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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. PERFECT!!!! Thanks again Doug for the gasket,, it is greatly appreciated - you da man!!!
  2. :scared:We got that two great minds thing happening Riv = I noticed that too and thought WOWZY WOW WOW WOW - looks like Mom Yam is actually,, finally and forever more gonna DO SOMETHING here!!! Got the ol hoping she noticed my wish list: """""1700cc V-4 "V-Max" motor.. Detune it if you must (just like before) but please,, dont do another V-Twin - got enough of em.. You guys can do it,, I KNOW YOU CAN!! Shaft drive! EFI with a tunable tuner - even if its an add on - please provide one so we can tune it!! LED lighting. Engine guarding and saddle bag guarding. Adjustable bars like on the first gen. Factory tank and windshield bags. Fixed Fairing. Get the same Doctors who advised you on constructing the seat of the 1st Gens (cant remember what you call those guys) to advise you on this one - my kids, wife and I LOVE what they did!! Keep the seat height difference between the rider and passenger no more than 3 inches (2 is great) - raising the passenger higher causes weight imbalance and makes slow speed riding harder. Ease of removal of the trunk(s) for changing rear tire. Center stand. Forward boards with normal foot pegs located rearward so standing up while riding is still possible, shift and brake levers at both locations (no heal toe please). Hand warmers. Key removable rear trunk and bags. Grease zerks on all main pivot points. High output stator even though it has LED's. Double check the gear sets in the tranny and make sure they ramp up solidly. Oversized clutch to insure NO slippage in high gears with xtra weight. 42 millimeter front fork tubes with progressive springs. Imbed reflective tape (or use reflective paint) in paint lines (like pin striping) so all profiles of bike light up when grazed by car lights. Add a large foot onto side stand - tired of bending over to pick up stand plate after parking on loose ground. Explore which tire sizes are the most common and build around those standards so tire choices and finding them are easy. Remember those long grips you used on the first gens? Use those, I love bending them back onto my knees. Enclose the motor well to keep ANY objectional heat off both riders BUT - use lots of venting with plenums to act as heaters when needed. Windshield it so the rear rider remains in the protective air pocket - functional vents in shield and fairing to adjust air movement if needed (hey,, could be asking for servo operated shield but I dont care for more things to go wrong). 6 speed Over drive tranny. Use GOOD solder, especially with ECU pins. QC the daylights out of it! DONT go cheap and trust the Chinese!! Dont short us on wire harness leads so wiring is tight - xtra 1/4 inch really helps!! Make fairing panels easy to remove but not so they fall off. Supply printable shop manual disc and printed well written owners manual. Supply GOOD factory tire pressure guage. Chrome is out for me, I LOVE dull stainless (like the pipes on the "New" V-Max),, matter of fact,, build mine with no rustable chrome and all dull stainless!! Intercom, CB and radio would be nice.. Keep the tape deck. OK, if you REALLY are reading this and you like what I am talking,, PLEASE make mine just a little faster in stock form than anyone elses.. Not that I would ever use the extra pazzaazz but I have buddies that I gotta compete with and just KNOWING I have the fastest one would be worth an extra grand to me"""" Cause if she did I am gonna ABSOLUTELY be first in line,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, at least for a test ride!!!!.. Fact is, Tip and I just bought a new Touring bike and it has endured itself to us (love ya Tweeksis).. The least we can do is hold off the purchasing our next new Tourer until this is one is wore out.. slowrollwv - hey Roller - THANKS A GIZILLION for sharing this - definitely exciting news to say the least!! it is what we all hope it is and not another one those "got cha" moments by Mom Yam!!!
  3. Ahhh ohh Ready - that little princess of of yours has got that "I love my daddy,,,,, pretty soon he and I are gonna climb on this great - big - beautiful motorcycle of OURS and we are gonna go CTFW,, sleeping in a tent, ride around Lake Michigan to have one of Grampa Puc's fine Hot Dogs and EVERYTHING - just you wait and see" look on her face!!!! What a darling Ready - you and your wife have been blessed beyond measure!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  4. :scared: How cool is that!!! :scared: I use to do a fair amount of helping to control nusaince critters with a Bull Barreled .22 -.250,,, talk about a BLAST!!!!! This was back when ammo was plentiful and cheap.. Playing around with that sport led me into bumping into folks who took that "sport" pretty seriously and, later in that era of my life, I was told about hunters who were night stalking Coyote with squeakers and night vision scopes on their rifles - this ALWAYS sounded awesome to me!! Never got into it but, from what I was told - it was/is really different cause the Coyote "hunt" you - sort of an intriquing thought.. I am not sure if this is even still going on BUT = if it is,, I got a hunch that what I just described would be the FUNNEST way to Hog Hunt!!! Seriously Jeff - never knew there was wild hogs running around Michigan.. on a side note - I saw a thing not long ago about what they are doing to places like Texas (Florida too I think) = LOTS of damage!! I also saw this thing about how HUGE they get!! Some guy had one that,, again - from memory - weighed in at well over 1000 pounds - - now thats a LOT of Bacon!!! On another side note - did you know that your location is the Hog capital of the world? City slickers got hogs running all over the place!! Best not stick an arrow into one though brother - they may not all be Feral over there
  5. Gary, I picked up a 46 Indian Chief basket case a number of years ago - it came with a BUNCH of old parts that I sold off.. There was a tired old speedo off a real early harley in one of those boxes that I hung on the wall of my shop downstairs.. One day I was looking at parts for another HD I was building on and noticed this ad about early HD speedos and how to determine what they were.. Come to find out - that old beater speedo was only used for a year or two.. Got an idea, stuck it on Craigs for 650 bucks just to see what would happen,, never know right? 10 minutes after I stuck it on there I get an email - guy says "I'll take it" - with phone number.. I'm like - thats gotta be a scam.. Googled the number,, came back clean.. Called him - said he'd gladly Paypal me the cash or send a Money Order.. Asked who he was - a well known collector out in California named Todd who operates "Hunting Harley's" on Youtube - been watching his "show" for years - told him go ahead and Paypal it and I will stick the speedo in the mail.. He did and I did.. I asked him later how he found my ad so quickly.. Just like you he had some kind of app or software or something that constantly monitored Craigs for certain items he was looking for and called him or something when it got a hit - POOOOOF,,, instant hook up!! Worked AWESOME!!!
  6. Wowzy - your right Sky - that was deal!!! I shop alot too (being normal and of sound mind), lots of fun! Have seen more than one of our 2nd Gens listed for under 3 and always said to myself,,, "who would give away a perfectly good motorcycle"... It sure gives credence to that old saying "the market sets the prices" thats for sure!! Certainly makes no difference what KBB or the rest might or might not say does it...
  7. The slayin comes after the huntin em down.... LOL I can see it now,, coming home from a Meet - Greet and Eat Meat with our tummies full of yummy Hot Dogs and a 100 pound dead hog draped over my the Tent Rack on Tweeks back - stop at a light next to a local HD rider on his Ultra Limited - give em a nod and say = "just got my Hog today"...
  8. Aint picked up my Bow or Tree stand or Rifle since I broke my back back in 03 Jeff - was an avid Michigan Deer slayer to that point and never ever heard of or new what you speak.. Our old house bordered thousands of acres of state land (WHAT A RIOT) that I hunted, fished, snowmobiled, trail rode and on and on and I never did see no wild hog out there.. Also have tent camped and ridden the dirt bikes over our close to 2000 miles of legal trails across the State and snowmobiled the same - never seen no Razor Backs.. Also spent many many years hunting state and federal lands throughout my life - no hogs... I know you hunt "up north" and all that - you ever see em up there??? ,,,,, think I'll check this out,,,, I got me this little .22 that fits perfect Tweeks maintenance department - be fun to have it along to "plink" some anyway - maybe shoot a pig in the process if you dont have to have some kind of $200 special State pig killin license,,,,,, be just like our State to offer something like that for rev new (sell the license when there aint no critters).... Now ya got me wondering ya VARMINT!!! Puc The Pig Hunter
  9. ABSOLUTELY SILV!!!! ,, you and I have done enough touring in our lives that we both know that = THE BEST ADVENTURES OF ALL WHEN YOUR OUT CHASING THE FRONT WHEEL(S) ARE USUALLY FOUND IN THE SIDE TRIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crank er this here way brother!!!:dancefool::dancefool:
  10. Willie explains to us why we are good with hijackin each others threads..
  11. DanL' = whats a "Ramp"? Some kind of edible 'green? @yammer_Dan - I gotta get back down there so you can teach me what to pick and what not to pick when I get hungry!!
  12. If you can do it in a week your a better man than I am Snype - took a lot longer than that to live it
  13. OUTSTANDING!!!!!:clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: PLEASE try and get here before July - Tweeks, Tip and I are hoping to FINALLY get back on the road = CTFW back out west and visit the kids in Sacramento - last time out was '14 before my health went BOOM.. You folks are welcome ANYTIME but it would be great if we could be here too!! Got lots of space in my driveway, got a wash machine and dryer, showers and all that stuff.. Also got a State Park a mile down the road where we can empty holding tanks.. Would LOVE to set up a Meet - Greet and Eat Meat while your here - give ya Star Billing and all that - maybe even have some other VR lop eared varmints who would want to come out and play PLUS - there's always the endless Hot Dogs if ya come for a Meet - Greet and Eat Meat!! Just click on the Members Map - find my balloon right on the west side of Michigan on the lake shore - click on it and BOOM - theres me house !! Man I love this place,,, and its people,,,, and motorcycles,,, and Hot Dogs,,,, wow I LOVE Hot Dogs!!
  14. Thanks a gizzlion Rand,, I always wondered why my MK1's got such lousy mpg's when touring the west and I think you may have nailed it!!
  15. ,,,, BEEEAUTIFUL SIR BONGO - JUST BEAUTIFUL!!! Brought tears to my eyes watching that - you put the vid together Bob? Who ever did did a REALLY great job - farrr beyond my capibilities - THANK YOU to whoever did that and thanks for hooking me/us up Bongo!!!!!! By the way Bob - LOVE your scoot - that the one that you triked?
  16. Awe,, just noticed this @SilvrT = absolutely NO worries my friend!! I know exactly how you feel brother, have lost a fair amount of data over the years myself and it aint never fun... Tell ya what,,, put that great big smile back on your face - remember to take lots of pics on your southern trip this year - come back and tell us all about it and include some pictures and we'll call er even!!!
  17. mmmmmmmmm,,, mmm,, Hey bro,, I watched a youtube vid with some Texan huntin wild hogs down there.. Guy sits in his back yard in a stand with a .22 rifle and night vision scope. ! lone shot right in the temple - great big 600 lb hog falls over like ya hit em with a 7 mag.. Stone dead.. I looked at Tip and said - I wonder if their eating those pork chops:178:.. Sure enough,, next thing ya know that Texan is rubbin down a slab with some kind of family rub reciepe and dropping hog meat into the skillet -had me headin for texas brother!!!
  18. yep - those triumph's are way cool.. Personally I really like the looks and attitude of the Rocket 3.. Just something about that big ol 3 cylinder motor sitting in line with the frame of the bike that speaks to me.. Sort of like the old 4 cylinder Indians of yesteryear = wayyyy cool IMHO.. Only problem is, Triumph is kind of like Beemer IHMO - to much off mainstream and easy to create a scenario where I would be broke down with a snapped clutch cable somewhere out in Montana and some smarty pants at the only Triumph shop in the state would want 700 bucks for the part... Been there and dont care to give em another shot at me.. How about something like a Suki V-Strom... Got a bud that bought his 1000 cheap and had it all over the country.. He uses those ammo box looking bags - kind of cool really - and wow are they sturdy.. Bike FLYS and gets super mileage... Not sure,,, those might even be shaft drive,,,, take that back - think they are chain drive = nice cause you can gear em to your liking cheaply with primary shaft sprocket = 1 up or down makes a HUGE difference.. Think @eagleeye grabbed a 650 Strom not long ago - he stopped by here with it stuffed in his truck to show it to me on his way home from picking it up.. Might ask him how he likes it if your interested in going that route... LOTS of cool choices out there for sure..
  19. You will Silv,,,, fried chicken, mashed taters n gravey, collard greens with a little butter on em,,,,,,,, sunny side up eggs, fried ham with sour dough bread and a bowl of grits for breakfast,,,,,,,, just stay away from the boiled peanuts and you will be fine...
  20. I can attest, some of these lop eared road captain varmints use their CB's during group rides - they even put em PA so all can hear whats happening (check out attached Vid - about .40 into it is where the yakking begins). Personally I like to just stand up and yell cause I aint had a CB since my 1st Venture back in '87 (was a Royale - its where those dandy Blonde side covers came from on Tweeksis).. Oh yea,, all set on my Wall Drug sticker Casey - I actually love the joint cause I love Cowboy history and the Back Yard area where the Dinasour comes after ya has always displayed some of the best early day photos known to man.. When you and I finally hook up IRL - PLEASE take a second to sign Tweeks Wall Drug sticker - dont let me forget to ask you to - also, I always keep a permanent marker in the left side of her tank bag - help yourself if I aint around.. Got an idea that may boost your MPG - may even give ya HUGE braggin rights.. Tweeks/Tip and I are really into coasting down mountains.. Iron Mountain road has some awesome coast time, so does from the top of needles hwy where ya go thru the narrow tunnel down to Sylvan lake... Fill up in Keystone,, ride that loop doing as much coasting as possible and then fill up again down past the Lake and I bet you might see 100 mpg plus - then come on here and :witch_brew::witch_brew::witch_brew::stickpoke::stickpoke::stickpoke: with these varmints who think they get good mileage:fishin: Casey,, I gotta question for you,,, you ever check out the ICBM site over near Rapid City? Tip and I have always wondered about that - have heard they do public tours down into the hole? Always thought that would be fun.. On a bigger note though, I was yakking with a couple of like minded desert rats one time who were telling me about abandoned ICBM sites and exploring them - any thoughts? You dont know any folks over in Draper do you? Name of Mitch Campeu ring a bell by any chance? Guy stopped to check on me one trip out on an old 750 Honda chopper I built and didnt get the line leading to the oil bag on over the nub - line got hot - dropped off and pumped all its oil onto the frontage road running along side 90 over by Murdo.. Locked er up tighter than a well point in clay pan.. Mitch stopped and offered to let me store it in his barn for as long as I needed to to get back with a trailer, didnt need to cause I was able to free the motor up by rocking it in gear after she cooled down (smudged some rings in on #3 but those even unstuck after 500 hundred miles or so - got lucky on that one).. Any way,, great folks out there - thought we might know some of the same people cause SD aint got a huge population - like NYC or similar.. Here's that vid of some of these varmints using their CB's:
  21. :scared:Fiddy bucks = OUTSTANDING!!!!! My kinda,, YEEEEHAWWWWW - LOOK TIPPY - 50 BUCKS AND WE ARE RIDING FOR ANOTHER 250K deal!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: ,, to get to your question,,, no, unfortuneatly our scoots dont employ a bendix in the starter system - Mom Yam tried that in the Virago line and it didnt fair very well.. Godlover, with our bikes and the V-max (probably others too) Yamaha went with a starter clutch system. Basically your starter has a spline on the end of its armature shaft, that spline drives a couple idler gears which mate with a large gear which spins inside of,,,, easier to show you = heres a link to it: http://www.partzilla.com/parts/search/Yamaha/Motorcycle/1989/VENTURE+ROYALE+-+XVZ13DW/STARTER+CLUTCH/parts.html If it was mine I would start the repair by pulling the stator cover like I was putting a new stator in it.. I might be an idler but more likely the clutch (starter clutch) assembly. Prepare to do battle with flywheel removal if thats the case - that will be the funnest part of the journey IMHO.. GOOD FIND and God bless in the repair journey!! Puc
  22. One with a King Bed: https://madison.craigslist.org/mcy/6072114250.html Raggy,, go to Adhuntr.com ,, http://www.adhuntr.com/p/results.html?ie=UTF-8&q=motorcycle+camper&x=53&y=14&min=&max=&l=all&c=all&t=&p= Adhuntr is a search engine for all of Craigslist.. The above is a search for Motorcycle Camper.. You can change parameters just like googling or what ever.. Its a really powerful tool when looking for stuff.. Hope this helps brother!! Puc
  23. ,, this ones even got the Air unit with it!! https://semo.craigslist.org/rvs/6063983510.html Missouri's not that far away...
  24. Brother I wish I could!! That dish you posted had me droolin like you cant imagine!! Years ago I managed this manufacturing plant in Grand Rapids Mi and we had a lady there that was from down yonder... Definitely a magnificent cook right straight out of Louisiana.. Every 1st Friday of the Month we would have a plant wide smorgasboard pot luck dinner and she would, at times, bring in this dish she made using Crawdad and some kind of red sauce on it - OH MY ENDLESS GLORY - that stuff was OUT OF THIS WORLD!! I also made sure I was out of my office and waiting for her at the entrance door when she came in on those Fridays just to see what she was toting,,, didnt wanna be late for dinner if she was carrying crawdad jumbo or what ever it was called!!!
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