
  11. Cool thread!! Interesting how long the idea been around... I always wondered if some money making oil producing tycoon was buying up anything and everything that came across as fuel effecient just to keep us spending more money on oil.. Just seemed like thru the years every time something truly effecient came long, it wasnt long before they disappeared into oil crisis resolution history - remember the 50 MPG+ Honda CRX's of the mid 80's?.. I always also wondered why turbo technology never really became huge in creating highly effecient HP with minimalist sized engines - then in the last 10 years I have noticed that auto companies have really gone after that.. This thread makes me think there really may finally be something to the idea of the free world finally becoming self sufficient.. Be really interesting to see where this all leads and whether or not the concept will get sacked like days gone by or turn into something really innovative..
  12. Guessed I deserved it,, after all the times of harassing Don he found a way to pay me back and managed to do so without even trying.. Been really not feeling well, woke up a bit ago - sat up on the couch, clicked on the site to do a little reading and gather some ammo for my next series of dreams while napping and got this message: """Service Unavailable""" Double checked my receipts in Paypal to make sure my account was up to date,, all set there.. Then I went back to the message and read the fine print (always read the fine print before you go back to sleep and the dreams turn into nightmares:missingtooth:).. """"The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. Additionally, a 503 Service Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.""""""""""" Then I realized that Don was actually in the process of doing everything possible to make sure we could all stay connected... Thanks Boss for all you do and thanks for putting up with lop eared varmints like yours truly.. THE END
  13. OUTSTANDING BROTHER!!! Now go out there and wipe the smirk off that V-Stroms face Toochman
  14. cowpuc


    Hi Wiz! As normal around this hang out, you have gotten top notch advice from these lop eared guru varmints IMHO.. Just thought I might add a couple things. If it were my scoot the first thing I would do is take a rubber mallet (have even done this by taking my boot off and smacking them with the heal of my boot when traveling) and smack the side of the brake calipers (especially the front if your feeling the wobble in the bars) hard enough that it drives the pistons in enough that you can wiggle the calipers a little and know the caliper pistons have back off a little. Now ride it in a place that you can test it without using the brakes - see if anything changes from doing this. If it does, you may have a caliper slightly hanging up. If this does not help, proceed with raising the scoot in the air and spin the tires, do this with the calipers backed off too so they will spin freely. Watch the tires carefully for side to side movement and also for out of roundness - it is not impossible for a motorcycle tire to develop a slipped belt just like car tires will do. Triple check the tires carefully for anything lodged or stuck into the tires.. Look at the bead lines on the tires along the rim edges and make sure they are where they should be as you spin the tires. I have also experienced similar sensations and sounds like you are talking about when certain brands of tires wear to the point that they have lost their contour - usually when the tread is half gone but that usually has been more noticable when turning slightly. I know I experienced this with both Michillen and Metzler tires. I always called em rumble strip tires cause it sort of felt like I was on real small rumble strips at slow speed... Any chance this issue started after some recent repair work? Are using any form of internal tire balancing beads or do you have stuff added into the inside of your tires to protect against flats? What kind of tire pressures do you run and have you checked em recently (of course you have,,,,, just thinking out loud here).. With the bike in the air just high enough that the tires are slightly off the ground, stick a crow bar or a board under the front tire and put enough upword pressure on the under side of tire that it just start to move the suspention. Do this in a bouncing, vigorous fashion and in a slow fashion all the while watching carefully between the wheel and the axle = watch for movement in that area that may indicate a bearing problem. Keep in mind that you really need to unload the suspention/take the load off the bearings to check them.
  15. Well Yamagrl,, I aint no engineer but I have enjoyed a lifetime of getting greasy tinkering with stuff and thought I would add something to your excellent synopsis.. Many years ago while torturing the 260 V-8 engine in my junk Mercury Comet (it was junk, passengers had to hold their feet against the door because the pavement was visible where the floor boards were suppose to be) I discovered something very interesting while playing with its points ignition fired distributor and its ignition timing.. I found that by advancing the ignition timing right to the point that it would "ping" when I stomped on it and then backing off the timing (retarding) just enough to get rid of the "ping" I saw the best performance and highest fuel effeciency.. It was not uncommon to see me sitting in a parking lot back then with an old school oddly bent "stributer wrench' in my hand and the hood on my Merc open just seeing if I could squeeze and extra degree of spark advance out of the old girl to maintain my fastest car - legend in my own mind - status.. Though I didn't have a lot of spare change during that time of my life, I did scratch up enough cash one time to give some Sunoco 260 (100 octane) a try in my 260 (thinking higher octane would allow even more spark advance = I REALLY would have the fastest car on the planet) - it didnt work.. My 260 actually lost power and MPG by using the Sunoco 260 - I went back to a diet of Sunoco 190.. Shortly after that I got into playing with high compression pistons in my early biking days and had to rediscover the sole purpose for high octane fuels.. Playing with cam timing, lift and duration coupled with those high compression pistons back in those days also reaffirmed my rediscovery - with no high octane,, even those 350cc Honda "muscle" motors were useless.. I found back then that a compression ratio above 10.5 to 1 required the stuff.. With all those youthful years behind me and after finally finding the perfect motor in our wonderful V-4's (thanks Mom Yam) one would think the need to play with the ping would long be past - and it is.. I do have to admit though that when I travel outwest and find "85" octane at the pump it makes me smile as I once again play the ping game and it has always amazed me at how well my 1st Gens handle that stuff.. Yep YamaGrl,, I use regular too... PS - you mentioned "dieseling" - WOW did that bring back memories.. Back in my kid days of fooling with my 260 Mercury V-8 the car manufactures put this little device on the throttle assembly called a "Dash Pot" to control dieseling when ya shut the car off.. All it amounted to was a solenoid that would drop the throttle way below idle when you turned the car off so the car wouldnt set there and jug for an hour or so when you ran into the high school as you were late for class..
  16. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
  17. I do,, the more lop eared varmints your dealing with, the harder it is to record, edit and produce such a top notched documentary!! Especially when in the back of your mind you KNOW that every time one of those lop eareds states his/her name and walks past the camera another piece of Fried Chicken is disappearing behind you
  18. I am with Condor and MiCarl on all this.. I have had way better results spending the time to bleed the old fashion time consuming way.. Digger, try starting at the bango up on the master, stuff a rag under it, fill the master, loosen the banjo and squeeze SLOWLY and watch for tiny air bubbles in the fluid around the banjo. Bleed from there until you get pure fluid. Now see if you have a clutch..
  19. ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,, FLEAZY RIDER!!!!:big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon:
  20. AWESOME JOB AND THANK YOU RAGGY FOR ACCEPTING THAT CHALLENGE:thumbsup:!!!! WOW ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WOW WOW WOW = WHAT AN OUTSTANDING GROUP OF LOP EARED FUN SEEKING VARMINTS:thumbsup:!!! LOOKS LIKE THAT FREEBIRD AND EILEEN PUT ON YET ANOTHER AWESOME PARTY - YOU TWO ARE JUST AMAZING!!:clap2: :lightbulb:As fantastic as this was to watch I wonder if we shouldn't be doing a video log like this at ALL VR Rallies:scared: :dancefool: Wishing everyone down there at Don's a GREAT journey homeward - ride safe and THANK YOU for sharing in that memory video for all of us who could not attend to enjoy!! :cool10::guitarist 2::beer::thumbsup:
  21. What da heck brother,, SUPER MOTARD THAT SUPER TEN - you guys aint doing no off roading anyway are ya? Just rip into the nearest bike shop and toss on some Shinko's or E3's or even Full Bores,,,, get those dirt tires off that sweet 10 of yours and put a whoppin on that Strom!! PS - what kind of air pressure you running in those dual sport tires Dave? You keeping them at top pressure stated on sidewalls and checking them when they are cold?
  22. Tip and I sat here and watched this thru several times Raggy = AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap2::dancefool::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Some of those lop eared varmints I recognized and was able to point em out to Tip (tell Bongo his secret agent under cover sunglasses :bluesbrother:disguise didnt work very well ) and some I was unable to do so.. EXCELLENT video production though brother - certainly made our day - THANK YOU!!! :lightbulb:Now that we know you know how to make that video apparatus function and know how to post clips,,, how about a clip of you running around Don's yard getting a picture of everyone and having them state their screen names:big-grin-emoticon:,,,, ,,, "Unspoken VR Forum Rule #12854 .3 = never let the know the full extent of your :photographing:taking abilities"
  23. @The Tooch - Still following this AWESOME ride of yours brother!!!:clap2::dancefool::thumbsup: It hit close to 90 here in Michigan today and we just had a major cool down come thru from your homeland.. Could not help but think of the major temp changes you 4 are experiencing on your EMA (Epic Motorcycle Adventure) - Colorado snowball fights, the dry HEAT of Death Valley/Vegas and now your up in the mists of Oregon .. Kind of mind boggling how things can change so much aint it?? How did the bikes do in the heat? How bout tires? Any of you guys needing a tire swap yet? It would be interesting to know what brand of rear tire each of you are running and how they compare.. You guys take care out there brother - have fun and be safe!! TELL YOUR BUDDY OL PUC SAYS THANKS FOR THE BLOG AND THE PICS - JUST BEAUTIFUL!!
  24. Unless you have a zillion miles on her or have added a bunch of lights,, I would be more suspicious of the Voltage Reg than the stator.. Here is good write up on testing.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?81297-Testing-for-a-Battery-not-Charging And here is another good read on the subject.. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?78728-Do-I-need-a-new-stator&highlight=changing+stator Stator replacement aint bad and neither is the regulator.. Stator is inside the left engine cover and, on the 2nd Gens, I think the regulator is under the bottom of the radiator...
  25. But I still feel like I am headed there mentally and in spirit.. Speaking of being there mentally I cant help but wonder a few things.. I wonder if Frosty will bail out of the back of Fool's truck knowing he is headed into the Oberlin heat,,, I wonder if Don will have enough Fried Chicken - hope he ordered extra cause I have seen the likes of MarCarl, YammerDan, Buckshot, Skidder, DragonSlayer, Raggy, Carbon One, ET(Joe), Drews, and Bongo chow down,, I wonder if Bluestar99 got his new front tire on and if he and his wife found enough Diesel fuel on the way to Don's so the motor in his pusher Motor Home does the pushing so they didnt have to,, I wonder if that funny looking Red Flag will be flying again on the awning where the guys will be working on scoots even though Big Tom may not be there to hang it, I wonder if Don's new bike will be faster than his last one so he doesnt slow the drag race down that will be heading to the Lube Oil and Filter place this year, I wonder if Rickardracing will find his motel room up to par - maybe even have an extra towel to wipe off his seat in the morning, I wonder if Dan will remember he is driving an under powered Ford Ranger when he try's to make a quick pass on the highway, I wonder if anyone of those lop eared varmints remembered to bring a camera and will take some pictures to prove MD really did happen......
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