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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. So,, my buddy who is a hard core HD guy and really good friend is also a Trucker... Was down there yesterday supervising a project he had going involving adding some support to some floor joists - not bike related so I will stop there.. While I was busy showing em the best way to smear glue on a 2x8 he was busy telling me how crazy I am for "riding that beat up old Yamaha with a headlight that has a similar out put as my brain" - then he mentioned something about "6 watts"... Being very familiar with his '10 Ultra Limited that I helped him build the motor in I know for a fact he has LED's in it.. Considering this, I made comment that, ok,, his bike may have slightly better lighting than my 1st Gen BUT - I could probably buy 6 MK1's for what he had in his HD lighting.. He said,,, not soo kokomo - I bought Trucker Lites for my HD - their NOT OEM.. After calling him a "cheap so n so" and cleaning off my glue covered hands on his HD shirt - he asked about my Yam lights.. Told him everything I knew - which aint much.. He said - sounds to me like my Semi headlights would set right in the old girl and WOWZY - are they awesome = actually the same light as in his bike only rectangular instead of round.. He suggested we pull a headlight out of his truck and plug er into my scoot when he gets it home.. Sounds like fun.. Got to thinking about that dorky Reserve Power Unit.. We briefly yakked about it and came to the conclusion that even if it didnt work properly without doing a bunch of snipping, jumpering, and all that - we could probably plug the light in without letting the smoke out of something somewhere.. What do think bongobobny , Flyinfool , yamagrl or anyone else with something to say.. Be kinda cool to ride at night and not feel like I am wearing a blind fold..
  2. Not "was" brother,, "is",,, it IS on that shirt = wearing it with PRIDE too!!!!
  3. Well, I owe all you participants an apology - here's what happened.. After putting up this thread - Tip and I decided to make a quick ride on Tweeks around the lake.. Nice day,, lost track of time,, Tip says its 4:30 and we HAVE to got to the VFW for Burgers.. Was wearing my West by God International shirt... Pulled into the lot - all my neighbors are there carrying two birthday cake boxes.. Even some friends from Holland showed up (Holland Mi, not the one over there with the windmills and people dancing in wooden shoes).. Knew I had been had!! Pay backs Tippy - PAY BACKS!! Had a GREAT time!! People LOVED my shirt - my buddies said the little guy on the back holding the bango that Roller or one of the VR International attenders had written "Picker Puc" on looked just like me = very befitting!! Never made it home to change shirts in honor of how you all voted (was suppose to wear the St. Judes shirt) = soo sorry!! Also, no camera so now I gotta live with myself after all the :stickpoke::stickpoke::stickpoke: business I give you varmints for doing the same thing = woe is me!! As a way of beggin your forgiveness - I would like to PERSONALLY invite each of you to join us for a Hot Dog,, coming to a Puc's Meet - Greet and Eat Meat VERY soon!! Just keep your eyes peeled on the Water Hole for Date/Time/Location and show up - FREE ALL YOU CAN EAT DOGS, POPS, CHIPS and LOTS of other stuff!! ,, 62,,,,, I like it ,, I can forget stuff and now I have an excuse
  4. I would have Skidder but I think those young chicks they got cooking in the back room at our VFW would not have gotten any cooking done cause they would have been to busy checking out my handsome physique and a mans gotta EAT!!!!
  5. Second thought - looking at that diagram that our buddy Wild Man Joe provided and reading his post - I can see his point - definitely could be driver for oil pump.. Maybe spin the shaft its mounted on to make sure the oil pumped aint locked up before replacing it.. Good grief I love this place!!!
  6. My guess would be idler associated with the waterpump just by its location.. If I am correct, it might not be a bad idea to check the waterpump impellar for snagging up...
  7. AWESOME and THANK YOU for the invite Bill - keep your eyes peeled,, if ya ever see a beat up old stickered covered MK1 parked at the end of your driveway with a blue Menards tent leaning against PLEASE dont call the cops - just know that Tip, Tweeks and I decided to take ya up on your offer Really brother = GOOD thread - you folks have fun down there this summer!! You and your gang ever get up this way - keep your toes in the Water Hole here and if you see a Hot Dog meet n greet that ya'll could make = be GLAD to have ya!! Got PLENTY of room for camping here too if ya come in a group!!
  8. If it was mine, was not covered under warranty so I could just ride into a Yam shop and tell em to fix the dog gone thing,, I would start my diagnostic process by checking the shock for leakage and then take some WD or something similar and bathe the swing arm and shock linkage joints really well anywhere there is an opening = bounce on it and hit er again with the lube.. Have done so many times and always able to get a change out of it if its swingarm related doing so.. Wont last long but definitely works for locating squeeks..
  9. GOOD EYE there Bongo - I DEFINITELY will correct that in Part 2 and will point out the fact that you caught it = might wanna keep your eye open for the next installment.. Heyyy,, was just interviewing a perspective new employee - going over his resume over on another thread (see Rollers retirement thread).. Going thru paperwork here,, any chance you would be interested in an Editors position? Pays in all Beef Hot Dogs - think about it and let me know = I LOVE working with Bongo!!!
  10. OUTSTANDING BROTHER and CONGRATS!!!!! :thumbsup::clap2::dancefool: As far as what to do? Well,,,, I just started a new business for my retirement cause I got bored after 2 days - basically its a spin off of "Ride Like A Pro" and I named it "Ride Like A Geezer".. It appears that the series is gonna be a big hit and I am just starting the process of completing "Job Descriptions" for future employees.. I think you and I could really have something if we teamed up - :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: What do think Roller? You in?
  11. WOWZY - sounds like you are getting er all fixed up for future riding opportunities brother!! Prayers Up that all goes well Bubber!! Will do on the driving Mr. Nelson coo coo.. We will do our best,,,,,,, could be tricky without your presence but we shall try regardless..
  12. Hey Silv,, you got kids? If so, experience has taught me that in situations like this you will be fine as long as you dont let them kids know whats going on.. Something about offspring and them knowing their dad made a boo boo.. I got booted off Ebay for a year years ago for selling antique BB guns on there.. Somehow the kids found out about it and they been calling me names like "Gun Runner" ever since - warped sense of humor young people have today..
  13. Turning the big 62 is a big deal for me.. I am retiring:beer::biker::moped:,,,, ... After thinking about this new life ahead of me for the last couple of days (for as long as I have been 62) I got bored with retirement and decided to start a new business so I got something to keep me busy.. I like people, I have always LOVED motorcycles, I dont like to see people get hurt on those motorcycles, I remember hearing about the "Ride Like A Pro" series of training videos.. After having an epiphany about all the people those "Ride Like A Pro" fellers have helped PLUS knowing how RICH :mo money: (just cause I am retiring does not mean I am no longer a 100% pure bread CAPITALIST AMERICAN THRU AND THRU:Bunny:) they became by selling those videos I decided I will do something similar.. I spent an enormous amount of time putting together Part One of my new series "Ride Like A Geezer".. After calculating my investment - including the purchase of the trainer bike and what it cost me for help in recording this video (Tip dont work cheaply BUT - wayyyyyyy cheaper than getting a professional video person like @videoarizona involved) I figured if I could get $60 per viewing on this series I should about break even by the end of summer and be in the black by spring!! WOW - retirement is exhausting!!!! Now I am not sure I did the right thing!!
  14. PS @Drews - I knew you were referring to all those goodies as "the prize" - I just tweeked things enough to get a double ad going for our 2017 MG&EM - THANKS for the plug brother - I need all the help I can get to roust these lop eared never tried a Puc Dog varmints victims :fatsmiley: You da man Drews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. ORRR,,,, TAHHHH DAHHHHHHHH,, ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALMOST TIME TO KICK THE TIRES AND LIGHT THE FIRES - OPENING DAY OF MICHIGAN'S HOT DOG SEASON IS ALMOST HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Here's the scoop. Got a HUGE day happening here - it's Burger Night at our local VFW and I simply cannot figure out which shirt to wear.. If ya got a second and wouldnt mind -PLEASE .. Should I wear that which slowrollwv and gang set me up with from the International down yonder,,,, or should I wear this AWESOME St. Judes shirt that DragonRider sent me as my winnings from a VentureRider contest that I proved to be the smartest, best lookin, most intelligent, most handsome,,,, oh wait,, getting carried away in vanity - lets just say I won a contest... Dinners a 4:30 today so I sure hope a couple of you lop eared varmints get this in time.... Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help with the heavy decision making... Puc
  17. Shoooooot brother,,,,, those are junk tires.. Why,,, I betcha those things couldnt even make it to a Puc's Meet - Greet and Eat Meat up here in Michigan.... Think I'm goofy? Tell ya what,,, lets make a bet,,,, you climb on that gorgeous scoot with the junk tires - maybe even get DanL' to follow ya just in case - head this way for one of our MGnEM's - if ya make it with any tread left and I am wrong, I will buy ya all the 1/4 pound All Beef Dogs ya can eat - Dan too of course.. If I am right, and we end up putting new tires on it up here - I will let you use my tools and lift to swap em out while Dan and I lay on the slab out front watching ya while we sip Root Beer and eat left over Dogs and do full supervision.. Ya still get the all you can eat Dogs either way... You two trouble makers can bring the ladies along too if you like - got lots of space. If this sounds doable, try to grab a Meet n Greet during May/June.. Looking more and more feasible that Tip and I are gonna pull off a western CTFW to see my girls this year (last time out was '14 - wayyy to long) - aint getting any younger,, gonna do er while the doings good.. IF we are able = July/August are gonna get thin, mighty thin... Actually - some GOOD looking tires there brother - those E3 or E4 radials?
  18. WOW my dear friends Joyce and Larry - HAPPY GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY - YOU TWO ARE AMAZING and an inspiration to more people than you can possibly know!! Tip and I wish we were closer cause we would scoot over and :bighug:the both of you!!! Larry,, here is something I dont usually share - attached is my life song to Tip - we have been thru a lot too (ours is only a 37 marriage but I/we TOTALLY know about the ups and downs brother). Because the first verse of the song has "GOLD" in it - it will be very befitting for you to play it for Joyce.. Tell her something like - look what I found honey - says just how I feel about us - you two deserve every word!!!!! Tip sends her congrats AND love too!! Prayers Up for the Lords continued blessing on your marriage my brother and sister! Puc
  19. OUCHY OUCH OUCH OUCH!!! Been out of sorts for a bit Roller and totally missed this thread!! You got my thoughts and Prayers Up here brother - sorry to hear this happened and hope the healing process is going well!!!!! Puc
  20. My life is split into two distinct eras = WOS and WIG. During the Wrenching Out Side period I suffered many maladies including frozen fingers that could easily of shattered if bumped and taking my life in my own hands due to the instability of the any form of jack/jackstand with more than 20 pounds on it = dirt dont make for stable jacking.. Once I entered into the Wrenching Inside Garage period of my life I immediately realised what I had been missing - the true meaning of the word "bliss" was now part of my budding knowledge bank. However, soon after entering the WIG era I did begin to notice something rather strange - small attachment items like nuts, bolts, screws, snap rings and even fairly large items like brake pads and lug nuts began to grow minds of their own and disappear from duty for no apparent reason.. What was strange - and still is - is that during my WOS years, this was NEVER a problem.. Because my WIG period began at almost exactly the same time as the time in my life I became a married man I began to wonder.. My wife, Tippy, never spent much time in the garage under the family car with me so I finally drew the assumption that she was not borrowing these tiny items so, quite frankly - the idea that the disappearing items had something to do with married life never even crossed my mind again after that.. Later during the WIG period though I did finally put 2 and 2 together when I realised that, like you Mr. Nelson - my garage cleaniness was tied directly to those little parts going on holiday and, that Tip has NEVER, in all of our married life, had to tell me to clean the garage.. I have long since wondered if somewhere in the Womens Code Book (you guys never really thought WE were the only ones with a written code did ya?) there isnt a training program for small garage items - sort of one of those things that answer the question of "the mystery of marriage" that deeper thinkers talk about and probably answer one of the greatest questions out there for married men = why do they clean their garages?
  21. Doug,, if no one else has spoken up for the gasket I think I better do so.. I am still not sure if our new 83 has the stator update and I am gonna open it up - the gasket will be put to good use.. I'll PM you my home address - if the stuff has been spoken for - no problem and THANK YOU for the kind offer either way!! Puc
  22. ABSOLUTELY PERFECT RED = THANKS AGAIN FOR DOING THIS!!! Got er done and got the perfect spot picked out for Black Owls memorial patch on the scoot!!!
  23. Thats a good one Mike:thumbsup:.. Another one that will get cha is, if you have a reserve position on the petcock, cruising along, run out of fuel, reach down and flip er up on reserve and then forget to flip it back down on run when ya fill up.. Did you know that even those light weight old 650 Yams get really really heavy when you discover that you forgot to flip that little sucker back down and you reach down to put it on reserve again and your 7.3 miles from a gas station out in the Utah desert?
  24. I dont think so,, I would use it as a "primer" for the next good buy on another Venture - maybe even a V-Max.. I would tell Tippy about it - tell her,, yea - its a cool bike - be kind of fun to have but - thinking if I wait I can find one that I could steal parts off from in a pinch and all that.. You know the routine Ready - build your image of superior intelligence and staying power over financial temptations in her eyes.. Then when another Venture appears in the garage to strip down and make a bobber out of (or, better yet - a Max) - that sweet little wife will look at there and smile and say to herself - he deserves it.. Of course,, if ya do all that - your wayyyy out of my league - Tip's been thru it so many times now thru the years that she just smiles and enjoys living with a motorcycle maniac named Puc = those big Virago's were cool scoots..
  25. Heyyyy, what in the wild world of gypsy lifestyles ya doin down there Raggy?? AWESOME PICS BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like your having a BLAST!! Got me all giddy with goose bumps wishing I was,,,,,, oh,, never mind,, I'm not,,,, I'm still stuck here in the 40's - oh well,, at least one of us is LIVING IT UP!!! So,, you down there for some of Sarah's racing event stuff?? Hey,, bring back some sonshine for us will ya - its almost opening day of Hot Dog season here ya know WOW - NEAT PICS!!!!
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