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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. OUTSTANDING 17!!:clap2::clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool: Now THAT'S what I am talking about brother!!!:dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: ,,, hold on here,, on know somebody who absolutely MUST see those two GORGEOUS BLUE MK1's sitting there!! He's gonna go bug eyed blind - watch this:big-grin-emoticon: @Yammer Dan,,, got something you just gotta see
  2. If your talking about my "campground" statement @NewbeeMC9 - I have a spot on the open prairie I have camped on for many years now - about mile from the Chip - squatted on it long enough now that it's called "Puc's Place".. If you would like an exact location just let me know and I will get you direction and maybe even a sattelite shot if I can figure out how to do that again.. If you are asking where we finally all end up for the Pie Butt 26.2 - please see BJ's response below.. Wassup @jakester !!!! The Yamaha Shop worked pretty good I thought - how bout you? Accomplishing the task of becoming a Pie Butt rider is a lot safer and funner if done in a group:big-grin-emoticon: Anyway ya skin it brother - it's always a great time seeing friends at a zoo like Sturgis - HOPE YOU FOLKS ARE ABLE TO MAKE IT OUT AGAIN AND US TOO - BE GREAT TO SEE YOU AND LUCRETIA AGAIN!! Thanks for the fill in about no cover charge BJ - trying to stay on top of expenses for all who might be interested.. Another quick question in making sure our meeting place will work for all,, I know that last year a couple of our riders had some health issues going on that required them to be extremely careful about the type of surface they rode in on - needed to stay on level pavement as much as possible... The Diner worked perfect for this as they had pavement parking available. Not trying to be persnickedy but just trying to stay ahead of ol Murph on this - any idea of what kind ingress/egress and parking Spur Creek has? I just dont want to limit access to the fun for anyone that happens to read this thread and wants to be part of it all BJ...
  3. Still thinkin of and praying for ya Skidder - indeed - PRAYERS UP!!
  4. Sorry I missed this Ready but very glad to hear your little girls temp came back down!! Just want you to know Tip (my wife) and I will be thinking of and praying for that precious little one of yours and that the Doctors will figure out what is going on there!! WHAT A DOLL - PLEASE give her a hug for us Ready!!
  5. cowpuc


    OUTSTANDING DAVID!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: cept now I miss Crud :95:
  6. Tried to help ya out brother but couldnt find it... Did find this one DanL.. Breaks my heart to see all the stuff going on down there:95:,, Prayers Up for all involved!!
  7. QUICK - go out and plant some walla mellon, maters, taters, cukes, onion and fried chicken,, ,,, oh wait,, fried chicken dont come grow on bushes,, scratch the fried chicken,,,,,, in that mud while it's still freshly churned = todays mudslide is tomorrow's Meet n Greet :guitarist 2::guitarist 2: sorry to hear about what's going on down there in West by God DanL!! Prayers Up and Blessings Down as you folks continue to fight the fight brother!
  8. And your brother Pucster responds from amidst the fruits, nuts and other lop eared varmints wondering around the great State of Michigan - nice to hear from you my friend!! Keep working on those knee's Neil - Lord willing and the creek dont rise, we gotta go chase the moon lite of Death Valley with Tech Sargent @CMCOFFEY next year!!:900[1]: WOWZY VF - sounds like you had quite an ordeal - GLAD YOUR OK NEIL!! Also Glad to hear you were able to snag that shield on its departure flight - yet another adventure point (albeit, not so much fun) in the life a motorcyclist...
  9. Two solid days of chasing Hot Dogs all over Michigan = NOT BORING!! Spending the day today recovering from actually catching some of the Hot Dogs = checking the inside of my eye lids for pin holes for 14 hours = boring BUT still very satisfying
  10. 1 potato, 2 potato, 3 potato, 4
  11. cowpuc

    O.F. Club

    Just dont make us chew on no Buffalo hides Jack,,,, :stirthepot: yes,, chew on hides ... By the way!!! :Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers::group cheers: CONDOR!!!!! BUTTER NUT ICE CREAM FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!:Crazy_139::Crazy_139:
  12. cowpuc

    water pump

    Thinking @Venturous Randy made a typo there 10spd,,, thinking he meant to say your 88 already has the metal impellar in it,,,, maybe wrong but thats what I am thinking.. As far as I know, only the MK1's were blessed with the plastic Water Pump impellar (83 - 85),, I know I had to change em out on both 83 and 84 models I have owned, I am not positive on even the 85's - they may have been the beginning of getting the updated impellar right from the factory.. If someone chimes in here and tells us differently (that your scoot DOES have the plastic impellar) I would definitely swap it out! I would also redo the mechanical and rubber seal for the impellar shaft while I was in there brother.. All the best in your winter plans for refreshing the scoot Speed! Puc PS = WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU COME UP FOR A MGnEM SPEED - it will change your life for ever - GUARANTEED (no guarantee on for better or for worst)
  13. cowpuc

    O.F. Club

    If the Warden happens to read some of the chatter on here about you looking at Trikes we will be calling you "Chief Paddle In Rear" :banana:
  14. I am hearing that brother - Tweeksis have DEFINITELY got it going on and !! The combination of a REALLY solid clutch and a fully functional second gear makes me feel like Mom Yam finally came thru for us and I am riding the prototype for the 3rd Gen we have all been waiting for!! May sound CRAZY but Stang and I were actually talking about that after the MGnEM up at Sears.. @stanG rides a gorgeous MK1 Blonde (see pics) that he updated the 2nd gear in a while back - he too thinks that highly of these scoots. On talking about how FANTASTIC these bikes are, we struck on the subject of Mom Yam pulling the RnD sheets back out on them - doing all the updates that so many have had to do on their own, hitting em up with some really good FI system, modernized audio,, some lighting that actually does it's job (WOW - Stang did an AWESOME job of solving that one - Mom Yam, if your reading this = talk to Stang!!) and BINGO - instant 3rd Gen!! Man I love this new scoot Larry - and she loves us too!! Puc PS - lots and lots and lots of Hogs running around our area - I have your number memorized in case of :big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon: THAT is sooooo cool Stang!! Wish I could tune ya in over here brother,,,,,,,,, I would become your favorite caller inner (should be thankful we are out of range ).. It was really good to see you again too brother! I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to join us for a Hot Dog and some great chit chat about these awesome scoots - TALK ABOUT FUN!! Looking forward to next time Stang!!
  15. Cover charge?
  16. WOW ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WOW WOW WOW:178:,, she is GORGEOUS Bossman!!:guitarist 2::thumbsup:
  17. Gotta go in for more sinus reaming on Tuesday this week - most recent Cat Scan showed some issues but NO Meninga Seal leaking so hoping this time goes ok.. If everything goes well and my other health issues are in agreement, I am thinking of checking out our campground on the open prairie near Sturgis.. Anyone else thinking of heading out this year? Was GREAT to see everyone last year = be fun to hook up again
  18. It was a rush late day emergency staff meeting that turned into another http://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.pnghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/tapatalk-emoji/emoji322.png:beer:!! Tip didnt get home until 1:30,, Tweeksis and I were both hungry when she got home... Tip asked what was for lunch,,, I looked at the clock on Tweeksis's dash - and said "Left over Hot Dogs" :dancefool::dancefool::Bunny::Bunny: Ya know what,, that Tweeksis has a strong heart!! Take those 50 mph winds we suffered on the way up to Sears off her windshield and let her sniff some Dogs in the wind and WOWZY - Baldwin Mi aint really that far from Skeegon!! PS - If I remember correctly - you did say "no Baldwin for us Puc" yesterday
  19. ,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,, "Running Bare"?
  20. Right there with ya brother BUT - I gotta tell ya.. The 2012 Ultra that my neighbor traded in (gorgeous scoot) for his 2016 Ultra Low was the 103 inch NON cooled heads - use to really bug em when Tweeks, fully packed, Tip n I riding 2 up would put a whoopin on him with him riding 1 up and empty bags... This new water head High Output 103 is wayyy closer under the same scenario (closer the key word )!! He did have them take the stock pipes off the new one and put the gutted headers and Vance n Hines pipes off the 2012 he traded in onto his new one so they may have helped BUT - I think there really is something to the HO 103 story.. Another interesting point, neighbor on the other side is the one with the Blue 2010 Ultra Limited - also a 103 - that I had the privilage to assist in a build on.. Screaming Eagle Race Tuner, cams, heads reworked, tiny raise in compression ratio, catatylist delete and slip ons, Air Box so it could breath, day on the dyno and WOWZY does that thing run!! The straightest curved - most instant 104 Ft-Pounds and 106 HP I ever did see!! Took some tuning (the Screaming Eagle Race Tuner has - get this - 200 rpm parameters - UNREAL) to get it right but WOW did it come out nice!! He and I were harrassing our local HD dyno guy (who's Dad own's the Dealership) about why on earth Harley dont make em run like they should right from the get go .. By the way DanL - Larry, the guy that owns the Ultra I am talking about, is also the one who has the new V-Rod Muscle that Crud (my tired ol V-Max) and I were always :stickpoke: with.. Crud would put a good stomping on a stock V-Rod.. Larry has, thru adding a tuner - Predator Pipe added 14 horse to his V-Rod which made the challenge almost interesting ,,, we still go round and round about that one,,,,,,, :scratchchin:I get feeling better I am gonna pick up another V-Max :crackup:
  21. :thumbsup: Offer stands on my end should any of that change Rand!!
  22. Ok,, who's the lop eared varmint that accepted club dues from the person who learned to count
  23. Tracking right there with ya Gary!! If I were gonna do it - I would measure "Trail" before and after the change before I rode it.. Just guessing,, I would say these bikes are set up with 5 inches or more of positive trail,, I want to make sure I stayed above 3 1/2 inches of trail before I went high speed chasing... On another note - I LOVE our site because of the vast knowledge/been there done that info out there.. Unlike the old days of raking and chopping - the trial and error days can be long gone:missingtooth:
  24. WOW - you guys are really confusing me here... Are you guys saying that the Woods are Catholic? ,,, DanL never told me that ... Ah oh,,, just had another epiphany - the Boss see's us talking religion on here and this boring thread may become instantly not so boring ,, I aint skeerd = @Marcarl already put me back on probation
  25. I could only wish Riv.. At this point in life,, bad hands and all that, I have no plans for proceeding with the project.. Just gonna enjoy Tweeksis for what she is,,,,, and she is something special I tell ya - she is my 1st one of the 6 with an actual repaired 2nd gear = took me forever just to remember I dont have to short shift any longer The parts I have are currently in the Ebay/Craigs section here on the site.. I am planning on sticking them in our Auctions Section when I get time to deal with it all (brother - all the riding this new scoot is demanding of us sure uses all the free time ).. Send me a PM or respond on that ad I posted in the mentioned section if you have any interest in anything I have Riv.. Also, I would be more than happy to take pics of stuff, take measurements to help you and AZZI out Riv - just ask if you need any info that I my be able to assist with...
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