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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. No idea if she makes em or not but one of our members here does leather work and I have seen a lot of her amazing stuff while traveling around the country = WOWZY, does she do a nice job. I think if you went to member vendors and clicked on Ace High Leathers you could find out about her work:thumbsup:... If you do meet her please tell her ol Pucster says howdy - she is a friend of mine!!
  2. OH CANADA = WOW ZZZZZZZZZZ WOW WOW WOW - THAT IS SOME GORGEOUS COUNTRY RIGHT THERE I TELL YA BROTHER!! Makes me wanna pack up Tweeks sister, toss on a tent, grab Tip and hit the road!!!! Beautiful Riv, CONGRATS to you, Walt and the open road!!
  3. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that: Thanks a ZILLION brother,, my fingers and toes are so raw from counting em I can barely walk or type .. BEAUTIFUL PICS!!! That Orlin and Sharon sure have a GORGEOUS spot there - PERFECT for holding rally's like they do!! Showed the pic of Moe to Tweeks and her sister a moment ago - Tweeks was and her sister was ... Neither of them have met Curly,,, gonna have to stop at Or's and into Tweeks sister to both of them next time we head west.. Could be a double wedding in the future!! Thanks for sharing Fool - YOU DA MAN BROTHER!!
  4. and even though the signs on the river walk just say "NO SWIMMING",,,, dont be fooled into thinking its ok to wade a little or take your shoes off and let your doggies cool off in that trout stream - either of those will get cha in trouble too... Quietly standing in the Alamo and listening for the ghosts of Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie is 100% totally legal though. Big Bend NP is also worth the trip, IMHO:usa:.. If ya do Big Bend, when ya get to the gas station take the roadway to the west and you will come to this Rio Grande river little boat launch area - before you get to the border crossing - really neat little spot with high cliffs on the Mexico side,, there you can legally stick your feet in the stream!!
  5. a thousand 100,658,732 , a thousand 100,658,733 , a thousand 100,658,734 , a thousand 100,658,735
  6. ,,,,,,, a thousand 1 - a thousand 2 - a thousand 3 - a thousand 4 - a thousand 5
  7. I would start it up from cold, get it off choke as quick as possible so its not running on the choke circuit, dampen my finger tip with spit and spit check (like checking a hot iron) the header pipes right after starting it. See if you can detect a dead cylinder. If they all heat up at idle it should mean they are all firing. 4 years of sitting is plenty of time to have had a jet plug over from dryed fuel,, the mid range carburation depends on the low speed circuit to be open and clean in order to function properly - seems how its happening in that mid range and it clears up when the slides open the main jets I would suspect a plugged or partially plugged low speed jet.. This should show up on the spit test if it is. Another good possibility is having a sticky slide from sitting. It doesnt take much gummyness from sitting to create enough resistance on the slides to keep em from sliding properly.. Removing those slide covers and checking the slides is a whole lot easier than pulling the carbs and cleaning em so I would do that first. You should also double check your diaphrams when you do this - pin holes in the diaphrams will cause what your talking about too.. Another thing to consider is how well these things run and how they perform on 3 cylinders. I bought the bike I just retired (her name is Tweeks) with 24k miles on her from a guy in Northern Michigan. She was gorgeous and ran when I picked her up BUT she just didnt have no real get up and go. After test riding her, I asked the guy how long she had been running on 3.. He did a double take and said he had put 5k on her in the last 10 years of her life and she had always ran like that - which he thought she ran perfect.. I told him I suspected a diaphram problem.. Brought her home, pulled the slides and found one diaphram completed seperated from the slide and pin holes in another.. Fixed it and WOWZY did she come alive!! Ran her out to well over 300k before picking up this last new one and retiring Tweeks.. Also might wanna do a quick read on here on learn the sync process, toss the gauges on her and see what she looks like.. Learning to and keeping those carbs in sync is a great way to keep your scoot happy. I have my doubts that syncing is gonna fix what your describing but its worth a try.. Just dont get her way out of adjustment trying to sync out something that aint sync outable,,,, if that makes sense..
  8. You got my thoughts and Prayers Up Rand as you two prepare to head off for an adventure - hope you feel and do great on your camping trip up there!! That Parkway is BEAUTIFUL and AWESOME camping!! Sounds like fun! Hope your health plans work out and the C-Pap is everything works out perfectly brother!
  9. ,, Thanks Randy for the Southern Hospitality invite brother!! Goes both ways,, I hope you KNOW that!!!
  10. I get thru this mess and feeling better DanL, you will have to drag Sugar out of the stall by the mirrors, flop your tent on her and head this way.. I will drag Tweeks sister out by the horns, toss on a tent and we can head for the Sturgis Rally.. Get us a couple sleeveless white tee shirts and write 2 WOB's MC on them (WOB's = worn out bikers) ... Prairie camping and riding the Pie Butt 26.2 would be a good way to answer the question you are wondering about!!! ,,, drag Skidder along so our 1st Gens have a 2nd Gen to pick on Speaking of WOB's,,,, wonder what happen to @The Tooch ,,,,, surprised he aint on here telling us all about how it's done!!
  11. :rotfl::rotfl:
  12. Score another for that lop eared varmint @bongobobny!!! ,, quick,, before he see's this,, right side of the bike under the little cover that mounts on the radiator and directly above the plug wire on the number 4 head you will see the sending unit for the temp gauge.. It will be the first sending unit looking at you - will have a blue wire attached to it - check that connection...
  13. You gotta cat that chews bubble gum Dix?
  14. I think it looks great,,, spray that puppy down with some kind of clear coat so the paint dont run off when Dylan over fills the tank and then you two jump on your scoots and come up here for a Hot Dog!!! Wonder what it would cost to have the tank Powder Coated into a Denim Black? Wonder if thats even possible?
  15. Having ridden in all 50 of the lower States and parts of Canada I gotta say,,, some of the sweetest and most memorable ride adventures revolve around having the honor and opportunity to meet face to face with the lop eared varmints I had read about here on the site.. If I happened to end up blessed with another lifetime of riding these old Ventures I think it would be fun to strap on the tent, hit the road and go knock on VR members doors while enjoying the ribbon of roadways that bless North America - say hi, I am Puc, just wanted to meet you and head for the next one:big-grin-emoticon:... That said Mac,, if your just wanting some amazing site seeing within a stones throw from Wisconsin - Iron Mountain Road, Needles Hwy, Spearfish Canyon (the two tracks from Spearfish to Devils Tower are OUTSTANDING if your into two tracking at all) in South Dakota are area's where a person on a Venture could have a pretty good time chasing his shadow...
  16. I am hearing that brother!!! That gorgeous Tweeks II sits in the garage just panting for a cross country trip with all the fixins and BEGS for a Hot Dog outing!! Thing is AMAZING!!! This thing is like a brand new bike, functioning 2nd gear (AMAZING), SOLID clutch, brakes that keep Tippy giggling as I lightly tap the front brake and we have to watch where our heads are cause we dont want em smacking each other, fork seals that dont leak, a working speedo AND gas gauge so Tip dont have to worry about pushing when we run out of gas, no more warning flasher with 3 consistent warning icons lit all the time, functional kickstand switch, doesnt feel like its bending when going around corners, turn signals that work every time I hit the switch, spark plug cables that dont electrocute my legs while I am hugging her in the corners, no coolant drippage on the floor on cold mornings, funtional reserve lighting unit, no funny bearing noises that quiet down when I lift it off the kickstand, a swing arm that doesnt moan with pain when we sit on the seat, a clutch lever with way less than an inch of up and down movement in it PLUS even the little gas tank cap chain is still intact!!!! Gonna be some really interesting and fun times chasing the front wheel on Tweeks II for 240k miles (this one already had 76k on it) just to see exactly how many of Tweeks retirement ailments are hidden in there somewhere You and Sue keep that gorgeous Trike of yours ready for some Hot Dogs brother,, wont be long and we'll be chowing down and dancing to the music!! Gonna spend the big bucks and go all out for the next one - you two aint gonna wanna miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Yep,, I got one,, send me a PM with an address to send it Zzzz...
  18. Me too sister!! Tip wanted to plant some Hosta's and wanted me to take her to Menards to buy some... Had a premonition this was not a good idea BUT, cause I love her, to Menards we went.. Came home, neighbor came by, neighbor and I got pickin on Tip about planting flowers when we could have been riding, Tip got mad, had to tell her I was sorry, finished up the flower planting, got dizzy, fell over, scraped up hands, forced to go to ER to have heart checked, got a nurse who had no clue how to put in an IV, Doc said I was fine but ordered Stress test, spent whole day having stress test, all good, sitting here typing with scrapes on my hands/elbows/knees and a massive blood filled bruise on my arm that measures 8x4 inches from the IV wanna be = I DO, I DO, I DO BELIEVE IN PREMONITIONS - too:missingtooth:
  19. @Old_Man_Zzzz, I have found relief from the issue you are referring to by bleeding from the flare nut on the left side of the metering valve in the linked brake system on the 83's. If you look above the radiator (above the rad cap - left side of the bike if you are facing the front of the bike) you will see the metering valve attached to the neck - right above the coil.. The flare nut you will need to loosen will be on the left of the valve and easily accessable. Lay a rag over the coil, loosen the flare nut, gently push down on the rear brake peddle, tighten up flare when peddle gets close to bottom.. That line is the high point in the system and air likes to get caught there.. Give it a shot - best of luck!!
  20. Thinking Tweeks may still have hers intact Zzzz, will check in the a.m. and let you know. Puc
  21. Try swapping the lines around on the vac gauge = make sure your gauges are working properly. Check the slides and make sure you dont have one sticking - check diaphrams.
  22. Yep,, did it again Prairie ,, went back and reread his question and thinking you nailed it brother - oopsss:big-grin-emoticon:.... What Prairie said @Jrichard
  23. :scared::scared::scared::doh::doh::doh::95::95: WOW, WHAT A MESS!!!!!!!! Thoughts and PRAYERS UP for all those folks,,,,, indeed - GOD BE WITH THEM!!!
  24. Thanks Bongo:thumbsup:!! Here's where I am at now that we discovered I have the lower stuff.. After testing about 7:30pm tonight and finding it at 71 I read to take a tablespoon of Honey and eat something so I did - Honey at 8:15 - couple burgers at 8:30.. I also read to recheck it in 2 hours.. My buddy who just had a heart stint put in called - we went down and sat in his garage and got talking bikes,, of course.. Was feeling ok, able to concentrate and focus somewhat. At 10:15, while sitting in his garage I could feel myself sliding again, tired/blurry eyes/tingly/real dingy.. Shot home and took another test = 68 this time.. On the list of things other than Honey was 1/2 cup Orange Juice and then test in 45 minutes. Picked up some OJ (NO VODKA SO DONT EVEN GO THERE), did the half cup at 11:05, gonna check it again soon,, right now feeling a little better... If I feel better and the reading is up, the site I got the info from said to try Glucose Tablets.. May go into town, pick up some of those at the local pharmacy (if they are over the counter?) and try to chase this thing up to 150 and see how I feel - kind of a pre doctor science experiment!!
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