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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. Indeed my brother, Prayers Up!! We pray dear Lord for the hurting one, who although in your care. Terry's burdens are so heavy, it's truly hard to bear. When sickness brings us to the edge, causing us to wonder why. All we can do is bend our knee's, and pray You'll hear our cry. It seems this thing called cancer, has settled in our friend. We look to You for tender healing, as our knee's together bend. We also pray for Eileen's heart, your mercy do we seek. As our thoughts and prayers come to you, please honor the words we speak. Our prayers are with you - God Bless you folks! Puc n Tip
  2. +2 on TONS of excellent advice you got going thus far Matt. Before I add in a couple more things, wanna take a second and you to VR!! You certainly sound like our kind of lop eared varmint (please dont take offense to me calling you a lop eared varmint = just my way of acknowleging you as one of the gang ). Couple of other things to look out for: 1. The 83's came with a plastic waterpump impellar that liked to disenigrate. Replacement impellar is alum and well worth the invest. 2. They also had issues with the stator. Mom Yam updated the stator function with a splash plate and crank bolt with an oil orfice in it to add cooling. This is a must do if it hasnt been done yet. 3. Starter "drag" is common with them. GOOD battery's help. Lots of these lop eared's have updated to the newer 4 brush starter and upgraded cables and LOVE it. I have personally never had to do either but have found good results by just cleaning the brush dust from the armature inside my stock starters (amazing how much more effecient those little starters are when kept clean internally). 4. Pull the battery cover (fax tank cover) and take a good look at the fuse box. I am working on wearing out my 6th 83/84 and have yet to end up with OEM fuse box on any of them at retirement. There are box upgrades available or, just wiring in a series of GM type fuses works fine too. 5. Under the left side cover, on the frame rail you will find a 3 wire terminal that connects the 3 wires from the stator. That sucker has caused more problems than a skeeter infestation for a tent camper cause there is just to much happening there and to much exposure. I have tried upgrading to better terminals but have yet to find a better solution than "hard wiring" it, tossing the terminal. Never a problem with soldered and shrink tubed! 6. Even if you dont need new tires, pull the rear ax and grease the splines/drive hub pins. Make a mental note that you have the inner bearing collar in place when you put it back together. Make sure you mental note the washer position against the caliper stay and get it back in properly so the caliper isnt offset when you put it back together. 7. Pull the covers off the carb diaphrams. Pull the slides, check the diaphrams for pin holes/tears. Look closely where the diaphram meets the carb body. Yamabond #5 works the best (IMHO) for diaphram repair if your not into buying new. Gently slide the slides in and out and make sure they glide in and out with very little to NO resistance. Clean slide bores with carb cleaner and a rag if sticky. Fingers are getting tired, I am not normally so long winded.... You mention the "black box" with a broken window on your right bar. Sounds like the front brake master is what you might be speaking of. Probably best to just replace the master. Not even sure whether or not that "window" disc is replaceable. Personally I have the "standard" Venture to be an amazing scoot in its own right. I started out on a Royale but my other 5 have been standards and truthfully, about the only thing I REALLY miss about that original Blonde is the electronic cruise. Been living by an old motorcycling motto of mine = "less equals more" when it comes to maintaining my far riders, has served me well. Same token though, those Royales sure are purdy!! If it were me, I would do as already suggested, combine two into one - make a GOOD runner and either keep the parts for spares or part out what cha got left. Either way though, wishing you ALL the best in your project Matt!! Puc PS - got TONS of parts n pieces laying around here. Not able to wrench currently (medical nonsense, to many miles - wayyyy to much fun) to pull pieces and do shipping but, Lord willing and the creek dont rise, we get closer to spring and you still need pieces - might be able to help you out!!! Wish you were closer to West Michigan - you could come and clean this place up:missingtooth:
  3. and STICKERS,,, lots and lots of room on that sweetheart for gobs of stickers!!! Lookin GREAT there brother!! Rig like that with your scoot in the back, a cooler full of Hot Dogs, small grill and a hammock slung beside it = a GREAT way to escape the winter blahs!! Thanks for the pic!!!
  4. WOWZY that's NASTY .. All the best in getting full recovery Jack:fingers-crossed-emo!! Might wanna bore site it and make sure only the stock was damaged, sure would be a bummer to get it all restocked and bedded only to find out there are other issues. Purdy shootin iron, sure deserved better treatment!!
  5. I know on my 1st Gens they really dont care much for being over filled on an oil change. This would result in oil building up in the air box and ultimately result in a similar leak. No idea how the breather venting is set up on a 2nd Gen but it might not be a bad idea to see if you got a little to much oil in it. Also, maybe check the vent tubes and make sure they are all still attached. Also looks like its leaking from the stator side of scoot. Might check and see if the leak is above the clutch slave/forward bevel gear covers. If its not wet above that area - could be a gasket/o-ring has gone south under those covers.. Just a matter of tracking it back IMHO.. Bottom line - it only takes a few drops of oil to make a sizable splat on the floor!!!
  6. Now THATS what I'm talking about = just what the Doctor ordered Vaz = PERFECT!! Those 's warm the soul and melt the snow brother!
  7. WOWZY WOW WOW WOW,,, how time fly's!! Hi Ponch - GREAT to see/read your name here again brother!! As already mentioned many times over, you are FAR from forgotten my friend!! You get a chance and are able to do so, IMHO, you should take full advantage of the life time membership Freebird has assigned you and get in here and :stickpoke: some of these lop eared varmints when your able!!! Puc PS - THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS BOSS!! Made my day!!!
  8. Sounds like a BLAST Rodney!!:thumbsup: Something tells me if ya "put in" somewhere down near Roswell ya should be good to go. I know that east/west line from Flag to Santa Fe can get it pretty bad with winter weather but south of that line, out of the way of the Rocky Mountain snow drifts, is good ol fashion dry heat desert riding and AWESOME stuff!! Personally, I would put in in south NM and stay south.. Maybe ride over and harass that VideoArizona feller on my way to "The Slabs" (google that one brother - pretty cool place in California to hang out while waiting for the snow to melt).. Regardless,, hope ya stay safe and have a BLAST out there!! ,,,, gonna be looking for some winter fun motorcycling 's = ye be warned!!
  9. Tweeks, Tip and I LOVE Big Bend!!!!! Thank you for posting this up Aharbi - RIP Singing Man!!!
  10. Also love em enough that us Hot Dog lovers wont take no for an answer!! This was a Hot Dog Meat n Eat where my helpers didnt show up so we had to Macgiver the outing.. HOT DOGS FOR EVERYONE lived on that day too!!
  11. Oh yeahhh,,,, this world would be a lot better place and a ton more fun if there were just more 1/4 pound, all Beef Hot Dogs available!! HOT DOGS FOR EVERYONE SNYPE!!
  12. Yeppers Goldie,, maybe take a quick read here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?12536-Stranded-with-brakes-sticking-and-heating-up-Read-this That Marcarl might be on to something!!
  13. It was an honest oppps by my brother DanL',, the White Washer's programming got bounced back to factory default and is currently stuck in that mode. Could of happened to anyone working in the dark cause he didnt know where the light switch was.. Personally,, I am just thankful that the bucket of "high temp snow mix" that Fool has been working on didnt get knocked over in the process - not sure if my Hot Dog staff would even show up if the ground was white:scared:
  14. Bum, Fool's Wisconsin White Washer is stuck in it's factory default setting's which, in it's original form, primary target is the south west shoreline of Michigan - +14 inches of powder and still counting. You folks should have a good path following that route but bring warm clothes just in case Milwaukee gets hit by an electrical spike that alternates the programming. Bottom line brother = HAVE A SAFE, FUN TIME DOWN THERE CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS!!! @bj66,,,,, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR:cold:!!!!
  15. I often thought about our FB page taking away from our site here too - always enjoyed the "everyone in one spot" aspect of the original VR site here. Personally, I am not able to be online as much as I used to be so, with limited time, it's nice to be able to have all the apples in one basket BUT - my kids hang out on FB and Tippy is able to stalk them there when she needs a mommy feed so I can TOTALLY understand FB's +++++ points to a lot of people. IMHO, lots and lots of goodness out there in our modern social media day and age!!!
  16. On the list Boss - THANK YOU for posting this!! Prayers Up!!!!!
  17. I knew it,, I JUST KNEW IT!!! How did I know it? A foot of fresh snow told me so!! Reminds me of the first time Fool fired up the White Washer so I am guessing that somehow the Programmable Controller somehow got bumped, rebooted and defaulted to its Flyingfool Factory settings (aimed right at west Michigan).. Dag nabbit Jeff - ya gotta get some lighting in that shed - not all of us have that lop eared varmint night vision like yours so we can see what we are doing in the dark - let alone the snow blindness happens when that infernal snoper charger cycles (VR is a cycle site = had to get that in there somewhere to stay out of trouble) on!!!!!
  18. to VR Dude!!! Congrats on the new scoot and all the very best as you sort it out (with our help when needed) and make it your own!! Would LOVE to see some pics of your journey to do so if your so inclined!! Got a few lop eared varmints around this joint who LOVE looking at pictures so dont be hesitant to post em:big-grin-emoticon: Hope you enjoy the site!!!
  19. Nothing comes right mind bro,,, only thing I can think of is that in your loving efforts to shut down The Wisconsin White Washer while Fool was in the Hospital is that the Programmable Controller, lost all the eastern states programming Fool was working on, went back to Default (West Michigan, mainly Muskegon Lakeshore) on reboot and that resulted in a foot of fresh snow here but hey,, that aint your fault DanL and keep up the winter time :stirthepot::stirthepot: MY FRIEND!!
  20. +1
  21. Pat er on the fairing and stare at the stickers when I walk by her to crank up the Blower. Maybe Start er up every couple months, let er warm to temp and shut er off..
  22. Hopefully the 2017 ride season will find us all sharing Hot Dogs up in the U.P.. If that happens, you could bring that precious wife of yours back across the Mighty Mack, introduce her to the crew - share a few Dogs with her and see if we can't `change that eye roll into a great big when she see's your lop ear varmint riding buddies in the future Brat!!!
  23. :thumbsup: OUTSTANDING JFMAN and THANK YOU!! Hanging right there with ya:biker: thru thick n thin - enjoying every twist n bend brother!! FANTASTIC trail tale!!!
  24. One man's loss is another man's gain - IMHO, who ever tiddled with the White Washer got er just about perfect = cold here but just a slight dusting of Fool's White Gold !! No need to hurry anything Jeff,, just sit in the house - get a real good full recovery on your Hernia surgery and let the flakes fall where they will:stirthepot:.
  25. YEEEE OUCHY!!!! Sorry to read this Bongo,, Prayers Up brother!! IMHO, Gotta be careful in getting it checked out - that x-ray suggestion from Fool sounds like a good one to me, but - it might take an MRI and a good Neuro guy to find it if ya did bone damage. Twisted my back up bad enough back in 03 that it busted up the facia joints and misaligned L5. Was usable with slight pain at bend over like your talking about, still not right though so went to ER about a week later. They took x-rays - found nothing. Went thru a bunch of physical therapy including the "Stretcher" where they pull the spine apart to relax it. Helped a little.. Couple months later started going numb from the waste down. Ended up in a wheel chair. 4 months and I was in the hands of a Neuro Surgeon. He ordered an MRI, found the busted bone fragments on the MRI. Ended up with rods and saddles and had to have a fusion cause those alignment joints were gone. Said I was fortunate cause the fragments hadnt scraped the nerve bundles. Had to spend a year in a clam shell. Got me out of the wheelchair and back on my feet just fine but still have occasional bouts of burning down my legs. Seems like if a person injured the spine higher up the nerve bundles that activate the diaphram could be affected in a similar way - maybe up in the "T" section of verts? Also have heard of folks going thru broken rib recovery that had similar pains (cant even imagine what Yammer Dan went thru with the "Flailed Chest" - brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it) - seems like those would show up on an x-ray or MRI too. Bottom line brother - sounds like you are on top of it, heading into the Doctor and all to at least get it checked out. Hoping and Praying all works out for a complete and speedy recovery good buddy!!!
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