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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. TOTALLY trackin here bro - not that I am still not TOTALLY numb cause I wanted that new bike to be another V-Maxerized Venture sooooooooo badly that I went all the way to NY cause I couldnt wait to see the amaz,,,, never mind,, didnt happen,, oh well... Anyway, INDEED Vaz - you lop eared varmint - you are on the right trail - endless possibilities there are.. IMHO - one of the things that could be done is creating an "oil jacket" around the bore of the jug - just like the jacket on a water cooled scoot. Then pump oil around it.. Do the same with the heads.. Flow the oil out to cool say inside of a well built heat sync aluminum swing arm. Dry sump that lady.. Have more than one oil pump - one just for cooling purposes just like a water pump system.. In all honesty,, I wish I would have kept my emotions in check at the unveiling = once I heard a "V-Twin" speak I really did say "Ohhhh POOP" out loud and my pea sized brain checked out as far as this new scoot went - no interest.. Wish I would of held myself in check and cornered those Mom Yam guys standing there for some REAL 1st class interviewing.. My bad,,,,,, to much passion got in the way of common sense.. Cant say it wont happen again cause I,, I got a flaw in my character about being passionate about what Mom Yam did with these V-4's BUT - I AM gonna check these new ones out even further now that I am gaining control of my Venture fantasy..
  2. Hey Camos - PLEASE dont take offense to this,, I KNOW it probably dont sound correct but - from my perspective as a U.S. Citizen = when you mention "gun control" to a person like me - you are simply saying "practicing with your firearm enough to hit a 2 inch bullseye consistently from 200 yards"..
  3. I think there is great wisdom in what is said here - let us folks of the U.S. figure out what we are gonna do - frankly, THATS the way it should be.. I do however see wholesomeness in what Camos is saying too.. Letting bad guys run rampant aint a good thing - there are ways for us to have our cake and eat it too IMHO. I have personally been back ground checked many many times over in my life - I subbed as a teacher in our local school system a few years ago - WHAT A HOOT - 8th grade english = OUCH,, 4th graders - YAAA HOOO = background check MANDITORY as it should be. Of course gun ownership.. Then Tip and I chose to get "Enhanced Drivers Licenses" in lieu of doing the pass port thing to travel in and out of Canada (which we LOVE to do by the way - the Canadian people and their chosen way of life make the BEST neighbors possible IMHO - different but very complimentary of our own way of life and fun to visit). Something occurred to me a long time ago - back when I first got this Enhanced D.L.. Why do we, as Citizens of the U.S. need to have duplicate back ground checks done over and over.. Why dont we have a complete background check done anytime a Drivers License is issued and have all D.L.'s be "Enhanced"? Our D.L.'s could then serve the entire spectrum of allowing us to drive cars (considered a weapon of mass destruction by many), purchase firearms, cross borders with neighboring countries and so on = all with our D.L.. Another point,, why do we need a ruling class per say? Seems like "we the people" could electronically decide our destiny easier today than we ever could - open Congressional sessions with the ability for all U.S. Citizens to log in any time and cast their votes = at a minimum, have the Congressional voting streamed with open feedback displayed to them on how their constituents instruct their Reps to vote.. IMHO = LOTS can be done to change the way things have become, to return our way of life back to its rightful owners "we the people" and regain a sense of sanity.. After taking a few minutes and following some of the news about the shooting that the OP was referring to - one can only hope and pray that those changes take place sooner rather than later..
  4. A couple weeks ago, before the 3 of us headed out to tour the Adirondack Mountains and watch the unveiling, I spooned a brand new Kenda Challenger tire on Tweeksis's backside and ran just under 2300 miles on that trip.. I had paid 45 bucks for the tire from a local vendor and posted pics of it here in the water hole.. Someone noticed that posting and asked that I do a report of that tire as time went on.. This is in response to that request: The tire has a 4 ply nylon carcuss - sounds weak.. It does claim 77h for load rating - totally sufficient if correct.. Someone read and passed on to me that supposively the Challengers are not suppose to be used on heavy touring machines - a concern for sure.. Thus far I have learned that even with a decent balance - the tires need to be warm (hot is even better) to experience a good smooth ride at speeds above 90. Hot, the tire seems to be just fine at higher speeds - I am still of the opinion (take that with a grain of salt - always remember who's opinion your considering) that this is so because of the heavier than usual tread and nylon side walls.. The tire LOVES to sing - not real loud like a have worn Dunlop E2 when ya toss it into a corner but definitely a sweet little tone of a song. This too I have come to equate with its more agressive tread design.. That same tread design gives it some outstanding charactoristics in hard rains and wet roads. We happened across some really really hard rains in NY and Canada that afforded me some experience with this.. I felt the front end surf and Tip had her feet forced off the pegs by a wave of water while going hiway speeds - the Challenger maintained steady contact with the pavement and never gave in to the waters force to wash out.. It did an excellent job. The last few days here in Michigan have seen temps hovering around 90. We have logged several hundred miles here locally with the bike fully packed. We have also logged a couple hundred without the added load of our camping gear onboard.. Either way, the cheap little tire seems to be holding its own.. I have no regrets in spending the 45 dollars for the Kenda Challenger and would be very happy to replace it with another one when time comes. The tire is AMAZING in the twisties - it has a glue like feel to it = nothing like the experience I had with the Michilin Commander 2 a while back. Because of that tire hard rubber that was designed to last a longggg time but lacked in the hooked up feel we all love in the corners - this Challenger sticks like glue - even loaded and 2 up. All of the tires mold nubs on the sides of the tread are long gone as proof of its stickiness. Also due to its width and aggressive tread design - the Challenger does a MARVELOUS job in off roading. It hooks up in the dirt much better than the tires seen today with less tread and more flat rubber surface designed to wear longer.. We had a recent high speed gravel road adventure where the gravel abruptly turned to wash board sand - the tire hooked up real well and responded to throttle the way one would hope even thru the wash board area.. At this time, we are making plans for a western trip - back out across the desert regions that the 3 of us love to ride.. Unfortunately for Tweeksis's new back tire - the roads between here and there will not get to hear the song of the Challenger as I probably will not leave here with it on the bike. I plan to remove the wheel off Tweeks (Tweeksis's sister) and place a brand new tire on it to start out our summer tour toward a visitation with my Girls in California and, as normal routine, replace that one once we get out at my daughters in Sacramento - experience has taught me that having to swap out tires on the road and trusting local shops between here and yon not to rip one off is not a good plan (this 45 dollar Challenger would be worth at least 185 dollars to them). I do have plans at this time to do Sturgis with a close friend this year - a bucketlist thing for him and a routine trip for me. The Challenger will get lots more testing during that trip and will probably be ready for replacement after that trip = if my calculations and experience with motorcycle tires hold true. I plan to fulfill my promise to keep you informed of the Challengers capibilities to its end of life at that time.. Puc
  5. I am probably wayyyyy off in my recall of that rental Randy but gotta ask,,, was that a Trike? Also,, was it one of the newer HD's with the watercooled exhaust valves? Also,, did you do most of that riding 2 up? Reason I ask is that I know from experience that there is a huge difference between the heat affect on a trike and that of a two wheeler.. On a two wheeler it is necessary to put your feet down next to the engine to support the machine at a stop = placing thighs and legs very close to that hot engine and - for those with shorter inseams - this can be a horrible experience. A short inseamed friend of mine just traded in his 2012 Ultra Limited just barely brokin in for a water cooled "Low" of the same model for the reasons we are talking = getting burned is NOT fun!! Remember that a trike is self supporting and the need to place your legs down with no where to hide them when your stuck in traffic is completely gone - and as a matter of fact - not even possible in some cases. Another point has to do with the passenger. Tip and I have covered a fair amount of miles on a 1st Gen. The 1st Gen is a water cooled scoot with side covers over the engine. Even on this water cooled scoot - it is still necessary to keep the side covers on to keep Tip from getting uncomfortable in the heat if we are talking temps over 90. Given,, leather boots and leather chaps would probably make life somewhat liveable without the side covers but thats now how we roll. We prefer the freedom of jeans and tennis shoes. Another point to consider,, temps above 100 are not uncommon out in the desert regions where we prefer to ride. Pavement so hot that it will actually melt your shoes and frequently does remove rubber from the rear tire and place it on the saddlebags is very common. Its not uncommon to go into that region with a brand new tire on the back and have to put another one on after a couple thousand miles - that is not uncommon.. One time while traveling out yonder my daughter and I found ourselves in Needles California at temps well above 115 - closer to 120, similar to temps Tip - Tweeks and I found in Death Valley a couple years ago. A large group of air cooled V-Twin riders were gathered at the Denny's resturant in Needles where we stopped for lunch. After eating, a couple of the air cooled guys all but begged us to spend the rest of the day there with them in the air conditioned resturant because = thier words = experience had just showed them that our motorcycles would not make it 30 minutes out in that heat and we would be roasted by engine heat even if we did make it to Vegas. They watched thru the picture window as we pulled out.. We did just fine on that water cooled 1st Gen - running 80 across that up and down paved road that runs between those two arid land towns was a blast.. The only problem we had had to do with the helmet laws out there - even if your head is being fried inside of helmet shaped oven you dare not remove it for fear of a high dollar fine.. I didnt realize how bad my daughter had gotten in having her brain roasted until I felt her fall asleep (something not uncommon back then - just not during the middle of the day = normally she was always real talkative = Daddy look at that, daddy look at this) and lean against my back. Our only reprieve was a stop at a small casino for a cool off break.. Helmet wearing should be a thing of choice IMHO.. As far as the bike melting down as the air cooled guys had warned or us getting burned up like suggested - nahhhh.. Bottom line - there are many scenarios that come into play when considering touring - especially if it involves doing it 2 up..
  6. Many years ago a bunch of folks got tired of having their hard earned money taken from them thru taxation by a pompus and arrogant form of Government that ruled over them with an iron fist. They also got tired of being told how/when and where they would be allowed to worship the Lord who created the very planet on which they lived. Back then a guy named "Sherri" wearing a funny looking hat, displaying a badge and carrying a gun would show up at peoples homes and demand tax payment. If the people refused to give Sherri what he demanded, he showed the people who lived in the home a piece of paper written by a few people of the arrogant Government that said "Sherri can come into your home and take what ever he wants and you cant stop him because he has a gun and you don't". To most people who were not part of the those getting to share in the wealth derived from this form of taxation, the need to flee the horrible situation was obvious. A group of religious people who were not on the receiving end of the wealth distribution derived from the taxation came up with a plan to do just that. Those folks took their families and belongings, including some muskets and squirrel guns that the arrogant Government didn't know they had, and hopped on a boat and headed for a new land they had heard about and set out to form a new way of life. Filled with dreams of freedom from oppressive taxation and hopes of being able work hard, make a good living and keep the money they earned to better their own lives and to worship their Lord openly as described in the Good Book, they arrived on the shores of their new homeland and set about the hard task of surviving and creating a new way of life. When those folks finally settled in and began the process of producing things like squirrel guns of their own and pots and pans and stuff to make their lives survivable, the Government from which they had fled showed up and inquired about still being able to collect tax dollars from the people who had fled. The people told the arrogant Government that they had some ideas of their own for a whole new set of rules that did not include being ruled by a small group of people just because they held power over the majority of the people because they had guns - then, because every home had numerous squirrel guns, the people who had moved away pulled the guns they had manufactured from over their fireplaces, out of their barns, in their closets, fruit cellars and even their churches and showed them to the arrogant Government people. Because the free people of the new land were showing their guns to the arrogant Government with a real good view of the end of the squirrel guns where the lead comes flying out when the trigger is pulled - the arrogant Government knew the people were not going to hand over any tax dollars and were not going to allow Sherri into their new homes to help himself either. A small battle took place with the arrogant Government soldiers carrying their modern day guns built in Government factories back in the land where the people of this new homeland had fled being chased around by the people who did the original fleeing with their squirrel guns hiding behind big oak trees and bales of hay shooting at them and screaming GO HOME AND GET OFF OUR LAND (there is a song about this still sung in the new world today of which many of the people in new world have memorized - a copy of this song can be found below for your enjoyment). It seemed that the people that had come up with the idea to no longer allow Sherri into their homes just because he had a gun and permission from the arrogant Government did mean business when they showed their squirrel guns barrel end first because when the skirmish ended the arrogant Government was last seen headed back to their island aboard their ships with a sign flying overhead that said "we lost - dont mess with those people - they will defend themselves and their newly found freedom with their home made squirrel guns and hurt you real bad if you try to take the freedom away from them or change their way of life". People of the new land jumped up and down with joy because of their victory in winning their Independence from the pompus and arrogant Government who, for some reason, thought they could take better care of the people than the people could take care of doing it themselves. Their joy and happiness was fairly short lived though as they sat down to write the new laws by which they would live. When writing those new laws they soon realized that the idea of common men governing and taking care of themselves and the freedoms afforded by such an idea would forever be challenged by groups of arrogant and pompus Governments across the planet. They also realized that the new land and Government which they were creating was one of a kind and could never be recreated so they knew what they were about to put on paper had be spelled out in exact language so even the most evil of people named Sherri and arrogant, pompus Governments across the planet that God had created could easily understand their sincerity. After creating the new rules by which they would live, they chose the day of July 4th to celebrate their Independence so no one would ever forget what they had been thru to aquire the new freedom and then they created a flag - now known as Old Glory - to be flown by anyone choosing to acknowledge that they too choose this new way of life on that new land. As time moved forward it turned out that these founders of the new world were correct in their thoughts and ideas. It seems that many times since that day people with ideas like Sherri and the arrogant Government that got defeated by a bunch of men, women and children with squirrel guns have attempted to change the new world back into the old but thus far they have been fairly unsuccessful. Many attempts have been made, including ideas like trying to trick the people of the new world into laying down those nasty squirrel guns and to trust Sherri to do the defending of their freedom if necessary - an idea that sounds good on paper but those people in the new world, because of the continuing 4th of July celebrations and the flying of Old Glory, have not forgotten what happens when Sherri is the only one with a squirrel gun. The end,,, well not quite: It may be noted that, as is very common with people who squabble - the people of the new world have become very best friends with the arrogant Government that they chased off their new homeland years ago. To this day, because of earned respect and agreeing to not attempt to change either others ways of life thru trickery or dishonesty - those two once enemies have gone on to defend each others way of life and to form a lasting bastion of iron to protect each other from even worst forms of Governments and peoples who would rather see the two of them dead then alive.
  7. Oh,, and nope,, thats not why @mirider calls his bike Candy,, his calls his bike Candy cause thats what I named that great big gorgeous amazing piece of motorcycling fun Gotta admit though - I think her color and paint quality had something to do with why the name "Candy" popped into my mind when Dave asked me about naming her = wink wink:big-grin-emoticon:
  8. I wanna go there = that Cafe looks like my kind of eatin joint.. I bet they have some AWESOME Southern cooking that would just make my innards scream - YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Seen it before Bob,, out west in little cow towns = I.E. ran into a small cow town cafe once where this woman ran the place by herself!! All she had on the menu was Biscuits and Gravy!! I ate biscuits and gravy till it was running out my ears!! 5 days later while heading up the coast of California on "1" I told Tip and Tweeks that I needed to head back to Wyoming for more Biscuits n Gravy... Good night I love to eat!! Hey,, you ever get out to Albaqurkee - drive thru on 40 and after leaving town you will enter an Indian reservation (not really even noticable),, short ways out of town on the res there will be a gas station with a joint called "Laguna Burger" beside it.. You would do yourself a HUGE disservice if you got out that way and didnt stop for a burger cooked by those amazing Indians!! Talk about a FEAST!!!! If you do get there - stand at the counter and watch em make your burger - starts out with a slab of meat 10 or 12 inches in diameter = no joke!!!
  9. Here in the States their really not,, back ground checks are highly enforced when purchasing - anyone being able to walk in and being handed a gun is a myth.. On another note, Tip n I just went and listened to the testimony (wow - fascinating) of a Muslim who was radicalized at a very early age in Lebanon, sent to the states to commit jihad (kill all non Muslims and destroy our way of life) and became a Christian while here and now works steadfastly to inform people here of what is really going on.. His stand on gun usage is,, basically, it's viable BUT there are many many easier and more effective ways to kill/maim/destroy that he was trained in.. Cars (I always called em 2 ton full metal jacket boat tails) are very effective, a cup of gasoline in the right hands is way more effective than a handgun and even a box cutter in the hands of a group of mad men can kill thousands and LOTS more = all his words not mine.. Fact is - in the end, the right to keep and bear is a treasured part of our constitutional way of life - it may be hard for outsiders to understand but I tell ya what - if I were in a country that was under attack from forces abroad or even domestic I would rather be in a place where I KNEW for a fact that most, if not all, households had a form of protection that at least gave me a fighting chance and I somehow think the attackers may also consider this fact before they attack.. May not sound right but thats the way I view it..
  10. SHEESH,, took ya long enough,, I almost headed to the shrink,,,,,,,, thanks brother!!!!!! Heyyyy,,got my beat up ol Luger Ruger .22 out,, cleaned,, polished and fired a few rounds = still works:hurts:.. Next Hot Dog outing in the north woods sometime this summer gonna grab some balloons and tacks - have a shoot to win a Hot Dog contest If you happen to make one of our Hot Dog extravaganza's even if its not a shoot to win one - any chance ya might still have that new Flag ya offered me last year?? Should of just let ya swapped it out then Raggy but I messed up = the one you stuck on er at the rally at your place is finally completed her job - be HONORED to move up to the new sacred Old Glory if you happen to still have it and send this next one back with you for its proper disposal ... Even more than happy to pay for your services my friend!!!
  11. We should all get together and meet somewhere for a test ride demo day!! I would LOVE that!! Understanding that probably could never happen - if you do end up with one Skeeter = PLEASE get on here with an full out comparing all Gens!! Oh,, with pics,, gotta have pics Performance isnt the only plus to using more valves,,, spring pressure on the cam(s) from running large valves is also reduced = less pressure = less friction = less wear on cams,bearings,lifters,rockers and noise issues IMHO.. Also needed lift and duration grinds are dramatically reduced in multi valve designs because you have more surface area opening.. Was looking at the valve design on my R1 last night (reading the shop manual) - its a true 5 valve motor = 3 in, 2 out and it leaves very little in the way of head surface area that is not being used as porting.. Another something that, IMHO, is also overlooked in all this are some of the hidden pluses of multi cylinder engine = using more holes = being able to use smaller holes = keeping the pistons smaller = piston weight = less self destruct when the R's raise.. Man I wish we were all sitting around a camp fire right now,, cooking hot dogs - toastin martian mellers and talkin scoots...
  12. Just thinking,, just to prove I aint alone in my off the wall craziness - I also personally know a guy who purchased a Venture (thinking it was an 86 or 87) brand new right off the show room floor and he and his wife took it on their Honeymoon and they are still riding it to this day!!!.. Having met him in person and actually made a video starring him (looking for it as I type for some living proof of what I am talking about) I am guessing that he may have been in his 20's when he started riding Ventures.. Definitely our kind of people my friend: Well,, I cant find it - I must be turning geezer or something,, how bout chillin for a second watching this clip of the lop eared varmints at Raggies party where I met the guy with the Venture I am thinking of and I will see if I can find someone who might remember who I am thinking of,, hopefully it wasnt just another Venturemagination dream thingy I am remembering: heres a clip: Hey ragtop69gs , or Carbon_One or bongobobny , or BuckShot (may have actually been Buckshots bike I am thinking of, if so Buckshot I apologize for not being able to find the video) , or Drews = anybody remember who had the gorgeous MK2 at Raggies Meet n Greet a few years ago that he bought new and did their wedding on... Coming back to me,, seems like they also had a side car for it but it wasnt on on that day?
  13. :scared::scared::scared: I had not heard this = PRAYERS UP for the family of this fallen brother!! Totally horrible news!!!
  14. And now your gonna get to see just how backwards your ol buddy Puc really is Casey,, I actually started riding the MK1 Ventures when I was 32 years old on a 3 year old 84 Blonde MK1 my kids named Bee Gee (B.G. for Big Girl) - I have memories of my little girls riding out to your area during the Rally, camping in a tent on the prairie and making puppets with my hands on the wall of it with a flashlight held in my mouth to entertain the kid while Harleys were going by on their way into Sturgis. Having ridden them steady since that time - I am in the process of wearing out my 6th one = lotta mile,, lotta really really fun miles. This number six (named Tweeksis) has the original side covers off that original scoot on her as all of our other Ventures have had thru the years - sort of a sentimental thing.. Those side covers have well over 1 million miles on em.. Been a longgggggggggg haul with no real regrets,, even the flat tires - hail storms - tornadoes over head - fuel pump failure - running out of gas - high winds so strong on the Grand Mesa that our tent almost blew into the canyon with us in it - having to roll a Venture all the way over upside down and back upright to get her back on her feet in the mountains of Utah - waking up to 6 inches of fresh snow in Yellowstone and on and on are nothing short of fantastic memories.. Now for a real twist and something I laugh at myself over,, last year I sold my V-Max (named Crud,, he was wayy cool but really tired) and I just picked up my very first,, long time desired and bucketlisted Yamaha R1 - a quaint little 1000cc scoot named Maggy who my dear wife named Tippy is all but BEGGING me to drag back out to the salt flats at the Bonneville (she was there with me and ran one of our earlier Ventures on the salt = what a hoot) to see what that little R1 has in it up in her 6th gear - tached out in 5th she is AMAZING but need more room to play in 6th.. Backward thinking, warped mind huh???
  15. Excellent read Camster!! THANK YOU for the link/thread!! While reading thru it all I kept asking myself (as I have many times thru the years) = what on earth was Mom Yam thinking when she dehorned and dethroned her mighty V-4 like she did on those first Royal Stars,, just never ever has made since to me.. The writers of that article (unless I missed something) failed to point out time and time again exactly what had been done to the beloved earth shaking, Honda/Harley stomping, pulling like a mule V-4 we all loved so much. To this day I still cannot for the life of me understand what those folks at Yamaha were thinking.. Drop the balance shafts = heck yea its gonna viberate. Drop those awesome 34mm carbs - poor thing cant breathe and its gonna be a pig (if memory serves me from Sturgis days past - I watched one of those early Royal Stars get spun up on a Dyno out there and 67 horse was all she would pull - talk about anemic = that there is stock Harley Twin Cam 88 inch territory with no opportunity for gains without big money and lots of time invested).. May sound crazy and from a twisted perspective but I read the article with total anticipation for the writer to have a whole chapter balling Mom Yam out for committing RnD suicide BUT,, in the end, the only place I found any form of expected comment concerning the matter came from something one of the test riders said: ""With its good comfort, quality suspension, roomy luggage and other attractions, it could be the king of this class—if the engine made the power it should. My touring bike needs more power than current Royal Stars make. If Yamaha had made an engine with power comparable to its original V-4 tourer, the Venture, this thing could be my pick."" and that comment brings about another thought = wonder if the guy who made the above comment would have had similar comments about what just happened at the unveiling? WOW,, my dad was right = I guess I really do have a problem with obsessive
  16. IMHO = right there with ya RS = also, IMHO = the Bolt was/is a really good shot at the Sporty market.. This new breed Honda starter bike is AWESOME looking and, from what I see in the pics and the little bit of Specs = seems like it oughta be a real good seller!! Be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fun to get a group of a half dozen people - pick up some new Rebels, toss on some cheap saddle bags and head out CTFW for a month or so.. Camping under the stars out in the middle of the Utah mountains with a bunch of lop eared Rebel buddy varmints = be a HOOT!! GOOD FIND CAMOS = THANKS FOR THE LINK!!
  17. Awe,,,,,,,, and Tip - Tweeksis and Puc are VERY proud to know the one and only REAL Dragonslayer brother!!!!! Your story of why your name on here is Dragonslayer defines courage, stamina and real life true grit = amazing the people we meet along lifes trail aint it my friend!!! Back at cha Sir Dragonslayer! Tip - Tweeksis and Puc
  18. Looks like a BLAST and for an excellent cause!! Have fun out there ya BlueBearded varmint!!! Just traveled up in that area, couple quick words of advice: 1. Stop on the way in to Kanuckia and exchange you some of our cash for some of theirs and swap back when ya cross back over.. 2. Call your bank/Credit Card people and let them know in advance and let them know you will be traveling out of State and into Canada, lest your Cards get flagged at just the wrong moment.. Have fun brother!! Puc
  19. Now you GOTTA know that I never even got to this point in this amazing hail tale and my pea brain was already headed EXACTLY in that direction Jeff!!! THANK YOU again for locking down those nozzles in a North Westerly direction before you dumped that initial concoction into the hopper and turned on the White Washer!! I am just not sure my neighbors would have tolerated another announcement by yours truly that I knew where it all came from like I did when that 10 foot of snow hit last season = they had the rope strung up then,, afraid this time they would have used it on poor ol innocent, just the messenger, me.. WOWZY WOW WOW WOW = now THAT is a gazzapper of a load of hail I tell ya!!!
  20. Back at cha Huggy,, its GREAT to see you posting again!! Was down for a while with some medical stuff myself so I can kind of relate - not fun thats for sure. I am deeply saddened to hear about the loss of your Wifes Mother - please be assured and let your wife know that you folks will be in my thoughts and prayers, losing a loved one is never an easy matter - Godspeed and RIP Huggies Mother In Law, you are loved and missed. Also know that you folks will be in my thoughts and prayers during the moving process and in attempting to sell the bike - praying that the Lord will lead a buyer your way. Remember that you dont even have to own a motorcycle to be part of this bunch.. Try to stay in touch as things change, networking always seems to help.. Puc
  21. :scared::dancefool::clap2::clap2::thumbsup:!!!!! I think THAT is SO wayyyy cool Jack!!!!!! I cant tell you how many bikes I have sold and shipped off to an off shore vendor - LOTS AND LOTS OF HARLEYS!! LOTS AND LOTS OF SHOVELHEADS!! Containers full headed for England - most recent stuff.. ' Not to far past (back in the late 80/90's) the early model Kawasaki 900 Z's and triple 2 strokes were in HUGE demand back in Japan for some odd reason - did a lot of it then too.. Bottom line my friend - I personally am not real shocked at hearing Sweden attached to the return of your brothers car,, I am HIGHLY impressed with you finding it on You Tube though = that is nothing shy of a miracle IMHO = wayyyyy cool!! Sort of like back when my daughter Cappy was in Med School at Cornell in NYC. She picked up wandering feet syndrome from her dad - took some time away from her studies one new years eve and wandered down to watch the ball drop at Time Square. I was talking to her on her Cell Phone - told me about where she was standing (near a platform where a band was playing). The TV station we were watching the ball drop on was panning the crowd and, another miracle similar to yours,,, WE SAW OUR DAUGHTERS FACE IN THE CROWD!! Out of alll those millions of people - BINGO - there she was!! I actually have a VHS recording of that but I would probably have a better chance of finding another one of your old cars in Sweden than locating that Video but it really did happen.. Yea brother - you finding that ol car is wayyyyy cool!! PS - nitros made those built V-8's boogy - LOVE the sound of those guys laughter when he spun er up - sure reminds me of the old days
  22. PS = Divey,, please be sure and get a good picture of Dale before his Racoon look fades... Sort of like this = :stirthepot::stirthepot::crackup::rotf::rotfl: Wish we were there ,, be a Hot Dogs for everyone moment I tell ya = eh!!!!
  23. OUTSTANDING YOU TWO LOP EARED KANUCKIAN WORLD TRAVELING MOTORCYCLE TOURING VARMINTS = SOOOOOO GLAD TO HEAR YOU TWO ARE HARD AT IT AND MAKIN IT WORK!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: Dale,, pick up a left over Sturgis Rally map, put that lop eared varmint Divey in a headlock and tell em Puc said to follow you to Hill City - just a ways out of town on 385 (main road thru town) going back toward Dead Wood you will find Sheridan Lake. As you round the bend where Sheridan Lake runs along side 385 you will notice some rocky wooded mountain side on the other side of the road.. During the evenings - BEFORE dark - I have seen Big Horn Sheep right there.. Honestly,, I have searched the whole lower 48 over many times (LOVE animal watching) and that spot is the ONLY spot in all the mountain riding we have done that I have ever seen the creatures = THEY ARE AWESOME to view!! Also,, when/if you do the Spearfish Canyon ride = toward the end of that canyon ride there will be a huge lodge that has buildings on both sides of the road. There is a gravel road that goes off to the right on that bend where the lodge is - right on the corner there is (hope its still there) an old sign that says Water Falls this way.. I think the name of those falls are Rough Water or something like that,, Rough something.. Anyway - worth the time if ya wanna get out of the way and see something cool IMHO.. Also, if you take 16a down from Rush More to do Needles Hwy you will come to Playhouse Rd. where you turn right to go toward Needles Hwy (87).. Right on that corner (16a and Playhouse) is a small campground with real genuine Wolfs to observe.. Definitely worth the howdy IMHO.. AWESOME you two Lop Eared Varmints made it = enjoy, have fun, DONT FIGHT like my brother and I used to and,,,, hey,,, wait a minute,,, no pictures? Ummm,, DONT FORGET THE PICTURES ya lop eared varmints!!! Ride safe!! Puc
  24. EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dancefool: Picture this,, Tip and I are on our way to the unveiling of the new Venture.. While headed that way, I am patting our 83 on her tank bag and telling Tip,, "ya know sweetheart, I am not exactly sure why anyone would even want anything more than ol Tweeksis.. You can only legally go so fast,, she is fully capable of 250k plus life time miles, she gets amazing MPG, I can leave the keys in her anywhere we go and dont have to worry about someone taking her, her factory seat is the most comfortable seat ever put on a bike, she comes when I call her and, keeps running even in the worst of rain - PLUS, she sure looks good with her Antelope Horns mounted on her mirrors..
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