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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Ok,, I will try this,,,, new rotary mower OR joined the Rotary Club,,, ,,,, ,,, my guess = ya got a new mower?
  2. Awe,, you were sorely missed brother! PLEASE tell that lovely wife of yours she has our thoughts and Prayers will ya Larry? Not feeling good is NEVER fun!! Hope to see you folks at the next MGnEM!! PS - Tweeksis (Tweeks Sister) said to tell you she REALLY REALLY likes it over here and that she is having allllllll kinda fun!! She got stopped by the police today for going a little fast (just like her sister - putting a whooping on a couple Harley's from a street light - being the winner and first one that appeared on the radar almost cost her and I that time ).. All good though, the kind gentle officer looked her over really good - admiring her shear beauty - smiled and said "looks like you folks are having a lot of summer fun - just take it a little easier please".. She's runnin finer than frogs hair Lar
  3. WOW ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WOW WOW WOW @stanG = Stanggg!! THAT is an AWESOME piece of work there brother!!:dancefool::clap2::clap2::clap2:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta ask - are you an actual Radio Announcer - sure did appear that way!! If you are - could you share with us what station and what time you are on? I would LOVE to dial you in and give ya a listen brother!! Also,, if your station has a "request" time that you host - give me a heads up and I will try to catch up with request or two ,,, that would be a BLAST!!! We had a special meeting today up at Baldwin Mi with "Bill" - my main Hot Dog man and "Leroy" (lead singer of the band - L.C. Smoove) and they said to remind all you folks who attended the Sears MGnEM how much they appreciated everyone showing up.. The ol guy who was quite the dancer in that vid of yours that you tried to sell off as a Puc = had a real nice conversation with him also - come to find out, he is a Vietnam Vet:325: - I hugged him and told him THANK YOU for his service from all of us!!:usa: What a great weekend!! Summers are like fingerprints, each one tells a unique story!
  4. WOW ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WOW WOW WOW RIV ,, sounds like you and AZZI are gonna get really aquainted brother = WHAT A BLAST!! Just took a look at those vids you posted up on the V-Max rebuild - good stuff - THANKS!! As far as the head swap goes,, I know NOTHING about NOTHING concerning the project (have never had one of these 1st Gens apart) except for what I have read and it seems like I remember someone mentioning something about the exhaust port angle being different on the Max's requiring some exhaust pipe modification's to make the switch you are talking about.. I sold Crud so I cant go out and check em side by side for certainty but I would not be surprised that this is the case as I know Crud's exhaust system was totally different than my 1st Gens. Another question is whether or not your planning on using V-Max cams? As you know I just retired Tweeks and am now riding her sister (Tweeksis) who I got from Carbon One. Tweeksis came with a bunch of V-Max parts, it appears that the owner before Carbon One was planning on doing something very similar to your project with Tweeksis and never proceeded with the project. Along with the heads/cams/pistons/rods/v-boost manifold and carbs I noticed a TCI unit in the box. @ragtop69gs pulled the numbers on the TCI when we noticed it included in the box of goodies (Raggy was at Larry's when we picked up our new bike) and discovered it was a V-Max TCI. This didnt mean much to me at the time but on my ride home I got thinking about how cool it would be to do what your talking about - complete the project so to speak.. I started going thru how I would approach the build and it dawned on me that the V-Max TCI in those boxes of parts may very well be a necessary item to get the spark advance/timing set correctly if the V-Max cams were to be used.. ,,,, ,,, did you follow any of that Riv? I get all excited about stuff like this when I read about where your headed and start rattling on.. Did not mean to confuse you brother - just tossing things around in my pea brain:big-grin-emoticon:
  5. WOWZY - GOOD STUFF RIV!! Your gonna do WHAT to that sweetheart of a fun lovin AZZI = wayyyy cool!! Nothing but the best brother on your build - looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing all those :photographing::photographing::photographing:'s of the whole process:fingers-crossed-emo #### Tweeksis to AZZI,,, can ya hear me AZZI? :cool10:
  6. Ohhhh great,,, now you varmints got me feeling it,, can't sleep, laying here staring at the blue paint on our bedroom wall wondering if I should drill a little hole in it to see if the paint I put on it 5 years ago really did ever dry completely:240:...... Oh wait,,, whats that behind the night stand,, it's a quarter!!! I found a quarter I didn't know I had!!! Think I'll slip my jeans on, jump on the scoot and run down to the little gas station on the corner and see what I can buy for a quarter - maybe a left over donut or a pack of smarties!!!!! Gotta run, no more boredom for this guy!!! Oh yea,, and to who ever said "money can't buy happiness",,, maybe so BUT it sure can do a number on boredom =
  7. Did pretty dog gone good this time - I re-upped in May and made it alllll the way to July before I got put back on probation ... Must be catching up with me or something....
  8. THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS UP FOR THE FAMILIES WHO LOST THEIR LOVED ONES - TERRIBLE!! Also thoughts and Prayers Up for all effected by what ever is going on down there!! Sounds like NO FUN to this ol Michigander!!!
  9. A really good friend and neighbor of mine is a short inseamed feller.. He just traded in his 2012 Ultra Limited on a 2016 Ultra Low like you are describing Randy.. Having spent a ton of time riding his Limited, I climbed on his Low an INSTANTLY realized why he LOVES this new one - I (being much taller) was cramped right up but he can flat foot it at the stops and handle it beautifully!! REALLY REALLY SHARP SCOOT!! Got to hand to The Motor Company - they REALLY try to make something for everyone!! Personally,, I LOVE those great big beautiful Harley's, I also happen to think that Harley has somethings going for them that no other breed of scoot can come close to = LOTS OF DEALERSHIPS - TONS OF AFTERMARKET GO FAST(gearheads dream come true)/BE COMFORTABLE/LOOK AWESOME PARTS and paint jobs that are just AMAZING!! If I were not such an abuser of my touring machines (taking them into the willie weeds and dropping them, leaving them to fend for themselves in unguarded circumstances, putting stickers all over em) and tight with my dollars I would buy and ride the wheels off a scoot like the one my neighbor traded in - THAT was one amazing motorcycle!!
  10. Absolutely positively NO truer or wiser words have EVER been spoken Randy!!:clap2::clap2: I am really sorry to hear about your In-Laws dislike for what he ended up with.. I wonder if you/we/I could help him sell either the Voyager Kit alone or the whole unit so he could start over again? Maybe get together with some of our members and let him try out a Hannigan Trike and maybe jump on a Tri-Glide at a Harley demo to give him some seat time on one of those too? I would be more than happy to post it on Craigs for him and on our site too if you dont have the time.. All I would need is a few pictures.. Life is to short to be stuck with something that is suppose to be bringing endless 's on and ends up being something you really do not want/like!!
  11. Yeppers Boss - one of these days you and Eileen REALLY need to scoot up here and have a Hot Dog with us!! We would LOVE to have you brother!!!
  12. And so it was,,, yet another Puc's Meet - Greet and Eat Meet has come and gone. As I wrote in the Youtube summary in the attached video - "Those that made it will NEVER forget it and those that missed it will never remember it":bawling:.. My staff did an amazing job with the Hot Dogs, pops, chips, jerky, candy and passing out party beads all while displaying an amazing element of professional crowd control - my hat truly goes off to them for their total commitment at making these outings nothing short of the greatest Meet Greet and Eat Meat on earth!! Entertainment was of the highest caliber, spared no expense:thumbsup:!! The band you are about to get a taste of (watch the vid) is called L.C. Smoove out of New Orleans.. These guys could easily have been playing on Bourbon St. or even Fremont Street in the Vegas light show but chose to come to Michigan just for us!! WOW did they put it all out there!! The community of Sears Michigan welcomed us lop eared VR motorcycling varmints with open arms and provided countless opportunity to show their unique form of Northern Michigan hospitality. What a GREAT bunch of varmints up there! Long distance travel award goes to @stanG (who I call "Stang" - pronounced like us old schoolers nick named the ol Ford Mustang = Stang). Stang and I discovered that east to west - he and I live just about as far apart in Michigan as possible. His scoot is the GORGEOUS Blonde MK1 that you see in the pics!! That scoot happens to be the sister to my 1st Venture - a scoot named Beeg that my kids and I wore out together - Stang's bike DEFINITELY has my utmost .. @Drews won the best award with his fancy foot work even with a tummy full of those FANTASTIC 1/4 pound Hot Dogs we all LOVE so much. Drews also won the most patriotic skull cap award (see pic - look in his helmet hanging on his bike). His scoot is the non-Triked 2nd Gen in the pics - a gorgeous scoot that has the uncanny ability of tracking down a Puc's MGnEM on its own - it don't need no funky GPS to find the fun!! Our perfect timing award goes to @mirider and his lovely wife Sue. They somehow managed to pull into the parking lot on Big Mac (their Voyager Triked 2nd Gen) at almost the exact same time that Tweeksis, Tip and I did - :scared:almost spookey sense of timing there Dave. Dave also won the Patience award as he ended up sitting next to me and compassionately put up with my screaming the words to every song that I knew (and some I had never heard before) - he never broke a !! The Grand Prize winner for this outing went to our Puc's Meet Greet n Eat Meat new comer = "Terry". Terry rode all the way over from the east side just to party with us!! Terry's scoot is the gorgeous Harley in the pics. Sue and Tip won the Best Passenger's award :biker: (for putting up with some pretty healthy winds on the road up) and the Most Wallet Friendly Soul Mate awards :173:.. They noticed a Flea Market going on across the road from the party, disappeared for a while AND - get this - MiRider and I checked our wallets before we left for the day and WE BOTH HAD MONEY LEFT IN THERE!!! GOOD JOB LADIES!! As for me, I am sitting here writing this with a on my face that will last for many days to come. Like I said in the first paragraph of this short ride report, living this day was an unforgettable experience. From what I got to see today, the fun I had with my friends and the great ride into the upper part of the lower peninsula of Michigan - I think I won the Carpe' Diem award,,, or maybe,, just maybe - we all won that one:fingers-crossed-emo... Many many thanks to all of you who took the time out of your lives to come and share this day with us!! THANK YOU!! and for those of you who missed it - next time around - """GET ON THE LOVE TRAIN""" TO THE NEXT: PUC'S MEET - GREET AND EAT MEAT = HOT DOGS FOR EVERYONE!!
  13. Rock n roll brother!! The Kodiac was always the lower dollar - sportier of the two.. The Grizz = much more torque monstering, hard pulling, mud crawling, work horse.. I know I have sold a few of each of them thru the years and know that the Griz is/was built tougher.. I do think the Kodiac has been updated thru the years though and has probably caught up with the Griz in motor size BUT - if it were me and I was gonna by one for farm use, REAL hunting use, dragging my kids car of the ditches and all that nasty muddy stuff,,, I would spend the xtra $ and grab a Griz... Not sure how it is now but the Griz also had some pretty cool add ons you could get that you could not find for the Kody.. Might wanna check that..
  14. Up North in your Deer blind with the hinges rusted shut :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::stickpoke::stickpoke::stickpoke::stickpoke::stickpoke::stickpoke::stickpoke::stickpoke::stickpoke: :rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry: ***** The farther we get from winter the braver I become:missingtooth:
  15. New or used Bern?
  16. Tip and I took MiRider's Voyager Triked Gen 2 out for a cruise a couple days ago and I was impressed.. I have test ridden a number of Harley Tri-Glides and my neighbor has a Harley FreeWheeler that I have spent a lot of time on - will say the straight axle Harley's do handle quicker (more like the 350X's/250R's I used to LOVE playing on) but,, on the other hand,, the Voyager seemed to respond to lean input (get to keep some of that motorcycle "feel" - dont misread though, they still steer like a trike) -- totally different ride characteristics IMHO.. One of the things I noticed about the Voyager that I really liked was it didnt seem to have a spooky jump to it when hitting rough road in a corner reguiring careful corrective steering input like the straight ax HD did.. On the other had, I really think the HD handles more like a sports car, giving me the feeling it would corner faster than the Voyager.. Looking at the undercarriage of the Voyager brought about some questions to which Mirider gave me some good solid answers that made sense.. One of the things we talked about was "setting up" the Voyager for the bike it is mounted to. If I remember correctly, Dave had the shop that actually sells the Voyager both install it AND set up the pre-load on the outer wheels.. After riding it, I can see where having the preload fairly close would be a crucial measurement because it seems like its the pre-load that controls the stability when riding or sitting.. I personally could have a BLAST on either means of Triking BUT,, I gotta say,,, before I would spend the bigger money on a straight axle Trike such as a Harley (or any other brand for that matter) I would beg, borrow or steal (not really - I am no thief) a Trike with Independent Suspention on the back side of it and spend some time on it.. I have owned 4x4 Quads, a number of them, and gotta say that the Suzuki King Quad with its Independent Suspention all the way around (most 4x4 quads were straight axles) would go places most quads only dreamed of (cause all four wheels stayed on the ground) and were no where near a jittery as the straight axes on the stutter bumps on gravel roads.. I have a hunch that Independent Suspention on a Trike MAY just be worth the money if your gonna spend the big bucks... How's that for someone who has never owned a Triked road bike
  17. :clap2: Been doing what Skydoc is talking about for years John,, GREAT ADVICE and worth a try!! The only thing I do different than The Doc is I pull the slides (free check of the diaphrams while your doing this), do exactly what he is describing only I fill the bowls one at a time until you get carb cleaner running out of the main jets (hole that the metering rod that is attached to the slide slips into). When the carb cleaner flows from the main jet, close the drain and let it sit for a couple hours. Pick up a large syringe from an Ag store (couple bucks a piece), slip the syringe end into the drain hose on the carb (I actually use the syringe to inject the cleaner into the carbs too but that is not necessary - spraying it in like The Doc is talking works great), open the drain and draw the cleaner in and out into the syringe in a good pumping motion - get the agitation thing going on, remove all the cleaner. Close the drains, Refill the carbs with fuel off the fuel pump by turning the kill switch on and off, pull the fuel from the bowls and check it in a clean jar - make sure you are getting good clean gas.. Put it together and see what cha got..
  18. Did the white light on the dash come on,, I have had to replace the Reserve Lighting Unit a couple of times thru the years.. Think if it was mine I would pull the headlight and check RLU and the wiring leading to the low beam terminal on the headlight.. You might be able to find the fault visually either by just looking at the unit and wires or by flicking the switch and looking for a little smoke.. Funny thing is, it sounds like something went to ground - sure seems like you'ld of popped a fuse before you started melting stuff... In the end, an ohm meter may be necessary to ohm out the wiring to find out where the short is..
  19. I know its possible but thinking a guru like @Venturous Randy or @BongoBob or @Flyinfool will have to answer that to tell ya whats gotta be done to test it though..
  20. ,,,, now THAT is just endlessly,, overwhelmingly, outstandingly COOL Lenny!!! ,,, makes me think I better start watching where I potty when I gotta potty when I am out in the middle of nowhere and there's nowhere to potty:240:
  21. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  22. dont tell no one DanL,,, cross your fingers hope to die, kiss the girls and make em cry? Ok,,, here's how it worked... I noticed my dues were coming up a short while ago and thought I would try something.. I carefully watched the meter run out, then I applied for a new trial membership under @Flyinfool 's name.. I figured the new server Don has been using may recognize my puter and it did.. It automatically rolled my probationary period off onto Fool and completely cleared my name.. I then simply clicked on Subscribe and ended up restored to a normal upstanding member with full rights and privileges..
  23. stack those adult kids in the car and bring em up to the party!!! Free food and I PROMISE, the Zoo in Kazoo cant hold a candle to the zoo you will find at a Puc's MGnEM :crackup: Have a great time down there Darrin - hope to see/meet you folks sometime in the future neighbor!!
  24. ,,, ,,, :duck: ,, watch this Bob,, I got friends in high places (I hope:crackup:),,,, ahhh humm... Would one of you kind, generous, gentle spirited Moderators mind moving this thread to its proper location before the Boss sees it and I end up back on probation,,,,,,,,, again????
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