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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Rule number 682 in purchasing those parts keeper on ers: Always buy the ones that have plastic coatings on em cause hail stones will rip the paper covered ones off and your scoot will shed parts like an old Shovel Head
  2. Freedom!!!!!!
  3. 100 bucks complete with coils, plug wires, caps and still mounted in its mounting bracket - plug n play if you will. Came off a good running scoot! 40 bucks for the fuel pump off the same scoot.
  4. gun's not allowed so you gas the little slackers
  5. :guitarist 2: brother!! You n Pat on the scoot? are swarming this place
  6. As the bowls fill up the pump will run a lot slower at the last part of the filling.. This is just the pump building pressure against float needle valve.. If you want to test it just open one of your carb drains, put a catch pan under the drain hose - turn on the key and cycle the pump with your kill switch. It should pump with a nice fast clicking and then when you close the drain the pump will slowly go down to nothing after the carb fills.. Also, remember that the fuel pump will not continue running when you turn on the key/turn on the kill switch - it only cycles for a short time unless you start the bike - turn the key on with the kill switch in the off position - turn the kill switch on and the pump will cycle and stop - turn the kill switch back off and on again and it will go thru another cycle. You should clean up all the connections at the TCI really really well - many times TCI problems are cured just by cleaning connections. If the TCI is still acting up - you can "cook it" in an oven to try and dry it out some,, I never had to do this (knock on wood again) but have read of lots of success stories on here from folks who have.. Not sure on cooking temps but last time I guessed 120 degrees and, as I recall one of our guru's (maybe @bongobobny , @Flyinfool , @Condor ) said it as closer to 250 degrees for like an hour or something.. Lets see if any of those guys jump in here and set me straight,,,,, again..
  7. Yep, didnt want to go there cause lots of folks have complained about Rain-X causing yellowing of the shield and stuff but I use it a lot and clean up with Plast-X when I need to - helps A LOT in the rain!!
  8. Yep, have used "Plast-X" successfully for years.. Walmart always carried it for the best price.. Stuff is amazing!
  9. :scared::sign green with env,,,, :sign outstanding::sign outstanding: Dogman!!!! Hope you folks have nothing but the BEST trip ever brother!!!:clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool: 1. Tidal Bore's - ya just gotta go find a TIDAL BORE!! 2. The tides at the Bay of Fundy are AMAZING and clam diggin/treasure finding is a blast on the miles and miles of exposed ocean bottom:dancefool: 3. Somewhere up there along the east coast of Nova Scotia is this shallow ocean water area with AMAZINGLY warm water that is also amazingly salty - you can float for hours and hours in it just laying on your back - PERFECT therapy if you need to stretch out from 16 hours in the saddle:dancefool: 4. Dont forget our,,,, I mean the 's you will want to take for memories sake and it would be really really nice if you shared them with us:big-grin-emoticon: Have a GREAT trip Dave!!! Puc
  10. @videoarizona - do need to go thump some Postal Workers David?
  11. Once again, Zag nailed it Jamsie!! It is almost impossible to buy the perfect shield IMHO too. It may take a little doings to get it just right but definitely doable. If you take your scoot out for a putt, get it up to speed and sit as close to a normal ride position for you - now hold you hand above your head and you will notice the airflow above your helmet. The distance between where your feel the air flow and the top of your helmet and directly proportional to the amount of shield you really should remove and is wasted site area causing you to have to look thru the shield instead of over it. I always like to play with this a little and when I am done I usually end up with the shield a good 4 inches or so lower than my line of site and the wind just clearing the top of my head.. Worked GREAT! To trim my shields I like to tape them with either masking or Duct Tape and mark the tape with an ink pen or permantent market. I then use either my high speed cut-off saw or 4" side winder/grinder with the narrower disc on it to carefully cut along the edge of the line. I like using this method cause is tends to have a controllable "melt" while I am cutting BUT - be warned - work to fast it will distort the edge.. Like Zag said,, using a band saw will work awesome too if ya got one. Either way, a small sanding along the edge will give it a factory look.. Riding two up is a different story cause your almost stuck having to have the site line thru the shield. If thats the case OR if you simply do not like the idea of looking over the shield - try cleaning your shield real well and then using Pledge furniture polish on it - some folks really like that for rain run off..
  12. Snyp,, I have an xtra fuel pump and TCI I would be willing to part with BUT - the pumps on the MK1's very rarely fail, I have only had one go bad in the process of wearing 5 of these 83's over the past 30 years of riding them (knock on wood). The one that did go bad I momentarily repaired it at road side by removing the rear cover (notice the plastic cover on rear - look closely and you will see a smear of filler that covers the screw that holds the cover on) and cleaning the contact points inside the cover.. You can also replace just the points inside the pump and be good to go if its not a failed internal solenoid or something. Also,, concerning the TCI.. Usually when a TCI fails it will be noticable by the Tach acting up - you notice any faulty movement in the tach when the scoot is running? Is this a bike you ought really cheap and have not ridden yet?
  13. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  14. Another thought,,, you runnin with them Harley's or used to luggin a big twin? Is it possible that you have been luggin the motor on your Yammer following or riding it like a Harley? While our V-4's are really pretty torquie - they actually like to be spun up a little higher than a big twin..
  15. Dear Person Who's Bike Boo May or May Not (read below for explanation) Have Seen: Our club has some goofy forum rules that state: "No Pictures = It Didn't Happen". There are also some just as goofy picture Police that patrol our Club's forum's that, if they find this thread, will be glad to cite our friend Boo. It would be kind of you if you grabbed a Trial Membership and slipped a couple shots of your scoot in here - this bunch of lop eared Venture loving varmints are ALWAYS looking for riding examples of the finest touring machine ever built, love to meet new folks AND,, think of what you would be doing for poor ol Boo:big-grin-emoticon:
  16. Oh yea,, and if her helmet has a visor of any sort on it you may think about going a different direction there too - the ol whip lash from wind gusts can be nasty too!!
  17. Roller might be on to something here Boss.. Back before I messed up my back and had to give up my MXin I came off a double on my KX and pulled some neck muscles.. Took like forever to get over the stiff neck and stuff.. Did some homework on comparing helmet weights and picked a super light weight hat - it was pricey cause it was along the time when Carbon Fiber was just getting started BUT,, WOW did that help!! Might think about doing the same for Eileen - it is amazing how much stress is removed from neck muscles just by dropping even a few ounces of weight on the lid... Thoughts and Prayers Up for you Eileen - that stiff/sore neck business is no fun!! Hope you heal and get feeling better soon sister!!
  18. FUN!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. If I fill the crankcase on my 1st Gens to full with oil they will aspirate oil and I will get stuff like that,,,, maybe check your oil and make sure your not to far above 1/2 up the sight window on oil. Check it cold with the scoot standing upright.
  20. I live in a rough neighborhood and like to take my parts stash with me so I can keep a close eye on it..
  21. and I have one for a MK1!!!!! Only mine is attached to my new my NOS bike that has now crossed the 80k mile break in mark I also have some NOS mirrors on that same scoot that has been busy here at our local "Bike Time" displaying lots of Harley's disappearing in em - making those mirrors durn near priceless :crackup::crackup: Sorry about yet another there Riv,,, been having a hard time controlling these fingers that the Doctors freed up
  22. because when I went to the Post Office to mail the hot dogs to you and they saw "To Raggy" on the label they and mumbled something about you being banned from crossing borders and receiving shipping orders. Something about being on some kind of a new "rebel watch list" .. Guess you will have to come to another MGnEM and pick up your package there, delivered by The Hot Dog Express!!
  23. Wayyyy cool - now THAT is AWESOME Riv!! :dancefool: Now you'll be able to listen to AZZI singing to you without those rude interruptions!!!
  24. cowpuc

    O.F. Club

    ,s lots and lots of ,s
  25. Noooo,, say its not so Dogman,, I wanted to come to Canada and see em
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