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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. IT JUST DONT GET NO BETTER THAN THAT TOOCH!!!!! TIP OF THE HAT TO THE LADY ON THE GORGEOUS HARLEY AND DOUBLE :thumbsup: TO THE BROTHER/SISTER TOURING TEAM!!!! PS = love your new scoot Dave,, that one of those V-4's that has the engine setting with the crankshaft output pointing toward the back wheel? If so, how do ya like it? Any sensation of engine torque rotation as you rev it like is always mentioned about the Triumph Rocket 3's? If its the bike I am thinking of, I saw one last time I was in town looking at scoots = neat bikes!!
  2. I am 100% dittoing with Raggy - never did see nuttin like that before = AWESOME DRAGONSLAYER = CONGRATSSSSS!! PS brother = first thing that popped into my mind when I saw it was that all it needs is a motor = be fun riding the Dragon on that puppy with V-4 pushing it!!
  3. Dont be skeerd,,, go ahead,,, vote your conscience but remember = Mom Yam could still be watching!!!!!!!!!!
  4. let this be a lesson to you bunch of lop eared varmints = if your gonna make a Poll you have no more than 10 minutes after you click on submit thread to decide on what your gonna put in the poll questions and type em in.. If you dont get em submitted before 10 minutes you will find yourself typing a message like this one... Sucks bein a new geezer with bent up ol hands that dont type like they used to.... Plus havin a beaner that dont bean like it used to... Gonna have to improvise and do the copy/paste thing,,, good thing I took puter lesson's many years ago!! Nah nah Don = thought ya had me didnt cha!! PS - if you wanna vote = try the other thread that looks like this thread!! PS PS - Bonanza just came on the boob tube - that Bonanza song they are playing will be PERFECT for helping me get the new thread done within 10 minutes!!!:guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2::guitarist 2:
  5. Dont be skeerd,,, go ahead,,, vote your conscience but remember = Mom Yam could still be watching!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Well brother,, your idea was up all day yesterday and no one - including you - followed up on your worthy suggestion soooooooooooooo,,, take a peek in the Water Hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:witch_brew:
  7. When I look at that Journey Further saying with the funny looking "V" shape below the "O" as mentioned by someone earlier in this saga I see = "V"-"FUR"!! Cant get it out of my mind,,, V-Fur,, V-Fur,,,,, V-Fur,,,,,,,,, only one cure for a guy who keeps seein V-Fur,,,, its more V-Fur's!!!!!!!
  8. Just so he could come here and harrass,,, I mean share all this really good stuff with the rest of us lop eared Venture ridin varmints!!!
  9. Back at cha Sky!! Remembering that Shrimp story thingy goin on and on on Forest Gump???,,,,,,, I could EASILY do the same thing about bacon brother!!!!! Probably even have a longer list!! I even like my Bacon wrapped in Bacon - YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. :scratchchin::scratchchin:Well,,, thanks for FINALLY sharing that little tid bit of info with us there Raggy :rasberry::rasberry:
  11. Exactly - THAT is what I am counting on!!!!! I got these high hopes that they read jfman 's transcontinental dual sport ride report on his 1st Gen Venture and FINALLY realized how adequate our MK1's really are and BINGO,,,, the new detuned 1700cc Vmax motored - fixed fairing Venture dual sport transcontinental touring bike is born!! COME ONNNNNN 5 JUNE!!!!
  12. Do you mean Lake George for the unveiling Snype? I wanna go really bad = I just got this overwhelming gut feeling that Mom Yam is fixing to actually turn the touring world on its nose and I wanna be there when she does.. Seen it before,, Mono Shock - TZ road racers - V-Maxes and of course the 1st Gens...
  13. cowpuc

    Gas Cans

    I really miss the old days of free flowing fuel spouts too Don.. Seems like life was a lot simpler back then... I will say this about these new nozzled outfits - they do come in handy and are well worth the money at the right moment in time.. The little 2 gallon outfit with the modern spicket, like I assume your talking about, in the vid below was sure a blessing after exploring the outer limits of Area 51. And cost wise,, it was only 22 dollars more than Dans 10 dollar can and it come from the ONLY gas station out there at the start of the terrestrial highway = definitely a steal if ya dont like crossing the desert on foot..
  14. WOWZY WOW WOW WOW and OUCHY OUCH OUCH OUCH - indeed Ricks,, YOU are one blessed biker!!! VERY glad your wife was not on with you = brother,,, that looks/sounds HORRIBLE!! THANK GOD you made it my friend!! Prayers Up for a complete recovery!! Puc PS - if you get a chance to take a peek,, it would be EXTREMELY interesting to know what in the world happened to cause such a thing.. Hopefully this isnt another one of those tire delamination deals...
  15. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW - wish I was riding/camping/dodging rain drips right beside em too Red!!!!! DEFINITELY a son to be proud of right there brother = YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWW!!!!!! :thumbsup: PS - he probably already knows this but tell em ol Puc says the key to staying dry and not needing rain gear on a bike is to speed up in the rain!! Personally - riding rain is the one of the only places I prefer Ick-spressway travel = +85 = bone dry!!
  16. Judging from the size and apparent I.D. of the muff's - I am thinking definitely V-4 and - from the placement of the headers,, a very good chance of it being boosted.. Mom Yam fooled with boosting back a number of years ago - remembering the 650.. I have always thought all engines should be boosted as its the most effecient way to gain horse power = because its using exhaust pressure to spool up the turbo = its actually free power!! Lots of the car companies are catching on to this - some even using twin turbos to gain both torque and hp... Could be interesting......... So,, I will ask again,, anybody thinking of going to the unveiling?
  17. WOWZY!! If you do and the head of the wicked witch of the northeast stickin out from under your house is a bald one with grey hair on its sides you will know that your not in Oz brother!! Seriously though Snype - Prayers Up for you folks down yonder!!!!!!
  18. Pull one off the scoot that looks like it will fit = probably will have a "10 mm" hex head on it making it a 6 mm bolt. Pull one from somewhere with a 10mm socket.. Stick er in there and see if she'll screw in.. Once you find one that will screw in so you have the diameter and tread pitch - take a measurement on the width of the shifter where the bolt has gotta go.. Probably be 20 or 25mm/3/4 to an inch in length. Dont have to be exact on the length.. Now go down to your local Ace Hardware - take the bolt that screwed in with ya. Tell the kid standing there talking to the pretty girl running the till that you need a metric bolt, perferably in stainless, and your buddy told you that Ace would have one.. Depending on how close he is to getting a date with that young lady - he will probably walk over to the bolt drawers and have ya a new one quicker than a 2nd Gen on Nitrous... Or,, come up here for a Hot Dog, after we're done eating we can dig thru my bolt box in the man cave and find ya a few of em..
  19. Pull the boat out to the stream and leave it pointing here. Put your Venture on her center stand, spoon a paddle tire to her rear. Then place the bike in the back of the ship with her backside hangin low. Now start er up and stick er in 5th, now you wont have to row....
  20. OUTSTANDING SISTER!!! THANK YOU!!! We are still hoping and praying for the health and stamina to get in another western tour out to our girls this summer as noted earlier.. As the time draws closer - hopefully we can all hook up somewhere along the trail = WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU FOLKS!!! Either way,, I hope you both have nothing but the GREATEST journey possible!! Love ya both!! Puc
  21. NO,, no no no,, say it aint sooo Reiny,, no no,, not good brother... Actually I TOTALLY get it brother but,, I still dont have to like it,, nooo.. Always remember my friend - you dont have to have a motorcycle to hang out here AND = you CERTAINLY dont have to have one to scoot over and do a Pucs Meet - Greet and Eat Meat either = WELCOME anytime,rain or shine!!!!! Complete sadness,, think Tip n I will go for a putt around the hood on our Mopeds to cheer up (come on over - I will ride Tips and you can ride mine = smiles are GUARENTEED!!!) All the VERY best in your sale my friend!!
  22. AHHH WELL ITS ONE FOR DA MONEY,, 2 FOR DA SHOW,, 3 TO GET READY ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, spared NO expense :mo money:= Look closely at the very last pic that MiRider posted - that would be Elvis IN PERSON!!!!!!!:dancefool::dancefool: Hopefully MANY more to come if ya wanna join us Snype!!! Thanks Rick and right back at cha brother = sure is nice to be back at it some what aint it??!!! Glad to hear your doing better too - them tuners aint nothing to fool with my friend!! You end up with a pacemaker? Yours one with the built in defiberlator that will shock ya out of the blue? Definitely feeling MUCH better without that nasty grape fruit size tumor thingy suckin the life out of me, my pacemaker/tuner (not the shocker type) is doing AWESOME too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last check I am using it @70% of the time so its DEFINITELY doing its thing!! Now we GOTTA get together for a Hot Dog and compare scars - I beginning to feel like the bionic man,,, only LOTS slower and weaker :Laugh: Heyyyy mirider - THANK YOU again for having my back with the follow up pics and stories - GREATLY APPRECIATED BROTHER!! That gorgeous HD Trike named Candy has got a superdupericillyoscious road master I tell ya!! You and Drews gotta both know all went well with my hospital stay today - looked pretty good in there - will know more in a couple weeks.. Drews - keep an eye out about the trip over to the unveiling. Be FUN to pull that off!! ******* Anybody else thinking of doing the unveiling IRL? Be a REAL shame if this was for real and we missed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. GOOD EYE BROTHER:thumbsup:!! Folks should take a really really close look at what Mabe is talking about = grab a magnifying glass - that is DEFINITELY the good ole Venture symbol most of us ADORE = YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWWWWW I think its gonna happen!! Just had another procedure done today,, didnt know how I would be feeling afterwards but doing ok.. REALLY considering hopping over to Lake George NY for the unveiling on the 5th (still dependant on health) - have done several unveils in the past (most recent Daytona for Indian engine and Sturgis for the bike in '13) and ALWAYS fun to participate. Looks like a straight shot across Mi, Canada - thru Niagra falls and over to Lake George.. Ride appears to be about 12 hours. 16 hour days in the saddle use to be average for us BUT = still having issues with tiredness hitting pretty hard at indiscriminate times - thinking leaving Sunday - drop tent along the route about half way (6 hour ride = lunch break ride for most of you lop eared varmints) - easily make Lake George by 7 pm Monday the 5th.. This could be history in the making - gotta go if at all possible!!
  24. HOPE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE OK BROTHER!!!! Prayers Up for ALL involved down there!!!! Tip, Tweeks and I say: folks can say allllllllllllll that want about living next door to that sneaky @FlyingFool and his infamous Wisconsin White Washer but when it comes to this kind of stuff - cleaning up 10 feet of powder is nothing!!! Our hearts go out to ALL those affected by the storms down there!!
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